Get more pussy!

Get more pussy!

Start working out, don't care so much, join as many free dating sites as possible, study Leykis101, be confident but not overly cocky, have sex 3 times then bounce, never get married, the less you give a fuck the better chance you will get fucked, never throw out a chicks number, practice conversations with strange women, put you on the pedestal, always use condoms & consider a vasectomy, don't date or have girlfriends, become independent & have your own place, have nice teeth and whiten them every so often, dress well but masculine, have less attachment, chase your own goals & happiness, act busy & remain mysterious around women, read more & watch interesting documentaries, look the best you can with what you have, be a bad boy, never pay for dates or gifts, focus on wealth and your own success not gold digging women.

You are the prize so always put you first!
发布者 Mgtow111
4 年 前
Drfeelgood6 4 年 前
Good advise! Wished I knew this 40 years ago!