My infinite dreams, I cannot deny them Infinity is difficult to understand, I cannot hear those screams that are still in my wildest dreams that suffocate me and, waking up in my sweat, scared of falling asleep again In case the dream begins another Someone is chasing me, I can't move, I'm paralyzed, like a statue in my nightmares, what a dream! When will it end and will I get over it? I sleep uneasily, my mind is confused One nightmare ends and another is conceived that begins to make me afraid to sleep But afraid of waking up now, deeply despite everything I have reached another path I prefe… 阅读更多内容
All our pics galleries
We cannot anymore upload and share our pics on xhamster so we now post them in other site These are the links, wach, favorite and comments them, we love it… 阅读更多内容
Relationship between old ladies and young guys
My real thoughts For the umpteenth time I go to the site to write a post and chat in the comments. But when opening the site, I always accidentally came across different videos. I will not say that I do not like sex. Everyone should love sex. In these videos, probably everyone sees what they are capable of. For example, for me there is much more v******e and disrespect here than just sex. If someone loves sex, why humiliate another person by posting videos with his participation and without his consent? We are not even… 阅读更多内容
all a happy couple vids
We cannot anymore upload and share our vids on xhamster only 20 of our vids remain in out gallery so we now post them in other site These are the links, wach, favorite and comments them, we love it… 阅读更多内容
xH. “Creators programme” / something I found
CREATORS PROGRAM Documentation For Creators and Co-performers Nov 4, 2021 • 3 min read Greetings creators, We had to write this blog post to have a serious discussion regarding our platform's creator and co-performer documentation policies. In accordance with industry standards, XRMXX Creators are required to provide a model release agreement for every performer who participates in your content — which of course means all photos, galleries, custom thumbnails, videos. A model release is the documented legal permission and consent for shooting, distribution, uploading and broadcasting of… 阅读更多内容
C'est l'hivers
alors je reste chez moi, blottie dans ma couette et je matte les mecs en cam Chatroulette Flingster: ATTENTION: Uniquement pour adultes… 阅读更多内容
So what I did here was pretty simple. As the title suggests, I chose a porn star to represent each letter of the alphabet. Okay, some letters were missing, but in the future maybe those gaps can also be filled like these girls' ass. Remember, this list is based solely on my opinion, so don't be mad if I didn't pick your favorites. Of course, only pornstars that are already on my Blog are part of this list, this means that the list can always be updated as new girls are added to my index. Enjoy and improve your ABC!… 阅读更多内容
Was steckt hinter Xhamster? Da kann jede:er wer möchte, sich sein eigenes Bild machen ... Information ist alles. GLG Jana… 阅读更多内容