The time to meet F is coming closer. It's been some time, for real real. He sends me pics making me all hot and bothered. Someones been hitting the gym. He definitely wasn't scrawny before, but now I'm completely sure he can manhandle me properly. I'm not scrawny myself, both heavy, on the taller side and strong, so....Yay! I do love feeling powerless with him. I very much trust him, so I surrender completely. He's stepped up his dominance game, I can tell by the way he writes, what he says he wants to do with me. We do a lot of talking on messenger, almost every day, and it's mostly x-rated l… 阅读更多内容
He wants to try anal
Alright. So, I'm travelling to my home town later this spring. Most definitely gonna see F, ofc! He's my dirty, not so little, secret. Thing is, he really wanna try anal with me. That scares me a little. He's a thick boy. At the same time, it excites me greatly. I've had anal sex a couple of times through the years, and it makes me cum, fast and hard. But it also feels odd. Nice, but odd. I'm ready to give it a try with him, but preparation is key. We'll see if we make it, or if we just devour each other the regular way, unable to stop ourselves, haha. He is irresistible!… 阅读更多内容
Dicked down
I really would need to be dicked down. Hopefully going back to my home town later this spring. Meeting F, of course. It's been some time now. Last time we met at a storage his company owns, had some great sex in the break room, on the sofa. I remember walking home in the beautiful spring weather with his cum dripping down my leg, my pussy throbbing from him fucking me hard. Short skirt, no panties, he kept them. The sex is just...perfect. It just works, great. I don't even have to make an effort to get in the mood. Effortless! Now I just want my hair to grow longer, so he has something to grip… 阅读更多内容
Sex doesn't seem so important anymore
What an autumn. Got a stroke in September, in the small brain. Had to undergo surgery to fix the broken vessle in my neck. I was ok after that, but then meningitis hit, and pneumonia, and bacteria in the blood. Had to have dialysis since there was complications with medication, so my k**neys has to be saved. I was sedated until the end of october, i think. Had 3 cardiac arrests. But when I woke up, I soon realized I was ok. Bits and pieces of memory, that was a bit blurry the first days, came back. I was still a bit groggy and mixed things up. Had lost enourmous amounts of muscles, so could no… 阅读更多内容
I do not miss sex, really.
For the few that reads my posts. My sex drive is way gone, so I won't be showing up here much. I'll just let my page stay idle, to see where this sex drive thing goes. I kind of enjoy it, tho. I feel calm and my mood is so much better. I do not miss sex really, and no wonder, since the drive isn't there. I feel less bitter for not having much of a sex life, and I also feel less bitter for looking as disgusting as I do, since sex rarely is on my mind. No need to miss something that I rarely get, and when I get it feeling so selfconcious that I can't really enjoy it much anyway. The societal… 阅读更多内容
Taking a break...I think.
Started some new medication, for the depression that always arrive with the winter, the darkness. My sexdrive is poof...gone. I don't mind, it's more of a nuisance since I don't have anyone to have sex with anyway and a source of frustration and a reminder of my hideous body. Now I can focus on other, practical things. Get more stuff done. A clearer head. Got heeps more energy on this medication tho, so that's awesome! So I'm probably taking a break from here.… 阅读更多内容
No I do not want to see your dick least not the first thing I see from you. And asking me if I wanna see your dick and sending said pic before I even get to What makes you, Mr. Dickpic Sender, think that your dick is the first thing I want to see talking to you? Before we even know if we wanna keep on talking. I love getting dick pics, from those I know/have some sort of connection with. Where you know it's ok to just whip it out and press send. But as a first impression? Nah, I can do without.… 阅读更多内容
Shaved and all smooth
Finally worked up courage to shave again. Last time it ended up with a painful infection in my armpit, fever and antibiotics. It sucked. And got me scared. Up until now when I could not stand the hair any longer. Bought a new razor this time, Estrid, a fairly new brand targeting women, wanting to make quality razors at a decent price. And it's the best I've ever tried. Never had such an close shave, ever. I'm very careful, using shaving cream and trying not to pull/stretch the skin or shave in the same spot mor then once. And now it's not even necessary, it all turns out so smooth. Hoping to… 阅读更多内容
I need sex. Plain and simple.
Yeah, I really do. I know, I have lovers back in my home town, but thats way too far. I only travel there 1-2 times a year. I need some sweet sweet sex more often than that. Like...a cpl of times a month, at a minimum. But I'm a bit scared of the whole thing. I kinda hate how I look, even tho I work on it. Clearly I'm not completely disgusting looking since I've had quite a few lovers in my days, or I've been "lucky" with less picky guys. But I'm having a hard time liking my body. It's not very feminine, not in the right way. Wish I had that pear shape. Not a weird ass apple shape. Yuck. But… 阅读更多内容
He eats me like I'm a vanilla cake
Soon going back to my home town again. Last time I did not have the time or possibility to meet S. Or F. Such passionate men. S pretty much consumes me, in a way. He puts me in some sort of mindset after he had a go with me, that take days to snap out of. Prolonged subspace? I do not know. It's very strange, magical, scary and lovely. He does me so good and so passionate that I...there is no words. Its deep and profound. I can have a veryyyy hard time relaxing when having sex, since I'm really not the prettiest, sexiest girl. I just want to hide, haha. My curves are at all the wrong places,… 阅读更多内容
I just want to suck cock. That's all.
I miss him. Was planning to meet this may...but covid-19...ya know. We are both sexually emaciated. I long to suck his cock, badly. To feel his hands in my hair, in a firm grip, as he gets closer to orgasm. I didn't get much time to work on his cock...I love it, but he is so eager, so horny. My lips red and wet from saliva, around the root of the shaft, as he suddenly moans and shoots his load into my throath, holding me hard. No chance of escaping as his cum hits the back of my throath. And I would never want to escape from that, ever. I love how he shivers when I suck him clean. My eyes are… 阅读更多内容
Has anyone seen my sex drive?
One can wonder what I'm doing in here. I'm just looking for my sex drive. Can't find it really. This winter has been brutal. Insanely hard on my mental health that already is a bit shaky without complete fucking darkness, rain, more darkness and an eternity til spring hits. A couple of weeks ago I counted that I only had seen the sun for a few hours, in 10 weeks. That's tough. Normally the Winters are snow filled, cold and crispy. Not this one. When one of the hottest guys I know doesn't even make me horny, I know I'm in deep shit. All one can do is wait. Try to take care of oneself, and w… 阅读更多内容
That 69...
I'm really not very fond of having a 69. But almost every guy I've been with seems to love it. I do not see the fun or the pleasure. As a fat chick, it's a very exposed and unfomfortable position, especially being on top. Like...the worst angle ever. Poor dude. And as the same time as someone is going down on you, you are supposed to suck dick and be all focused on that. So that tounge or those fingers playing with you just becomes a distraction. I have never gotten off in a 69 and probably never will. And if you have different torso lenghts, its hella uncomfy too. So. Just too much stuff goin… 阅读更多内容
So yesterday I called the hospital, left a message to my surgeon that the time has come to fix my toe. The oh so usual Hallux Valgus (my big toe is bending in, towards the other toes) has pestered me for about 10 years now. It's time to fix it so I don't have to worry about if I can do this or that, or if the pain will be too much later that day. I long for wearing any shoes that I want, now I'm limited to anything that does not press on my ouchie-spot. Also other parts of my foot hurts, due to this "condition". I think rehab time is 2-3 months or more. and post-op its 5 weeks with an ugly… 阅读更多内容
Sexual validation can only do so much
This is no ones fault, really. My fault only. Or it's more of an insight. At first, getting sexual validation is fun, empowering. And even if I do look like a train wreck, some ppl doesn not seem to think that about me. The find Anyway. Being a woman on here means lots and lots of attention from men. LOTS. Insane amounts. But as always...after a while you start to feel like nothing but a piece of meat. And that's no ones fault, it's a porn website! It's pretty much one dimensional. Sex, lust, eroticism. What else can you expect, right? But when I start to feel grumpy, grouchy, t… 阅读更多内容
The Dominant side of him
I remember that day when I took the bus to the hospital. And I met him in a closed down part of it, where they where renovating. He was not his usual happy self. He was...serious, dark. Made me nervous, without saying much. It all went so quick. He dragged me into a toilet and opened my coat, to find my sheer lace top and my pale breasts in a pushup. He sqeezed them hard, pulled up the top and tugged at my nipples. I was perplexed. No compliment, no He just sighed and harshly pushed me down on my knees. Then he unzipped his pants. He was already rock hard as he was jerk… 阅读更多内容
Sexting with F tonight. Damn I want him baaadly. Gettings vids of him stroking his thick panties are soaked. Which I show him and let him know. :D It's such a hot mess. We're frustrated beyond words. It's been a year and then some, since the last time we met. Had him pick me up when I was back in my home town. He drove out to a construction site and led me into one of their barracks. Upstairs, I sucked his dick and then rode him in the sofa, and begged him to fill me with cum as I orgasmed. He snatched my panties, and I walked home in my skirt and stayups, with his cum running down m… 阅读更多内容
Defeated by a dildo
I bought a really big one the other day. Bigger then I imagined, when I saw it online. I'm not super pleased with it tho, it's too soft and bendy. It takes away the feelin I'm after. And good thing I'm a strong girl hittin' dat gym, cuz it's hella heavy to fuck myself with it. But it's ok tho, for a little more extreme playing, so it's not a total let down. Imma have myself a little moment in the sofa soon, might upload some pics of it in action later. Girth is 19 cm. And lenght 25 cm. So...yeah. A heavy piece of plastic man meat.… 阅读更多内容
Surprise threesome
Due to our little business at home, I often find myself driving out on forest roads, all alone. Running country side errands, one could say. Long roads, woods, some solitude at times. And not to forget, all the trucks that I meet. And big vans, with workers in them. Plumbers, road workers, carpenters, truckers. It's those kind of roads. Many little off roads you can turn off onto and follow into even more solitude and silence. And almost every time I think about how it would be, to just hook up with someone. Or even darker (fantasy only!) involuntarily get hooked up, somehow. Maybe on an off… 阅读更多内容
My lovely lovers
Going up north soon, to my home town. Can't wait to meet them. F and my ex-Master. They both, separately, give me a pleasure hard to find elsewhere. I'm hot and bothered for days after. F with his untamed lust. He acts on instinct, gets it right from the first touch, and just suits my body and mind like a hand in glove. I love his kindness and how soft spoken and caring he is outside of bed. And how he almost uncontrollably turns into a dominant b**st and afterwards always seem to worry that he hurt me or did something I did not like. While I'm screaming for more and orgasming tilI barely kn… 阅读更多内容