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Kama Sutra Guru
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I'm not taking any new inquiries or talking to any new people.

Roch, 48 岁, 女性, 双性恋者
South Amboy, 新泽西州, 美国
168 厘米 (5 英尺 6 英尺)


UPDATE: Due to the massive amount of endless inquiries, as well as the overwhelming level of nonsense, ignorance, rudeness and games I deal with around here, I have decided to take a break from interacting with ALL people on here, with the very rare exceptions. This is temporary for now, but it may be a permanent decision, depending on how I feel about things in the upcoming future. I will do my best to still keep in touch with the handful of loyal friends that I have on here (you all know who you are). Please disregard anything described below, in terms of my offer to chat with people until/if I'm ever back in the game for that again. People on here have repeatedly proven to me that they cannot behave like mature adults, therefore, I'm just another one of the last remaining REAL women on these sites that you men have all chosen to disrespect and push away. Congrats! Need proof? Sure! Just read the wall comments, the blog posts, the 'avoid member list' or contact me directly for the proof via emails, screen shots, etc... .


Old profile info begins here and is to be currently disregarded (unless you truly feel that you fall under that "very rare exception" category)...

First and foremost, my profile is always kept current, accurate, honest and updated. What I describe here is what I mean and I am hard-set on everything I say. No exceptions, no negotiating or compromise. I say this because I have been getting an influx of people asking to meet me or to cyber with, thinking that I'm willing to change/be flexible of my circumstances or being told that women don't always mean what they say on their profiles or that their profiles are old/outdated. Not the case here. I'm on this site strictly for entertainment purposes. Nothing more. If anything were to ever change (and it won't, I'm happily married and happily satisfied at home), it would be revised, updated and reflected right here on my profile immediately.

Moving on...

As I said, I'm strictly here for entertainment purposes. Like any other people who come here, it means that I come to watch adult videos, pics, the occasional cam, chatting or dabbling into member posts, erotic stories and so on. I am NOT on this site looking for anything or for anyone at all for anything. Let that be known. I'm an avid writer and a pen pal. I'm offering (not seeking) pen pal to anyone interested in the same. Be sure you clearly understand that pen pal is NOT "casual texting"...big difference there! I am willing to hold balanced, non-sexual pen pal chat conversations that lead to long-term online friendships with anyone who is contacting me on here, so be sure you're contacting me specifically for that reason to pen pal for the sake of building a meaningful online friendship with. This means that you should have good communication, English, spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and know how to hold balanced conversations in terms of meaningful, fulfilling and structured paragraphs. Talking in "text" or "shorthand" form is a huge turn-off, as it relays laziness, lack of effort or dedicated time and usually unintelligence. Please speak to me in proper English. A good rule of thumb is the expectation for you to compose and trade one or two lengthy messages per week from each party, so be willing and enthusiastic to write messages out and dedicate free time to do so. Communication, balance and acknowledgement are all key points in a two-way conversation, so I expect that in return. I expect proper correspondence as a courtesy measure during any such time when life gets in the way and you find yourself unable to hold conversational chats, until that time period passes (e.g.: medical issues, abundance of work, family issues, life events, etc...). Please don't contact me, based solely on my profile picture. Good so far? If not, please bypass me. If so, read on...

If you are from India, Nepal, Turkey, Qatar, Serbia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Pakistan, Morocco and Kazakhstan, then I have no interest in talking to you, since the majority of my issues on here stem from people who write to me from these countries.
I ONLY know and understand the English language, so if you choose to contact me, speak fluent English ONLY and please be a gentleman (or lady-like, if you're the rare female) and you'll have no problems here. Do you like to chat? Are you looking for good company online here to pass free time with general non-sexually balanced chat conversations via pen pal relationship? If so, get to know me. I'm a nice woman and expect to be treated nice. I do not care about your sexual stuff at all such as your perversions, fantasies, wants, wishes or if you are hard and horny. Go away! I'm NOT interested in sex chat, watching your cam on request, pic/video trading, link sharing, sharing my name, sharing my phone number, texting or talking off site. I'm not on this site for it's "Dating" section. I am taken (married to a man) and have no interests whatsoever to meet anyone from here in person (whether for in-person friendships, sex or otherwise). If you're contacting me in the message center, just have a reasonable level time to do so and show up around here frequently. Invest time, effort and enthusiasm into your compositions and chat to me like a decent and respectful human being...you won't regret it. I'm more than willing to establish meaningful online friendships with the right people, if you so choose to take that on. If you meet the criteria, introduce yourself with something more than a "Hi" or "Hello", as I will judge interactions like that upon you being a lazy, vague, boring or uninteresting person directly from the start who has no time, effort or fulfillment to invest with me. There's no second chance to make a good first impression, so make it count.

If your profile is set to "Visible to friends only"; or if your basic location is "Earth"; or if your gender is "Human"; or if your profile contains little to no details about you or a description, then I know nothing at all about you up front, and therefore, I'm not interested in talking to people blindly without knowing some background stats or critical profile information that's not visible to me.
Also, I'm not a 'friend collector'. I don't just randomly add complete strangers to my 'Friends' list, because you aren't my friend. Friends are a privilege and it's something that's earned through ongoing and interesting conversations, having things in common, mutual bonding attraction, honesty, personality, trust, balance, cooperation, compliance, respect and any other key values which make friends, actual friends. If you actually want to make it to my 'Friends' list, then be prepared to earn that over the course of time. Otherwise, your request will simply be deleted.
If you are a 'friend collector', then I'm in no way interested in you.

Follow through with what you have begun! If you decide to contact me, then we're game-on at that point and I expect the outlined terms to be followed. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself no longer interested in what's being offered here, then I expect communication to be followed through to the end with a proper and respectful level of closure and manners like a decent and mature human being.

Rudeness won't be tolerated. Blocking me won't be tolerated. Ignoring me won't be tolerated. Not acknowledging me won't be tolerated. Grow up! If you do any of these things you will be on group watch.

And to the rest of the peanut gallery: To those who don't understand that you're in no way obligated to drink alcohol if you go to a bar/club, but rather to socialize, play pool, watch live entertainment, mingle, play video games, and so on...you'll never quite understand your own idiocy. The analogy I make is to NOT attempt to mock me or belittle me because I'm on an adult site and CHOOSE to NOT talk sexually. Life has choices....yes, imagine that! Although I watch adult oriented things privately behind the scenes, does NOT automatically mean that I'm here to dirty talk/cyber or to be your verbal whore. We all have choices in life, comfort zones, reasons, restrictions, limitations and so on. Please respect that. I'm tired of the idiotic accusations, mockery and judgements from those who simply cannot understand this simple concept!
Rochblue 版主 3 天 前
Rochblue : UPDATE (3/22): Puma-20 has now rudely blocked me since this message was sent to him yesterday and without any reply, explanation or proper closure. Off to the Hall Of Shame he goes.
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Rochblue 版主 4 天 前
Puma-20 : There is something wrong with you! First, I have written to you in PM's on 3/15, 3/16, 3/17, 3/18 and 3/20, in an attempt to understand a RELEVANT reason you've tried to friend request me or interact. In turn, you've ignored all of those attempts...until right now. Rather than directly reply to me in a PM, you post a reply to my profile wall, which makes zero sense! To worsen matters, you again compose a message to me in Italian, which again, I ONLY know the English language (per my profile description). I then have to utilize even more of my valuable time and effort to then copy/paste what you've said into an online translator tool, just to find out that you ONLY speak Italian and no no English, which again, contradicts my profile description. You men are all idiots! Learn how to read! If you ONLY know Italian, then why in the world are you contacting an English speaker??? Make sense, will ya!
Cross compare notes...
You: "Ciao, non parlo inglese quindi ti scrivo in italiano. Non ci conosciamo ma mi piacerebbe molto avere la tua amicizia. Spero sia possibile come spiegazione."

(Translated to: "Hi, I don't speak English so I'm writing to you in Italian. We don't know each other but I would love to have your friendship. I hope it is possible as an explanation.")
My profile description:
1 ) "Languages: English"
2 ) "I ONLY know and understand the English language, so if you choose to contact me, speak fluent English ONLY."
3 ) "Please speak to me in proper English."
4 ) "This means that you should have good communication, English, spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and know how to hold balanced conversations in terms of meaningful, fulfilling and structured paragraphs."
What part of any of this don't you yet understand?? 
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Puma-20 4 天 前
Ciao, non parlo inglese quindi ti scrivo in italiano. Non ci conosciamo ma mi piacerebbe molto avere la tua amicizia. Spero sia possibile come spiegazione 😘
Rochblue 版主 1 月 前
ShyArrow8 : He has the nerve to wonder why I'm angry at him.
Hmm, now let's see...

I'm sure it has nothing to do by the fact that you originally contacted me on 6/30/23, and today is 2/4/25 and we haven't had a single conversational chat yet.

Or is it about having nothing at all in common with my profile, the rules, the expectations, the conduct or the overall purpose?

Oh, we cannot forget about how you randomly go on hiatus for six to eight months at a time without notice; then resurface and reply to me without any such explanation, apology or mention, as if everything would just be peachy.

Seriously? Go away!
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ShyArrow8 1 月 前
I fell shy to talk to you and you got angry on me ☹️😭
Rochblue 版主 1 月 前
All welcome our latest Hall Of Shame inductees...





Rochblue 版主 2 月 前
All welcome our latest Hall Of Shame inductees...
moldybread 2 月 前
I would love to be added to your friends list... all respects to you... if you dont find me suitable, no hard feelings... I like your no nonsense attitude... peace...
Rochblue 版主 2 月 前
All welcome our latest Hall Of Shame inductees...


















Rochblue 版主 2 月 前
fiilpinolove : Hi, Jeff.  Thank you for the kind wishes.  That was very nice of you!  I hope your holidays are/were well!  I have been trying to contact you via PM for a while now, seemingly to no avail. Hmmm...
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fiilpinolove 2 月 前
Roch, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take care my friend and keep smiling, Jeff. 
Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
scams : Fair enough.  You'll now be put on block (literally the only person on that list, mind you). Congrats!  I get it.  You're a troll.  You have zero reputation to care about, being that your sole intent in creating a profile is purely for the sake of harassment and desperate attention. Well, bye bye.
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : Please do not tell me what to do, go eat a sandwich.
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Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
scams : Scams, please stop commenting on my profile wall. You're obviously trolling, adding nothing of value or purpose and flooding my wall with idiotic nonsense. My golden rule is that I don't block anyone, however, if you continue flooding me with trolling comments, I'll have no other choice but to block you for intentional harassment. Sure, my profile is open for view to the public. View all you like, but please stop commenting trash talk on my wall. Ball is in your court from here.
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scams 3 月 前
Like Rochblue dried up and fat?
scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : I knew you were  rejected in the real world, Have fun with your pen pals! lols! Do not eat them!
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : boring
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Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
Scams - "She is a big one a mighty mighty big one.". Right! Which is what "Body type: Large" means. It's funny how he tries to make fun of what I clearly admit I am. As for being a supposed 52 year-old, this mentality might have been in throughout the 70's, 80's and maybe the 90's. Reality check to the femenist movement: Society has not only accepted large women into what's socially "acceptable" and "naturally beautiful", but what used to be a "negative" in the distant past is now very much a favorable thing to most men out there, through evolution, time and social acceptance. Yeah, imagine that! I wouldn't lose z's over it. BBW is the modern day "norm", just as your gay/CD stuff is nowadays, and small corner "cliques" like yourself eventually vanish in time to the reality of modern day life, like every other low-life groups that once existed. You have one of two choices:
1 .) Accept modern day life and evolution as it is at face value (i.e.: BBW/large women/obesity).

2 .) Live in eternal misery for what you have no control in ever changing.
Being that scams is a troll in the first place, the latter option already seems to fit him well as it is. It's okay, though. A whole new generation is coming up with a whole different set of values and mentality. Old guys with old school mentality like this are quickly vanishing. Welcome to 2024.
Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
'scams' (literally his member name) - Our latest Hall of Shamer! Avoid him at all measures!
Merely a troll. The best and only way to weed out a troll is simply to put him on public blast, ignore him and disengage. I won't ever block. I intentionally leave his comments posted for all to view and to simply allow those very comments to self-incriminate himself by doing all of the work for me. Anyone with common sense and an ounce of decency can easily see he's rude, a jerk and merely a desperate troll looking for much-needed attention from his pathetic existence as a human being. With a member name of 'scams', do we even really need to question this guy's purpose, intent or reputation? You gotta love how he must have my page open at all times, refreshes it or has my name saved to keep looking me back up for updates/new comments, since my latest comment was posted to my own wall and wasn't linked to a reply chain of his. Also, you gotta love someone who "thumbs-up" his very own comments. All too funny! The life of a troll.
scams 3 月 前
She is a big one a mighty mighty big one.
scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : Look ho just because you are as large as a universe that does not make you one! lol
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : Are you a we now? Boring!
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : boring
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Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
scams : Look, the universe gets it!  You're a troll.  We understand that loud and clear.
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Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
scams : Ah yes, a follow-up with even more irony and self-incrimination. You gotta love it, folks!
Not sure what wasn't understood the first time around.
1 .) Not a "ho".

2 .) Yes I talk a lot, hence a writer/pen pal.

3 .) No, not single. Again, ironic because had you actually read what you accuse me of, your answer is written on profile more than one time.
And just for shits and giggles beyond your own incrimination, it's funny how you publicly celebrate your ignorance, lack of intelligence and stupidity with mockery, fabricated judgements, run-on sentences, lack of punctuation and shitty grammar (it's "you're" [you are]; not "your"). Only you advertise yourself as being foolish to your peers. Worse yet, you pounce on me and cannot even validate a legitimate reason. Don't like my profile? Fine! Move on. It's clear that we're not a match for one another.
Ladies and gentlemen, take notes on this joker, as he'll be forwarded to the local blog sections, blacklists and forums for his unnecessarily rude behavioral disorders. With a screen name of "scams"; what would anyone really expect from a troll such as he?

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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : boring
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : boring
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : boring
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scams 3 月 前
Rochblue : Wow ho you can talk a lot I bet your single
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Rochblue 版主 3 月 前
scams : Irony on so many levels here...
1 .) "Ho" - You've just self-incriminated yourself publicly to your friends and online peers. Congrats, a ned inductee to the public Hall of Shame boards, ladies and gentlemen! Ironic, being that if you actually read, the repercussion of your actions could have been totally avoided.
2 .) "A lot of reading" - umm, well duh!

a. ) What would you expect from someone who is a writer and a pen pal?

Vagueness? Short compositions? A lack of info?

b .) Might want to realize that the vast majority of explanations, rules, conduct and cooperation measures derive from imbeciles just like yourself. Hence, if people would simply read, respect, cooperate and act like mature adults in the first place, then women wouldn't have a need to add "a lot of reading" to your end of the spectrum, dummy!
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