Well Hello! I am back with great news! Julie finally got what she wanted and I didn't even have to go looking for it. He came right to me. New neighbor has become the new FWB. I went looking for him with some excuse to hang out. Wasn't really sure what would happen. On the second day he mentioned in a text 'after' hanging out again how he liked older women, and yada, yada, yada. Do I think I might want to. I'm like, Yes, I wanna fuck! So, we fuck and fuck some more. I love it! I love how my pussy is sore from all the big black cock I've been getting. Fucking and sucking. Mmmm, I love when it… 阅读更多内容
Ready to make a new fwb
I have been single for the last 8 months and am ready to see who may be out there for a new friendship. I am not looking for anything serious at the moment. Message me to see what could happen. I work at night and I also go to school. No kids, no exes to worry about.… 阅读更多内容
The things I get myself into
I am often in a self given good mood. Today a little more than most. I was so horny, feeling good and watching porn. I was naked on the bed just hoping , praying, one of my MANY black neighbors would knock on the door. I told my dude, you better hope no one knocks on that door, cuz I'm ready to suck and fuck some black cock. Any cock. But I only want what's gonna fill me up. I love to tell that BBC just how much I love BIG BLACK COCK.i love to tell him, beat that pussy up, hurt my pussy. Make it sore. Oh, and I love to talk shit. My pussy isn't hurting yet. My toys just ain't doing it for me a… 阅读更多内容
My unusual road into the lifestyle I've dream
So I have always loved sex. I've always thought I would have been a great porn star. And I've said this before, I'll say it again, I do have a few shy bones. I've had to push myself to get past that. I've always wanted a piece of the pie, that they call the sex industry. So here I am, showing my most intimate and "private " of parts. When I started my Xhamster profile this was never the idea. I've always enjoyed taking pictures. But it took on a whole new life once I began posting my pictures here. All of you seemed to enjoy them as well. And there was never a shortage of the fans wanting to s… 阅读更多内容
Hello, sharing a few of the lasted and greatest!!!
In need of new ideas, if anybody would like to share their thoughts. A theme, an outfit. A phrase.to add. https://photos.app.goo.gl/BUbJ4DAoUVR67Gqi7… 阅读更多内容
New pics for the new year.
Some are not that "new" so to speak, these are just some of my faves from the last few months. Hope everyone enjoys them. Jewels https://photos.app.goo.gl/eDcKWo4BDr7bfLSw5… 阅读更多内容
My first post on XRMXX, gosh so long ago
My first time ( not what you might be thinking) So, I'm here a few days ago watching videos and wat not with the hubby. Having a few drinks, you know getting frisky. Well, ladies you know there's no shortage of men who want to video chat. I have always declined in the past but idk, that day was the day I was feeling a bit more inclined. Trust me people, I'm very sexual and just ask the hubby, always in the mood, so no shortage there. I had never video chatted before, not even face time with friends and family. So, to say the least I was a little unsure. Of course I had to OK it with the hub… 阅读更多内容
Original Hamster Gallery
These are the pictures to the gallery I've worked so hard on. For all off you who enjoyed my pictures. If it wasn't for the first compliment, it would have never gotten so big. Thank you everyone https://photos.app.goo.gl/9J5JCuSCQu7B3w59A… 阅读更多内容
New Link..New Pics
Again, I do not like to disappoint. If any one ever had any ideas for some new poses or themes for my pics, please let me know https://photos.app.goo.gl/a8WMbzi6SKN7kTrd6… 阅读更多内容
For my fans..
I have not been able to upload photos for quite a while. And I am a pleaser I hate to disappoint. I cannot be selfish and keep the pictures to myself. so here's a gift to all of you who take time. kisses<div>XOXOXO</div><div> https://photos.app.goo.gl/fNPu9VkmESEJNZcZ8 </div>… 阅读更多内容
An experiment
https://photos.app.goo.gl/WJLEsTf1mD6aK4Rp8 i was wondering if I could share pics this way. I like to keep my admirers happy. Someone let me know.… 阅读更多内容
He's toying with me, why?
So, last night I'm at work and the S.O.B. is outside in the parking lot. There are 100+ other places he could have gone. So why, why does he have to go to where I am? I'll share a little history. We have worked together for the last 4 years. ( For this reason I never understood the accusations about me cheating. We were together 24 hours a day. When would I have found the time? Especially if you factor in that I was not allowed to go anywhere by myself). I didn't feel threatened but mad as hell. It's like, haven't you done enough? You have to still come around to my place of employment and mak… 阅读更多内容
One day at a time
Hope everyone is doing well! I often feel that each new day is a challenge. I'm never sure how I will feel when I wake up. Sad, glad, mad? I always hope for a good day. I don't know how long it will take me to be over this and stop thinking about the past. I hate thinking, what could I have done different? Or how could I have made things better? I realize that I have to stop blaming myself. I cannot take the blame for another persons insecurities.The past is the past and nothing can change it. I know there's a lesson here somewhere! I'll have to get back with you on that. I just know that, I c… 阅读更多内容
Why am i still crying?
I'm not sure what the deal is here but I found myself balling like a baby earlier today. Why? Yea, sure I'm being as strong as I can be. It's not so much the break-up. It's knowing that he wanted to hurt me intentionally. He did all he could to make me miserable. He could not give us a clean break. He had to be mean and nasty. He resorted to name calling and so forth. He hurt me. How can a person do that to someone they were supposed to have loved? All I ever did was put up with his crap and try to do all he asked of me. Even though everything was always my fault. I suffered with him and he ma… 阅读更多内容
The rain stopped (outside).
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. So, I was off this Wednesday and Thursday. Visited with the neighbors alll day, off and on. Slept in late. Got some alone time today. I would say that, that is what I missed the most. Having some time to myself. How many days did I sit here and say, If only I could have 5 minutes to myself? Well, i guess i have all the time in the world now. It's so strange being here all by myself. I'm not scared to be alone, just got used to him being here I guess. I mean who wants someone there criticizing them all the time ? But I know it was for the best, just… 阅读更多内容
Tuesday June 21, 2020. Lets see, a drank little too much, stayed up a little too late, reminds me of happy times enjoying my youth! Of all things. Finally made some phone calls I needed to make, e-mails that needed to be sent. Turns out I can't do anything to the man that did EVERYTHING to me. I'll tell you what, I am a firm believer that everything comes back to us in this world. Karma is a MF. I know I did all I could and I will, eventually, sleep good knowing that. I have since gotten rid of whatever belongings he may have left but i have tons of pictures. Oh, the pictures. Little by little… 阅读更多内容
Getting back into the swing of things
Went back to work Sun, after all, I can't keep staying in bed. I took almost 2 weeks off. Cried and wallowed in my sorrow for 3-4 days. Trying my hardest not to be sober. I had to get out of here already! Well, that was 2 weeks ago. I feel stronger and hopeful that things will get better. I know that they will. Sometimes something will remind me of him and well, unfortunately, a few tears come. That's natural and well, at least its not All Day now!… 阅读更多内容
Could I be the only one that feels this way?
Have you ever had that feeling where you feel you give and give til you just can't give anymore? I have felt like that for quit some time. Now that he's gone and I'm left here to pick up the pieces, I find that I'm still giving. Giving more than I care to give. Tears to a person who doesn't deserve them.I gave everything, while he gave nothing.… 阅读更多内容