lass uns doch gemeinsam mit ihr spass haben ... geteilter spass ist doppelter spass
"I am so embarrassed and drunk too!" "Good, that was my plan honey." "What plan?" "Anyway, wow Larry, or should I call you Lexi? You look amazing dressed up as a girl." "I guess. I still can't believe Tech lost that football game." "Well, they did honey. C'mon, let's go." "WHAT?! Go where?" "The Bull Pen." "WHAT?! That all black club on Stevens Street?! We are not going there, or anywhere for that matter with me dressed up like this!" "Oh honey, don't be so silly. We're not going in, you are!" "What? What do you mean?" "I'm dropping you off." "WHAT?! WHY?!" "Listen Lexi, a bet's a bet and you lost the bet honey. In fact, you even made the bet. C'mon, let's go." "But..." "Yup, your tight little white butts gonna be really busy, your sexy little mouth too. After the game, I called and booked one of the VIP rooms and told them it's your 35th birthday today. They said they would make sure at least 35 super hung black Daddy's would 'keep you company all night tonight'." "But I'm only 18. Wait, OH...MY...GOD!" "That's funny Lexi, they said they would send you right to heaven, over and over!"