Gator 322
65,641 98%
Hello, they want what? I wouldn't pay that much for my mother to star in The Last Supper.
I couldn't possibly see on my schedule until next week.
I'm just booked up.
gentlemen. Oh, hello CB. Hi CB. Well what story ideas do you have for me today? We have some great things. We've been going over scripts. We have some of the best things there are for you. I think I've got a real winner CB. I've got this script from a guy named Willie Shakespeare. It's got historical importance. It's all about Julius Caesar, that great emperor and that beautiful Cleopatra. We can shoot it over in Egypt, get him coming down the Nile, shoot him at the pyramid, the whole bit. And the high point of the picture can be how Caesar and Cleopatra get together.
Caesar gets a gift from Cleopatra, a rug rolled up and when he unrolls it, guess who's inside but *********** Cleopatra. I don't think you can miss. It's great CB.