Donations for College, Treatments and Surgery

hey guys. i finally got my donation set up today. i'm hoping you could find time to donate for me to get money so i can go to college and get my treatments, surgery while i'm here at college. apparently my mother still won't let me go on my own. but i need to go here to college in Seattle. so i'm asking for help with this. please message me for donation email thanks for reading. P.S. you might see real life images like this someday :)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 2

Deaf 26MtF seeks Roommates and Housing in Seattle

hey guys. i'm looking for a place to stay, being a roommate as well. i'd like to go to Seattle and stay here until i get job here that i can work and pay off the costs. due to problems at home, i cannot stay here because of hostile family members. they made my life more difficult for years and made it harder for me to go to College to finish my education. for last two months, i've been trying to go to University of Washington in Seattle to speak with counselors about seeking a housing on Campus would be huge help to me. so i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Off to College! (hopefully)

I got my ssn, the right one. Now I can go to college and move out i hope to be at University of Washington Campus here in Seattle. see you all soon in due time! the plan is definitely starting to take shape.. hopefully i can complete my goals and your dreams/wishes/fantasies of Korra. hehe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 4

Korra's Dominance

Last night, in my dream.. as seen in the art, only it was in reverse situation. Korra comes in and talks to me, but she had interuppted my playtime to myself, I got mad at her, told her to leave. Korra goes, "what's the problem with you? You're so hostile." I said, "just go. Get out." She notices something out of corner. So Korra comes to check. I said, "w.. wait! Don't go here!" Korra notices a photos of herself having good time with asami. Korra says "oh, so you've been spying on us and pleasuring yourself?" I said, "um..."… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 3

Dragon Age Inquisition

hey guys! i tried out the trial and loved it! i was wondering if someone could help me get the full game with digital code and maybe some DLCs to go with it. i need the deluxe version, but i'm fine with standard version. Link: any help is welcomed. thank you for helping me in advance.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 1

Just my Rant.. with a list. from a Virgin

why do we have to live with those powerful urges that drives or makes us unable to ignore. i had to live with those sexual urges for years, being virgin does not help extremely.. here were times that i had to try to control them, they just got worse over time. you start to get very.. sexually frustrated and sexually active. at the point in time, i can't even ignore them. i need to FUCK or i'm gonna die. i feel like this every few days or weeks. it gets so annoying that i can't even just "turn off" the switch that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 3


this is very important that you know. please be aware that user JBL has been harassing my friends on xhamster and on Fetlife. you better block him. i blocked him on the first day i joined Fetlife and XRMXX. he kept adding me four times without messaging me first. i kept declining until finally i blocked him. if you have him on friends list, be careful. something about this guy smells predator and screams "hunter" to me. that's all it feels like. i made this post today because a friend of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Cassandra's Sadness

well.. the more i think about it, the more i don't really feel appreicated by my friends.. (they don't even talk to me alot, except my facebook friends) i even don't feel loved by my ex-family for my choices in my life as Transgender Woman. (only started to think back to three years when assault/murder attempt on my life by my ex-family after i opened up about myself. i nearly lost my life that night) i really hate wearing boy clothing for years, years. it's just so old and annoying to me. i'd like to wear a girl outfit… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Saturn Erotica is getting Photos soon!

hey guys! today, i'm updating Saturn Erotica site to include photos from IMVU, complete set of photos of various looks, from normal to cosplay, naughty shoots etc etc. anything you can think of, it will be here! plus the Tumblr version will have it up as well. i realized this because my photos are related to cosplay in virtual form. i thought what would be best way to share it with my fans? of course, on my cosplay site and Tumblr! you will find it on: enjoy guys!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Shoutout to Friends and Fans, Visitors

hey folks! this is my shoutout to everyone! today, i got my friend to rejoin/return to Xhamster and giving it a try. my friend desperately needs stress reliever, i'm hoping one of you ladies could possibly help him out. (he hasn't fucked in four years. yes i know it's booty call but it's needed for him) also, he doesn't mind having some friends to talk to, chat with. please add him! Tamakaiju阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 4

Korra's Plans for Fans and More!

so i wanted to outline my plans for you, my friends and fans. i hope this will appeal to everyone else :D EROTIC PHOTOSHOOTS (from sexy to nude and Fantasy. me in sexy Korra outfits i designed for erotic shots) Futa Korra, Long & Short haired Versions (Korra with dick and balls) example: Korra, Long & Short haired Versions (Normal Korra with pussy) example: Cow Korra, Long & Short V… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 2

Puyallup Deaf Transgender Looking for Ride to Seat

hey guys. i'm looking for ride/pickup to Seattle. i need interpreter to speak with Counselors at University of Seattle and discuss things, hope to pass enterance exams/tests and hopefully be accepted into the University so i can begin my life here while i transition at college into fully female. the things at home are definitely not going well and has gotten difficult for me to live here. the family of mine has been increasingly hostile towards my life choice and my decision in last three years after opening up. even i h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

How to Find/Contact Korra - UPDATED

so i decided to create an updated list of Sites and Instant Messagers that i use and visit. so.. here you go. this is for fans and friends. if you are not friend/fan of me or you are lying you will be SHAMED. PLEASE REMEMBER to Message first where you came from and all. ALSO.. this is plus for you if you have account on these sites/IMs. if not, you can make one here at said site/IM. ## Adult Profiles & Owned Profiles: * * *… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 4

IMVU Korrasami Castlings are now Open!

Just a update for all Korrasami adult fans. Starting today, I'm now looking for IMVU users with adult pass and has Asami like outfits to appear in my Korrasami sex and nude photoshoots for Korrasami gallery of mine on select sites and for facebook korrasami/select groups as well. Message or comment here to for chance to be part of making your fantasties happen. I also do accept users without AP for general photoshoots.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

"Profile Picture"

i don't even have "passable" female profile picture yet. but i don't feel comfortable with myself currently to use the already recent and week old/monthly 2015 photos as profile picture. i still have appearance of a male, here is so much hate i have for that. i just really don't like that. hence why i use my favorite profile pictures. it's really hard for me to find a place that might let me start my hormone treatment for free.. to take it for two years. but i need real certified doctor who might point me in right place… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

"Why do people hate on me?"

Well, this post is by me. i can tell you why i had to deal with jerks and haters, bigots etc etc who gave me a hard time just because i am Transgender. i point them out and tell them that they don't even know exactly what's it like for Transgender people. even me. it's hard to find a job in a place that society accepts who you are and supports you, lets you work instead of turning us away from a job we'd like to work. even i lost everything i had when i opened up about myself in 2013. way before the whole Cait Jenner's T… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 7

July 19th 2015 - Korra Slams Trump

To Donald Trump, you clearly have no idea how important our veterans are. they lived their lives in former US Military Service only to suffer each day to keep our Nation safe. for example, McCain was one of Americans captured alive, tortured and beaten yet he did’t sold his Country out. i’d suggest you take your Presidental Campaign and shove it elsewhere. America has no need of disrespecting American like you. and i certainly can say that America doesn’t need a President like you. you reek of War. you seek Glory, Power… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Near Death Experience... on day of July 20th 2015

Yesterday, i suffered a suffocation that nearly resulted in my death. i was suffocating because of an air fresher spray that i inhaled too much killed off my ability to breathe. as i was about to pass out from lack of air in my lungs, my body did something unexpected. the body caused itself to vomit, clearing the lungs and airway. i took gasp of fresh air and coughed hard, gasping for more air. thankfully, i lived thanks to quick-reaction of my body's survival measures… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前

Saturn Erotica is here!

Welcome to Saturn Erotica, Cassandra Saturn’s First Cosplay Erotica Site! Created on July 20th 2015, made especially for Fans of Cassandra Saturn and Fans of Cosplay Erotica and Cosplay. come check out her site! Follow us!阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前 6

June 20 post: Drained...

Cassandra Saturn (Korra) nearly dislocated her right shoulder during last sneeze. also, on recent news. Cassandra also has been damaged emotionally from ten years of drama fights up to today's time fights with her own mother. she is drained emotionally and physically. but continue to fight on spiritually to reach her goal to become a woman fully. her Spirit Avatar Korra/ravva is helping her to continue her journey.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CassandraSaturn 9 年 前