The rain stopped (outside).
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. So, I was off this Wednesday and Thursday. Visited with the neighbors alll day, off and on. Slept in late. Got some alone time today. I would say that, that is what I missed the most. Having some time to myself. How many days did I sit here and say, If only I could have 5 minutes to myself? Well, i guess i have all the time in the world now. It's so strange being here all by myself. I'm not scared to be alone, just got used to him being here I guess. I mean who wants someone there criticizing them all the time ? But I know it was for the best, just wish it didn;t hurt so much. Yes, I'm trying to be strong. This day will pass. I know that things will get better. I have to remember that, I cannot control what other people do or say. I can only control myself. I see that the sun is shining outside. Just one day at a time.
4 年 前