Report card day

Report day are always the nervous day on every school pupil, every boy or girl want to see himself/herself done good. For all different reasons because, for some the allowance will be increased, for some they will get what they asked for, for some extra privileges and of course for some holidays. But there is of course some households that believe their ndc***dren need to do well at school beside been rewarded, it is for their own best they do good at school. One such a family was the Phillips, we say the Phillips because it is the Phillips household. But not everyone living there is Phillips, for Phillips was the man of the house and had died few years back. It is his wife left which is the grandmother of Paul Philips, 16 year old boy. April Philips, 14 year old boy, Michelle Philips 11 year old girl and of course Charlotte Mayfair, 17 year old girl. All the Phillips were the c***dren of his elder son and Charlotte Mayfair was the c***d of her step daughter. Yes, she married Peter Phillips already having a daughter. The daughter, mother of Charlotte enjoyed the privileges if not more like the other c***dren of Peter Phillips. She was supported well financially and destined for a luxury life but growing up without a full time father depleted her chances of such a life. She got pregnant at school and had to drop out, few years back she got married to the Mayfair's and a decade later divorced before she could conceived Charlotte, hence Charlotte is a Mayfair although not blood related there. Sadly the mother had passed on and that meant Charlotte is to go live with the Phillips is the closest family to her mom. She had no choice but tovrepear a grade and attend class with Paul. She got to learn that things are done differently at the Phillips as amongst any other things corporal punishment is the first punishment, her grandmother at 68 years still wield the strap and the cane very Well, and her spankings just don't matter if you 16 or 11, they live a lasting memory. Paul, Charlotte and April attended the same school and Michelle attended primary school. Last quarter when the results were out Charlotte did fairly well, scoring about 60% overall but her grandmother saw that as performing under par and had strapped the 17 year old on bare bottom for that, worse she had written a letter to her class teacher, 56 year old Mr Godwin. The letter state that although it is understandable that corporal punishment had been abolished at school, but can he please make an exception and cane Charlotte. She is well expected to do well at school and that could encourage her to do better at school. Mr Godwin been the teacher from the past did not hesitate but gave Charlotte 4 of the best on hands but a day later another letter cane specifically stating to cane bare bottoms, Charlotte did have a very sore bottom that afternoon and went home in tears. It was decided then everytime Charlotte reports is not satisfactory, she will get the cane from Mr Godwin.

Now on the Friday, it was school report for the second quarter and everyone was just having his/her day and of course praying to have done better. Mr Godwin gave everyone a report and asked Charlotte to collect her after the class. The lesson of the day carried on normally and school eventually got out. Every pupils pick up their stuff for home and Charlotte went to the teacher, he gave her a small talk about general stuffs and eventually hand out the report "Charlotte these report is not that much different from the last, infact the performance has dropped a little. It is 55% now" and the girl nearly cried there, she just thaught of granny. She never realised the teacher had stood up but only cane to her senses when Mr Godwin got one hand on her shoulder and the other straight at her bottom "knowing your granny, these is going to get sore. And i know its going to be skirt up and knickers down for me on Monday afternoon" the hand was now under the skirt and rubbing and squeezing through the knickers. Before she knew it, the knickers were been pulled "let's see the bottom dear, familiarise ourself with the naughty bottom again " and the knickers were now sliding down to ankles and skirt raised, a tear drop because of these shameful act but Mr Godwin was complementing the girl "Oh my, still beautiful girl. White and no stripes, you must had been good for some time. Tell granny to live some space for me ey" he said laughing and only realised the girl is in tears "Oh don't cry dear, at least not yet. Wait for it to get sore first ey" with that he couldn't resist but gave the girl two moderate slaps and tell her to pull up her knickers. He told her he gave granny his proposal and Charlotte will only hear about it from granny if she approve. Charlotte went for the door and took a walk home, it was a 30 minutes walk. She came round her house and rub her bottom in anticipation of it bern sore. When she got close to the door she heard slap! Smack! Slap! Smack! ad her granny's right hand fall on Michele's bare bottom, it was evident she did not do well too. She had courage to enter the house and it was straight away "Oh Charlotte, so glad you could join us. Please join the queue; i will check your report in due time" and the spanking continued while Charlotte stay behind April. Michelle's spanking eventually stopped and given a lecture on her 65% will not do and sent for corner time. Next! Paul approach the lady with her report in hand, it was taken from him and after few minutes it was fetch the chair and the strap boy. Paul did and in no time got six with the strap across trousered bottom "53% isnt good enough and if it happen again it will be the cane". Next came April and he got 76%, everyone was gathered around to give him a round of applause and then it was Charlotte turn.

She straight away apologised before it was opened "I am sorry granny, I promise I will do better next time" but her granny open it, took the proposal letter aside and looked at it. Charlotte had tut! tut!! tut!!! as granny continued to look at the report. Granny stood up and just guided Charlotte to a chair Paul had been over for minutes back, the girl felt her skirt raised well up. Granny took her time in folding it to ensure it won't fall down and just after that the girl felt the knickers taken down, she just let a tear drop. And she was anticipating granny will grab a strap but she went to her room in silence, took several minutes and came back wielding a cane "Oh granny no, not the cane. Please granny i..." bit it was tap! tap!! tap!!! Crack!!! As the first stroke landed, it was so hard the girl stood up immediately "ouch ouch ouch". Granny tapped the chair "bend over girl, that one does not count" and she looked at granny and saw she is genuinely angry, she had come to knew her very well and she knew not to mess with her in these state, she bend over. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! 'Owwwwwwww" but stood in position. "Really girl, you think I am sending you in that school to play?" And before she could answer tap! tap!! tap!!! Crack!!! "Owwwwwww ouch". One foot raising after another and bottom wobbling " bottom still girl, it's your own fault" and Crack!!!! She just couldn't help herself but stood up again and granny shouted "dont you dare rub that bottom or we starting over". She was about to get her hands there but refrain herself, she paced up and down with hands clearly desperately wanting to get on the bottom but granny tapped again "over the chair girl, I haven't got all day" and she came to the chair "I let you off these stroke, but rise again and it will be extra stroke or better we start over". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ahhhhhhh owwwwwww" and it was tap! tap!! tap!!! "Silly girl" crack!!!! "Ouch owwwwwa please stop it hurt" but tap! tap!! tap!!! "Bottom still i say girl" and before she knew it, it was Thwack!!!!! And she screamed madly still holding on to the chair. "Will you do bad again at school girl?" And she just shake her head but it was "speak up!!!!" And she said "no mam, no granny i promise" and it was "to the corner". She knew straight away its corner time with bottom on display, she and Michelle stood side to side with bottoms on displays and snifflings. Granny opened the proposal letter.....

To he continued...
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
everhard17 4 年 前
Africa01 : thanks for  the rep;y
回答 原始评论
artherzod 4 年 前
Wow I would have thought the xham censor would have spotted the ages! However back in the day hands and bare bottoms were punished in most schools on a regular basis. I've forgotten many of them but have fond memories of a few and not so fond memories of others! Keep writing :smile:
Africa01 出版商 4 年 前
everhard17 : In a day or two.
回答 原始评论
everhard17 4 年 前
exciting story whens the next instalment