Hung Max First Sexual Experience With a Man Could Be His Grandpa This Time By Max Magnummann™ ©2022 Read this. I only write things that I lived and went through sexually. For example my first sexual experience I was in my middle teens and a married Daddy with a mega uncut cock (could be my Grandpa) because he was 63 took me inside his BIG RIG and when he helped me to get up the big rig he was already hard. He told me not to be afraid because he wants only to eat my little butt and unload my cock with his mouth. The fucking real Dad who was a real masculine trucker ate my ass and sucked me o… 阅读更多内容
I have a thing for hairy arabs
Let me tell you about what happened 2 Days ago when I was on my way home with the subway in the middle of the day after doing some shopping at the mall. When I was on my way up the stairs someone was tapping me on the back. I turned around and behind me was a big dark haired guy whoasked me about the direction to an adress. i said that it was Close to where I live and I told him to walk with me so I could show him. I lit a cigarette and asked him if he wanted one as well and he said yes. I´m Swedish, masculine looking guy living in South of Stockholm, Sweden where there are lot of immigrants f… 阅读更多内容
The guy from Iraq
The first time I got a taste for men from the middle east was when I was 18 years old. I had a job but was asked to help out to teach language for immigrants as an extra income in the evenings. The money was needed, I had my first appartment and didn´t get very well paid at my daily job and the teaching was extra money at my place. My first client was a guy from Iraq, a man about 30 years of age rang on my door. Very masculine with a moustache and big with a great smile. I invited him in, served coffee and we sat down in the sofa and started the teaching. After an hour he asked me if I had a g… 阅读更多内容
Sexual activity on an aircraft carrier - Once.
004 – Assessment For James
I took a shower and freshened up and got my treatment table ready for James’s assessment and although I found it strange that Ellie had a young lad interested but I was happy to help out, she wouldn’t send anyone who wasn’t worthy of consideration so it was my job to tick the boxes and let Ellie have the ultimate decision. I decided to keep the white coat knowing that the examination would be intimate and was excited to use my skills on a young lad and by 2pm I was ready and waiting for the lad to arrive. James arrived shortly after and as I opened the door to him I was pleasantly surprised t… 阅读更多内容
A Mini Break In The Country
I decided I needed to get away for a few days and found this lovely little family run spa hotel in the middle of nowhere which from their website had all the amenities I needed to relax and chill out for a few days, it had a sauna, steam room and a hot tub in the health suite where clothes were optional and it also had a restaurant and bar, what more can a man need. I read the reviews which were outstanding and with it being a midweek break I was told it wouldn’t be busy so I paid my money and took a chance. It looked a very hands on place run by a couple and their daughter who ran the bar a… 阅读更多内容
Zur Hure erzogen 28
Ich war eine Sekunde lang wie erstarrt und konnte nicht glauben, was Kathi gesagt hatte. Da kniete meine Freundin auf allen Vieren, hatte ihren Mathelehrer am Hintern, sein Kolben noch in ihrer Dose, und ich saß da, die Hose um die Knöchel und den Dildo im Unterkörper, und jetzt das! „Na, komm schon, Carina, bevor er völlig vor Scham vergeht!“ rief Kathi lachend. Sie bewegte ihr Hinterteil genüsslich leicht auf und ab, spürte immer noch sein beachtliches Gerät in sich. Auch schlaff war er noch ziemlich groß, sie massierte ihn ein bisschen mit der Möse, fühlte ihn leicht zucken und pulsieren. S… 阅读更多内容
Meine ersten Erfahrungen
Ich war damals im zarten Alter von gerade einmal 15 Jahren und wie alle Jungs in diesem Alter war ich sehr neugierig. So kam es eines Nachmittags, dass ich bei meinem Freund war und wir den warmen Sommertag in dem Pool seiner Eltern genossen. Als er dann irgendwann aus dem Wasser stieg stand er genau vor mir und ich sah, dass er eine gewaltige Beule in der Hose hatte. Seine große Beule war mir schon oft aufgefallen, aber an diesem Tag schien sie noch um einiges größer zu sein als sonst. An diesem Tag nahm ich meinen Mut zusammen und fragte ihn, ob ich seinen Schwanz mal sehen dürfte. Ganz zu… 阅读更多内容
Special BBC Delivery Mine's Bigger
My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me play and cum hard on a big black dildo. He has bought me several and my collection is continually growin… 阅读更多内容
Zur Hure erzogen 15
Ich genoss den Urlaub. Den ganzen Tag über nackt zu sein fühlte sich gut an. Besonders gerne gingen wir an einen benachbarten Strand, der nicht zum FKK-Campingplatz gehörte. Dort herrschte freie Wahl der Badebekleidung und die meisten Leute trugen Badehosen bzw. Bikinis. Gerade darum war es für uns ein Kick, dort nackt anzutanzen und damit Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen – sowohl bei Männern als auch bei Frauen. Bei den Frauen hatte ich den Eindruck, dass sie zwar nicht verstanden, wie sich ein junges Ding wie ich so zur Schau stellen konnte, aber dass sie das wohl meiner Unerfahrenheit zuschrieben.… 阅读更多内容
Zur Hure erzogen 13
Als ich zum Bungalow zurückkam, saß meine Mutter sichtlich befriedigt und frisch geduscht im Liegestuhl. Wir erzählten uns unsere Erlebnisse. Sie hatte es mit dem einheimischen Senior getrieben, der sich als gar nicht mal schlechter Ficker herausgestellt hatte. Abends gingen wir in den nächsten Ort essen. Da das Lokal außerhalb des Campingplatzes lag, waren wir gezwungen uns was anzuziehen. Für Mamas Verhältnisse waren wir aber nicht besonders aufgebrezelt: kurze Sommerkleider und High-heels. Das reichte aber, um von zwei deutschen Urlaubern angesprochen zu werden. Sie waren Studenten und auf… 阅读更多内容
Habe diese Woche von einem geilen Fickbock eine Flasche mit seiner Bullenwixxe geschickt bekommen und als Zugabe zum sofortigen Verzehr und Auslutschen einen vollgerotzten Gummi. Kam dann beides erst mal in den Kühlschrank. Heute Morgen konnte ich dann nicht länger warten, hatte in der Nacht von dem Fickbullen geträumt. Er ist der Typ Kerl bei dem mir einer abgeht ohne dass ich meinen Schwanz auch nur berühre – bullig, stämmig mit Bauch, behaart, unten unrasiert, mit engen Schwanzringen, sodass die Adern am Schwanz hervortre… 阅读更多内容
The younger learning from the older
This is th role model we should all have growing up: No words need to be spoken, everyone knows their role. The older man eternally erect and with the patience needed to show the younger one how best to pleasure himself and each other. If only our society would allow such education for its boys and men, and celebrate such a cmong of age together.… 阅读更多内容
My first experiences.
My first gay experience happened while I was just in High School. An older co-worker invited me out to the movies. I honestly didn't think any thing of it, just seemed like a cool, normal nice guy. He was a big, heavy set black man with a big warm smile and I had no idea he was gay. I'll call him "E." The movie he wanted to go to was actually at a drive in theater and he asked if I wanted to drive. About 20 minutes into the movie we were watching and talking a little, I had no idea what was about to happen. As we watched he reached over and put his hand on my thigh. It was like he sent ele… 阅读更多内容
A boy’s lust filled start.
I was very young, but had already begun to touch, pleasure and explore my smooth body. Late at night, thoughts of sex consumed me. Lying there, naked in my bed, my hands would run up and down my body, imagining it was the hands of an experienced older man. My cock hard and throbbing, leaking a stream of clear, sticky pre cum, I would gently touch my tight asshole, wishing it was him caressing me. I would fantasize about having him suck me, his masculine nude body pressed against me. How I wondered what it would be like to touch his cock. To feel its weight and girth, to stroke him. My fantas… 阅读更多内容
Lover of Passionate Hot Breeding
Love Brown/Black Bulls Using & Breeding Me Fulfilling Their Need to Breed! Intense Passionate Breeding by Men Full of Testosterone & Baby Making Juice! FULL VIDEOS HERE - Raw, Unedited, Unfiltered KIK: @dabratmc (ANYONE INTERESTED TO BREED ANON/Discreet & Film Waist Down, Like This, PM. Based NEAR VICTORIA Stn. Discretion Assured! No Faces)… 阅读更多内容
Pt.8.(Roy and James),Getting to know Eachother.
"James,s Introduction to The Cali Gang". James pulled me to him giving me a kiss,"Thanks Roy for being you", giving my Buns a squeeze,pushing him away,"Let,s go James",getting the keys out of my jeans pocket,opening my CRV,car,we both climbed in,starting it up,we drove it off the driveway. We arrive at the stables,it took me about twenty minutes,the roads were fairly clear of traffic,as we drove into the yard,I see Mel and Niffer sat on the bench seat,outside of the stables office talking withTony W and brothers Mick & John. Niffer gives me a wave as I pull into a parking space,him getting… 阅读更多内容
Besuch im pornokino
war das erste mal im pornokino. War extrem Geil. Zuerst war ich sehr nervös aber nachdem ich die einzelnen Kinos durchgegangen bin setzt ich mich in einem etwas weiter hinten mit herunter gelassener Hose hin. Darauf kamen gleich zwei ältere Männer die nur mit Unterhose bekleidet waren zu mir. Der eine forderte mich auf ihn zu blasen dafür musste ich aufstehen da trat der zweite hinter mich habe gar nicht gesehen das der schon einen ziemlichen Ständer hatte. Er führte gleich zwei Finger in meine Arschfotze und hatte auch Gleitgel mit rein geschoben. Bis ich mich versah fickte er mich blank. Anf… 阅读更多内容
Business Trip Hotel Hook Up With STR8 Man
I was on a business trip to Denver where I stayed at a Marriott. Inside was a Brewpub that served OK beer. I could not sleep so I went down there around 10 PM. There was another guy there and I sat one chair away from him. He wasn't remarkable looking and, to be honest, I never really size a man up sexually unless I am man horny. He is about my height, with an athletic build, and blue eyes. Like me, he was married. Somehow we started talking about beer. Several beers later I found myself at a booth with him and being cautiously flirtatious. Just little things like catching his eye longer than… 阅读更多内容
Dr. Bigold
1 Ich hatte mich sterilisieren lassen und muss zur Nachuntersuchung wieder zu Dr. Bigold. Hose und Unterhose aus und ab auf die Liege, meine Beine auf die Stützen, der Arzt schnallt meine Knöchel an den Beinschalen fest. Ich fühle mich ausgeliefert. Er meint nur: sein Assistenzarzt würde die Nachuntersuchung durchführen. Ein ca. 30jähriger im weißen Kittel kommt in den Raum und zieht sich Handschuhe an und stellt sich rechts neben meine Hüfte. Ich hätte doch nichts dagegen. Bevor ich antworten kann greift seine linke Faust an meinen Schwanz und hält ihn senkrecht, seine Finger spielen Klavier… 阅读更多内容
Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 6.
Partway up the field George said,pulling his hand from my underpants & shorts,"Hang on Roy,Bend over",pulling my shorts & pants down off my Ass,"What the Fuck are you doing George,you,re not Fucking me here for everyone to see","Of cause i,m not,Roy,wanna lube your Hole,get you ready,now bend over",which I do,hearing George making grunting & snuffling noises in his nose & in his throat,next he spits,hitting my Boihole bang on centre,rubs his finger in it,i feel it,all slippy & slidey,he slips a finger into my Boihole making me moan,then he said,"Okay,Done,you can stand up n… 阅读更多内容
gudie to anal orgasms
Sborrillaz's Blog Guide to Anal Orgasms Since I still get asked a lot on how to do it, I’ll try to sum it up quickly for you guys :) DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and I realize that not everybody is built the same. What works for me does not necessarily have to work for you. I also realize that there’s a difference between milking your prostate and having an anal orgasm. Short explanation: Milking feels nice and ends with ejaculation while an anal orgasm explodes inside your body and doesn’t always mean you eject semen. STEP 1 Chastity. You don’t need a device to lock your penis away… 阅读更多内容
Three in one day
True Story: Let me tell you about the most exciting day of my life. I was particularly horny this day and was trolling all the hook up sites for dick. I wanted all the cock I could get. I had tentatively set up a meet with two regular guys I hook up with but I really needed a new cock to play with to satisfy this overwhelming urge. One of my regulars was a Daddy who loved to fuck my ass with his thick 7.5" cock. He never touched my cock just fucked the shit out of my ass until he bred me deep. I put him on the back burner because he was always available to me. The other regular was a youn… 阅读更多内容
Meine Sex-Geschichten
Liebe Leser und Liebe Freunde, ich möchte mich vielmals für die Kommentare bedanken, die (fast) alle recht positiv ausfallen. Ich habe noch einige Geschichten, die von XRMXX wohl nicht zensiert werden. Einige schon... leider. Ich finde, dass die Gedanken und Gefühle auch bei Männern eine wichtige Rolle spielen. So ist es leichter, sich in die Emotionen und in die Geilheit der Menschen hineinzuversetzten. So wird die Geilheit spürbar und miterlebbar, wenn ihr versteht, was ich meine... (zwinker - zwinker) Ich wünsche euch allen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und einen Guten Rutsch ins n… 阅读更多内容
Useful tips for gay people
1.Mixed Signals In Your Gay Relationship You Should Know. When you are looking for someone on a gay dating app for a relationship, you may find that there are so many single gay men sending you messages and express their interest in you. You should be smart to tell whether they are sincere or not. However, it is not easy to make a decision when most of them are nice to talk with. And due to those mixed signals that confuse you, you will have a hard time to distinguish who is the best partner for you. Here are some tricks to recognize those mixed signals some guys send to you on a gay h… 阅读更多内容
Popular gay apps:
1. Grindr - The Original Location-based Gay Dating App in This World. Grindr is the most popular dating app in this world, offering service to single gay men, bi people, trans and queer people. It is launched in the year of 2009, represented the very first location-based gay dating app in this market. It displays gay singles according to the location and allow them to meet, chat and connect with each other easily. According to the data it offers, this gay hookup app has spread to almost 200 countries across the world and has attracted more than 6 million real users to look for partners… 阅读更多内容