EP8: Manari VS Demon of Lust 之间的战斗 - Half-Demon Shinobi
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一波又一波的无情战斗将 Manari 和 Miyakoji 推向了极限。就在他们以为自己可以喘口气的时候,恶魔终于出现了,她诱人的气息中散发着压倒性的欲望。玛纳里知道这是她的机会——她必须一劳永逸地结束情欲恶魔。 嫉妒心怒火中,恶魔对 Manari 嗤之以鼻。“你一直把宫古路全都留给自己,用他的精华变得更强大,”她嘲讽道。“我想轮到我沉迷于他美味的鸡巴了。”但 Manari 拒绝屈服,坚持自己的立场。她不打算让恶魔得逞。 接下来是一场激烈而凶猛的意志与力量之战。恶魔拼命战斗,她对快乐的渴望驱使着她的一举一动。但 Manari 被自己的决心和新发现的力量所推动。最后一击,她将恶魔封印回自己体内,夺回了她碎片化的灵魂的另一部分。
Video Transcription
Hey guys, what's going on? Andre here. Welcome back to another gameplay of Half-Demon Shinobi
Episode 8. Oh, okay, so we're just gonna go... maybe it seems like this is a new one right here.
I'm guessing, but we're gonna try this one out. There we go. Let's see what's in the bath.
The battle in the bath. Oh, it's not really in the bath. Okay. After a successful dodge,
the next ****** deals double damage. Okay, the vulnerable effects on both self and players are