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Hi, I'm Dalila, I'm really happy to know some other people like me who is proud to be a prostitute !! I think that be an escort or a prostitute, if done by choice, and even if it goes against the common sense of decency, is very rewarding for those who choose to carry it out
I'm Dalila happily married to Gennaro since 1996 and I'm pansexual
A Good Man deserves a Queen who will Suck his dick like a slut, Fuck him like a whore, make him laugh like a homie, and cook like his Momma
I don't seek meetings or to advertise, we are here to share our passions, our fantasies and our transgressions and to chat with other people who love sex
Last night my biggest fantasy was come true, I have done the street hooker, it was my first time, I have almost 40 years and I am happily married and have two children. I did not need to do it for money, I have a good job, but because it has always been a fantasy of mine.
I felt I had reached the right maturity and proper awareness of myself to try to fulfill my fantasy, knowing that I would be able to pass if I had not liked very much, and I would have been able to fully enjoy the experience if I had liked it.
It 'was a strong, intense and difficult experience, but in the end I liked it.
I'll think about this experience for a few days but whatever I decide to do, I'm glad to have tried it.
A sweet kiss Dalila
Yes, I did it, I did the street hooker !! It was a fantasy of mine and I have managed to achieve!!
I am really happy and I'm proud of my perseverance in achieving the goals that I have set for myself.
I liked the idea to being fucked by a stranger, but not because he just wanted to fuck someone, but just because he wanted to fuck a cheap street prostitute! And he found me, he wanted me to show him my goods, he negotiated a price, he made me climb into his car, he paid me and then he fucked me like a true cheap street hooker. I became his whore, a true street whore!
I liked everything, the first few moments standing on the side of the road under a street lamp, with my tits and my cunt on display to everyone , it was a little cold but I felt a great warmth inside me, and I had my nipples very hard. The first car slowed down, the first potential customer who has stopped his car to negotiate the price, the first one that made me get in the car, the emotion of the first cash money stuffed inside my handbag and then he used me as if I were a real street hooker, then he dumped me on the sidewalk, ready to start prostituting myself for other clients, without even being able to wash myself, just like a real street whore.
At the end of my shift I have done about €350.
I have had 7 customers in 5 hours.
I like to try to realize my fantasies until the end, that's because I decided to try to really do the street hooker.
It 'was one of my greatest fantasy for a long time, and now I'm realizing, I have not yet fully reached my goal, but I'm getting closer.
I have had many sexual experiences in my life, I have tried a bit of everything, this was a fantasy of mine that I had for many years and I have always hoped to achieve.
In the end I think it was a good experience, I like to assume the role of others before judging, I'll probably try it again, I do not think I can understand how lives and what he feels a real street whore if I do it only for a night
Last night I did it again, I thought about it all day, my mind was fighting with herself, but I decided to try again, I'm back under the same streetlight of the last time, I'm dressed like a real whore; My boobs and my pussy on display, trying to lure customers to the edge of the road like a true street whore.
More time passes, the more I am convinced of wanting to re-do, definitely next time I will prepare myself better, maybe I'll try to talk with some other sluts, I would like to go into even more in reality.
I do not care of business, I'm interested in every day life, I'm not interested in money, I already have a good job.
I would simply try to live as do the real whores, I want to try how they live, where they eat, where they sleep, who accompanying them, if they have pimps, or exploiters, as are treated , if they have problems with the police and what is their relationship with their customers.
I decided that I wanted to try it on my skin what it feels like to make the real life of a whore, who does not have much more to offer than your own body, even if I'm aware of the risks that could happen to me.
Yes, I decided, I'll try to get together with the other whores, I will try to accept myself as one of them, I know it will not be easy, I will try to live like them, maybe with them, I think that if I want to understand, I will have to do their lives for at least a week.
I know it will be very difficult, and sometimes dangerous, but it is what I want for a long time and I want to reach my goal.
I run the risk of being discovered, but I get excited at the thought of being recognized by someone, perhaps a my colleague, or the husband or the son of some of my friend or acquaintance, while he contracted price to fuck me like a real street hooker!!!
"C'è chi l'amore lo fa per noia
chi se lo sceglie per professione
bocca di rosa ne l'uno ne l'altro
lei lo faceva per passione"
Fabrizio De Andrè
My fovorite books:
I'm Dalila happily married to Gennaro since 1996 and I'm pansexual
A Good Man deserves a Queen who will Suck his dick like a slut, Fuck him like a whore, make him laugh like a homie, and cook like his Momma
I don't seek meetings or to advertise, we are here to share our passions, our fantasies and our transgressions and to chat with other people who love sex
Last night my biggest fantasy was come true, I have done the street hooker, it was my first time, I have almost 40 years and I am happily married and have two children. I did not need to do it for money, I have a good job, but because it has always been a fantasy of mine.
I felt I had reached the right maturity and proper awareness of myself to try to fulfill my fantasy, knowing that I would be able to pass if I had not liked very much, and I would have been able to fully enjoy the experience if I had liked it.
It 'was a strong, intense and difficult experience, but in the end I liked it.
I'll think about this experience for a few days but whatever I decide to do, I'm glad to have tried it.
A sweet kiss Dalila
Yes, I did it, I did the street hooker !! It was a fantasy of mine and I have managed to achieve!!
I am really happy and I'm proud of my perseverance in achieving the goals that I have set for myself.
I liked the idea to being fucked by a stranger, but not because he just wanted to fuck someone, but just because he wanted to fuck a cheap street prostitute! And he found me, he wanted me to show him my goods, he negotiated a price, he made me climb into his car, he paid me and then he fucked me like a true cheap street hooker. I became his whore, a true street whore!
I liked everything, the first few moments standing on the side of the road under a street lamp, with my tits and my cunt on display to everyone , it was a little cold but I felt a great warmth inside me, and I had my nipples very hard. The first car slowed down, the first potential customer who has stopped his car to negotiate the price, the first one that made me get in the car, the emotion of the first cash money stuffed inside my handbag and then he used me as if I were a real street hooker, then he dumped me on the sidewalk, ready to start prostituting myself for other clients, without even being able to wash myself, just like a real street whore.
At the end of my shift I have done about €350.
I have had 7 customers in 5 hours.
I like to try to realize my fantasies until the end, that's because I decided to try to really do the street hooker.
It 'was one of my greatest fantasy for a long time, and now I'm realizing, I have not yet fully reached my goal, but I'm getting closer.
I have had many sexual experiences in my life, I have tried a bit of everything, this was a fantasy of mine that I had for many years and I have always hoped to achieve.
In the end I think it was a good experience, I like to assume the role of others before judging, I'll probably try it again, I do not think I can understand how lives and what he feels a real street whore if I do it only for a night
Last night I did it again, I thought about it all day, my mind was fighting with herself, but I decided to try again, I'm back under the same streetlight of the last time, I'm dressed like a real whore; My boobs and my pussy on display, trying to lure customers to the edge of the road like a true street whore.
More time passes, the more I am convinced of wanting to re-do, definitely next time I will prepare myself better, maybe I'll try to talk with some other sluts, I would like to go into even more in reality.
I do not care of business, I'm interested in every day life, I'm not interested in money, I already have a good job.
I would simply try to live as do the real whores, I want to try how they live, where they eat, where they sleep, who accompanying them, if they have pimps, or exploiters, as are treated , if they have problems with the police and what is their relationship with their customers.
I decided that I wanted to try it on my skin what it feels like to make the real life of a whore, who does not have much more to offer than your own body, even if I'm aware of the risks that could happen to me.
Yes, I decided, I'll try to get together with the other whores, I will try to accept myself as one of them, I know it will not be easy, I will try to live like them, maybe with them, I think that if I want to understand, I will have to do their lives for at least a week.
I know it will be very difficult, and sometimes dangerous, but it is what I want for a long time and I want to reach my goal.
I run the risk of being discovered, but I get excited at the thought of being recognized by someone, perhaps a my colleague, or the husband or the son of some of my friend or acquaintance, while he contracted price to fuck me like a real street hooker!!!
"C'è chi l'amore lo fa per noia
chi se lo sceglie per professione
bocca di rosa ne l'uno ne l'altro
lei lo faceva per passione"
Fabrizio De Andrè
My fovorite books:



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Life is increasingly restricted even here in the portal is restricted! But even now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, we wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the next year. Have a Merry Christmas! And stay healthy!
La vie est de plus en plus limitée, même sur ce portail ! Mais même maintenant, les bougies brillent partout. Nous te souhaitons donc que leur chaleur et leur sécurité t'accompagnent tout au long de l'année prochaine. Passe un joyeux Noël ! Et reste en bonne santé !
Das Wetter nicht, die Sonne nicht, der Winter nicht, der Frühling nicht,
Liebe nicht, die Familie nicht, die Freunde nicht,
Vertrauen nicht, Gespräche nicht,
Lesen, telefonieren, Musik hören und Briefe schreiben nicht,
Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft , Gemeinschaftssinn und Solidarität nicht
und Hoffnung schon gar nicht!
Es kann nur besser werden
Coronafrei,Gesundheit, Glück und Frohsinn
wünschen wir allen die es lesen.
Even if Corona is still annoying us, we won't let it spoil Easter. Have a nice Easter and enjoy the time because not everything is forbidden and cancelled.
Not the weather, not the sun, not winter, not spring,
Love isn't, family isn't, friends aren't,
not trust, not conversation,
Not reading, not phoning, not listening to music, not writing letters,
kindness, helpfulness, community spirit and solidarity...
and certainly not hope!
It can only get better
Corona-free, health, happiness and cheerfulness
we wish all who read it.
Nicht alles ist abgesagt!
Das Wetter nicht,
Die Sonne nicht,
der Winter nicht,
der Frühling nicht,
Liebe nicht,
die Familie nicht,
die Freunde nicht,
Vertrauen nicht,
Gespräche nicht,
Lesen, telefonieren, Musik hören und Briefe schreiben nicht,
Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft , Gemeinschaftssinn und Solidarität nicht
und Hoffnung schon gar nicht!
Und manchmal ist ein hinreichender Abstand der Schritt nach vorne!
Schauen wir nach vorne aber auch optimistisch mit Abstand und mit den allgemeinen AHA Regeln vereinigt (Abstand halten, Hygiene beachten und Alltagsmaske -Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung tragen).
Wir schaffen das zusammen!
Es kann nur besser werden wenn alle etwas dazu beitragen. Mach auch du mit!
Gesundheit, Glück und Frohsinn und daß all Eure Wünsche für das neue Jahr in Erfüllung gehen mögen, wünschen wir allen die das lesen.
And even though so many things cannot take place or are cancelled in these difficult times, there are things that should encourage each of us to face all these restrictions in our lives and to see what is possible on any given day:
Not everything is cancelled!
Not the weather,
The sun is not,
not winter,
not spring,
Love not,
not family,
not friends,
trust doesn't,
not conversations,
reading, telephoning, listening to music and writing letters,
kindness, helpfulness, community spirit and solidarity...
and certainly not hope!
And sometimes a sufficient distance is the step forward!
Let's look ahead optimistically, but also with distance and with the general AHA rules (keep your distance, observe hygiene and wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose).
We can do it together!
It can only get better if everyone contributes. You too can join in!
Health, happiness and cheerfulness and that all your wishes for the new year may come true, we wish everyone who reads this.