Aimeeparadise和Peter Stone:约会的真实故事,由他们自己讲述(彼得·斯通 - “裸体真理,或pms-2)
5,563 95%
(Video version of the audiobook) It's not enough for these hot Russian guys to frankly and passionately fuck on camera! They also write books, and also have their own quite popular music project called "Aimee Hot MILF" (available on all the usual digital music platforms). Today you are offered one of the chapters of their book "The Naked Truth, or PMS" ... Unfortunately, so far only in Russian, but this will be corrected soon)) If someone has a desire to translate this into English, we will be extremely grateful)))
Сексуальное ограничение всегда идет рука об руку с определенной трусливостью и осторожностью,
между тем как бесстрашие и отвага связаны со свободным удовлетворением сексуальной потребности.
Зигмунд Фрейд.
Целомудрие - самое неестественное из всех сексуальных извращений.
Обувь с хаксли.