Quarantine surprise

The Pandemic has been a difficult crisis on all of us. As the videos, gifs, Memes, and pictures show, mankind was not meant for isolation, quarantine, and social distancing. Period. I’ve been lucky to keep working while others have not. My wife took a furlough so she could be with her elderly parents in Texas. She won’t be back for some time and get this: The only way we communicate besides calling is through Xhamster when she checks on my account. Pretty funny, although I sure miss her even if she screwed other guys. In this point of our relationship and due to our respective ages she has slowed down, stopped the Cuckolding, and kind of matured. Actually we have become pretty good friends. She even laughed when she caught her ex-bf sucking my cock due to a lost bet. Like I said, they are idiots down here.
It does get awfully boring and lonely here. So I sit in the corner of the local tavern and caption Xhamster a lot while enjoying cold tap beer. He cook, my buddy, gets done with his shift and sits down at the bar. I tell my Cute barmaid the first one is on me per normal. Then the non normal happens. This sort of pretty blue hair goth lesbian asks what is so special about Gary that he gets a free beer. She’s never talked to me in 5 years. I’ve seen her around town at the car wash and grocery store with her wife and they are usually total bitches, although friendly with my wife. I proceeded to tell her that he’s my bud and a good guy. But If she wants one, no sweat , the first one is on me. Then she goes from her usual Angry Self loathing self to giggling. Hahahahahahah. Normally it’s obnoxious but for some reason not this time.
I always sit by myself mostly due to a lack of friends. So when she shocked me by asking to come over I was confused but said yes. Instead of sitting across like a normal human she sat maybe a little too close for comfort. While she was at the bar she unbuttoned a lil so a guy could Lear. I switched Xham to ESPN as fast as I could so she couldn’t see what I was doing. She asks if I was looking at porn. I of course denied it but told her that occasionally I do. You all know that for me occasionally means several times daily lol. She was leaning and yes after a few I was staring down the dykes shirt. Actually way nicer than I expected.
Then Rob walks by. He’s one of the douche bags that I conned into giving me a blowjob. He usually looks at me funny and red when we cross paths. I always fake unzipping my pants around him and he never knows what to think. She notices him and says that something was going on. I explain and she laughs out loud. She kinda snorts but it seems ok with her tits pushed into my neck. She asks me to show her where it happened. So I get the key to the office from Gary to show her.
She locks the door behind us in seconds flat. My weiner and her tits are out and she means business. She is so awkward. She’s never done it before. Eventually she figured it out and I spooged in her mouth. She spit and acted like I shot her. The entire bar could here her bitching. Then she cleaned everything up very nicely and we went back to our seats. She is still next to me and whispers that next time she will swallow. The bar has seen similar instances like this in the past so not too much made of it. Well I had enough so I finished my beer, got my tab and went home.
The next day she called me and asked if she could come over Friday night. She just wanted a friend to talk to. I said yes, with no wife being there at all. She also called my wife to ask the same thing. Jen didn’t care, so she came by. This was a different woman. The wore a dress, got rid of her piercings except her ears and wore a hat to cover her blue hair. Now I’m REALLY confused. She thanked me for the beer and apologized for being such a bitch. She just had a huge argument with her wife and wanted hate sex. I wasn’t feeling exactly manly there but when to you regret getting sex, no matter how strange. She’s a music teacher and her wife had tested positive for Covid-19 and she wanted a place to quarantine. She said I was a nice guy and there wouldn’t be any funny business. If she cleared it with Jen then fine. She volunteered to sleep on the couch but I gave her my old bedroom where I slept when Jen had company. She brought a lotta shit for a 2 week quarantine. She also pays for groceries, cooks, and cleans.
We eventually had a real serious conversation. She wanted to stay as long as possible. Her wife had just been arrested in a d**g bust and she didn’t want to be alone. She explained things to Jen and Jen understood. Although she made the joke that she couldn’t stay there for free. That while she was there I had full run at her body. If it wasn’t on speakerphone I wouldn’t have believed it. So she hung up quick, grabbed my my the ear and threw me on my bed. I told her that I didn’t need pity sex. So instead of being nice she shoved her tits in my face and we had at it. It’s gonna take a while to get used to firm non plastic tits again, she’s only 29. And no, she hadn’t learn to swallow. She says it will take more practice. She has learned to enjoy facials. Actually She moved into my bedroom but the sex is pretty rare. Her wife has agreed to rehab and has gotten over the virus. She’s moving out Sunday. I joked it was gonna cost her a three way with her wife. She knew I was joking, this is not a time for games. That and she has read my entire profile and realizes that I’m actually pretty funny. Besides, her wife is ugly.


发布者 Subcuckhubby
4 年 前
badeye 3 年 前
Subcuckhubby : NICE :smile:
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Subcuckhubby 出版商 4 年 前
sarah38dd : We had the 3 way. And she had me stick it in her wife’s ass
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sarah38dd 4 年 前
So what happens next?  And say hi to your wife
bashfulboy 4 年 前
sounds even better then i first thought :blush:
Subcuckhubby 出版商 4 年 前
Cigarman56 : Thank you
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Cigarman56 4 年 前
Bravo!???????? much better than my opportunities these past 2 months