You're gonna go through, there's no turning back Holding your breat, life fading to black Flashing before your eyes, memories of the past Denying the love, that would always last They really don't know, how much they cared Until you are dead, remembering memories shared Feeling the pain, and questioning living Taking their lives, when they need to be giving Wishing they had spent more time with you Never saw it coming, it seemed so untrue Open your eyes, exhale, breathe, sigh Step back into reality, it's not your turn to die Copyright 2012 Sienna Grace… 阅读更多内容
Why you don't see any new pictures or videos.
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well =D I've been trying to put this off for a few months now, and I just don't know how to deal with it anymore. I would absolutely love more than anything to be camming, making new videos, and taking more photographs for you...but I can't give a specific date as to when I will be able to cam again and I apologize. I have Psoriasis and I get little red spots all over my body. It comes and goes whenever it wants, usually it is gone by summer, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I am extremely self conscious of my condition, even though it is not contagiou… 阅读更多内容
Boyfriend/ Husband wanted <3
Currently seeking husband I do have a few requirements. 1. Must NEVER hurt me physically or emotionally. Not many people get the chance to be with me. 2. Must live near the beach in Southern California. 3. I don't care if you're rich or not, I'm not looking for a sugardaddy, but you must assure me that I will never have to worry about bills again. They're a huge stress in my life and affect my personality/mental health severely. I'm not lazy, I'm still going to work a normal career like everyone else. 4. Must have a fun, relaxed, and interesting personality. 5. I like to talk a lot,… 阅读更多内容