After a few weeks of studying my ass off. I can say I’m certified in Inpatient Obstetric Nursing more letters to go after my name !!! I said I wasn't going to do that any more. I’m an RNC-OB I just got a phone call from a very dear friend that called to congratulate me. I guess I would have found out in the morning when I checked the board.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 8

Deer in the headlights

Today I have six new student nurses they finally made it to their last round of clinicals surg/ med I always love the look on their face when I tell him that half of them will wash out which is not true I just like to see the deer in the headlight look did I get… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 5

Here's to

To the nurse who knows there are no more ventilators left and their patient will die by morning. To the nurse who was fired for wearing their own mask. To the nurse who has been told they’ll be written up for not adhering to hospital policy. To the nurse who catches a glimpse of the freezer truck parked out back that is being used as morgue overflow. To the nurse who has been told they can trust policy because it’s based on, “CDC guidelines.” To the nurse who has worked 4, 5, 6, 7 consecutive, 12 hour shifts. To the nurse who is supposed to get married soon. To the nurse who has a spo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 9

people’s entitlement

So I was between codes on a multi-code patient, and one of my other patients happens to walk out of her room, past all of the hallway patients, past the code room that is extending its chaos into the hall, and tells me “Bye, I’m going to another hospital. Nobody is paying attention to me here.”Keep in mind. This lady has only been here for an hour and a half, and I specifically drew her blood an hour ago and said “I have to go to an emergency. Either I or the doctor will be back in 1-2 hours when your results come back. Hit the call light if you need anything.”it was “Alright. Let me… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 7

people’s entitlemen

So I was between codes on a multi-code patient, and one of my other patients happens to walk out of her room, past all of the hallway patients, past the code room that is extending its chaos into the hall, and tells me “Bye, I’m going to another hospital. Nobody is paying attention to me here.”Keep in mind. This lady has only been here for an hour and a half, and I specifically drew her blood an hour ago and said “I have to go to an emergency. Either I or the doctor will be back in 1-2 hours when your results come back. Hit the call light if you need anything.”it was “Alright. Let me… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前

A year ago

My co-workers 18 month old little girl was tragically killed. She was gone, we all knew she was gone when we started. But we did everything in our power to change that, and to bring that sweet girl back. We weren't successful, and I will never be okay with that. I've learned to accept defeat in this job. My husband had always told me "you can't save everyone," and for the most part, I've come to terms with that. But not her. I won't ever come to terms with losing her.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 3


Okay so I’ve been obsessed with preventing this little sticker from falling off of my badge because the story behind the Little girl that gave it to me makes me so melty inside!! (Guys, I was working the ER You give k**dos stickers and they forgive you all your missteps against them, like, y’know, looking in their mouth or ears or giving them shots. But if a k**do gives you stickers, you should celebrate it as something truly wonderful.) On my last low-acuity shift, I was blessed with a bunch of procedures to do (sometimes I feel like I could apply splints and suture lacs all day every day f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 4

Don't read this

I value experiences above all else I tend to steer clear of strict doctrines and principles. Because of my innate intuition, I have a high level of trust in my own morality and inner self. I'm driven to connect with the ultimate reality, I feel it must be on a deeply personal basis that can only be achieved through my own experiences. I still turn to others for perspective and opinions, however, these are not my main and only source of truth. I question existence Why am I here? Why are we all here? These are common questions that haunt a my mind. While I have the ability to see the connected s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 7


Am an OR nurse and when I work in main OR I am love the PACU nurses. They know their SHIT. Mostly older nurses who want a slower paced environment but god damn those were some good nurses.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 3


Wal-Mart is just asking you to wear a mask. You can still wear your pajamas and leave your bras at home.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 4 年 前 1

New grad

"Hi.. I’m a new grad & have only been working 6 months now. I hate to sound like I’m complaining or ungrateful... but is it bad that I’m starting to hate my job? It’s kind of affecting my health as well. I’m on a med surg floor and the way the patients talk to me. I was sexually harassed & im just overall getting frustrated with my job. I love nursing but.. it’s bringing me no joy & it saddens me because I can’t picture myself doing anything else. Any advice? Sorry to bother you." "Hi there!!! Not a bother at all!!! Sorry this response is delayed. I have not been checking this la… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 5 年 前 2

The fear of Blood

We are a week and a half in to classes and a third of this class will fell 36 student all LPN that hope to be RN all early teens and twenties and a third will not pass the NCLEX-RN Exam. My smartest student has a fear of blood really you want to be a RN. I took her into surgery this afternoon a gunshot wound maybe I should started with something simpler appendectomy or maybe Cesarean but no I pick Laparotomy abdominal surgery that involves a gunshot wound Fuck thats way I learn, so I put her on the back line all you should have to do is watch and learn. Very quickly I saw this wasn't going wor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 5 年 前 11


Hi friends, recently I’ve had a number of people ask about my job. Many of you may not know exactly what I do so I’m here to give you some insight into my work life. First of all, I’m a nurse. More specifically, I’m an OR nurse and I work in surgery. At times it can be very slow, cold and lonely; other times stressful and fast paced, but I try to keep it fun and exciting! We work hard and play harder. The only thing I would change about my job is the early starts. My alarm usually goes off around 4:30am and I may or may not hit snooze 1……or 5 times. But it’s something new and different every d… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 5 年 前 6


I took all the bad stuff back. I work with some great nurses. We had a win Saturday night… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 5 年 前 4

The first day

I'm now the nurse coordinator for Women and c***dren My first day at work was happy my first business was not "Oh you wear scrubs" "Yes I'm a nurse" "The last coordinator didn't wear scrubs"' "And your point is?" "So you're a nurse" "No I m your boss" Can I have tomorrow off?" " Why?" " I just a day" "You need PTO day?" "I don't any PTO time" as I pull up her file "You been off how many days in the last ninety days?" "I none sure six or seven days" "Are you burning out" "No ...No, I love being a nurse" " You didn't answer the question" "Yes it's so hard, They say you're some kind of a superst… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 6

The run

I was running on the beach today it's 10 o'clock and this guy meets me flags me down. What are doing? I was running, No I mean later, well I sleep till 12, have a bloody mary, and then go shopping. No, that's not I meant what do you do every day? I sleep till 12, have a bloody mary, and then go shopping. He didn't ask for my number… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 6


I sure hope he can see this from heaven. I have not forgotten you. I could never forget you. Sometimes it's just easier not to say anything or think at all. Four years ago you were laid to rest. As I sit here silently and look at this beautiful Christmas tree, I know you are here with me. We decorated it today on our sons birthday as it has been our birthday present to him since the beginning. We sure did miss your presence, and I would give anything to see you just one more time. But that would never be enough. I love you and miss you my very best friend and partner in life. Until we meet ag… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 6


"Are you crazy! Why do you put up with this? I'm done." This is the response I have gotten from many nurses after their first 3 months in the OR. Operating Room nursing is not for everyone. The hours can be grueling, the stress overwhelming and the work exhausting. Why then do I love it so much? Am I crazy? OK, maybe a little...it's kind of prerequisite for working in an OR. Exhaustion becomes a way of life. You learn to eat when you can, drink when you can, sleep when you can and go to the bathroom when the opportunity arises. You get stuck in a little room with 3-5 other strong personaliti… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 3


I have a bitch. In surgery, We are required to wear Clogs, OK I get it. Floor nurse has always been allowed freedom to wear footwear of their liking. No longer, As of the new year, the perceived footwear is "Skechers Health Care Pro" really! Do you spend 12 on your feet? Your going to pick their shoes… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 8

You saved me

You were 25 and collapsed while working at Home Depot garden center. You were dying in front of me. I worked my ass off to keep you alive until the ambulance arrived. You have no idea who I am. I visit Home Depot during my dark times... you're a reminder that I can do it. You saved me too… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cooltow 6 年 前 5