Girls firmly dealt with.
The law to ban corporal punishment has been done and dealt with, clearly the country was heading south in terms of criminal charges on the rise, pregnancy on the rise and education system falling. Something had to be done drastically or the future generation were in serious trouble if not the whole country. Of all these negative impacts happening, girls were at the fore front of all these and the authorities had no any other choice but to return corporal punishment. Schools were given licence to cane, state officials were also given licence to cane whenever necessary. A girl had a book that she carry all the time and everyone that give her the punishment fill it in and when its full she had to take it to the authorities where she would be given another one but after correctly dealt with. These system had been running for over a year now and it has become a norm, it's results are there for everyone to see. Girls had accepted that they slightly safe only at home, for punishment did not occur that much at home as parents had no courage to deal that harshly with their offspring. But with so many girls around, a girl may go more than a month without getting a cane from school as the teachers were now of the mordern view and actually cane as a last resort, outside it was a completely different world for you could never see an official until he capture you. It was much more safer to walk in groups than by yourself as you expose yourself to these vultures.
On these rainy afternoon Celia, Kelvin, Jeffrey, Kate and Jackie were all walking together to the train station. These group of three girls and two boys were only few months older than each other as they were heading for 18 years. It was after School and the gang was chit chatting nicely and laughing when they reached a robot coaching stop (red) for the cars heading their direction and opened for the one heading to other direction, without concentrating Celia entered and before she knew it there was a hooter as the car hit the brakes. Fortunately for her it managed to stop in time, the driver opened the window and scold at the girl as she apologised. She returned back to her friend and it was complete silent as they were all shocked and obviously looking around if they can be any male/female elder approaching them as one of the officials. The robot eventually opened for them and they went in, it did seem like Celia or all of them may have escaped. They were nearly to a station when Celia felt a hand on her shoulder "Not looking where you going ey dear? Newly cost an accident back there my girl, you coming with me to my house" said one elder lady of about 55 years and Celia gasp as she had thaught she escaped. The elder woman take her by the hand and lead her, her friends particularly the girls chose to disassociate themselves with her. They witness their friend from a distance having a chat with a lady in tears as they were waiting for a train "poor Celia" said Kate and Jackie said "I just dont know what happened, I only saw her on the street and I got scared as i saw that car came rushing". The boys were feeling pity for Celia too "aunt seem angry there, you can tell by her scolding" said Jeffrey and Kate quickly got in "it's surely going to be the cane for her, I don't see any other chance". Celia was indeed in tears as the lady was giving her a stern scolding "I was following you for few minutes and I saw everything girl, walking silly and laughing around as if you own the street. Couldnt even saw the robot because you were starring at boys ey, those two boys, one of them is your boyfriend ey? And the girl just shaked her head but the elder kept on showing off "my, I don't know where these train is. I really want to get at my cane and deal with you young lady, do know its bare bottom my girl. I am going to sting it so much I don't think you going to sit down anytime soon". Celia just burst into tears and let her hands get to her bottom, the elder could not wait no more "infact come here girl, let me warm you up while we waiting for the train". From a distance, friends saw Celia approaching the lady and in no time she was over the lady with her skirt been raised and the knickers taken down. The spankings got underway and about five minutes some elder gentleman approached the lady and had some talk with her and the lady pointed at the friends direction. From a distance, Kate waa the eye catcher, in fact Kate was the attractive of the three girls. She had a well developed body and she along her friends saw the gentleman, lady and Celia after pulling her knickers come their direction. In the meantime train has appeared "who is Kate here" ask the gentleman clearly knowing her as he had asked Celia and Kate just nervously raised her hand and the gentleman dropped a boom "you coming with me young lady, Celia say you the one that made her loose concentration". Before she could even respond, the train was already there and had to aboard.
Kate was in tears inside the train as the lady that got Celia told other passengers how the girls were naughty along the way, clearly dating the boys and unashamedly holding hands in front of elders. The train confinement was having mixed emotions as other elders encouraging the two officials to really teach the girls a lesson. Jackie was silentlypraying to not get implicated and she got relief when she get off the train at the next station, she was supposed to get off with Kate but under the circumstances she knew Kate's appointment. On the next stop, Celia, Jeffery and the elder lady got off. Jeffrey went his way and Celia followed the elder, she did not live far from the station because in 15 minutes time she was at her house. They entered and straight away asked Judy, her maid to please bring along her cane in the sitting room. Celia followed the lady to the sitting room and found one boy about 15 years sitting and doing her homework, she saw the elder clearing the table on the other side and it was "come here dear, bend over these desk and reach for the far end". Tearfully so she complied and she felt her skirt raised again and her knickers pulled down to knees. Judy appeared in smiles and asked" what did we have here Mrs Arterta?". The elder was still angry you will even think she was the one directly offended "you better hold on to that desk my girl, or else" and Celia knew straight away these isnt a lady to anger Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!!! "Ow" was the only reaction from Celia. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ow" again from the girl, she was experience in these punishment as her grandfather often cane her. "These got to be the maximum eight" as the lady thaught to herself, girls got maximum of eight strokes if they taking the cane well. You only allowed to give four extra strokes as it will take the strokes to thwelve and then it got to be the next appointment if more strokes are required. All these has to be captured on videoas girls although they been strict with them, they can appeal if feel hard done. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ouch ow" and the girl wobble for the first time and the lady smiled. She spoke to Judy "we having a really naughty girl here Judy, crossing the road with a red robot" Tap! Crack!!! "Ouch ow ow" but Judy was adding salts to the situation "what? Why dear? Don't you know red mean stop? What were you thinking?" Thwack!!! as Arterta was busy behind "She was not thinking at All, starring at the boy" Crack!!! "Ouch ow ah" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! As the full eight were given as per rules and Celia kept the position well. She was sent to the corner and told she will be taken home later on as she stay close by.
In a meantime Kate and Mr Adams have just arrived at the house, he was a bachelor of 56 years. Infact he was married but live as a bachelor in these surburb of Ellof as his family is some few kilometers away from there. He only came here because of work as he is in social affairs, it is indeed a beautiful house but Kate couldn't see that. She was in tears ever since from the train even though Adams had never been stern with her yet. He too does not live far from the station and on the way there he was politely been nice to Kate as she was crying "don't worry dear, girls your age are naughty. It is just the cane, you will live". At his house they went straight to the study and he switched on the camera, took the chair to the center of the room and retrieved his cane "Kate dear, kindly take off your skirt and knickers and put them over there desk and bend over the chair please, I propose eight as boys were involved" but Kate gasp and pleaded "oh no sir, not on bottoms. Please sir not on bottoms". Adams smiled "Not on bottoms? Where then dear?" And the girl in tears said "hands". He smiled "hands? You sure, okay if you insist then dear. Put your hands together and raise them" he proceeded to cane the hands, full force stroke and the girl was really sobbing by the eighth stroke, she dropped her hands and let the tears fall but Adams was "are we done now?" And the girl in tears answered "yes sir, that is the eighth stroke, the maximum one". Adams swished the cane "oh, I didn't realise. I got carried away caning, didn't know the rules still apply. Let's get to the bottom then dear". The girl opened her eyes in shock "bottom, you caned me on hands sir, you...." but the teacher cut her shot "i told you i am giving you eight on bottoms and you insisted on wanting it also on hands, are we going to obey or should I report you to the authorities?". The girl knew what will happen and therefore went for the chair, bend over it and lift her skirt up. Adam came close, swish the cane again "are we not forgetting something, the skirt and knickers dear" but Kate only said "Please sir" and it was "okay". Thwack!!! The first stroke came, and Kate although she does not caned often took it well, Thwack!! Came the second and the third followed. "You do realise we haven't started yet girl" and Kate immediately stood up "oh no sir we have, it's three strokes now". Adams shake his head "no girl, I specifically told you skirt and knickers off, not these..." beforehe could finish, Kate interrupted "oh no sir, I still feel it through knickers" but these time Adams angrily shouted "skirt and knickers off girl, what is these? Are you in charge here". The girl now getting scared took a deep breath and took her skirt and knickers off, put them on the table and came back to bend over. "Oh my, three red stripes already, stinging" and she just said "yes sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!! "Ouch ow ow ow" as she nearly lost the position "that's better, that's much better dear wouldn't you say". She just didnt answer and it was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!!! "Ahhhhhhh" as she loose position and the teacher smile "one extra, we still on one". She took her time and bend over again "beautiful bottom dear, just naughty" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!!! "Owwwww ah ouch" as she loose position again and do the caning dance "another extra dear, we still on one". And she pleaded "Please sir, I am sorry. Please dont add another extra" but he was tapping the chair to signal her to bend over, the official second stroke eventually counted, third came, fourt came and it was the Tap! Tap!! For the fifth one "boys worth it dear?" Crack!!!! "Ouch ouch ouch" and she couldn't help it but rise again and she felt his hand on her shoulder as she bend her over "boys worth it dear?" She was sniffling with tears "no sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "No girl, they cause a girl's bottom to sting, that's another extra" Thwack!!!! "Ahhhh", sixth stroke came and seventh stroke came, she stood up been inexperienced. She did not realise one more extra will incur more than thwelve strokes, she watched as the cane was placed on the desk and Adams came to her, turned her over to see her bottom, fondle with it "good, it will still do for tomorrow. Let's say four o'clock ey?" And she was confused "sir" and she slapped her bottom spank! spank!! spank!!! "Your eight my girl, we couldn't finish our punishment because these naughty bottom only tempt boys but can't take the sting". And she got on her knees "Please sir, don't make me come back. Finish your punishment" but Adams was giving her the skirt and knickers "quickly girl, I have a visitor in a minute".
On these rainy afternoon Celia, Kelvin, Jeffrey, Kate and Jackie were all walking together to the train station. These group of three girls and two boys were only few months older than each other as they were heading for 18 years. It was after School and the gang was chit chatting nicely and laughing when they reached a robot coaching stop (red) for the cars heading their direction and opened for the one heading to other direction, without concentrating Celia entered and before she knew it there was a hooter as the car hit the brakes. Fortunately for her it managed to stop in time, the driver opened the window and scold at the girl as she apologised. She returned back to her friend and it was complete silent as they were all shocked and obviously looking around if they can be any male/female elder approaching them as one of the officials. The robot eventually opened for them and they went in, it did seem like Celia or all of them may have escaped. They were nearly to a station when Celia felt a hand on her shoulder "Not looking where you going ey dear? Newly cost an accident back there my girl, you coming with me to my house" said one elder lady of about 55 years and Celia gasp as she had thaught she escaped. The elder woman take her by the hand and lead her, her friends particularly the girls chose to disassociate themselves with her. They witness their friend from a distance having a chat with a lady in tears as they were waiting for a train "poor Celia" said Kate and Jackie said "I just dont know what happened, I only saw her on the street and I got scared as i saw that car came rushing". The boys were feeling pity for Celia too "aunt seem angry there, you can tell by her scolding" said Jeffrey and Kate quickly got in "it's surely going to be the cane for her, I don't see any other chance". Celia was indeed in tears as the lady was giving her a stern scolding "I was following you for few minutes and I saw everything girl, walking silly and laughing around as if you own the street. Couldnt even saw the robot because you were starring at boys ey, those two boys, one of them is your boyfriend ey? And the girl just shaked her head but the elder kept on showing off "my, I don't know where these train is. I really want to get at my cane and deal with you young lady, do know its bare bottom my girl. I am going to sting it so much I don't think you going to sit down anytime soon". Celia just burst into tears and let her hands get to her bottom, the elder could not wait no more "infact come here girl, let me warm you up while we waiting for the train". From a distance, friends saw Celia approaching the lady and in no time she was over the lady with her skirt been raised and the knickers taken down. The spankings got underway and about five minutes some elder gentleman approached the lady and had some talk with her and the lady pointed at the friends direction. From a distance, Kate waa the eye catcher, in fact Kate was the attractive of the three girls. She had a well developed body and she along her friends saw the gentleman, lady and Celia after pulling her knickers come their direction. In the meantime train has appeared "who is Kate here" ask the gentleman clearly knowing her as he had asked Celia and Kate just nervously raised her hand and the gentleman dropped a boom "you coming with me young lady, Celia say you the one that made her loose concentration". Before she could even respond, the train was already there and had to aboard.
Kate was in tears inside the train as the lady that got Celia told other passengers how the girls were naughty along the way, clearly dating the boys and unashamedly holding hands in front of elders. The train confinement was having mixed emotions as other elders encouraging the two officials to really teach the girls a lesson. Jackie was silentlypraying to not get implicated and she got relief when she get off the train at the next station, she was supposed to get off with Kate but under the circumstances she knew Kate's appointment. On the next stop, Celia, Jeffery and the elder lady got off. Jeffrey went his way and Celia followed the elder, she did not live far from the station because in 15 minutes time she was at her house. They entered and straight away asked Judy, her maid to please bring along her cane in the sitting room. Celia followed the lady to the sitting room and found one boy about 15 years sitting and doing her homework, she saw the elder clearing the table on the other side and it was "come here dear, bend over these desk and reach for the far end". Tearfully so she complied and she felt her skirt raised again and her knickers pulled down to knees. Judy appeared in smiles and asked" what did we have here Mrs Arterta?". The elder was still angry you will even think she was the one directly offended "you better hold on to that desk my girl, or else" and Celia knew straight away these isnt a lady to anger Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!!! "Ow" was the only reaction from Celia. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ow" again from the girl, she was experience in these punishment as her grandfather often cane her. "These got to be the maximum eight" as the lady thaught to herself, girls got maximum of eight strokes if they taking the cane well. You only allowed to give four extra strokes as it will take the strokes to thwelve and then it got to be the next appointment if more strokes are required. All these has to be captured on videoas girls although they been strict with them, they can appeal if feel hard done. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! "Ouch ow" and the girl wobble for the first time and the lady smiled. She spoke to Judy "we having a really naughty girl here Judy, crossing the road with a red robot" Tap! Crack!!! "Ouch ow ow" but Judy was adding salts to the situation "what? Why dear? Don't you know red mean stop? What were you thinking?" Thwack!!! as Arterta was busy behind "She was not thinking at All, starring at the boy" Crack!!! "Ouch ow ah" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!! As the full eight were given as per rules and Celia kept the position well. She was sent to the corner and told she will be taken home later on as she stay close by.
In a meantime Kate and Mr Adams have just arrived at the house, he was a bachelor of 56 years. Infact he was married but live as a bachelor in these surburb of Ellof as his family is some few kilometers away from there. He only came here because of work as he is in social affairs, it is indeed a beautiful house but Kate couldn't see that. She was in tears ever since from the train even though Adams had never been stern with her yet. He too does not live far from the station and on the way there he was politely been nice to Kate as she was crying "don't worry dear, girls your age are naughty. It is just the cane, you will live". At his house they went straight to the study and he switched on the camera, took the chair to the center of the room and retrieved his cane "Kate dear, kindly take off your skirt and knickers and put them over there desk and bend over the chair please, I propose eight as boys were involved" but Kate gasp and pleaded "oh no sir, not on bottoms. Please sir not on bottoms". Adams smiled "Not on bottoms? Where then dear?" And the girl in tears said "hands". He smiled "hands? You sure, okay if you insist then dear. Put your hands together and raise them" he proceeded to cane the hands, full force stroke and the girl was really sobbing by the eighth stroke, she dropped her hands and let the tears fall but Adams was "are we done now?" And the girl in tears answered "yes sir, that is the eighth stroke, the maximum one". Adams swished the cane "oh, I didn't realise. I got carried away caning, didn't know the rules still apply. Let's get to the bottom then dear". The girl opened her eyes in shock "bottom, you caned me on hands sir, you...." but the teacher cut her shot "i told you i am giving you eight on bottoms and you insisted on wanting it also on hands, are we going to obey or should I report you to the authorities?". The girl knew what will happen and therefore went for the chair, bend over it and lift her skirt up. Adam came close, swish the cane again "are we not forgetting something, the skirt and knickers dear" but Kate only said "Please sir" and it was "okay". Thwack!!! The first stroke came, and Kate although she does not caned often took it well, Thwack!! Came the second and the third followed. "You do realise we haven't started yet girl" and Kate immediately stood up "oh no sir we have, it's three strokes now". Adams shake his head "no girl, I specifically told you skirt and knickers off, not these..." beforehe could finish, Kate interrupted "oh no sir, I still feel it through knickers" but these time Adams angrily shouted "skirt and knickers off girl, what is these? Are you in charge here". The girl now getting scared took a deep breath and took her skirt and knickers off, put them on the table and came back to bend over. "Oh my, three red stripes already, stinging" and she just said "yes sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!! "Ouch ow ow ow" as she nearly lost the position "that's better, that's much better dear wouldn't you say". She just didnt answer and it was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!!! "Ahhhhhhh" as she loose position and the teacher smile "one extra, we still on one". She took her time and bend over again "beautiful bottom dear, just naughty" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwack!!!! "Owwwww ah ouch" as she loose position again and do the caning dance "another extra dear, we still on one". And she pleaded "Please sir, I am sorry. Please dont add another extra" but he was tapping the chair to signal her to bend over, the official second stroke eventually counted, third came, fourt came and it was the Tap! Tap!! For the fifth one "boys worth it dear?" Crack!!!! "Ouch ouch ouch" and she couldn't help it but rise again and she felt his hand on her shoulder as she bend her over "boys worth it dear?" She was sniffling with tears "no sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "No girl, they cause a girl's bottom to sting, that's another extra" Thwack!!!! "Ahhhh", sixth stroke came and seventh stroke came, she stood up been inexperienced. She did not realise one more extra will incur more than thwelve strokes, she watched as the cane was placed on the desk and Adams came to her, turned her over to see her bottom, fondle with it "good, it will still do for tomorrow. Let's say four o'clock ey?" And she was confused "sir" and she slapped her bottom spank! spank!! spank!!! "Your eight my girl, we couldn't finish our punishment because these naughty bottom only tempt boys but can't take the sting". And she got on her knees "Please sir, don't make me come back. Finish your punishment" but Adams was giving her the skirt and knickers "quickly girl, I have a visitor in a minute".
4 年 前