第6集:战斗仍在继续 - 半恶魔 shinobi (Half-Demon Shinobi)
674 100%
无情的战斗肆虐,考验着马纳里和宫古地的力量和复原力。尽管困难重重,但他们奋力拼搏,取得了胜利,被殴打,但仍然站着。在他们的旅程中,他们偶然发现了传奇的命运之树——一个神秘的实体,据说可以赋予那些被认为有价值的人巨大的力量。当他们接近时,树给他们一个罕见而强大的卷轴,一个可以扭转战斗的潮流,有利于他们。 然而,他们的审判远没有结束。更多的恶恶者出现了,决心剥夺他们新发现的优势。但随着每一场战斗,马纳里都变得越来越强大,她的技能锐化,她的决心牢不可破。每一次胜利都为她火上浇油,推动她更接近等待他们的最终摊牌。
24 天 前
Hey guys, what's going on? Andra here. Welcome back to another gameplay of Half Demon Shinobi
Episode 6. Alright, so let's just try to click on this part right here.
And let's see what kind of monster we're up against with. There we go.
Okay, so North Wind. So, let's see. This monster is not really scary. But anyway, Freezing Gust.
Each ****** has a 30% chance to apply Frozen +1. What does that mean? Well, I don't know.
自 Adult Games by Andrae