In this assignment, you will change your attitude. I hope you are still wearing panties and pantyhose, sissy. Have you cum since your last assignment? Did you find some pretty pictures to look at? If you are a good girl and doing as you are told, you will have been wanking furiously without release. Are you frustrated? Is your boyclit standing to attention? Don’t worry, you will get to cum. But you might not want to. You will buy a dildo, either on-line or from a good old-fashioned sex shop. It MUST be realistically detailed and it must have a pair of balls at its base. It must… 阅读更多内容
Mr 6,7&8
Before we go too far I will warn you that this post contains content some views may find uncomfortable as it deals with homosexual activities. So last few guys have been really rubbish! One of whom even tried to arrange a second meeting. I very quickly told him he could fuck off! Anyway no need to worry about those losers cause this week I got me some dick! Mr no.6 is an Indian guy I've been chatting to for a while and it just so happened that our schedules brought us close enough that we could arrange a meet up. So I was up in the midlands with work and finally messaged him to say t… 阅读更多内容
The Training of a Sissy Whore
I met Bill and Jane through an advert they placed in a contact magazine. The ad read "Dominate professional couple, early forties, seek submissive bi male / TV to train as their sex slave and party toy. Must be clean, discreet, obedient and very broadminded." I answered their ad and we entered in a series of correspondence via, letter, email and eventually the telephone. They explained that they had considerable experience and had been involved in the fetish scene for some years. They also explained they were members of a local fetish group and were looking for a sub TV to train as their… 阅读更多内容
Ask me anything..
I have been asked a fair few questions in chat but feel free to ask me anything here and i will endeavour to answer it for all to see xxxx. There are a few things i won't answer (like I won't give out my bank details) but you should be able to figure those out. Just leave your questions in the comments and I'll answer them and add them to the blog for your future reference and enjoyment xxx Anna-Leigh… 阅读更多内容
24 hour Sissy Slave Fantasy realized part 2:
24 hour Sissy Slave Fantasy realized part1:
Mack Daddy from Sycruse
Where do I begin it started as a text and then it led to a conversation and Then became a once in a lifetime Story. It was Wednesday afternoon it was everything I thought it would be and more much more. The Instant he open the door that first kiss it lingered on my lips. I could not control myself I had to have him. We kissed more then over to the couch he sat down I straddled my legs around him. The pure passion was intense and took control of both of us his hands grabbing my ass his mouth devouring my neck and I began to take off my shirt to unleash my breasts he was ready and waitin… 阅读更多内容
Expecting My Anal Punishment
Lately i've been an extremely dirty slut. Twice in the last week I have done some really nasty shit while chatting on here without JR present. Whilst she wasn't unhappy that I was fucking my ass and being a completely depraved whore while chatting she has decided that I need to be taught an anal lesson. Last night she explained what will happen. I am not to have anything, toys, fingers, plugs in my shit hole from today on. I can still fuck my cunt if I want to but nothing in my ass. At a time she decides, JR and the fuck pig (pete) will drag me from my car when i drive into the garage… 阅读更多内容
3 Days Abuse for Anal Pain Whore
The last 3 days has been a blur for me. Each day, with the help of some nasty XH friends and JR and fuck pig, pete, I have had my ass stretched wider than I ever thought possible and been sadistically abused and degraded. I think it started with me chatting with Lucas on line Thursday afternoon. JR and the fuck pig were out and I was feeling really slutty and Lucas is great at making me feel like the true filthy pain whore I am so at one point I ended up with the Belladonna fist in my cunt and my metal butt plug in my ass, my cunt lips and nipples clamped. I had been smoking bongs and cigar… 阅读更多内容
What Gay Anal Is Like By A Black Cock.
When he first slides his black dick in you, it’s going to feel strange at first. Actually, anal sex always feel strange. It’s hard to explain but the whole thing just feels wrong. I don’t mean that in a moralistic or bad way. I mean, it just literally feels unnatural because you’re using an exit as an entrance. Funnily enough though, that’s how you derive a lot of enjoyment from it. The unnatural feeling enhances the pleasure. You know how when you watch people getting fucked in gay porn, there’s all this moaning, and you’re just like, “yeah, right. they’re acting”? I can’t be for sure obvious… 阅读更多内容
Wetness - Erotica
Wetness It had been too long since she’d felt a man’s body working into her and fractions of each second passing fueled the fire growing inside her, a ball of need and gnawing desire. As she and her date sat across from each other, there became a natural pause in conversation and his eyes played against hers with promising tension. Smiling, she leaned across the table and set down her wine glass. “So,” she said, “would you like to go back to your apartment and masturbate with me?” Dark enveloped them inside his apartment and cushioned their fall, sinking down onto the sofa, their mo… 阅读更多内容
Mostly true fantasy
I woke up with sunlight on my face in a strange bed, the smell of sex still lingering in the bedroom. I can hear the shower running but the urge to rub my clit asserts itself over wanting to join the man who fucked me so thoroughly the night before. The multiple loads of cum that were left deep inside my pussy were the perfect lubricant to play with myself for the first time that day, but not the first time in that bed. Soon, my fingers find their way to my wet, cum soaked pussy while my other hand cups my breast and rubs my nipples as they stiffen in the cool morning air. Thinking abou… 阅读更多内容
A Husband Cleaning Up His Mess - Doing it for Real
It was only a fantasy. It’s only a fantasy. A persistent, slightly obsessive thought. Some days, it runs in his mind, a loop, making him salivate, giving him surges of desire. As soon as the thought arises, sometimes in spite of him, other time through his own desire, he cannot help but be mesmerized, wishing to contemplate endlessly, blushing. Is he blushing from his desire or from the slight shame he feels? Probably a little of both. This particular shame excites him in a peculiar way. What would his wife think? Would she judge him? Was it normal? Would it ever become reality? The image w… 阅读更多内容
Do u know WEBTEASEs? #anal #instruction #MILOVANA
Instruction videos are the best, BUT, when I can't find new clips, I love to go on .. There is a lot of instruction teases.. Did u know that site already? If yes, what's your favorite webtease? These are my favorite ANAL INSTRUCTION TEASEs (Flash teases works only on computer): - "Anal Exercise" - "Anal Job" - "A New Career: Street Whore" - "Amazing Anal Experience" https://milov… 阅读更多内容
Tasks, Order & Cei Instruction Videos Playlist
Sadly, on xhamster we can't do playlist with videos.. That's my collection with the best Tasks, Order, Mistress and Cei Instruction Videos (work in progress) Don't hesitate to comment or send a message with your favorite so i can add to this list! http://xhamster.c… 阅读更多内容
ANAL INSTRUCTION videos playlist
Sadly, on xhamster we can't do playlist with videos.. That's my collection with the best ANAL INSTRUCTION VIDEOS (work in progress) Don't hesitate to comment or send a message with your favorite so i can add it to this list!… 阅读更多内容
Cinema cuckold
Recently my wife Meg has been a little more flirty, a lot less slutty. She still keeps my penis locked in its cage but she has been sitting next to me as we watch football. And she keeps changing outfits when she sits next to me. All tight and low cut and she doesn't mind if I stare down or even do some grabbing. My cock cage gets so tight ! Meg's pal Jen been over a lot lately. She been flirty too. Same stuff, sitting close , not caring if I gawk at or touch her big tits. My wife has caught us a couple of times, but she giggles and tells us both to enjoy. Hmmm. They tell me they want to go to… 阅读更多内容
Jestem już na to za stara ;)
Jako, że jednego a w zasadzie dwóch opowiadanek/wspominek/wariacji nie potrafię od kilku miesięcy ukończyć a fani się upominają o nowe to może realna akcja z połowy minionego tygodnia, środowe popołudnie a w zasadzie wieczór. Sama przyczyna czy motyw to w zasadzie taki sam lub podobny do tego od jakich zaczynają się kiepskie pornosy. Tutaj motywem przewodnim było doprowadzenie laptopa do stanu używalności po wielkodusznej i łaskawej darmowej aktualizacji do Windowsa 10. O ile sama aktualizacja nie przerosła mnie to doprowadzenie komputera do stanu używalności (czyt. Przywrócenie stareg… 阅读更多内容
The Sissy Transformation Process
interesting text i found on a blog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sissy Transformation Process: How “Straight” Men Become Women. Here are the 11 phases of Sissification, which are currently floating around on some online sissy communities, such as Newfapchan. Phase 1: Softcore, then hardcore vanilla porn is discovered. Nowadays, it begins at an extremely early age thanks to the Internet (fortunately… or unfortunately)! Phase 2: Shemale porn is discovered by happenstance. Nowadays, the populari… 阅读更多内容
150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband
We haven't done them all but we've done most of them. 150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas. 2. Comment on how good other men look to you. 3. Tell your husband you like big dicks. 4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you. 5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is. 6. Tell your husband he is a wimp. 7. Tell your husband he is a fag. 8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husband's dick. 9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with s… 阅读更多内容
Teraz...siedząc wygodnie ....zagłębisz się w wielkie tajemnice...tajemnice siebie ........czułaś kiedyś podniecenie które ogarnia nie tylko ciało ale i całą duszę ? kiedy wszystko dookoła zaczyna wirować i nie wiesz co i gdzie się dzieje ? gdzie jesteś ,?kiedy zawieszasz w próżni swoja osobowość by czuć dale tą niesamowitą przyjemność podróżowania w rozkoszy.?.......... Chciałabyś poczuć teraz to Coś wielkiego?? To co nazywa się rozkoszą bez granic co porywa duszę ....zagnieżdża się i nie chce odejść...albo Ty nie pozwalasz by odeszło....poczuj teraz tą nieokiełzna… 阅读更多内容
You, Me, and a Fantasy Fuck?
I lie silently on the hotel bed, waiting for you to arrive. You text me to say you are nearly here, your dick already hard and dripping pre cum down your leg. I’m dressed in a short, tight black dress, under which I am wearing a red and black basque with a zip at its front, partly open at the top to allow my big tits to thrust out, black stockings and killer high heels. I hear you tap at the door and immediately my pussy throbs in anticipation. I open it and you quickly step through. I can see the hunger in your eyes, matching my own. “Hi,” you say, dropping your things to the floor. “Hi,… 阅读更多内容
Ruining another sub's orgasm
So recently I've been in contact with another sub. We met online and hit it off right away. After teasing him & denying his orgasms over the internet, we finally arranged to meet. I told him to wear something thin and not to wear any underwear. He arrived in jogging bottoms and other workout gear. We met for coffee and I spent a lot of time groping his dick through the material. By the time we'd finished he had a huge wet patch and a hard cock he was desperately trying to hide! We went back to my place where Andy was already home. He was interested in chastity so I made Andy drop his jea… 阅读更多内容
How I Became A Sissy 2
.......after that first afternoon, everything changed. I would play dress up any chance I got. I kept my body shaved and grew my hair a bit longer so I could part my bangs and hold the rest of my hair back with a flowery, sparkly harband. Sooo cute. I experimented with makeup styles: subtle eyeshadow with shiny pink gloss to thick eyeliner with dark red lipstick, always with lengthening mascara. By the end of a month I had modeled all her panties, bras, stockings, tights, swimsuits, ballet and dance costumes, dresses. I think I looked cutest in a tight, low cut, yellow sundress with pink fl… 阅读更多内容
How I became a Sissy
when i was in jr high and hs i used to get turned on and masturbate to girls in tights, frilly dresses, pinks, purples and fantasized about having sex with them. pretty typical boy. my life changed when i decided to see how i looked as a girl. my older s*s was my size and i snuck into her room while she was away one afternoon. as soon as i opened the panty drawer, my cock got hard and i was hornier than i had ever been. i sorted through all of the panties: boy shorts, lacy thongs, pink, light blue lacy, tight black hip huggers and chose a lacy pink thong to try on. i slid it over my legs a… 阅读更多内容
Some of My Favorite Sites for FUN!!!
newer… 阅读更多内容