Home To A Surprise

Home To A Surprise Oh my God! Mum? Dad? What's going on, and who is this? Ahhhh! Ooohh, oh, slow down a bit George. That's it. Ah Alan, you're home early; ummm you've just caught us having our weekly fun time. This is Bernard from the pub. He's fucking me in the pussy and your Dad's buggering me. That's fucking me up the arse. Its called a DP, a double penetration. Its fantastic! Hi Alan, good day at school? Why are you home so early? Sports was cancelled Dad. But. But. This is SO naughty. And wrong? Err. isn't it? No, not at all. Its fun! We love having sex and Bernard joins us sometimes… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 6 天 前 3

Mum Helps My Film Project

Mum Helps My Film Project Mum, can I have a word? Yes of course my love. What is it? Its for my school film studies project. Oh yes? Yes, we have to produce a short film, show it to the class, and get a mark on quality and content. Oh that sounds interesting. How can I help? Well, I don't have a lot of time, I've delayed it, thinking about content that will be different from the usual stuff our class does. I want you to star in it, but I really need you to do it today. Now if possible. What do you want me to do? The idea is to show you going into the bathroom and having a pee.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 2 月 前 6

Mum n Dad Let Me

Mum n Dad Let Me Happy Birthday Alan! Oh Dad, Mum, thank you... Wow its the latest Gphone25Professsional! Thank you so much. Its fabulous! Yes, its pretty good, one of the best as far as I can make out. And it has one of the best cameras for stills and videos you can get. Its brilliant Dad. Thanks. And that's not your whole present Alan... Oh, what else is there Mum? Well, your Dad and I thought that, with that new phone and the wonderful camera, we'd give you an extra special treat and you can film us! Oh, well, I guess I can always do that? But thank you anyway. Ah, but we me… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 3 月 前 7

My Mate's Mum Lets Us - Airtight!

My Mate's Mum Lets Us Got any new sexy mags then Seth? No, sorry guys. Just the copy of Parade you've already seen. I wish I could get my hands on some stronger stuff. Not round here you won't. We'd have to go up to London I guess. Then they'd never let us buy anything better, even if we had the money! And they'd probably not show fanny or anything, just tits I imagine. Oh how I'd love to see a girl's pussy! Me too! And me. I mean we know what's down there, but getting a look at it... its not going to happen is it? None of the girls at school are likely to look at us three, let alone sh… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 4 月 前 7

Market Research Lets Me

Market Research Lets Me (Not for folk who don't like pee in their stories) Hello, can I help you? Yes, I'm undertaking research for a leading high street clothing retailer. Would you be prepared to answer some questions for me? Yes, of course. Come on in. Have a seat. Tell me more. Its research for Emma Ness, the clothes chain. I'm asking women about underwear. Is that OK? Yes, sure. What do you want to know? Well its mainly about panties. Knickers and suchlike. Do you ever purchase knickers from Emma Ness? Oh yes, most of my knickers are from their shops. Do you have any idea… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 5 月 前 2

Our Neighbour Lets Me

Our Neighbour Lets Me Oh, hello Tommy. Nice to see you. What can I do for you, young man? Oh... er Mrs Chambers, do you mind if I come in? No, of course not. Come in, sit yourself down. Now, how can I help you? Errmm... can I bugger you please Mrs Chambers? What? Well-yes-we've-been-doing-sex-education-at-school-its-also-called-sodomising-and-my-friend-says... Hold on, hold on, slow down! You want to... bugger me? Is that right? Yes. You see we're doing sex education at school, and my friend Bobby says they don't cover everything. There are nice things like a lady sucking your willy, a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 5 月 前 6

Granny Lets Me

Granny Lets Me Granny, can I see your knickers please? Yes of course my love. I'll lift my skirt up for you. Do you like them? Wow Granny, you've got stockings on too! Well yes, I knew you were coming round today so I thought I would. Oh thank you Granny. Your knickers are lovely; I really like shiny silky ones like those. And they're nice and tight too. They really show your mound off well! My mound? Oh you have been researching ladies parts haven't you? Shall I take off my skirt for a better view, then you can see the back and how they fit my bottom. There... Oh lovely Granny!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 6 月 前 11

Auntie Jane Lets Me

Auntie Jane Lets Me [Ding Dong] Oh, hello there Mikey. Come in. Is everything all right? Yes Auntie Jane. Everything's fine. Is anyone else in? Are you expecting anybody? No, its just me as usual. Why? Well, we've been doing reproduction in school today... Yes? And I wondered if I could do sex with you Auntie? Oh, I see. Well, yes of course. Now? You want to have sex with me now? Yes please Auntie Jane. So, young man, you know all about it do you? Well I know about the lady's parts. We had to draw a diagram. Fallopian tubes... Ovaries... things like that. So you know all a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 6 月 前 6

Mum Lets Me (And My Mates)

Mum Lets Me (And My Mates) Wow Mum, you look great today! Why, thank you Alan. That's really nice of you to say. You don't usually compliment me on what I look like! I know; sorry Mum, its just that, I guess, as I get older I appreciate you more... And that tight jumper.. well it makes you look fabulous. Ha ha, I think I know what you mean. You mean it makes my breasts more prominent don't you? Well... er, yes I suppose that's it. Sorry! Don't be sorry. I'm glad you like how I look. I'm proud of my figure. They do look wonderful. Would you like to feel them through my jumper th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 6 月 前 2

Watching Porn With Mum

Watching Porn With Mum Mum? Yes lovey? They've been saying that boys like me are seeing too much... er, porm? Porn? Who's been saying that? It was on the news, Mum. Porm or porn or something. Its porn. Its short for pornography. Why are you asking? Well, I don't know what it is and I don't think I've seen it, but they say boys my age see it a lot. Well that's good that you haven't seen it Alan. You shouldn't be seeing it. Its not nice. But Mum, what is it? Why shouldn't I see it? I bet some of my friends at school have seen it. Well they shouldn't! I think I should ask them a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 7 月 前 8

A Schoolboy's Surprise

A Schoolboy's Surprise Hi Mum, guess what? They cancelled the sports afternoon so I'm home early! Oh God, what are you doing Mum? Are you... having sex with that man? In our lounge? And who is he? Oh God Alan! Oh er, hi man! Alan, I can explain... errr... This is Bob... He... I've been shagging yer Ma man! Its a regular thang. She loves m'big cock... Mum! Yes, look, I'm sorry Alan lovey. I didn't want you to find out... obviously! Its a secret. Your Dad mustn't find out... Please don't tell him! But... Look man, I can see you're shocked; seeing yer Ma all undressed and that; s… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 7 月 前 5

Buying That Mag – Losing My Virginity

Buying That Mag – Losing My Virginity (Note: If pee play turns you off, skip over the italicised parts) Are you OK over there young man? Errr. Oh err. Yes thank you Miss. It's Mrs actually. Do you need any help? Its just that you've been quite a while, and I have to shut the shop up soon ... Oh, er no. Sorry. Err... I... er.. OK I'll take this please. Fine. Umm. Look, don't be embarrassed but.. well, I don't want you to waste your money. This magazine.. well, I'm sure you could do better. I'm sorry, what do you mean? Well I guess you saved up your pocket money to buy it d… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 8 月 前 5

That Passage In A Book – DP!

That Passage In A Book – DP! I must tell you about something amazing that happened while I was a school-kid in the late sixties. With puberty raging my mates and my I would do our best to get as much information about girls and sex as we could. We swapped magazines like Carnival and Girl Illustrated between ourselves and devoured books like The Perfumed Garden and The Kama Sutra. These were all great, but of course we wanted more, and the icing on the cake would have been to actually have sex with a girl. Or even to see one naked. The magazines were all rather coy or airbrushed. You'd… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 9 月 前 6

A True Start then A Mum Fantasy

If you have read my post entitled “Mother's Stories” I can tell you that the first part of Jane's Testimony is based on something that I actually did! It was in the early seventies and I was a teenager, living with my parents in a council house, with the puberty sap rising and an increasing interest in girls and nudie magazines. It began one evening purely by accident. In those days my parents were very conscious of costs and as a consequence we only had one bath a week, the water heated by an electric immersion heater which only went on on a Sunday evening. So, during the week the family used… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 11 月 前 17

My Amazing Spontaneous Mother – Unforgettable

My Amazing Spontaneous Mother – An Unforgettable Afternoon My school-friends John and Mark had come over to my house after school exams one day in Summer and we were sitting and chatting in our lounge, listening to records and generally relaxing. None of us had heard my Mum enter the house, which wasn't surprising really as we had the music quite loud and we were rather distracted by a girlie magazine that John had brought with him. It was nothing special by today's standards, but we appreciated it; we didn't have a source of anything stronger. This one featured a nice striptease for e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 21

Naughty Photos Of Your Wife/Partner/Mum/Mom

Naughty Photos Of Your Wife/Partner/Mum/Mom (Please note that this is purely produced for fun, as a result of research I have undertaken. It is not meant to encourage such behaviour, but may form the basis of some nice fantasies that you and your partner can play along with. Always get your partner's permission.) (For US readers what we call a mobile or mobile phone is what you call a cell or cell phone). Well we all want to have pix of our wives or mums or girlfriends as keepsakes don't we? And we'd like sexy shots too in many cases, so we have swimsuit pix on holidays, and so on. B… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 2

Mum's Outfits

Mum's Outfits Hello Mum, what are you doing? Oh, Archie, I didn't see you there. Come in. I'm just trying on some outfits for this evening. What's happening this evening Mum? Oh, its just that its mine and your Dad's wedding anniversary and we're having a lovely evening in, after you're in bed, a nice meal and so on. Why do you need to try on outfits? Well its a special treat for your Dad. I'm going to wear things that he will like. What kind of special things? Well, if you must know, they're sexy things. Oh! Yes, nice things that make me look sexy and your Dad will love. Why… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 21

Sue For Hire

“Hello?” “Hi there Paul. Its Alan here. How are you?” “Oh, hi there young Alan. Yes we're all fine thanks. Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope everything is Ok with you?” “Yes, all fine here. How's Sue? Is she around?” “No, sorry, she's out at the moment; be back later. Do you want to book her?” “Yes please Paul. Hopefully tomorrow evening, or failing that the evening after?” “I'll take a look... Yes, tomorrow evening looks fine. How long will you want her for, the usual hour?” “Well, that's what I was going to check out with her. About the specification etc.” “You'll be wanting an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 9

Caught! Part 2

Caught! Part 2 Hi Mum. I'm home! Ah, good boy, Junior. Are you ready to..? oh...! You have Stevie with you! Yes Mum. I brought him home to.. to... err join us... Hello Mrs Jackson Oh, hello Stevie. Umm, Junior, can I have a private word please? Excuse us Stevie, a moment. 000ooo000 Junior, what are you playing at? I assumed we would have our usual after-school fun. I've got all my nice undies on! What's going on? Well, Stevie IS my best friend. And I know he'd love to see your knickers like I did... So... What? So, yes. I wanted him to join us and that you could show him your… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 4

The Extreme Village Event

The Extreme Village Event I'm so glad I was present when “It” happened! That's how the locals refer to it. Or they talk about “That Evening” or “The Event”! Anyway, I was very glad indeed that I was in our local rural village pub that evening. We have two pubs in the village, a posh one that does food and fancy stuff, and our rather basic one that is frequented almost exclusively by locals: farming folk, local tradesmen and so on. Jack, the landlord, is a nice guy and often holds lock-ins for his clientele, which often also includes even the local bobby. Jack's wife, Shirley, is one of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 radionpg 1 年 前 21