I do not miss sex, really.
For the few that reads my posts. My sex drive is way gone, so I won't be showing up here much. I'll just let my page stay idle, to see where this sex drive thing goes.
I kind of enjoy it, tho. I feel calm and my mood is so much better. I do not miss sex really, and no wonder, since the drive isn't there. I feel less bitter for not having much of a sex life, and I also feel less bitter for looking as disgusting as I do, since sex rarely is on my mind. No need to miss something that I rarely get, and when I get it feeling so selfconcious that I can't really enjoy it much anyway.
The societal pressure on sex is insane, really.
The abscence of the drive is...somewhat of a relief and I don't go around moping, so my significant other have to feel my bitterness. I think we've gotten "scared" of each other, since we rarely have sex. It just feels strange getting close in that kind of way. We kiss and hug, but the thought of going further makes /made me so stressed I wanted to cry, for real. And I rarely feel/felt at peace enough (without medication) to relax enough and thus get the chance to feel horny. Often the days goes by so fast, at such a pace that sex feels like being lazy, spending time on something that we do not have time for.
I briefly feel almost horny, but nah...Tried masturbating, but I just get tired, yawning, losing focus and rather watch a movie or sleep. I feel indifferent. At least I know why. But I rather feel less anxiety and depression. That's for sure.
So that was a little update from me. Merry christmas guys!
I kind of enjoy it, tho. I feel calm and my mood is so much better. I do not miss sex really, and no wonder, since the drive isn't there. I feel less bitter for not having much of a sex life, and I also feel less bitter for looking as disgusting as I do, since sex rarely is on my mind. No need to miss something that I rarely get, and when I get it feeling so selfconcious that I can't really enjoy it much anyway.
The societal pressure on sex is insane, really.
The abscence of the drive is...somewhat of a relief and I don't go around moping, so my significant other have to feel my bitterness. I think we've gotten "scared" of each other, since we rarely have sex. It just feels strange getting close in that kind of way. We kiss and hug, but the thought of going further makes /made me so stressed I wanted to cry, for real. And I rarely feel/felt at peace enough (without medication) to relax enough and thus get the chance to feel horny. Often the days goes by so fast, at such a pace that sex feels like being lazy, spending time on something that we do not have time for.
I briefly feel almost horny, but nah...Tried masturbating, but I just get tired, yawning, losing focus and rather watch a movie or sleep. I feel indifferent. At least I know why. But I rather feel less anxiety and depression. That's for sure.
So that was a little update from me. Merry christmas guys!
4 年 前