<span style="color:#000000">Flight arrived Tokyo on time early Friday afternoon. It was not difficult for the 2 Italian gentlemen to find me in the crowded airport arrival lobby as we had already known each other in x-Hamster blogs. Reto is a middle aged gentleman with moustache and another tall young handsome single lad is Roberto, both are my very important business partners and at the same time, personal friends of mine from Italy ,did not seem tired at all even after a long 13 hours flight or their first visit to Japan. Supposed to come only one day before Monday business meeting, my… 阅读更多内容
Delicious Creamed Peachpie Tasting by 2 Italian Bo
<span style="color:#000000">Flight arrived Tokyo on time early Friday afternoon. It was not difficult for the 2 Italian gentlemen to find me in the crowded airport arrival lobby as we had already known each other in x-Hamster blogs. Reto is a middle aged gentleman with moustache and another tall young handsome single lad is Roberto, both are my very important business partners and at the same time, personal friends of mine from Italy ,did not seem tired at all even after a long 13 hours flight or their first visit to Japan. Supposed to come only one day before Monday business meeting, my… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie After Italian Typhoon
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/20131025174425a49.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/20131025174425a49.jpg" alt="IMGP0546 (2)-1" border="0" width="369" height="342" /></a> <span style="color:#000000"><strong>Creampied Peachpie (Read Story Below)</strong></span>… 阅读更多内容
Delicious Creamed Peachpie Tasting by 2 Italian Bo
<span style="color:#000000">Flight arrived Tokyo on time early Friday afternoon. It was not difficult for the 2 Italian gentlemen to find me in the crowded airport arrival lobby as we had already known each other in x-Hamster blogs. Reto is a middle aged gentleman with moustache and another tall young handsome single lad is Roberto, both are my very important business partners and at the same time, personal friends of mine from Italy ,did not seem tired at all even after a long 13 hours flight or their first visit to Japan. Supposed to come only one day before Monday business meeting, my… 阅读更多内容
Morning Glory (from Peachpie's Japanese HP)
Thursday,17 October 2013 <a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/IMG_20131013_134229.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/IMG_20131013_134229.jpg" alt="IMG_20131013_134229.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="966" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie's Autumn Fashion Show
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/1380947289UBmo8R8mEXKk22S1380947283.gif/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/1380947289UBmo8R8mEXKk22S1380947283.gif" alt="1380947289UBmo8R8mEXKk22S1380947283.gif" border="0" width="468" height="260" /></a> This gif image will be deleted when video version is up.… 阅读更多内容
Naughty Peachpie is Back to School
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/IMGP2434.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/IMGP2434.jpg" alt="IMGP2434.jpg" border="0" width="468" height="624" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Hi, horny gentlemen, naughty ladies
I will be on hiking holiday from 21Sep. to 28th. If I could, I would try to answer from mountain top, but please do not expect prompt reply. Until my slope down to surface, please enjoy my vids/pix one more time. <a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/IMGP1560.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/IMGP1560.jpg" alt="IMGP1560.jpg" border="0" width="468" height="351" /></a> Good behaving boys and girls could expect Peachpie's new fresh uploads then. Take care! From Pai-chan, your Japanese GF.… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie on SALE
<strong>Are You Interested in Buying Naughty Peachpie's Videos/Photos? 19 titles, <span style="color:#0000FF">some free to max.¥600</span>(Japanese Yen) downloadables. <span style="color:#FF0000">Click below</span> to find out your favourite Peachpie in Japanese High School Gurile mini-skirt, Lingerie, French Maid, Nurse Uniform Strip Tease.</strong> <a href="http://gcolle.net/product_info.php/products_id/256389" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.gcolle.net/uploader/11322/23db962c-91c1-4782-895b-255a1c36ebf0.png" border="0" alt="Erotic Tuck Pussy Peach Pie, Japanese Cross Dresser" tit… 阅读更多内容
Thanks for 30,000 clicks (Japanese Home Page)
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/201212011058398c0-1.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/201212011058398c0-1.jpg" alt="201212011058398c0-1.jpg" border="0" width="468" height="320" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Autumn Cumming
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/greengirl009-1.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/greengirl009-1.jpg" alt="greengirl009-1.jpg" border="0" width="780" height="463" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie Today: Japanese CD Peachpie's HP
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/2013091115044221e.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/2013091115044221e.jpg" alt="スナップショット91-1" border="0" width="800" height="710" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie Today: Japanese CD Peachpie's HP
<span style="font-size:large;"><span style="font-size:large;"><span style="color:#ff0000">S</span><span style="color:#ff00ff">t</span><span style="color:#0000ff">r</span><span style="color:#0066ff">i</span><span style="color:#ff6666">p</span></span></span> <aref="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/IMGP0219-1.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/IMGP0219-1.jpg" alt="IMGP0219-1.jpg" border="0" width="800" height="229" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie Today: Japanese CD Peachpie's HP
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/1315-2.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/1315-2.jpg" alt="1315-2.jpg" border="0" width="800" height="700" /></a> <script src="http://static.fc2.com/video/js/outerplayer.min.js" url="http://video.fc2.com/ja/a/content/20130616wE1Rp9SD/" tk="TmpVeU9EZ3pNRGc9" tl="タックプッシー女装子ピーチパイ vol.83" sj="31000" d="65" w="800" h="657" charset="UTF-8"></script>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie Today: Japanese CD Peachpie's HP
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/IMGP0532-1.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/IMGP0532-1.jpg" alt="IMGP0532-1.jpg" border="0" width="800" height="699" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
Peachpie Today: Japanese CD Peachpie's HP
<a href="http://skbjkjsk.blog.fc2.com/img/autumn016-1.jpg/" target="_blank"><img src="http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/s/k/b/skbjkjsk/autumn016-1.jpg" alt="autumn016-1.jpg" border="0" width="800" height="738" /></a>… 阅读更多内容
FC2 Movie Sample:Honto Chotto Dake Yon
<script src="http://static.fc2.com/video/js/outerplayer.min.js" url="http://video.fc2.com/ja/a/content/20130204qzdCPz5p/" tk="TmpVeU9EZ3pNRGc9" tl="Honto Chotto Dake Yon" sj="30" d="25" w="800" h="507" charset="UTF-8"></script>… 阅读更多内容