Sorry, I only accept friendship requests from those who have put my videos in their favorites. So I now that whe have the same intrest. So, please put some of our videos in your favorites before sending a friendship request
انا عندي 26 سنه وتعبان جدا بقالي يومين بدور علي اي خرم بنت ولد وهدلعو بس بجد زهقت من الاستغالات انا فعلا مش عايز اضرب عشره تاني عايز احس بزبي جوه وانزلهم جوه بقي واي حد هيكلمني هيبقي في سريه تامه وهدلعو ويدلعني
Thank you in advance for subscribing to it. I put a video of me and obviously I expect very hot comments from you and especially do not hesitate to put it in your favorites!
I would like to know what you would like to see in the next one so that my profile is much more enticing!
Take care you ..
Soft and naughty kisses from a distance .. looking forward to reading you very soon ..
Thanks for the invite but I am going to decline. Based on the slim data in your profile, I cannot imagine why you want to be my friend...but even if you explain, you still have no content. I am not a content whore at all but I have no interest in lots of contacts. I don't come here to hook up or sext. Few will cam (I will) and typing messages is boring to me. If you decide to identify yourself and truly want to be friends, hit me up. Either way, I wish you the best.
✿♥✿ Thanks for your friends request ✿♥✿
Thank you in advance for subscribing to it. I put a video of me and obviously I expect very hot comments from you and especially do not hesitate to put it in your favorites!
I would like to know what you would like to see in the next one so that my profile is much more enticing!
Take care you ..
Soft and naughty kisses from a distance .. looking forward to reading you very soon ..