Any recommendation of another good site, particularly spanking site.… 阅读更多内容
My ideal kind of a school
Old fashioned and believe in old ways of doing things, girls naughty naturally and the naughtiest of the two genders. So punishment is strap on hands for boys and the cane on the bare bottom for girls always ?.… 阅读更多内容
Jane's badluck
Things can change pretty fast, from happy moments to sad one, from good to bad, from fun and smillings to tears. Jane can attest to that after these day of 11 June 1978, it was a cold friday just after break time. Tomorrow was a school concert day as the school were raising funds to buy new equipment for the music class and new books for the library. A school in question is St Marius school for both boys and girls from 13 years to 18 years, an old fashioned school in so many ways. Its buildings were still a bit strong although they needed renovations, teachers old and still hold old fashioned… 阅读更多内容
Spanker for females suggestion.
Following on the suggestion of Spanker for females, these is surely my favourite. Scene set out nicely with a senior girl doing what they do most growing up. Skipping school for a boy, definetely a good lesson learned here.… 阅读更多内容
Teachers always right
It all started a week ago, Mrs Stones had a stressful day. The 59 year old lady has dedicated more than half of her life to teaching school pupils as she started her career at 23 years. She had been reliable and brought out many starts in her career. St Joseph school for boys and girls had been the fourth school to teach at in her 35 years career, the lady in question had been mugged the previous day hence she was not herself that day. The 59 years old knew her subject from the heart hence she got into an argument with Annabel Bailey, the 18 year old Annabel Bailey was the best learner at scho… 阅读更多内容
The following account is a special request from one of our own member here at xhamster, upon having a long conversation with her and reading some of my stories she requested these. Of course it's what she once endured with some twists into it to make it my version of the proceedings, or what should've transpired for that matter. The events took place when she was 13 years but for xhamster's policy, we will say she is 18 years. The lady is Hannah Goldstone, originates from the United Kingdom. Hannah is the daughter of Mary and Josh Goldstone, Mary is the housewife and Josh a Human rights lawyer… 阅读更多内容
Girls are naturally naughty
They maybe daddy's little girls, we may regard them as our little angels, we may be over protective of them and sworn to even kill a bull for them. But as they grow up their natural naughtiness will kick in, for in honesty and transparency, girls are the more naughty gender than the two genders even though we may lead to believe its the opposite. Boys grow up to mature and follow the rules whereas girls grow up to bend them and hope they never get caught. Smoking, curfew, boys, foul language, not doing duties properly, little time on studying and more on tv's and magazines, lateness at school… 阅读更多内容
Nice sound of the cane
Hearing the cane administered is always a nice sound, it's sometimes as good as witnessing it, or maybe not hahaha. Again its depend whether you are next on the queue to receive it or you just a guest waiting to see the headmaster. On these instance, it was the guest to see the headmaster. It was afternoon at about 15:15 When an elder named Mrs Shalom came to see the headmaster, the elder lady was here because of the fundraising day scheduled in a week's time. She was one of the govenors for school and had been heavily involved in these year fundraising day. The school really needed funds to g… 阅读更多内容
Caught smoking
Things could turn sour very quickly, a girl can get a lot of attention very fast. That was what Valencia realised, the 18 year old Valencia was once a very good obedient girl. A model A grade student who went the first two years without been corporally punished. Yes, at school corporal punishment was still practiced although not a lot as it was still fading away. Her first corporal punishment was a slipper from Mrs Jones as she punished the whole class for the noise, subsequent ones were also the classroom punishment. If you can look at her history of punishment, you will realise for the past… 阅读更多内容
Punishment is not based on the age
Yes it is well known that with age come more responsibilities, and more stern disciplines. Boys and girls do out grow over the knee spankings and graduate to more sterner implements such as the paddle, strap and the cane. Of course the cane is always the principal instrument, boys and girls always fear and respect it. After all it is "spare the rod and spoil a c***d". These were the sentiments of one elderly lady at Wellington high school, the lady in concern is Mrs Hargreaves. Hargreaves is 55 years old and strong as ever, she still jog and play tennis to keep fit. With lots of swings at the… 阅读更多内容
Appreciating the stern ladies.
We strict disciplinirian tend to focus on ourselves and on disciplinining those naughty pupils we encounter, it's all about us and our hand, handbrush, slipper, strap, paddle and cane to name few implements. We appreciate the bottom we bare and make sore, to perfect the technique we use but not once or I can say not often we show appreciation to those females who have the same interest as us. Those female ladies who never hesitate to bare bottoms and sting. They the female version of us and deserve the appreciation for the role they play. Do remember at some point most of them did indeed bend… 阅读更多内容
Mr Spanker Fox
Spanker Fox was the English teacher and the most feared teacher in the whole school, the 60 year old teacher was the most teacher eager to cane. Infact at his last years of teaching, he seems to be caning everyday. He has indeed taken the record of caning and even built a reputation for himself, for not even the headmaster come close to him by caning. He had started his career on the mixed school teaching junior boys and girls English, and then came to these all girls school to still teach it to the junior girls. But with experience, he became teacher for the senior girls and these just worked… 阅读更多内容
Schoolgirl caned
Adams Shaw was a 15 year old boy who attended school at St Moses, the all boy school in the village. There were actually three schools in a village, St Moses for boys, St Magdeline for girls and Primrose for both boys and girls. Primrose was actually the primary school, where 7 years boys and girls attend until they go to secondary school, that is from at least 14 years. Secondary school the pupils were separated, Boys went to St Moses and Girls to St Magdeline. It was 1965 and so very much the time for corporal punishment both at school and at home, Primrose primary school used the slipper an… 阅读更多内容
Smoking forbidden
Margaret was standing outside the head office, nearly in tears by the sound of the cane administered inside. It was only her first week in school and the second time having these unpleasant meeting with the headmaster. Margaret Palmer was 18 years and in her sixth form on these St Luke school, it is in Boxwood. A small village outside town, Boxwood its where Margaret's father grew up. He is now serving some time in prison for fraudulent things he did, her mom took off with some other gentleman to live on another state. That lived Margaret with no choice but to come down to Boxwood and live wit… 阅读更多内容
Girls firmly dealt with.
The law to ban corporal punishment has been done and dealt with, clearly the country was heading south in terms of criminal charges on the rise, pregnancy on the rise and education system falling. Something had to be done drastically or the future generation were in serious trouble if not the whole country. Of all these negative impacts happening, girls were at the fore front of all these and the authorities had no any other choice but to return corporal punishment. Schools were given licence to cane, state officials were also given licence to cane whenever necessary. A girl had a book that sh… 阅读更多内容
Report card day
Report day are always the nervous day on every school pupil, every boy or girl want to see himself/herself done good. For all different reasons because, for some the allowance will be increased, for some they will get what they asked for, for some extra privileges and of course for some holidays. But there is of course some households that believe their ndc***dren need to do well at school beside been rewarded, it is for their own best they do good at school. One such a family was the Phillips, we say the Phillips because it is the Phillips household. But not everyone living there is Phillips,… 阅读更多内容
Fearsome Mrs Strokes
Sally had shamefully watched her classmates go home, it was after School on a Thursday and she had been given a stern lecture and promised a very sore bottom few minutes back. She was not particularly a naughty girl, she was going through some difficulties. The difficulties only she knew about, for at 18 years and at your final year at school before going to college, you expected to get your things in order. They had written a class test yesterday and she got 41%, although it is a pass but it isn't satisfactory. She witnessed those that got less than 40% get the ruler across their hands, she a… 阅读更多内容
Mr Salmon
57 year Mr Salmon is the headmaster of St Patricks, he has been on the teaching profession for almost 3 decades now. He has been the caning master ever since he started teaching, with new regulations coming to effect such as the corporal punishment banned, these has not affect him at all. He has won the heart of parents and it only took him one parent meeting to get the approval of parents. "Keep on disciplining our c***dren sir" "Oh Grace god, what do they expect if you can't cane" "our c***dren, your c***dren. Keep on app lying the parental hand". These was the comments he got from the paren… 阅读更多内容
Tough times
Why does she takes her to these lady again, she has openly told her and pleaded with her. Doesn't she realise how that ?" that was Faith thoughts. She was walking with her foster mom to Ms Williams once again, Me Williams was a retired headmistress and one of the richest lady in the village. Faith was a 16 year old orphan. She had been living at the orphanage until 2 months ago when she reached 16 years, the rules of the orphanage was that if you reached 16 years without been adopted you got to live the orphanage and create space for others. That meant you could go to any households that reall… 阅读更多内容
Stern warning
It was Monday just after school, Mrs Palmer had asked to see Connie. She has never thaught her already as she was still on the Junior level. St Gabriel was an all girl school that cater for 14 years to 18 years, the previous Friday they had visited St Bishop school, on another village not far from them. St Bishop is a mixed school that cater for boys and girls of the same age. It was netball, hookey, volley ball, debate, choir amongst other things. Really a full day of excitement and fun, but Connie of course was starting to develop some changes. She has started to look at boys differently, st… 阅读更多内容