Twas once a long time ago when there were fucks...
Twas once a time long ago when there were fucks to be given. They grew every where like wild flowers. Even on the bushes, and trees.. Yes the fucks were bountiful. But soon the fuckery would come in waves, fuckery as far as the eyes could see, self perpetuating and seemingly endless in its quest for all out fuckery fucktasticness.. The fucks to give knew only how to be in the moment not adept at bullshiggidy fucktasticness that soon over took the once peaceful lands. Now only fuck sticks and The self loathing fuckery fucktasticness roam the once fruitful lands... To the very last fuck that has been given I ask you stay strong, consistent, and compassionate....Cause the fuckeries need to feed is constant. And cruel, without shame or remorse... Shit be cray cray.. Soooooo without a single fuck left to be given. I wish peace, love, and all kinds of mutherfuckin mouth hugs to those who seek something beyond... Keep on keepin on. And forever and always... More mouth hugs??????????
4 年 前