Look Into My Eyes - A story of Sexy Hypnotism

Part One

My wife had told me that I ought to occupy myself more and needed to develop an interest. She’s a member of various local groups, amateur dramatics, women’s institute etc etc, and I guess I did rather slouch about the place. So I started looking at courses in our local college. A course on car maintenance looked interesting and I duly went along one evening for registration. As I loitered in the registration hall, looking for the car maintenance desk, another one caught my eye. It said “Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis for Stress Relief”. I wandered over to have a chat. The guy at the desk explained that some of the course would be about self-hypnosis for relaxation and so on, but there would also be sessions on its history and on actually hypnotising other volunteer students. I was intrigued. I had always been interested in the subject and found myself signing up for the class, and not bothering with the car maintenance.

As I walked home I found myself getting rather excited at the prospect of maybe being able to hypnotise people, and found that I was beginning to fantasise about hypnotising my wife. For this reason I didn’t tell her the truth but led her to believe that I had indeed signed up for the car maintenance sessions.

I’ll not bore you with the details of the class, suffice it to say that the initial sessions were mainly about history and ethical questions, followed by the stress-reducing and relation techniques – all very interesting and valuable. But after half term and with a few people having dropped out of the class, we began to tackle the actual skills I was so interested in. We learned about suggestion and how to identify people who are susceptible to hypnosis, and about how it is an altered state of consciousness, in which the subject is, in a way, allowing themselves to be suggested to. I must keep some of this stuff to myself though – for, I hope, obvious reasons. But I can say that I became pretty good at putting other students into hypnotic states. Could I do it to someone who wasn’t in the class though?

Well, I had an obvious subject at home. But I had to be careful that my wife didn’t sense something odd was going on. I developed a little story about getting something in my eye and as she peered at me, I explored her susceptibility using some simple steps. She passed with flying colours and I felt confident that I could put her into the required trance state. I set my plans.

One day I was all ready for my experiment. My wife and I were both home for the day and had no expected interruptions or visitors. I had been fantasising about what I would get her to do, and was keen for this to be something of a sexual nature. I wanted her to get dressed in her sexiest underwear (something she was reluctant to do as she got older) and then to take photos of her. Then I thought I might take a video of us making love. I would have some souvenirs at least. I was rather hyped up and worried that I would not be able to succeed with the mission.

Anyway, at about 11 am I plucked up courage and got her to look into my eye again, pretending that I could still feel something there. A minute later and she was under!

“OK, Sue,” I said, “until I clap my hands twice, you will do as I say, happily and without complaint. When I do clap my hands twice, you will exit this hypnotic state and will remember nothing that happened while you were in it. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Alan,” she replied, in a flat monotone.

“Come upstairs to our bedroom and get changed into the underwear that I shall choose for you.”

“Yes, Alan.”

So we went to our bedroom and I selected a red satin corset, red satin full-cut panties with black edging and black seamed stockings; then I watched her as she stripped out of her everyday clothes and was transformed with the sexy outfit. I got her to put on some high-heeled red shoes and to make up her face, ensuring lots of eye make-up and deep red lips. She needed my assistance in lacing up the corset and I used my hands to ensure her lovely C-cup breasts fitted into the corset cups nicely. They were beautifully uplifted, almost in danger of spilling over the top, but her nipples were just about hidden from view.

“Stay there while I get my camera,” I told her and went out of the room. Suddenly I froze as there was a ring on the door bell. Curses! Maybe it was the post? Sue was safely in our bedroom, so I went downstairs and opened the door.

“Hi Alan,” it was our best friend Chris. I realised I couldn’t have ignored the door bell, it would have been suspicious, and Chris would be bound to mention his visit either to his wife or to Sue, and I’d have no convincing answer as to why she didn’t see him or open the door, since our car was outside.

“Oh, hello Chris – is everything OK?”

Damn. Chris explained that he was out for a walk and had dropped in for a chat. Hoping the trance would last and that Sue would stay quiet upstairs I felt I had to ask him in and offer him coffee. How soon could I get rid of him? I started to think of some excuses.

“Is everything OK, Alan? You look, well, distracted.”

“Oh, I’m fine thanks, Chris” I stuttered, but clearly didn’t convince him. He asked after Sue, wondered where she was, wondered if he could get his wife to join us and go out for lunch, etc. It seemed he knew she was in, but was concerned why she hadn’t greeted him as she would usually do.

I don’t know if I did the right thing, but I had known Chris a long time, and knew that he had secrets of his own, for example I knew that he sometimes visited prostitutes in the next town. So I ‘fessed up and told him all. He was flabbergasted, but clearly there were thoughts flying round his head. He went a bit red in the face and paused before he said “Obviously I’ll keep it to myself – have no fear about that. You’ve been a good friend and never told Mary (his wife) about my little dalliances. It’s just that I’m so turned on by the thought of Sue waiting in her sexy underwear upstairs… could I join you some way?”

The dirty devil! I thought about it – this was potentially dangerous. If Chris joined us, would the trance break? Would this test the suggestibility too far? But it was a sexy idea…

“Yes, OK” I said, “give me a minute and I’ll call you.”

I went upstairs to find Sue sitting on our bed, humming to herself. “Hello, love. Sorry I took a while. If you’re ready for our photo shoot, let’s get going. Did I mention that Chris will join us – he’s very keen to see you in your lovely underwear you know.”

“I like Chris” she said, still in that monotone. I called him up.

As he entered the room his face lit up. Sue looked magnificent and Chris looked like all his Christmases had come at once. “Oh my God” he breathed.

I went to get my camera as Chris stood ogling my wife, who just stood up and looked at him. “Hello Sue” he said. “Are you OK with me being here?”

“Yes, Chris. It’s always nice to see you.”

“She’s talking like a robot,” Chris said to me as I re-entered the room.

I told him not to worry about it, it was just part of the trance. Then I went ahead and started taking photos of Sue as Chris sat on our bedroom chair and watched. I began with straightforward demure-ish shots of her, sitting, standing and so on. Then I started to get more adventurous and asked Sue to get on all fours on the bed, which meant her panty crotch was elevated and presented towards me when I stood behind her. This was a very inviting sight. Her legs were slightly apart for balance and her red shiny panty gusset was stretched across her crotch, slightly indented where it went over her vagina. I heard Chris’s breathing deepen. “Oh My God, Alan – that’s fantastic. Your wife has a magnificent body.” It was true, in that position her full breasts hung down within the corset cups and her pert arse was thrust back. I had a huge erection in my jeans and an unbelievable scene was unfolding in front of me.

I let Chris get closer to Sue for a better look. He got his face right up close to her gusset and sniffed her loudly, then sucked in his breath. “Pheww – lovely” was all he said.

“We’re going to touch you now, Sue” I found myself saying. “You’re going to really love it”

“Yes Alan. That will be lovely. I will love that. Thank you Alan and Chris,” she droned.

I went up to her and began to fondle her breasts over the cups of the corset. Chris tentatively began to stroke a thigh, looking to me for approval. I nodded at him and then moved my hand onto her panty gusset, while passing Chris my camera. “Get some shots of this for me please, Chris – in fact, turn it to movie mode and let’s capture the whole event!”

I rubbed over her panty crotch and Sue let out a little moan of approval. Chris was filming in close-up as I run my hand over her panty gusset, concentrating pressure where I knew her clitoris was located and over her bum-hole. She squirmed slightly and pressed herself back against my fingers. Lovely!

I maintained the action and Chris pointed out that Sue was getting wet, a little stain was appearing at her gusset. We were as quiet as possible so we could hear sucking wet noises from her pussy as I continued the massage. I moved my hand up to her panty waistband and slipped it inside the back of her panties, slipping it down until I felt her sopping wet vagina. Chris was filming one-handed, having got his prick out of his trousers and holding it in his other hand. I put four fingers in Sue’s pussy and frigged her slowly, the wet sucking sounds getting louder and now being joined by Sue panting heavily.

“Oh fuck, pull her knickers down, Alan, I want to see this!” said Chris. So I withdrew my hand and got hold of her panties at each side, then slowly (for best camera effect) eased them down over her bum cheeks. Her arse-hole and open vagina now came into view, and I put my fingers back up her. Then I let Chris have a go too, while I took over filming duties. This was insane – here was my best friend frigging my wife on my bed, while I filmed it!

“Fuck me - your wife’s pussy is lovely. It’s so wet. Does she usually get like this? And she’s gripping me tightly with her pussy lips too. Wow she’s fantastic. Sue – you’re fantastic!”

“Thank you, Chris. This is lovely. I’m really enjoying it!”

I got my dick out of my jeans, got hold of the camera again and moved to Sue’s face. Without any command, she took my tool into her mouth and began to lick and suck me, as I slowly thrust in and out of her face. Sue had never been a fan of oral sex, though happier to receive than to give, but in her hypnotic state she was totally uninhibited. I thought she might gag if my prick went too far into her throat but in seconds she was taking my whole length, letting it stay fully in for a few seconds and then allowing me a further thrust. Chris still had his fingers up Sue’s pussy and was furiously wanking himself at the same time, then he shouted “Oh, that’s it, I’m cumming” and spunked out over the bed sheets.

That was enough for me, Sue being wanked off by Chris and with her mouth round my dick, brought me to the verge of orgasm too, but I was beaten to it by Sue’s body racking back and forth as she came from Chris’s attention. As she bucked with her pleasure I erupted into her throat – which she hardly seemed to notice!

I told Sue to lie down and rest a while, then Chris and I went into another bedroom for a chat.

“I just want to carry on looking at Sue’s pussy and giving her a feel” said Chris, “this is bloody amazing – I’m so turned on by it all, it’s fantastic!” I told him we had to be careful, his wife would be suspicious if we took too long, and we had to have a convincing story that Sue would accept when she came round – where had the missing time gone? We agreed we’d have a bit more fun, but then plan another session soon; I told him I was happy for him to join in. And, to my surprise, I was; this was such an exciting thing I would be bursting to tell someone about it, well I had Chris to share the excitement with!

So we went back to the bedroom and there was Sue lying on the bed, still in her corset and stockings, but with no panties, patiently waiting.

“Open your legs up nice and wide, love, Chris wants to have a good look at you” I said. She smiled and did as she was told, opening her shapely legs and lifting them up and apart. Then she put a hand on each buttock cheek and pulled herself open even more.

“Like this, Chris, is that OK?” she intoned.

“Oh yes baby, that’s great” groaned Chris, as Sue’s vaginal lips, sticky with her juices, unstuck and opened up so we could see down into her pussy.

“Pose for us, love” I instructed and got my camera to capture this wonderful scene. I took shots of her on her back, legs splayed, close-ups of her crotch area, pussy and arse-holes glistening. Then we got her on all fours again. Using a vibrator we keep in a bedroom drawer, we got shots of that inside her too, and Chris happily held it as he probed inside her. All the time Sue smiled and complied with all requests.

Eventually we got Sue to lift her breasts out of the corset cups, for some reason we had been pre-occupied with her twat! Sue folded the cups down and freed her tits for our attention. Chris traced his fingers over her nipples to get them erect, though they were hardly in need of much help, and had a little suck on each of them.

We were running out of time, Chris would need to leave soon so he could carry off his story of staying for a chat after dropping in on us, and I needed to get the room straight, Sue re-dressed as before and all tidied up. I had an idea for a finale though.

“Sue, we’re going to stop this soon, remember I will clap my hands twice and you will forget all that happened, you will have had a lovely sleep, you were very tired! I am going to get my dick out and you will sit on it, while Chris will put his prick in your mouth and you can suck him off. How about that?”

“That will be lovely, Alan. I’m looking forward to it” she replied.

So I sat on the edge of the bed with my erection pointing skywards, while Sue manoeuvred herself over me and sat herself down on my dick. She was still soaking wet and I slipped right up her to the hilt with no problem. I cupped my hands over her boobs and began to caress them. Chris took his knob out and advanced on Sue who smiled as she took him down her throat. Then we pumped away. I put one hand down and massaged her clitoris and soon felt her beginning to shake, a usual sign she was about to cum. “She’s cumming, Chris” I warned and we both sped up on our thrusting. Sue was bucking wildly and both us men rose to the challenge, simultaneously spurting into her, one at each end.

As Sue subsided we both stayed impaled on her for a minute or two, enjoying the sensation of her warm hoes gripping us, then we withdrew.

“I need to do a pee” said Sue. I looked at Chris.

“Get the camera, Chris” I said.

“Sue, you can pee for us now – we’d both like to watch you. It will be good to see your pee coming out of your lovely wide open and wet pussy. Use this bowl and I’ll make sure it all goes in! Get on all fours again, open your knees nice and wide, lovely. When you’re ready!”

I took down an antique bowl from the window-sill and held it under Sue’s open crotch. Chris had the camera on movie mode and got into position to capture this. Sue’s pussy-lips opened slightly and a little dribble of piss began to come out, I moved the bowl to catch it. Then there was a gush and Sue pissed heartily, her pee splashing into the bowl, her pee-hole open wide. When she had finished we got some great views of her dripping wet lips and her open pee-hole.

It was time for Chris to leave us. With a nod and a wink I said I’d be in touch and he went smiling on his way. Returning upstairs I got Sue to take all her clothes off and get back into her everyday things she had worn earlier. I put everything away where it had been, re-made the bed and cleaned up the bowl. Then I got Sue to lie on the bed and said “when you come back, you will realise you fell asleep on the bed. I will have just come up and found you.” Then I clapped twice.


Part Two

Well I had fun over the next few days I can tell you! Sue completely accepted that she had fallen asleep and she showed no signs of remembering anything about what had happened. We’d even met Chris and Mary in the town for coffee and we sailed through that, though I caught Chris giving Sue wistful glances now and again, and he winked at me a couple of times.

I was keen to pursue my photographic ambitions with Sue and these had gone swimmingly. I even bought some studio-style lights to use with my camera for better results. Sue had a great stock of underwear in a special drawer in another room, and I made good use of these, getting her to try on a range of see-through panties, open-crotch knickers and quarter-cup bras. It was great.

I confined my self to evenings so had the curtains closed and used the light set-up. After getting Sue tranced-up I’d tell her what outfit I wanted her to wear and she would comply. I helped her make up her face, using models on the internet for inspiration. When ready I would instruct her in the poses and get her to strip off item by item, getting her into suggestive and downright dirty positions as she did so. All the time she smilingly acquiesced.

“OK Sue, now I want you to lie on your back, with your legs open as far as they will go. Lovely, that’s just right. Now - move your knees back slightly towards you so your pussy opens up for me. That’s great. Hold that pose while I insert your panties into your pussy. Here they come, lovely, just help me push them inside will you? Great, they’re right inside. I’ll just get a few shots like that. Now, I’ll just put a couple of fingers in your bottom. Pull it apart a little bit for me – lovely. I’ll just use a bit more lube, just squeeze it on my fingers. Here we go, relax. Ahhhh, right up your arse. Very nice and tight. Do you like that? I can see you do. Now slowly pull those panties out of your vagina for me, while I snap away. Fantastic. Excuse me while I just frig your bum-hole for a minute, keep holding your legs up so I can get a good view. Oh, I think I’m going to have to get some relief. We’ve never had anal sex have we? Let’s give it a try. Are you up for it?”

“Yes, Alan, I’m sure it will be lovely.”

“Here we go, relax while I put my prick on your bum-hole. Now try and open up for me. Great. A little more. Push back at me slightly. Ahh, there we go, my prick is just inside your sphincter, it’s very, very tight. Oh shit, I want to go in further. Ok?”

“Yes, Alan, it feels nice. Put more up me please”

And I went in. All the way. Sue groaned and a smile came on her face. A smile came on mine too. She was very well lubricated and I slid in and out of her bum for ages before I couldn’t stop myself exploding up her rectum. Then I brought her off by inserting my fingers into her bum and her pussy with one hand while attending to her clit with the other hand. She went off like a rocket.

“Stay like that, Sue, while I get some more shots. I love to see your open crotch and your pussy and arse-hole all wet and slippery and with cum oozing out. Wonderful. God, your pussy is so wet I could probably get my whole hand inside. Look, I’ll lube it all up and have a go. That’s it, keep wide open and pull those lips apart. Well four fingers are right in with no problems, let’s try the thumb as well. It’s so wet I think I’ll get my fist in easily, Sue. Yes here we go.”

Sue gasped as my hand went into her pussy. I had never felt anything like it as my fist was enveloped in her womb. Her pussy lips gripped me tight at the wrist and the walls of her vagina felt slippery against my skin. I rotated my hand and Sue began to moan as she orgasmed yet again. As she did so her vagina closed on my wrist with a huge pressure, I felt each contraction. Eventually they died down and I withdrew my sopping hand from her. Sue lay back down and fell into a deep contented sleep.

This made tidying up a little difficult as I had to undress her and get her into her standard nightie, but made it easier to get the photo equipment stacked away. I had to wake her up momentarily for the double hand-clap. She initially looked surprised, as if having been woken from a deep sleep (in fact, she had!) and then drifted back off again.

I watched her closely the next morning, but once again there was no sign of her remembering anything. I did notice her rubbing her bottom a few times during the day though!


Part Three

Of course I was expecting to hear from Chris again – it was obvious that he’d want another go at my wife. But I thought “fair do’s”, I should have a go at his wife in return! Surprisingly enough, he had had exactly the same thought and the following morning he phoned me. As luck would have it Sue was due to be away seeing her mother the next day and we hatched a little plot together, where I would drive to his place with my photo gear, after my wife had left, and then I’d put the old ‘fluence on his Mary. Assuming she was a good suggestible subject. I didn’t do anything to Sue that day, deciding to “save” myself for the next day – I didn’t want to perform at a below par level now did I? I got extremely excited about seeing Mary naked, and possibly having sex with her. Wow.

Next day I could hardly wait for Sue to leave, then I packed up the car with my lights etc and drove round to Mike’s place. The story would be that I just dropped round to borrow a tool or something for a spot of DIY I was doing. We’d take it from there, assuming a similar approach to Sue’s “experience”.

As I arrived Mary met me at the door. I was expecting that she’d be wearing everyday house clothes, much as Sue would usually – jogging bottoms and a t-shirt or similar – but I was pleasantly surprised to see her in a rather natty tailored two-piece suit, with a pencil skirt and a rather lovely cream silk blouse.

“Oh, hi Mary,” I said, “You look nice. Is Chris around, I’m hoping to borrow his sander.”

“Hello Alan. Thanks. Yes, Chris is inside, he’s just persuaded me to try this on – it’s for a wedding we’re going to next month. Chris – it’s Alan,” she called out.

The sly dog! Mary getting dressed up was no coincidence I was willing to bet! I hope he’d persuaded her to have some great underwear on as well – we’d see wouldn’t we? At least I hoped we would!

“I’ll be along in a minute,” Chris called back, “why don’t you show Mary the problem you’ve been having with your contact lenses?”

Chris had certainly got this planned well – this my cue to get Mary staring into my eyes, and for me to get her “under”. I hadn’t had a chance to try any tests to see if she was a likely suggestible subject, but went ahead anyway, fingers crossed.

She responded remarkably well. I had her tranced-up in a jiffy. Chris had been watching from round the door in the hall as I told Mary to relax and enjoy herself as she did whatever Chris or myself told he to do, that she would remember none of it, and that she would wake up when I clapped twice – well you know that bit don’t you?

She smiled at me. “Oh yes, Alan. That sounds fine. That will be great.” I winked at Chris and he nodded at me, indicating I should get started on her.

“I’m going to check you out Mary – see if everything is OK with your nice new outfit. Chris is here so it’s perfectly alright. I’d just like to feel that it fits everywhere, ok?” With that I stood in front of her and placed my hands on her waist, over her jacket, then I ran them down over her hips and she swayed slightly. She smiled to herself. Then I ran a hand over the curve of her bottom and down to the top of her legs. As I did so she opened her legs slightly and I decided “what the hell” and put my hand up her skirt. She gave a little gasp and so did I when I discovered she was wearing stockings and suspenders!

“Nice surprise, eh?” said Chris, “I managed to get her to try on the whole outfit. Great isn’t it? Are you enjoying my wife?”

“Oh very much so,” I replied. “I’m just feeling her crotch and its getting wet”.

“Push her panty gusset up into her pussy”. He commanded, and I happily complied. I got Mary to lean against the wall and I pulled up her skirt, then I was able to get some decent frigging action in on her lovely vagina. I had her panties well into her twat and my fingers slipped around the edges and straight up her. She began to pant really hard. “You can tell she’s enjoying that” said Chris, “her eyes have glazed over”.

I was keen to get my dick out and was just undoing Mary’s blouse when there was a ring on the door-bell. “Oh shit” said Chris, looking out through the lace curtains, “it’s Sue! What the fuck’s she doing here – I thought you said she was out!”

“Look, I’ll answer it, something must have gone wrong and she guessed I’d be here. Keep Mary here and I’ll try to think of something”.

It was a five second walk to their front door, and in that time I worked out what to do.

“Hi love,” I said to Sue, “what’s happened?”

“Bloody problem on the track, so the trains were cancelled! It was too much hassle going another way so I called Mum and rearranged. I thought you might be here when I realised you weren’t at home.”

“Oh well its good to see you, come in. I dropped by to see Chris and Mary as I got something in my eye and thought Mary may use her skills to get it out – I think its OK now – can you see…?”

Seconds later Sue was in a trance too, and Chris and I had an “opportunity”!

Well, we made the most of it. Chris was keen for us to make our own porno film and set about getting the lights set up and the camera ready. He told me that he had a scene he’s like to try, using the girls with me, and then he’d like to do it too. He directed.

“Sue and Mary, you girls are going to help us make a little movie. You’ll love doing this. First of all we need to get you stripped down a little. Alan will undress Mary and I will undress Sue – all right?” asked Chris.

“Yes, Chris” replied both the girls in unison.

I didn’t watch Chris, but just went straight to work on Mary. I stood behind her and put my arms around her to fondle and cup her wonderful breasts over her blouse and bra; they felt full and heavy and firm. Mary groaned softly as I massaged them gently. Then I slipped her jacket off he shoulders and undid her blouse buttons. Finally getting my hands inside and having a proper feel of those tits over her bra cups, then I lifted first one breast, then the other, out of the cups and left them exposed, yet still supported by her under-wired bra. They didn’t need it, but I gave her nipples a little tweak in any case, just to make sure they were nicely erect. They stood out like little buds. Fantastic.

I just had to give each of them a little suck and as I did so I looked sideways to see Chris helping Sue out of her panties. She still wore her top and he hadn’t taken her boobs out at all, though he’d probably given them a good feel-up, so she was standing there bottomless, though he had got her to put her heels back on. I returned my attention to Mary.

Still in her stockings and suspenders, I was pleased to see that she had done the right thing and had her panties over her suspenders. I asked her to part her legs so that I could feel her panty gusset and she obliged, enabling me to run my flat palm along her gusset. I put on a little pressure and was rewarded with the realisation that she was very wet down there; her panties began to slide up into her crotch. I pulled the front of her panties down and slid my hand over her lightly downy mound and let a couple of fingers slide along her vaginal lips, then allowed them to slide up inside her. This was amazing, and I nearly came in my pants – I was fingering my best friend’s wife, while he was doing similar things to mine!

“Right” I said, “they need to come off”. And with that I knelt in front of Mary with my nose against her panty front, nuzzled her gently, then got hold of each side and slowly eased them down off her bum and vagina, allowing her pussy to come properly into view. It was lovely. Her legs were slightly apart, the hair on her pubes was very soft and almost transparent and I could see the folds of the front of her vagina. I put my tongue out and gave her a lick, she was salty and warm. She opened her legs further and moaned “oh, lovely”.

“Hold on Alan” called Chris, from where he was standing with my wife bent forward and a couple of fingers up her snatch, “I’d like to shoot a little scene that I know you will really enjoy – something I saw on a porno and have always wanted to try – I cant wait to see what you think of it. First ladies, come over here while Alan strips off. Alan, you really need to be naked to get the best out of this.”

Chris was holding the camera and filming me. I was rather self-conscious as I took off my clothes and it made me lose my erection. I hoped I’d be able to go through with whatever he had in mind. He directed me to sit on the middle of the sofa. Then he got the girls to stand either side of me, facing away from him, to open their legs as wide as possible and to lean forward so they had their hands on the sofa seat. In this way their pussies and arses were fully displayed to the camera. “Stay like that girls” he said and holding the camera in one hand he inserted fingers first into Sue pussy, then his wife’s. Then he stood back.

“Alan, put your bum on the edge of the sofa, lift up your legs and spread them nice and wide!” I did so, feeling very disgusting at this rather extreme display. Then he got me to pull my bum cheeks apart, opening up my arse-hole for the camera. “Now ladies, Sue can get into position and start to suck Alan off, while Mary, I want you to lick his arse-hole for him. He’s going to love that!”

“Ok, Chris” they said, and my erection sprang into life at the thought of what was about to take place. Then I entered heaven! Sue sat beside me and leant over my lap to take my dick right into her throat, slowly fellating my whole length, while I held my legs aloft with my hands. Then I felt Mary’s breath on my open bum hole and the next second her tongue tentatively began licking around the edge of my ring. I had never experienced anything like it – this was something I had never expected to experience in my life. I was just thinking how glad I was that I was clean “down there”, having made sure I was before setting out for Chris’ house, when Mary’s finger entered the fray, or rather it entered my arse! I had opened up so much under her wet tongue that she slipped a finger up me with no trouble. But it was all too much – Sue was still busily taking me in and out of her mouth, plus the sensation of Mary’s finger in my arse and her wet tongue on my anal ring just sent me over the top. “Oh God I’m cumming” I called. Chris told Sue to get her head out of the way and was able to catch me exploding copious amounts of cum onto her face. “Mary, get some of this too” shouted Chris and she moved her face so that I could direct the last few pumps of semen onto her. Oh fuck I felt good.

“That went well” said Chris. “I bet you liked that didn’t you?” I nodded and smiled agreement. “Now I’d like to experience that while you film – OK?”

“You bet! Chris mate, that was fantastic! Has Mary ever licked your bum-hole? Its not something I would ever have dreamed Sue would do!”

“No, absolutely not” he replied, looking at the girls who just smiled back at him. “I saw it in a porno years ago and haven’t been able to forget it since – when we discovered you little “trance” ability, it gave me the idea to try it – I’m really ready for it now – I’m just about bursting!”

So I took the camera off him and told the girls we would be doing the same sort of thing again – for Chris this time. Both smiled agreement. I got them to undress Chris this time and made sure that they gave his dick plenty of rubs as they helped him off with his trousers and pants. Then I told him to start by lying on his back on the sofa and got each of them in turn to sit on his face, open their vagina lips and slide over his mouth and nose. Sue in particular got very turned-on by this and juices came pouring out of her. Then Mary took her place wile I got Sue to start giving Chris a nice slow hand-job. Once Mary was good and wet, I directed Chris into the legs akimbo pose that I had so enjoyed and Mary began to fellate him. “Ok Sue, you know what to do” I directed, “give Chris’s arse-hole a nice licking, see if you can make him cum. If his ring-piece opens then let a finger go inside him gently.”

The girls did as commanded. I couldn’t really believe my eyes as my wife began tonguing Chris’s arse. Chris was away in another dimension, his erection was red and throbbing, he was panting heavily and sweating profusely –his chest was red with excitement. Mary’s lips shafted his knob and Sue’s tongue flicked over and into his bum-hole; then she began inserting her finger and gently and rhythmically probing him. I suspected he wouldn’t be able to last much longer, but he managed to hold on a little as his wife and mine seemed to operate in harmony – in and out of Mary’s mouth and Sue’s finger in and out of his anus. Then “pow” he began to quake. “There he blows” I said, “Let’s see him cum.” His pelvis had begun to shake and involuntarily thrust. The girls moved aside and knelt next to each other. Chris stood up, took his engorged dick in his hands and began to spray both their faces. Time seemed to slow down as what looked like pints of cum sped forth from his tool and splattered across their cheeks, their eyes, their mouths. As he subsided he made sure he shook all the cum that was left onto them, then I told them to lick him clean.

“I think it would be nice if you girls got on the sofa and let us have a good look up you while we recover” I said, and we got Mary and Sue to pose like Chris and I had done, legs wide open, bums on the edge of the seat, hands holding their legs up and apart, pussies wet and wide.

Chris and I took a good look at each pussy, and had a very pleasant conversation about how they looked and how they compared. The girls obediently held their positions, watching us as we put our fingers up them, peered inside, pulled open their vaginal lips and probed their bum-holes.

“My favourite thing is to put a finger in each hole” I told Chris, as I did just that to his wife. “Its great if there’s plenty of lube dripping out of her vagina, like Mary has, then it just slips down over her anal-ring and it’s all ready to take you in.”

“Yes, that’s nice” he replied, “I think I’ll do that now with Sue, she’s certainly wet enough. Ah, there we go, yes its really nice and tight.”

“And you can feel each finger through the membrane between pussy and arse, can’t you?”

“Oh god yes, you can. Tell you what, I’ll put two fingers in Sue’s arse and you put two in her pussy and lets see how that feels! Get ready Sue!”

“Yes of course, Chris” she replied.

“Mary, you can keep holding Sue’s legs open for us ‘til it’s your turn.”

Mary did as she was told and held Sue’s legs apart and up so that Chris and I could get access to my wife’s nether regions. Sue was pouring with juice and my fingers went up her pussy with no problem. I transferred some lube onto her arse-hole and Chris used that to push first one finger, then two, up past her ring and up her rectum. As they went inside I could feel them through her perineum. We set up a rhythm and in no time Sue began gasping and rocking with orgasm.

Then it was Mary’s turn. Sue was taking a little rest after her cum, so we got Mary’s legs over our shoulders. This time I scooped out some lube from Mary’s pussy and then put two fingers at the entrance to her arse. With a little pressure her ring-piece opened and they went inside. Mary began to breathe heavily and then Chris obliged her vagina with a couple of fingers of his own. “How’s that then love?” he asked.

“Oh’ Chris and Alan, that’s lovely” she breathed. Once again we got a regular in and out motion going and could feel each others fingers in arse and pussy. And once again an orgasm followed, this time Mary began bucking and shouting “oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck” as she came.

I smiled at Chris “do you think you could cum one last time before we get them dressed and pack all this stuff up?”

Chris nodded “what do you have in mind?”

“I though it would be good to try a little double penetration – what do you think?”

“Oh yes – I’ll take Sue’s bum, and you can do Mary’s. Who shall we DP first?”

“It’d better be Sue, she came first. OK Sue, get the rest of those clothes off. I’ll lie down and you can sit on my cock.”

“OK Alan” she said, “here I come.” And with that she lowered herself onto my dick and I slipped inside.

“Now lean forward onto my chest so that Chris can get in your arse-hole. Mary, use the camera to get this on record!”

Sue did as she was told and Chris moved behind her, between her opened legs and astride my own. Mary trained the camera on the scene. For a moment I wondered what he was doing as Chris put a finger alongside my cock inside Sue’s twat, but he was just getting it lubed up. Then he ran this finger over Sue’s sphincter and let a bit of saliva drip onto it as well. Then he slowly introduced his cock into my wife’s anus. As he went in I felt Sue relax onto my chest with a big exhalation of breath, and could feel Chris’s stiff dick rub alongside mine through that wonderful dividing wall.

For a couple of minutes we pumped her together. “Fuck this is dirty, isn’t it?” said Chris. I could only agree. “Shall we do Mary now – I’m going to cum otherwise.”

We got Mary to hand the camera to Sue and then got Mary into position as well – she sat on Chris’s dick, just as Sue had for me, and offered up her glistening anus for my attention. For a moment I watched as Chris slid in and out of his wife’s pussy, each insertion making her puckered arse-hole open slightly. It was beckoning me in! I placed my cock against her ring-piece and pushed forward. Then I was inside. She gripped me quite tightly and I thrust in time with Chris. “Oh my god this is heaven” I said. Your wife’s arse is so warm and tight. I could do this for ever!”

“I I c-cant” stuttered Chris, “the thought of you up her anus is too m-much. I’m c-cummmminnngg!” He began to thrust with such power that the pressure on my cock was too much as well, and I joined him in cumming into Mary’s anus. We pumped our spunk into both her holes and eventually withdrew. I took the camera off Sue to catch the sight of our cum dripping out of each of Mary’s holes and down her inner thighs. We were all shattered, but Chris and I had work to do now to cover our tracks. This involved getting the girls dressed up as they had been before Sue arrived at the door, getting the lights and camera stuff away, tidying up the room and so on.

Eventually all was in place and I woke up each of the girls separately in the different rooms in Chris’s house that they had been in when I put them under. Over an hour had gone past but we managed to get away with it as we immediately engaged in lots of talk, made coffee and made sure they were sufficiently distracted not to notice how much time had passed. It had been a great morning. I had developed my hypnosis technique, had discovered that Mary was a good subject and was eager to try new things out. Here we go…


Part Four

While I was enjoying myself with my wife and with Mary, I was also exploring other possibilities. I had discovered that I didn’t have to waste too much time getting things exactly back to how they had been, and trying to disguise the passing of time, just by planting the idea of an alternative story in the mind of the subject. All I had to do was say something like “when you wake up you will remember that you had a lovely afternoon chatting to Mary and her husband about family and pets” and that got it sorted.

Anyway, it was summer time and we liked to go to our local beach. This gave me some ideas to have fun with. I was turned on by the thought of Sue being ogled by other men, she often drew admiring glances when she was in a swimsuit, and decided I might try something out.

Our first beach trip was a small-scale affair. A beach about ten miles from home is very pleasant, having soft sand and dunes, with grass growing on top of them, and many secluded areas. Generally people keep themselves to themselves in the various areas. I took Sue to the beach one quiet afternoon and put her into a trance once she had changed into her bikini and had begun soaking up the sun.

At first I thought it was too quiet for what I had in mind as no-one seemed to be around, but then I noticed a single guy wandering along, looking as if he was enjoying a walk among the dunes. I got Sue to sit up and I sat behind her with my arms around her, under her arms and holding her sides. The guy came closer to us and as he did I made eye contact, smiled at him and gently lifted Sue’s bikini bra top out and up off her breasts, exposing them completely to his gaze. “Give him a nice smile, Sue” I whispered into her ear, and as far as I am aware she did so. The bloke looked stunned. His face went bright red and he sat down, right where he stood, about 15 feet away from us, as if in shock. He stared at Sue’s chest and his mouth fell open. As he stared I took both hands and began massaging Sue’s tits, rolling a finger around her nipples and cupping them. The man sat there transfixed. He took a big breath and began to get up. I didn’t want him to come closer to us so I waved my hand at him to sit back down. He understood immediately and sat back on the sand.

I looked around. There were other people in sight, but most were in family groups looking out to sea. Then I spotted a man standing up and leaving his little group – I guessed he was going for ice-creams or something. He came ambling along and was going to pass quite close. “Beckon him over” I hissed to the guy sitting down and staring at us. After a second or two he waved to the new guy and beckoned him to join him. The new guy came over to him, not noticing Sue and myself, and the original guy said “take a look at this!” to him and pointed at us. I saw the new guy mouth “shit” as he sat down next to guy number one. Now I felt we had an audience! I nodded at them both and they nodded back.

“Knees apart, Sue” I asked and she slowly let her legs open as I still sat straddled behind her. I moved my hands from her breasts and lifted her legs up so that her bikini panty crotch was nicely visible to the men. They shifted where they sat, looking excited. “Rub your panty gusset for them” I whispered to Sue, and she let her hand fall down to her bikini bottoms and started gently rubbing herself between the legs. I indicated that the men could come a little closer, and stopped them with my palm up when they were about eight feet from us. They could get a really good view of Sue’s tits from there, and the wet patch that was slowly appearing at her gusset! One of them had got his prick out and was wanking himself and looking around to make sure he wasn’t seen.

Then I got Sue to turn over onto her hands and knees, her breasts hanging down and her bottom pointed at the watchers. Sue opened her knees again, panty gusset fully on show and I took over rubbing duties on her crotch. Then, I put my hand down the back of Sue’s panties and let two fingers go right up her vagina. Then I took my other hand and put it inside the gusset between her legs to massage her clitoris. Within seconds Sue began rocking with orgasm, one of the guys pumped spunk into the air and the other put his hand to his face as if he couldn’t believe what he had just seen!

Then I got Sue to put her top on, d****d a towel around her and led her shakily past the men. “Same time on Wednesday guys – bring a friend, one friend each, if you like!” I said to them, and walked off back to the car. I looked back. Guy number one was still sitting in the same place, while guy number two was running off to the kiosk, presumably he had some explaining to do to his family when he came back with those ices!

I started planning for Wednesday…

Actually I didn’t do a lot of planning, but I got myself pretty excited. I had a few ideas about what I wanted to do, that I thought the watching audience would like. I wasn’t going to let them fuck Sue, I wasn’t ready for that – it had been OK with Mike as I’d been able to do his wife in return, but these guys weren’t going to be in that position. I don’t expect that they had any expectations of it anyway – judging by the stunned reaction I got, I think they’d have been happy with anything. Still, I wanted to give a good show.

On Wednesday I got Sue under quite early and she changed into a rather nice little bikini with tie-sided panties. Over that she wore some shorts and a T-shirt. I had a few items in my pocket which I’ll tell you about later. We drove to the beach and parked the car. I was early, hoping that this would enable me to get Sue nicely ready and make sure we had a good location – just in case there was anybody settled where we had been last time. As we approached the beach I was a little worried as it looked like there was a family or a group just where I had exposed Sue previously. I started looking wider as we walked, seeking an alternative location. As we got closer though I realised that there were four men sitting there, and I recognised two of them, guys numbers one and two in fact! The cheeky devils had also got there early, and had brought a fiend each too. They had seen us coming and were nudging themselves and looking very pleased. Who could blame them?

I’ll call the friends guys three and four. We came up to them and sat down just next to them; I nodded and smiled at them and I got four beaming smiles back. “Say hello to the guys, Sue” I said and she smiled and did as asked.

“Just stay where you are lads,” I instructed “and do as I say. I think you’ll enjoy this. Don’t draw attention to what we’re doing, I don’t want lots of people coming over to investigate, we’re just a little group of friends enjoying an afternoon at the beach.”

“We certainly are” said guy four with a grin.

We got comfortable, laying out a large blanket I had brought along. Sue and I positioned ourselves at one end and the four guys sat next to us. I whispered into Sue’s ear “we’re going to give these lads a nice show now Sue, show them your lovely body. You’ll really enjoy it, and they will really love it.”

“Oh yes, Alan, that will be great fun – it will be lovely if they like me, won’t it?” I was pretty confident they would like her very much.

Give the guys credit, they did their best to look low profile. They lounged about on the blanket and were pretty discrete as I helped Sue off with her t-shirt by pulling it over her head as she raised her arms. Her full breasts within her bikini bra top came into view and there was a murmur of appreciation. I began part one of our show by gently cupping each breast over her bikini, then rubbing slightly so that Sue’s nipples began to push through the fabric. The guys were all agog and couldn’t believe it when I asked guy one to have a feel of a tit. He shifted himself next to Sue and put an arm around her, feeling her boobs from the back. “You can put your hand under her bikini if you like,” I said. He liked. His hands slipped under her bra top and began rhythmic motions on both breasts, giving most attention to her nipples. Then I got guy two to undo her bra and slip it off, exposing her tits completely to us all. Then I let each guy have a feel, in turn, reminding them to not draw attention to what we were doing. Sue just smiled and moaned softly as this was going on. A couple of the guys had crafty little wanks as they watched the others assaulting my wife’s chest.

After a few minutes of this I told them we’d move on to part two, and I got Sue to turn onto all fours, her luscious boobs hanging down and her bottom, still clad in her shorts, facing the guys. I gave her breasts another feel, then transferred attention to her rear end, running my hands over each buttock. Then I asked Sue to open her legs and ran my hand down and over her crotch. I kept this up for a while before I reached underneath her and opened the front of her shorts and unzipped them. Then I slowly pulled them down off her bottom and down to her knees. Now her bikini-clad bum was on display. Her bikini-bottoms were full-cut, but stitched up the middle giving a slight concave effect between her arse-cheeks. I let my fingers caress down the stitching and over her gusset. I assume the guys thought that this would be as far as we’d go, since it was essentially what we did last time. They would be expecting me to slip my fingers into her panties and bring her off. I didn’t. First off I made sure I removed Sue’s shorts completely and pulled them off her knees and her feet. Then I got her to move her knees much further apart and to drop her chest down onto the blanket. Her bum was now pointing back and upwards, all eyes were on her gusset.

I knelt next to Sue and put a hand on each side of her panty waist, gripping the tie-sides. Then I pulled them and the panties just simply slid off, exposing my wife’s anus and pussy to the four men who were drooling inches away from them. “Oh fuck, I’m glad I came” said one of them, and the others grunted in agreement. I looked around to make sure we were not being watched and then held her buttocks apart so the guys could see right up Sue’s holes. Then I reached into the pocket of my shorts and retrieved a tube of lubricant jelly. I squeezed some on my fingers and applied it to Sue’s open crotch. She was already fairly wet down there, but the added lubricant let my fingers slip right into her with ease. Most of the guys began openly masturbating at this point. I wasn’t surprised, I was turned-on myself by the thought of her being exposed this way.

I had got three fingers right up her vagina and Sue was sopping wet, so I transferred some of the goo onto her anus and began fingering her there next. Her ring-piece opened for me and a finger slipped right up her, followed by a second. Then I did my favourite thing of putting fingers in both holes simultaneously, and slowly wanked her as she began to moan and writhe.

The guys were probably thinking we were approaching the end of the session now, but then I gave them their special treat! I reached into my pocket again and produced four surgical latex gloves. I handed one to each bloke and said “Sue would like each of you to finger her holes like I just did. Go careful, be gentle and you never know we may do this again. Don’t draw attention though. OK?”

“Oh fuck, yes!” said guy two, pulling on the gloves. Then he advanced on Sue’s nether regions. I stopped him and squirted some lube on his glove and he slowly slipped gloved fingers first into her vagina, and then, tentatively, put a finger in her arse-hole. “Oh god this is fantastic, my wife would never let me do this to her” he panted as he then penetrated each hole with his index and ring finger. He already had his dick out and as he frigged away at Sue he began to strop his tool at the same time. Seconds later he came copiously on the sand, leaving his fingers buried to the hilt in each of Sue’s orifices for a while after.

He was followed by guy one. This time I got Sue to lie on her side and to bring her knees towards her chest. Guy three pulled her arse-cheek upwards so that her holes were fully exposed, and guy one went to work frigging her for all he was worth. I encouraged them both to work together and guys one and three managed to get one finger each into each of Sue’s openings. “Oh Alan, that’s very nice” she breathed to me as her anus and twat were reamed efficiently by the two blokes.

This was quite a sight for me and I had to get my own dick out and slip it into Sue’s mouth as the guys continued finger-fucking her. I got a steady rhythm going and soon emptied my balls down her throat. “Your turn” I said to guy four, and the other blokes pulled out of Sue and began wanking away as they watched the last guy have his turn with my wife.

Guy four got Sue on her back and asked me to hold her legs open and apart. This I did, but also got her to bend her legs slightly so that she was as fully available as possible, and I pulled her back slightly so that her arse would be slightly up for access. Guy three didn’t get his fingers in straight away, but crouched down close to Sue’s openings and peered up her, pulling her vaginal lips apart a bit to improve his view. “Alan,” he said, “your wife has a most wonderful pussy, it’s all dripping wet and she has fantastic puffy lips down there. And her arse-hole is to die for! It’s puckered up at first but then it opens a little as I play with her pussy. Look, its doing it now. If I just touch it, it closes again, then as I press…” and I saw him exert a little pressure on her anal-ring, “look, it opens a bit and my finger can go in. Wonderful. I can get lube out of her pussy, like this, and use it to make her anus more slippery. Wow, my finger is going right in now – she’s gripping me all along its length. Now I’ll put another finger up her twat – wonderful. Oh God, I can feel them against each other through her membrane. Fuck me this is great. Oh god, I’m cumming in my pants!”

It was true, he’d talked himself into such a sexual frenzy that he’d ejaculated without wanking! He must have been in a very heightened state and now he got his release. He looked a bit sheepish but I think we all understood what excitement it had been for him, we’d all clearly felt it too. Amazing.

Each time she’d been frigged, Sue had been moaning ecstatically and I was convinced she would cum at any moment, but the guys each seemed to beat her to it! As they relaxed after their cums, I took over wanking duties and within moments Sue bucked with orgasm; I had to tell her to “sshh” as I was worried she would attract attention.

Eventually I got Sue to put her bikini bra top and t-shirt back on but left her bottomless for now to keep the guys entertained. Then, so they would have something to remember and as a nice little finale, I got Sue to lie on her back, open her legs nice and wide and pee onto the beach. A stream of hot piss shot out of her and sprayed around nicely until it subsided. Then I wiped her pussy and arse dry with a tissue and she put on her remaining clothes. I asked the guys for their phone numbers in case they wanted to attend another session – all agreed. I told them I would be discrete, as they had been today and we said goodbye. Sue gave them each a kiss and allowed a quick fondle of boobs and a hand rub on her crotch. She smiled at me and I took her home, telling her we’d had a lovely relaxing but uneventful day at the beach as I woke her up.

Happy times!


Part Five

I had been contacted a few times by Chris wanting another session of the four of us, and I must admit I was keen to have another go at Mary. It was just a matter of arranging a time for the four of us to be together. It didn’t take too much organisation; we often had dinner parties together, so we agreed on an evening, just as we had many times before, but this time Chris and I had a rather special agenda. A day or two beforehand I arranged to meet Chris to agree details and for him to give me a carrier bag of some of Mary’s naughtiest underwear so that I could have it available on “the night.” We also agreed that we would begin the hypnosis after we had had the meal and a few drinks as that would make implanting memories easier. We were pretty sure we were well prepared and I began really looking forward to having it off with Mary again, and watching Chris do Sue. Yum.

The evening didn’t go quite according to plan though.

After Chris and Mary arrived the evening progressed as they usually did and we had a pleasant chat while Sue and I flitted into and out of the kitchen preparing the meal and getting drinks. We enjoyed the meal then retreated into our lounge to relax and continue chatting. This was our cue. On the pretext of needing Sue to help me prepare coffee I took her into the kitchen and put her under, telling her to wait there until I came to collect her. Then I went back into the lounge and got Mary in a trance state as well. So far so good.

We got the girls comfortable in the lounge and set about undressing them, each taking the other’s wife. I brought Sue’s underwear down as well as the items of Mary’s that Chris had passed to me. I told Sue to do whatever Chris said, then told Mary that we were all going to have some fun and that I would help her take all her clothes off to start with. “That’s fine, Alan” she said.

I got Mary to stand up and slowly undid the nice plain blouse she was wearing. It was great feeling her breasts over the silk of the blouse as I undid the buttons. Then I slipped a hand inside her bra and cupped a tit, paying attention to her nipple. She squirmed a little: “Oh that’s lovely, Alan” she intoned.

I glanced across at Chris who was helping Sue off with her red jumper, pulling it over her head and exposing her everyday bra. Then he was undoing it from behind and letting her boobs spring free. I noticed that her nipples were erect and she was quite red in the face. So was Chris to be honest. I turned my attention back to Mary and removed her blouse completely, letting the bra stay in place. Then I asked her to remove her skirt while I lay on the floor and looked up at her as her tights came into view. “Spread your legs a bit wider Mary,” I asked, “I like to get a good view of your gusset” and she obediently opened them for me and stood astride my head. “Actually, Mary, before you take your tights off, you could sit on my face”. She did so and I felt her warm and slightly moist crotch-piece gently press against my nose and mouth. I undid my flies and got my dick out for a few nice strokes while she sat there.

“OK, time to get them off” I commanded and got back on my feet, grabbed the waist-band of her tights and began to pull them down. Soon she was standing there in just bra and pants. “Chris has bought some of your nice undies over for you to put on – he knew I’d like to see them.” I’ll stand by while you change into them.”

“OK, Alan.” She took the underwear from me and looked briefly at it, then unclipped her bra, letting her lovely breasts out of captivity for a short while before clipping them back into a rather fabulous red nylon long-line half-cup bra. This almost covered her nipples but not quite. Almost half her areolas were visible. I had to give them a little lick. Then she pulled down her workaday panties and stepped into the matching pair to her bra; crotchless however. I helped her pull them up and made sure the open part was positioned around her vagina as it should be. She was moist already as I slipped a finger or two up her delicious twat. She turned and smiled at me.

Chris had my wife bending down to put on her heels. While I had been supervising Mary, Chris had stripped Sue down and she had been re-dressed in her own set with crotchless panties too. A nice touch of mine I thought, Chris will have appreciated that. She also sported a matching suspender belt and seamed stockings, but at this moment she was straight-legged and bent in two as she pulled her heels on, and Chris stood behind her gently frigging her pussy with his right hand as his left was cupping her boobs as she leant forward.

“Alan,” called Chris, “you can’t imagine how I’ve been looking forward to screwing Sue again after last time. You’re a fucking lucky sod with the hypnotism thing. I cant begin to thank you for letting me have Sue. Her pussy is so fucking amazing, she gets wet right away, no messing about. She opens up beautifully too. And her arse! Its so tight doing her up there. I haven’t even been able to do Mary that way yet, when she’s not in a trance there’s no way I’d try it! I need to do that tonight, as well as having Sue of course!”

“All in good time” I replied. “It’s not all one way Chris, you know, it’s been fantastic having Mary, she’s a wonderful screw – and I’ve been amazed at how much of a turn-on its been seeing you have Sue in front of me. We’re a couple of disgusting perverts aren’t we?”

I got Mary to finish her underwear dressing by helping her with suspenders, stocking and heels; I spent some time getting her seams straight and some great feels of her long legs. Both of us spent some minutes feeling the women all over their underwear, hands inside bra cups and into crotches. Our fingers were wet from our respective wives juices.

“I think we need to get our dicks warmed up now Chris” I suggested, and we began to strip off ourselves. As we did so the girls moved towards each other, which was a surprise as I hadn’t offered any instructions. Then they began embracing and Sue lay down on her back on the floor, constantly looking into Mary’s eyes. Mary had a fixed expression on her face too, maintaining strict eye contact with Sue as she initially straddled Sue, bent and kissed her full on the lips, then rose and positioned her knees either side of Sue’s head and lowered herself onto my wife’s face, her gusset-free panties planted firmly on Sue’s mouth. Then Sue opened her legs wide and Mary bent forward, pulled Sue’s legs up and apart and put her face between them.

Chris and I were transfixed. Rooted to the spot. I looked at him and he looked back at me with his mouth open. I didn’t know what to say or do. This was a great scene, but I hadn’t made it happen. The women were apparently on auto-pilot. Was this just a natural inclination taking over? Nether of them had ever initiated anything while in a trance before. They had always just stayed put wherever they were until ordered to do something. I was perplexed. But also hugely enjoying what they were doing to each other. They were slurping away at each others flaps now. Burying their faces in each others equipment. Their hands were pulling each other open and putting fingers inside themselves, even fingering ring-pieces.

It was too much for me, I had to get my dick in one or other of them. Mary was on top so I got behind her. Chris knelt at Sue’s bum end and put his fingers forward for a feel.

“Fuck off you two; back off” shouted Sue, “you’ve had some fun, now we’re setting the agenda.”

Shit! We backed off sheepishly. Then, in unison we sat down together on my sofa, stunned.

Sue licked Mary’s pussy awhile then carried on. “You really thought your little hypnotism trick was working didn’t you? Well, for your information I knew you’d joined that class and not the car mechanic one – my friend Janet works at the college and had seen your name on the register. So I kept quiet and waited to see what you were up to. Oh wow, Mary that was good.” Mary was still licking Sue out. “I played along with your game and then Chris stumbled into it. Well, I’ve always fancied Chris so that was OK with me. I told Mary all about it; we expected Chris to want to do more so I warned Mary what to expect. My pretend trip to my mother’s was set up between us, although of course you thought you and Chris were the masterminds. When Chris suggested Mary get on her wedding outfit, it was so amusing.”

Mary stopped her sucking of Sue’s flaps. “Yes, I almost burst out laughing when you got me to put my ‘special’ outfit on Chris,” said Mary, “and I put my stockings and suspenders on too – you could hardly believe it. And I have always fancied you Alan, Sue and I have often talked about swapping partners, men don’t have a monopoly on sexual fantasies you know!”

“You were pushing it with the beach trip though” said Sue, as she and Mary stopped their lesbian play and began to get up, wiping their mouths. “Fortunately you didn’t get any of those strange guys to fuck me. That would have meant I’d have had to stop things there and then. But I enjoyed the attention, and Mary and I were hoping that we’d have a beach foursome some time. We decided we had had enough of waiting for your imaginations to come up with ideas and so we’ve taken charge tonight.”

They advanced on us both, pulled us to our feet and pulled our pants off. Sue took Chris’s dick in her mouth and Mary took mine. We were both erect immediately as the girls sucked us hard and deep. I came pretty quickly down Mary’s throat and Chris followed soon after.

“We’re calling the shots from now on,” said Mary, “we’re all going to the beach tomorrow. Now get us off and be fucking quick about it.”

They both positioned themselves on the sofa, legs akimbo, pussy’s open, wet and inviting. Lick us til we cum, then I want it up the arse!”

“Same here” said Sue.

I looked at Chris.


(But in a good way….)

发布者 radionpg
4 年 前
That was one of your best 
Haha fucking brilliant that was amazing xx
Annalovesit 3 年 前
Absolutely fantastic story ,hypnotise me next x
curiousdavid 4 年 前
This has to be the best story! Brilliant!
sam_barford 4 年 前
Brilliant! Such a sexy story! Kept me wanking all the way through! 