至 isalicous : I’ve seen the rest! He get going faster and harder until it’s brutal, all the while getting louder and louder yelling at her one word with each stroke “I’m gonna Fuck u up the ass!” Or something along those lines. She gets louder and louder too, I mean that’s a lot of dick up the ass and he got to hittin it HARD. So he’s fucking and yelling and she’s screaming and as he’s cumming he grabs her by the throat and is right up in her face yelling “u gonna take it up the ass bitch! Shut up bitch!!) and that’s the end. It’s a fabulous clip!!!
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至 VirginiaS : you are watching too much porn, it does not happen more and more like you say, you are getting blind, turning into a chronic masturbator
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Great anal sex, I love the way is holding her in just the right position for him to fuck her asshole.