Heated bottom this morning
Hi it's me again Zoe .
*This blog contains lots of spanking , not your thing , move along as I don't take negative comments well lol*
New day still in lock down , now my family are all out going on essential jobs today , mum in law is busy doing home chores bless her , my sister is busy being a mum to our two little ones inc a new born two weeks ago nearly .
My hubby his bro!her and his s!sters boyfriend are playing with mountain bikes in our woods ,
most of the girls have gone out shopping for food .
Leaves me alone with my d,ad in law , I have just read this morning a story regarding a girl getting a good spanking so I gets the need after that to have that visit to the pain fa!ry ,
Went into da,ds office and collected a few tools of the trade , rattan cane , leather tawse , wooden paddle , and a size 18 gym slipper . Took these tools into the lounge area and placed them on the table in front of dadd,y in law .
Looked at him in the eye bent over and kissed him long and slow on his lips , pulled away gently from that kiss and asked him politely if he would find time today to make my cute little bottom burn and sting , bruising it and making my cunt shiver at the same time omg I was getting worked up by now .
He sent me to get dressed as as I was naked from being in lock down , told me to find my old sch00l uniform complete with panties " but I never wear panties I say " do it girl was my reply , ok sir . "
i got my old old grey skirt , white blouse , old blazer and white full knickers I had to borrow from Chloe lol
put my hair in a pony tail with a ribbon , not having any thing that resembles tits , breasts , hooters , puppies or bangers I seriously didn't need a bra lol.
Walking down stairs to present myself to d@d was starting to make me wet in the cunt dept , got the tummy tingles too thinking about what I'd just set myself up for lol, oh well no turning back now .
As i appeared back in the lounge he looked from the paper he was reading and looked away again , omg had I missed something mmmmmm so I coughed " wasn't a good idea really in lock down was it omg" he turned and go stand in the corner girl , hands by your side , ok sir , trembling with excitement and anticipation as I walked , it's a long room too so I had time to feel a rush in my panties , " soaking panties by now too " .
made me stand for 15 mins , felt like two hours though , thinking oh boy was this a good idea or not lol. D@d has a spanking girl called Jade but although she has a sore bottom from the other day it wasn't D@d that turned Jades bum sore , so I was sure he was making the most of silly me volunteering my arse to him ?
Then he shouts me over to the centre of the room , I stand in front of him dressed as his fantasy girl lol he stood up and kissed me again , long soft sexy lips on lips wet smoochy kiss , his hands flowed from gentley holding my face to stroking down my body under the blazer down my waist to hold my bottom cheeks , working his hands he pulled my skirt up till his hands were stroking the white panties I was wearing for him , God I love this man more than life itself .
He whispers that this spanking is going to sting , but he loves me to pieces for allowing him to take me on a pain visit to heaven .
He started to strip my clothes off " his fetish is dressing and undressing us girls " blazer was folded neatly followed by my skirt , tie removed from round my neck , and the shirt buttons slowly undone to reveal my attempt at breasts " he calls them his love dimples lol" , biting my prominent nipples his fingers dropped to my pussy area pressing the wet cotton into my soaking slit wow I was approaching orgasam already .
Kissing my nipples as he slowly pulled my wet panties half way down my thighs then pushing one finger inside me , I was now dripping on the end of a dangle finger that was deeply fingering my lower lips .
Then he stopped before i actually got off omg , I got a swift sharp hand smack on my left arse cheek and he stood back from all the sexual attention he was giving me omg.
I wax told , six from the slipper , six from the leather tawse , six from the paddle , six strokes of the rattan cane , omg .
Leaving my panties round my thighs i touched my toes , opened my legs slightly held on to my ankles and waited , first one came from nowhere , no warning no tapping , just WHACK , followed swiftly with another five WHACKS no time inbetween just six on my cold bottom and the slipper is long enough to cover both cheeks .
two mins later I was bending over the back of the sofa omg , here goes , trembling like a wimp I waited . I had recieved the tawse before so knew what what was coming but again the first WHACK took my breathe away and before I got it back two more THAWCKS hit my bottom , I sunk deep into the soft material of the sofa trying to gasp at my burning cheeks , omg my ass was on fire , just got a breathe and three more one after the other found the centre of my upturned naked burning bottom OOOOOOUCH FUCK ME those three stung like lightning striking my ass .
Stand up girl d@d said , oh god standing was proving difficult as it stretches the burning parts omg
kicking my wet panties off now i was naked and expected to d**** my self over a solid table , nipple flat on the cool marble surface , d@d gave my burning rear end a much appriciated hand rub to soothe my pain , just lovely laying on cool surface having my burning bottom stroked and rubbed , the relief was very nice , this was after all an entertainment spanking and not a punishment whacking , five mins of sexy arse massage was turning me again if I'm honest omg I could feel myself dripping again .
BUT what happened next too my breathe away again , this it wasn't the tawse or the slipper it was D@ad in laws cock pushing into my dripping cunt , didn't take much effort though to slide all the way inside me , now the feelings that were surging through my skinny body was just gorgeous , cool marble on my tits and tummy . Burning hot arse from the punishment of the whackings then my cunt on fire from a full feeling of being filled with cock . Da@d started to slide in and out at a pace that had me in sexual heaven , oh fuck my cunt was feeling full , wet and tingling with desire to Orgasam , he kept going and going and going till I did feel myself getting to the point of bursting my sex juices all over his thrusting hard cock .
But he pulled out just as quick quick as he stuck it in me ?
Then the paddle landed OH FUCK I shot bolt upright hanging on to my arse cheeks with both hands , that fucking hurt omg it fucking hurt , standing up wasn't the brightest idea though as that didn't count , it cost me six more Paddle WHACKS , taking my voice , taking my breathe yet again , burning it's pain deep into my hot painful bottom .
Stand girl was the order of the hour , fuck me my nipples were like bullets , my cunt was now dripping down my thighs , I had trembling thighs and felt my bum cheeks pulsing from paddling I just recieved omg I was looking worse for wear now , hair all over , sweating like mad , stood naked with tears welling in my eyes .
To my horror da@d was stroking his beloved cane and bending it , swishing thru the air made me tremble and gasp got breathe , I wanted to just run off , but it's Da@ds favourite part is the caning part so I knew it was coming omg here we go .
Touch your toes Zoe he said , this is going to sting you my girl , oh fuck I thought as I bent over , stretching my burning skin across my bottom as I bent over to hold on to my ankles ,
the order to count came ,
SWISH BANG OMG , thank you 1 sir
SWISH BANG OUCH thank you 2 sir
SWISH BANG FUCK , thank you 3 sir
now we all know about the last one don't we ,
well not so clever , cos I got TWO MORE OMG , TWO LAST ONES AS WELL 8 thankyou dadd,y I deserved those two extra ones dad,y .
I'm presently sat in an ice bath cooling my arse typing this account of my day as yet .
Dadd,y is supporting a monster hard on and is sat on a chair watching me recount my spanking while slowly edging himself with his right hand , he is waiting for me to get up out of this iced cold water caressing my burned bum so he can have his dirty way fucking my ice cold cunt , but that's for another blog .
*******30 mins later *******
well guys and girls , my ass is red black and blue with cane lines across its entire surface area and the tops of my thighs "ouch to those four " my cunt is full of cum from a lovely dad,y fucking I just recieved , I did get off oh god did I get off oh yes , my cunt burst its dam , it flooded his cock , he kept ramming , I kept flooding , then dadd,y squirted , cold cunt hot cock blistering hot bum and a load of sticky creamy cum mixed in to cunt juice wow , we collapsed on our bed giggling away at the last three hours , fuck me that was fun ,
just got to deal with this sore arse now for a while lol
hope you got off to my morning of depravity and sexual play .
Kisses , Zoe xx ?
*This blog contains lots of spanking , not your thing , move along as I don't take negative comments well lol*
New day still in lock down , now my family are all out going on essential jobs today , mum in law is busy doing home chores bless her , my sister is busy being a mum to our two little ones inc a new born two weeks ago nearly .
My hubby his bro!her and his s!sters boyfriend are playing with mountain bikes in our woods ,
most of the girls have gone out shopping for food .
Leaves me alone with my d,ad in law , I have just read this morning a story regarding a girl getting a good spanking so I gets the need after that to have that visit to the pain fa!ry ,
Went into da,ds office and collected a few tools of the trade , rattan cane , leather tawse , wooden paddle , and a size 18 gym slipper . Took these tools into the lounge area and placed them on the table in front of dadd,y in law .
Looked at him in the eye bent over and kissed him long and slow on his lips , pulled away gently from that kiss and asked him politely if he would find time today to make my cute little bottom burn and sting , bruising it and making my cunt shiver at the same time omg I was getting worked up by now .
He sent me to get dressed as as I was naked from being in lock down , told me to find my old sch00l uniform complete with panties " but I never wear panties I say " do it girl was my reply , ok sir . "
i got my old old grey skirt , white blouse , old blazer and white full knickers I had to borrow from Chloe lol
put my hair in a pony tail with a ribbon , not having any thing that resembles tits , breasts , hooters , puppies or bangers I seriously didn't need a bra lol.
Walking down stairs to present myself to d@d was starting to make me wet in the cunt dept , got the tummy tingles too thinking about what I'd just set myself up for lol, oh well no turning back now .
As i appeared back in the lounge he looked from the paper he was reading and looked away again , omg had I missed something mmmmmm so I coughed " wasn't a good idea really in lock down was it omg" he turned and go stand in the corner girl , hands by your side , ok sir , trembling with excitement and anticipation as I walked , it's a long room too so I had time to feel a rush in my panties , " soaking panties by now too " .
made me stand for 15 mins , felt like two hours though , thinking oh boy was this a good idea or not lol. D@d has a spanking girl called Jade but although she has a sore bottom from the other day it wasn't D@d that turned Jades bum sore , so I was sure he was making the most of silly me volunteering my arse to him ?
Then he shouts me over to the centre of the room , I stand in front of him dressed as his fantasy girl lol he stood up and kissed me again , long soft sexy lips on lips wet smoochy kiss , his hands flowed from gentley holding my face to stroking down my body under the blazer down my waist to hold my bottom cheeks , working his hands he pulled my skirt up till his hands were stroking the white panties I was wearing for him , God I love this man more than life itself .
He whispers that this spanking is going to sting , but he loves me to pieces for allowing him to take me on a pain visit to heaven .
He started to strip my clothes off " his fetish is dressing and undressing us girls " blazer was folded neatly followed by my skirt , tie removed from round my neck , and the shirt buttons slowly undone to reveal my attempt at breasts " he calls them his love dimples lol" , biting my prominent nipples his fingers dropped to my pussy area pressing the wet cotton into my soaking slit wow I was approaching orgasam already .
Kissing my nipples as he slowly pulled my wet panties half way down my thighs then pushing one finger inside me , I was now dripping on the end of a dangle finger that was deeply fingering my lower lips .
Then he stopped before i actually got off omg , I got a swift sharp hand smack on my left arse cheek and he stood back from all the sexual attention he was giving me omg.
I wax told , six from the slipper , six from the leather tawse , six from the paddle , six strokes of the rattan cane , omg .
Leaving my panties round my thighs i touched my toes , opened my legs slightly held on to my ankles and waited , first one came from nowhere , no warning no tapping , just WHACK , followed swiftly with another five WHACKS no time inbetween just six on my cold bottom and the slipper is long enough to cover both cheeks .
two mins later I was bending over the back of the sofa omg , here goes , trembling like a wimp I waited . I had recieved the tawse before so knew what what was coming but again the first WHACK took my breathe away and before I got it back two more THAWCKS hit my bottom , I sunk deep into the soft material of the sofa trying to gasp at my burning cheeks , omg my ass was on fire , just got a breathe and three more one after the other found the centre of my upturned naked burning bottom OOOOOOUCH FUCK ME those three stung like lightning striking my ass .
Stand up girl d@d said , oh god standing was proving difficult as it stretches the burning parts omg
kicking my wet panties off now i was naked and expected to d**** my self over a solid table , nipple flat on the cool marble surface , d@d gave my burning rear end a much appriciated hand rub to soothe my pain , just lovely laying on cool surface having my burning bottom stroked and rubbed , the relief was very nice , this was after all an entertainment spanking and not a punishment whacking , five mins of sexy arse massage was turning me again if I'm honest omg I could feel myself dripping again .
BUT what happened next too my breathe away again , this it wasn't the tawse or the slipper it was D@ad in laws cock pushing into my dripping cunt , didn't take much effort though to slide all the way inside me , now the feelings that were surging through my skinny body was just gorgeous , cool marble on my tits and tummy . Burning hot arse from the punishment of the whackings then my cunt on fire from a full feeling of being filled with cock . Da@d started to slide in and out at a pace that had me in sexual heaven , oh fuck my cunt was feeling full , wet and tingling with desire to Orgasam , he kept going and going and going till I did feel myself getting to the point of bursting my sex juices all over his thrusting hard cock .
But he pulled out just as quick quick as he stuck it in me ?
Then the paddle landed OH FUCK I shot bolt upright hanging on to my arse cheeks with both hands , that fucking hurt omg it fucking hurt , standing up wasn't the brightest idea though as that didn't count , it cost me six more Paddle WHACKS , taking my voice , taking my breathe yet again , burning it's pain deep into my hot painful bottom .
Stand girl was the order of the hour , fuck me my nipples were like bullets , my cunt was now dripping down my thighs , I had trembling thighs and felt my bum cheeks pulsing from paddling I just recieved omg I was looking worse for wear now , hair all over , sweating like mad , stood naked with tears welling in my eyes .
To my horror da@d was stroking his beloved cane and bending it , swishing thru the air made me tremble and gasp got breathe , I wanted to just run off , but it's Da@ds favourite part is the caning part so I knew it was coming omg here we go .
Touch your toes Zoe he said , this is going to sting you my girl , oh fuck I thought as I bent over , stretching my burning skin across my bottom as I bent over to hold on to my ankles ,
the order to count came ,
SWISH BANG OMG , thank you 1 sir
SWISH BANG OUCH thank you 2 sir
SWISH BANG FUCK , thank you 3 sir
now we all know about the last one don't we ,
well not so clever , cos I got TWO MORE OMG , TWO LAST ONES AS WELL 8 thankyou dadd,y I deserved those two extra ones dad,y .
I'm presently sat in an ice bath cooling my arse typing this account of my day as yet .
Dadd,y is supporting a monster hard on and is sat on a chair watching me recount my spanking while slowly edging himself with his right hand , he is waiting for me to get up out of this iced cold water caressing my burned bum so he can have his dirty way fucking my ice cold cunt , but that's for another blog .
*******30 mins later *******
well guys and girls , my ass is red black and blue with cane lines across its entire surface area and the tops of my thighs "ouch to those four " my cunt is full of cum from a lovely dad,y fucking I just recieved , I did get off oh god did I get off oh yes , my cunt burst its dam , it flooded his cock , he kept ramming , I kept flooding , then dadd,y squirted , cold cunt hot cock blistering hot bum and a load of sticky creamy cum mixed in to cunt juice wow , we collapsed on our bed giggling away at the last three hours , fuck me that was fun ,
just got to deal with this sore arse now for a while lol
hope you got off to my morning of depravity and sexual play .
Kisses , Zoe xx ?
4 年 前