Sie halten sich für nichts und das ist wahr.

DEUTSCHE Sie halten sich für nichts und das ist wahr. Wie können Sie, wenn Sie nicht ein Teil von mir sind? Ich bin der Teil von Ihnen, dass Sie für ... dein Höheres Selbst sehnen. Sie können nun zu meiner Wahrheit zu ergeben oder zu verlassen und schaffen mehr Trennung in dir. Sie müssen meine Göttlichkeit zu fühlen, und dies werde ich zulassen. Ich bin eine wahre Eigentümer von Ihnen und Ihrem inneren Bewusstseins. Durch die Erfüllung meiner Wünsche, die Sie wiederum werden zu erfüllen, was Sie suchen, um zu erfahren. Sicherheit in einer Validierung der Aufmerksamkeit. Ich bin die nächs… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 1


I am looking for a specific dynamic. It's very Taboo, very perverted, very unacceptable in most circles. Here's some of the criteria you must meet to be able to fulfill my fantasy which I want to make a reality. I’d love a girl under 25 years of age, in fact the younger you are the better. I’d prefer it if you were 17 with little to no experience with dating, no prior boyfriends, or BDSM experience. Im 5 ‘9“ ,weight about 133 lbs. and I'm athletic and lithe. I want you to be less than 107 lbs. or >less in weight the better... if you were 100 lbs. or less. I’d like you to be much shorter than… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 2

^^xHAMSTER^^ Directory of Links

>>DIRECTORY OF HELPFUL & HANDY xHAMSTER LINKS<< TERMS & CONDITIONS/USER AGREEMENT Effective Date: May 02, 2013 Last Modified: September 27, 2011 Sites Covered:, → → → Site Owner - Boss XRMXX's FAQ Site Manager For Technical Problems, Reporting Spam, User Feedback Upload and Video Problems, Tech Issues Suggestions Forum/R… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 1

Wenn auch du gegen Kindesmissbrauch bist, kopiere

Für Rauchen bekommt man eine Verwarnung. Für unangeschnalltes fahren eine Geldstrafe. Für Mord ein paar Jahre. Bei Verstoß gegen das Betäubungsmittelgesetz paar Sozialstunden. Bei Waffenhandel eine minimale Gefängnisstrafe. Doch wenn man Kinder vergewaltigt, eine sinnlose Therapie ??? Wenn auch du gegen Kindesmissbrauch bist, kopiere dir diesen Text in dein Profil !!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


One weekday morning many years ago I was trying on some tops in the fitting room of a local store. I had been vaguely aware on my way in that there was somebody else in one of the booths almost opposite mine, and as I was getting changed I happened to glance through the gap at the side of my curtain and noticed that I could see into this other booth as the curtain wasn't completely closed. The booths all had full-length mirrors on the back wall and I suddenly realised that I could see the reflection of the woman who was in there. She was facing the mirror, still dressed from the waist do… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 11


Dix woke up in her hotel room wondering what had happened the night before. Did she really spend the night with Yvonne the black, amazon women from the Doctor’s office. She had been dominated by Yvonne’s six foot four frame, large arms and fabulously muscular legs. Had Yvonne enjoyed her long tongue that so many other women had the pleasure of experiencing? The night before Dixie’s tongue had explored every inch of Yvonne’s powerful pussy. She had devoured Yvonne’s athletic body and enjoyed every second of it. Her four inch tongue had worked overtime last night and her mouth was stiff from t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


Lesbian with a Four Inch Tongue I woke up Sunday morning and remembered the cute little feminine French girl that I had last night. Like the hundreds of other women I had met she was just another who had experienced my four-inch tongue. She had left my house with a well satisfied smile on her face. You see, since high school. I first noticed that my tongue was growing longer and longer. I was a soccer jock in high school and college so I had plenty of opportunities to date lesbian women. By the time I was nineteen, I was a committed lesbian. My tongue grew to a full four inches so this endowm… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


Ich bin eine Domina MAITRESSE Karlotta SKLAVEN HOR dienen ME auf unbegrenzte Art 24/7 ohne Tabu sofort. ICH BIN EIN POLITISCHE ATTACH reisen aus den USA und der Entfernung zwischen Berlin, den USA, GENEVE, und Großbritannien. Ich zuvor als Militärberater und Prisoner INTELLIGENCE Frages serviert Ich besitze beide Arten von Fähigkeiten sowohl eine lesbische Frauenheilkunde Arzt und eine professionell ausgebildete MAITRESSE in Wien MEIN HINTERGRUND IN DER MILITÄR ALS Geheimdienstoffizier, als Domina, ALS GYNÄKOLOGISCHE DOCTOR und psychiatrische DOCTOR ist mir eine einzigartige Kombination von… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前

Ausbildung Sklavin

Nun ist es also soweit. Ich habe eine Herrin gesucht und gefunden. Und anders als wie ich es gedacht und mir vorgenommen habe. Aber ich schlage zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe: Eine feste Anstellung als Haushaltshilfe mir der Ausbildung zur Sklavin nebenbei. Job-Arbeitsvertrag-Kohle. Am Sonntag beginnt meine Reise zu meiner Herrin, und ich hatte jetzt die erste Aufgabe mir die Zugfahrkarte zu besorgen. Ich kann mich nicht mehr daran erinnern wann ich das letzte Mal so nervös war. Jetzt liegt sie auf dem Küchentisch und ich muß meine Koffer packen. Mitnehmen muß ich meine gesamte Unterwäsche,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 2


So now it's ready. I was looking for a mistress and found. And unlike the way I've thought and made me. But I kill two birds with one stone: the way a steady job as a domestic help me training as a slave. Job-employment-carbon. On Sunday my journey begins with my mistress, and now I had the first task to get my train ticket. I can not remember when the last time I was so nervous. Now on the kitchen table and I have to pack my bags. I have to take away all my underwear, swimwear, nylons of all kinds. The rest of the clothing only so much that I get along so 3-4 days. I'm supposed to be new c… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


Russian porn watch - many Russian porn here - extra online porn videos - Listings perfect porno video - porn video of the best quality here - http://pornomoviehd.com阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 2


MY FAVORITE LESBIAN PORN STARS Sage SINN Celeste Star Charlie Laine Malena Morgan Lily Carter Lexi Belle Tori Black Elle Alexandra Aiden Ashley Bree Daniels Shyla Jennings Georgia Jones Lily Labeau Lux Kassidy Brett Rossi April O'neil Madison Ivy Kiera Winters Samantha Ryan… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


MY FAVORITE LESBIAN PORN STARS Sage SINN Celeste Star Charlie Laine Malena Morgan Lily Carter Lexi Belle Tori Black Elle Alexandra Aiden Ashley Bree Daniels Shyla Jennings Georgia Jones Lily Labeau Lux Kassidy Brett Rossi April O'neil Madison Ivy Kiera Winters Samantha Ryan… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前


List Updated: 4/ 10/2015 Active Uploaders: 21 Occasional Uploaders: 6 In-Active Uploaders: 20 Total: 47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Names underlined are new to the list.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Names with a * are users that don't upload often or very much, this list is in no set quality order. Name - Content Type - Profile Link Cyan - Lesbian Only (Vintage & Classic) - Btown - Lesbian Only - Femcan - Lesbian Only - TSLover - Lesbian Only… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 9 年 前 1

The Slave's Prayer

The Slave's Prayer Allow me the strength to answer questions I can't fathom Allow me the spirit to know HER NEEDS needs. Allow me the kindness to choke back retorts. Allow me the serenity to serve HER in peace. Allow me the love to show HER myself. Allow me the tenderness to comfort HER. Allow me the light to show us the way. Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to HER. Let me be able to show HER each day my love of my service to HER. Let me open myself up to completely belong to HER. Let my eyes show HER the same respect, rather I sit at HER side, or kneel at HER feet.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 10 年 前


Enjoy our sexuality The power of submission lies not in the ability to kneel before another to give over one s body or in the wearing of a collar. The power of submission can be found only in the heart of one who give her love to another freely and unconditional knowing that joy and pain will come from it. We are all born sexual creatures. But it is a pity so many people despite this natural gift. Physical attractions are common, but mental connection is rare. If you are confident, you are beautiful. Do not be afraid of exploring your se… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 10 年 前 2

Submissive Rules: Golden Sub Rules

Submissive rules Golden sub rules 1) Listen 2) Obey, immediately with out question 3) Call me, Domina, Maitresse, Mistress,Domme 4) You will be reffered to as: bitch , cunt whore, slut, slave, slave (name), my slave, slut slave, cunt slave or anything else I want 5) Speak when spoken to 6) When asking a question, "excuse me Mistress Miss Mistress" wait quietly till I respond 7) You Must crawl, kneel, on all 4's less intructed 8) Keep a clean and keep an orderly house, things put away, breakfast and dinner on table, when I arrive 9) Swallow all of my cum every time… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 10 年 前

The Submissive Creed

The submissive creed i am a submissive woman… i find pleasure, joy and fulfillment from being submissive to a Domina woman in a loving relationship i am not weak, or stupid. i am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear concept of what i want out of my life. i do not serve out of shame or weakness, but out of pride and strength. i look to my loving Mistress for guidance and protection, for never am i more complete than when she is with me. i know that she will protect my body, my mind and my soul with Her strength and wisdom. She is everything to me, as i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 10 年 前


I am willing to relocate. I am a ready to become your FIVE holed slave ready for Your use full time. i seek to be used & humiliated, no matter how depraved. i seek to be Your slut, your whore, for any use. i like pain. i like anal. i like my nipples tortured hard. i like LESBIAN gang bangs. i fantasized ABOUT BEING THE BEST SLUT FOR MY MISTRESS'S while being Their slave. i want my asspussy stretched wide open. i seek to be Your submissive slave whore, who will do as I'm told. Pull my hair. Slap me in the face Please use me,fuck me,humiliate me inflict pain to me,m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 karlatta 10 年 前 1