What happened next?

After that first erotic moment of my life, I was so confused. I was literally in the point of "what actually happened" and feeling guilty. The next days, i avoided aquapark. I was really on my own. While rest of the group was getting drunk and getting stupid. I was literally having quality time with myself. 5th morning i decided to go to center to do shopping. of course everybody is still sleeping and probably i would already be back untill they wake up around noon. our hotel was like 30 minutes away from the center. long story short i decided to go myself. i was wearing very short shorts, and quite an open top. i didin't had and intention to get attention, i was simply dressed in a way that i would. in a holiday place bikins in bottom and some short stuff on top.

the minibus was there, i got in it, paid my fee and sit next to the window in the back seat. our stop was one of the first so the bus was empty.during the ride minibus got quite full, especially after few stop. where all the highschool teenagers went in. apperantly it was a male dominated highschool because minibus got packed with boys, that are barely 18. my next seats were full of this kind of boys and full of noise. it started bit disturbing but i tried not to care. anyway in around 20 minutes we are in the destination point...

then one next to me, the boy opened porn from his phone, everybody around me started watching this porn from his phone. it seemed like a everyday routine. i tried to look away, but there were literally 5-6 guys even squeezing me to get a better view from this guys phone.the guy next to me, with a polite english, asked me to sit on the ground between the seats, so they can get a better place. i really don't know why i said yes, but honestly i was so left behind between them, that i didn't had so much choice...

as he asked me i moved a step forward and sit on the ground. directly my seat was full with excited teenagers.i checked the time, i still had around 15 minutes to go, while with being afraid i took a look at my back, what should i see? all of them have their dick out, and jerking off watching that porn from the guy in the middle. this was way too much, in Russia i never faced with a situation like this.

i directly stood up so i can leave from that place to more front. as i stood up, the highschool k** behind me pulled me to his lap. i literally fell between 6 horny boys and even though i made few other attempts to go, i was being strongly held down to the back seat. while being on lap of few boys in the same time, i felt around my legs at least 10 hands. they were moving around like hungry a****ls.i was literally being mollested by highschool k**s, and noone was even noticing anything.

after few minutes of struggling i felt a strong hand over my head. it pushed me back on the ground.a fatty k**, pulled me down infront of him and was pushing me towards his dick. apperantly he wanted me to take that into my mouth.with all the adrenaline, i opened my mouth, again in a very shy way and this time infront of someone even i dont like sexually.

after few times in and out to my mouth, boy started to cum in my mouth. i was frozen.he was like a leader of them i supposed, he had that alpha behaviour.after he finish in my mouth, he stepped back. then another of them stood up and got into his place, in few second he also started coming on my mouth an face. all the struggling finally got heard probably from front, two turkish older guys came back and literally kicked the k**s out. they gave me a friendly hand, even some tissues.while i was cleaning myself still being in schock, one of them asked;
Where are you from?
4 年 前