New experience

Recently, I fingered myself deep in my hole, for the first time. My first feeling was that now I know and feel what it is like to be fingered deep in my hole. My inner eyes ran across what was happening, and lingered on what it is that experiences this, then followed it and around to my hand that was fingering deep in a hole. So while I experienced what it is like to be fingered deep in my hole, I experienced, at the same time, what it is like to finger deep in a hole. Do you see how that is Being Both?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 3

About accepting new Friends Request

From now on, I accept a Friends Request only if you contribute Galleries and/or Videos of yourself to this XRMXX community. Like so many others, I say: –”No content, no add”. Only dick-pics doesn't count. It is still very easy to chat with me in the Chat. Welcome there :) Heed this age-old adage: ”You get what you give” and "What goes around, comes around"… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 1

Another joke

If somebody tells me: Go fuck yourself! I will respond: Yes, as soon as I get home!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 5

A joke...

Joanna (Goldie Hawn, in the movie “Overboard” (1987). She, the rich bitch, tells her butler to go get groceries for the evening's party, including some caviar. When he, Andrew, comes back, she tries out the caviar, and bursts out: “What is this gelatinous muck? Andrew, when I tell you to pack staples, must I specify that you are to pack good caviar and not this $1.99 fish bait? Caviar should be round, and hard, and of adequate size, and should burst in your mouth at precisely the right moment.”… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 2

I have learned something precious…

Having made my videos for 2+ years now, I have learned something very precious and useful from all the experiences I've had. Maybe you, too, will find it useful. ****************************** I was never, and am not out to prove anything by the making of my videos. But at least it is clearly evident, to both myself and many others, that there seems to be no limit to the sexual intensity that is expressed in them. And from my own point of view, I would venture to say that I have never before experienced such intense sexuality – and I certainly have not had a boring sex-life prior to the makin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 3

About my videos

You might be used to watching porn in a very fragmented way, clicking and clicking on different clips, searching for what you think will satisfy you the most at the moment, and often you’re pressed for time. But usually, the clips never do satisfy, not deeply, not the way you wished that they would satisfy, so you click on another, and another… and then you might cum, and then you lose interest, until next time. Believe me when I say ”been there, done that”. When watching my videos, you might do the same, fast forward to something you think might turn you on more. And your satisfaction will b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 3

Now I know what it is like to have a huge cock...

While deepthroating a huge dildo, I was totally blown away, and I came. Then I pulled the huge cock out of my throat, stared at that massive cock up close, and the only words that came to me were: "Now THAT is what it it is like to have a huge cock!"… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 5

Four cumpilation videos now available!

These are for the true cum connoisseurs who love my work in the facial and cum department. Four videos covering the BeingBoth videos #15-#40, with only the cum-filled finales. Read more here:阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前

What does ”BeingBoth” mean?

It’s really simple. When I put on some stockings, and stroke my thigh with my hand, I simultaneously feel what it is like to caress a stocking-clad thigh, AND what it is like to have my stocking-clad thigh caressed by a hand. It is not strange to feel both, because both these experiences are actually one experience. Take this a ”step up”: When I put on the make-up and dress of a beautiful woman, and watch her in the monitor on the camera taking a cock down her throat, imagining the cock to be my own, it excites me, because I know what that is like t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 6

What I am all about

Sexual preferences are as many as there are people, for better or worse. Here are mine, with "opposites" in parenthesis: - Pleasure (never pain) - Permission (never force) - Enticing (never coercing) - Honoring (never degrading) - Indulgence (never suppression) - Elevation (never humiliation) - Freedom (never oppression) - Consent (never obedience) - Peace (never anger) - Inclusion (never exclusion) - Authenticity (never fake) - Feminine AND masculine sexuality (never sexual identity) Thus it goes without saying that if you subscribe to the opposites, you and I will not have much to talk about… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 7

Do you think this is strange?

I think it's strange... that the absolute majority of the people who befriend me here, comment on my videos, etc, are what we traditionally call "male". Why do I think that's strange? Well, because if I would have a body that we traditionally call "female", I would absolutely Love my videos (because of the content) – watching Huge Cocks (ok, dildos) do down my throat and cum like crazy over me. Question: Why don't more "real" women watch the videos? Or, do they watch and not tell me... Hmmmm.... What do you think about this?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 13

About time?

Just had this thought triggered by what's in my heart: I't about time that now – after I have felt what it is like to be the masculine for so many years – I can feel what it is like to be the feminine! (Not that there's a contradiction, rather the opposite, just as a coin would not be a coin without its both sides, haha. And I know and feel that I am the coin.)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 2

Hollywood or Bollywood?

A friend who only knows that I make films, but not what "kind" of films, asked me: "Do you make Hollywood or Bollywood films?" My reply: "Only Wood..."… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前 7

An apropos quote in these times…

"You can have sway in the short term through your army and your treasury. But if you want to last forever, make something beautiful."… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 3 年 前

Testing new machine...

It's called a "fucking-machine", and I'm sure it can fuck both my throat and my sissy pussy :P Will try it out tonight, keep your fingers crossed that I return to sanity at some point, haha.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前

Screenshots from #31

Seems it takes long for videos to be approved by the staff, sometimes... In the meantime, enjoy some screenshots from my video #31:阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前

Realize something!

Have you also realized something? I realized that in this community of porn-lovers, we are so many nationalities, skin-colors, ages, genders, religions, etc – but: We all love the same thing! Because we are the same Love! Look me in my eyes, and see what I see: Yourself, loving porn, loving me loving you! The same!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前 6

Screenshots from #47

From the very dream-like night when #47 was made:阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前

Ready to shoot #47

Getting ready to shoot another cock- and cum-feast, my 47th. This time a pretty sporty and sexy one takes you on a journey of Lust. It's on the editing table now, being cut and spliced ;)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前

My studio is up!

My studio in now up, that's where all my full length videos are. Welcum to watch my world of cock- and cum-worship! :P阅读更多内容

发表者 BeingBoth 4 年 前