Don't read this

I value experiences above all else I tend to steer clear of strict doctrines and principles. Because of my innate intuition, I have a high level of trust in my own morality and inner self. I'm driven to connect with the ultimate reality, I feel it must be on a deeply personal basis that can only be achieved through my own experiences. I still turn to others for perspective and opinions, however, these are not my main and only source of truth.
I question existence
Why am I here? Why are we all here? These are common questions that haunt a my mind. While I have the ability to see the connected strings, it does not mean that I'm able to fully comprehend how the universe works and why. I have a natural curiosity about the physical and spiritual I'm comfortable with uncertainty
I understand that there is a plan behind Every Action In The Universe, I therefore trust that every action has purpose, even if I don’t know what is next. I trust in myselve and my connection to the universe that I will be able to interpret and act accordingly. I'm naturally curious, I have no driving desire to force my future.
I value intuition
I rely on knowledge, language, and physical senses the same as you. However, intuitive perceptions offer a deeper form of insight. I trust in my own intuition and value similar intuitive traits in I'm uncomfortable with spiritual hierarchies
Tenuous rituals or traditions have no place in the world of spirituality. I do not believe that there is only one path or correct way to experience divinity. While not everyone will experience my reality, I understand that every person has a unique and impenetrable perception of life, and therefore the ability to experience a unique divinity.I have your own set of rules I feel a connection to every living thing and therefore are able to look beyond what may be socially accepted. I have an innate trust in their own morality and intuition and I'm guided by my experience, rather than leaders or society. This can often make me spiritual sometimes political outcast.I value my internal growth rituals and traditions are meant to trigger internal insight and transformation, not to appease a higher power. This is another reason why I feel uncomfortable with structured religions. I feel that personal growth toward the universe’s ultimate plan must come from within. It cannot be dictated or ordered. I feel a responsibility to help others to find their way, however, I cannot tell them what is right and wrong.I believe I'm only a conduit for power, not the source
I possess an understanding that every living thing must come and go and that in the grand scheme, I'm simply one wave in an ocean. Because I connection in some way with everyone and everything, I'm more concerned with the understanding and emotion more than with insights into the universe as it is borrowed gift bestowed upon me by something greater than myself. I believe love is the source of life I believe that love powers everything. The people and experiences that we love in our own existence are merely a small reflection of a larger, all-encompassing love. Love is not something that originates in you, rather it is something that flows through you and every other being. I don’t know everything
And I don’t think I know everything. I acknowledge that the universe is infinite and mysterious and is far too complex for the human mind to fully comprehend I enjoy reaching out, learning new things and hearing new perspectives. I trust in the universe’s plan and see my journey as one of understanding.
发布者 cooltow
4 年 前
kim_possible 4 年 前
cooltow : You'll always be my dear Pebbles
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cooltow 出版商 4 年 前
cooltow : My beautiful spirit Boo boo I'm so lucky to have you as my friend
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cooltow 出版商 4 年 前
kim_possible : Thank youmy boo
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kim_possible 4 年 前
We all have our journeys, and when we're fortunate we meet a beautiful soul like yours along the way. 
nyhorntoad 4 年 前
I'm assuming you were in a deep reflective space/mood which motivated you take the time to put this "to paper".  Hopefully it was a fulfilling journey and not one that lead to deeper, darker corners of this vast and unknown universe!  
ShamelessPerv 4 年 前
You've captured the difference between living and merely existing.  On the surface one can have a good life by passively accepting and remaining glued to norms and rituals.  For many, that is all they want or need and that's fine.  Others struggle with conforming to the former or taking a chance on exploring more.  Still others reject acceptance and conformity entirely. I think the journey of living involves flowing through all of those positions,  sometimes being rigid and sometimes rebelling, but always maintaining a sense of awareness and a willingness to explore what's different. 
ShamelessPerv 4 年 前
Of course I read this.  How would I gain first-hand knowledge and assess it through the lens of experience and intuition otherwise?