Smoking forbidden
Margaret was standing outside the head office, nearly in tears by the sound of the cane administered inside. It was only her first week in school and the second time having these unpleasant meeting with the headmaster. Margaret Palmer was 18 years and in her sixth form on these St Luke school, it is in Boxwood. A small village outside town, Boxwood its where Margaret's father grew up. He is now serving some time in prison for fraudulent things he did, her mom took off with some other gentleman to live on another state. That lived Margaret with no choice but to come down to Boxwood and live with her grandparents. She had never set a foot there before and lived her best life in some surburb with the money her father was cheating on other people. Now in just few days she had been there, she had to fit in and carry on with her life. The grandparents enrolled her at St Luke, a mixed school that caters for 13 years old to 19 years old boys and girls, the 17 to 19 years usually did their sixth and final year at school and so is our Margaret. Been an introvert such as her, it never easy to make friends. Her first day at school was so horrible, she spent the entire day alone at school. Walking by herself and having lunch by herself. On her second day, two 19 years old Sandra Boyson and Rosie Peters approached her to make friends with her. For she was desperate she approved the friendship, things became a bit better. She started to enjoy been there a little bit, at her last class Mr Dawson ordered her to stay behind and warned her about her knew friends. "It seems you are a good and brilliant girl Margaret, do yourself a favour and get rid of Sandra and Rosie, they trouble makers". But our girl just listened without answering, surely she can take care of herself as she thaught to herself. "You new here, consider yourself warned dear. I am very strict with those two and always having my eyes on them, unless you want to be on my bad books then I suggest you carry on with that friendship" said the teacher before dismissing her.
The following day, which is Wednesday Margaret now realised what kind of girls are Sandra and Rosie. The girls copied Margaret's English homework word for word, with Margaret eager to please, she just let them do that. Mrs Jacobs was furious with the identical homeworks and of course she knew who did the homework here or who did not. She gave the girls a stern telling off and wrote a peace of paper, fold it neatly and gave to Margaret to take to the headmaster. Margaret obliged and in just few minutes she was in front of these big man, the head Mr Parker. He took the note, read it and have a decent chat with Margaret. Also warning her of the girls, he took out his cane and said he is to dish out some punishment of course. Gave Margaret two strokes on each hand, moderate force but enough to sting. Send her back to class. The girl was shocked to get the cane, let alone realise corporal punishment still exist in these school. She asked her friends at lunch time and they were surprised Margaret did not know, or took it as barbaric. "What? You mean you didn't know? It's school here dear, what did you have in your school?" Asked Rosie and Margaret said lines, detentions and other non physical punishment. The two laugh "welcome to St Luke dear, here its all different. Corporal punishment does exist and the head is always ready to dish it out, so is Mr Dawson, that one is the b**st" said Sandra and Margaret remembered he said he has his eyes on the two, so she asked them what was Mr Dawson on about there. But the two girls brushed her off, and they didn't even warn her she could also get a sore bottom. For the head is a fair man, he cane more often on hands but for serious offences or repeat offenders it may aswell be bottoms. Very rare bare bottoms although he has the authority to cane bare bottoms.
Fast forward Friday now, Mr Dawson is having the girls class on the first period. Yes Sandra and Rosie are troublesome, but there is one teacher they fear and respect and it is Mr Dawson. They come to class always, early and with homeworks done properly. They just model pupils in his class, for he really is strict with them. He cane their bottoms time and again, the 55 year old teacher really have a thing for those two. As they come to his class, Sandra had a pack of cigarettes she bought for her boyfriend, they had tried to smoke but Dawson burned their bottom so much that they decided there and there that smoking is painful. She had meant to give the pack to her boyfriend before class but as she dud not meet him, she asked for Margaret to keep it for her. The girl was a bit sceptical about it but eventually took It, it was a bit cold and raining. The girls got in class in time, the teacher also got in and the lesson carried on. They were given classwork and from nowhere it was "Sandra please come to my desk with your bag" and the girl quickly obeyed. Straight away het bag was searched "It has been long since I searched your bag ey girl, got some forbidden things in here?" Asked the teacher while searching throughly and the girl answered politely "No sir". And indeed there were no forbidden things, she was given her bag back and sent to the chair. "Rosie" came the shout and she knew what that meant, she went to the teacher with her bag. "No things i wouldn't like in here girl?" Asked the teacher searching and the girl said yes sir. "I hope So, otherwise we know we won't sit ey Rosie?" And the girl again agreed. Teacher eventually finished and gave her the bag. As the girl went for her chair it was "Margaret". The girl froze, she had saw what is happening in front, she had cigarettes on her bag but she never thaught she could be searched. Even when the two were searched, she had never gave Mr Dawson a reason to search her. "Margaret come to the front with your bag, you part of the gang now ant you?" said the teacher sternly watching the girl, she stood up and took her bag to the front and Sandra looked at her, it was game over. She looked outside, it was raining and cold, Mr Dawson is going to burn her bottom good if Margaret snitch, she was lost on her thaughts and came back when Mr Dawson said "oh my, i thaught as much. In just your first week you have been caught with ciggarette, you smoking young lady?" And Margaret just looked down lost for words. "Ciggarette isnt for schoolgirls, i am going to show you in a moment. You really going to regret smoking girl,..." He stood up and went for the cane, came back with it and swish it in the air "were you going to share girl? Who were you going to smoke with?". Sandra gasp and Rosie just hoped she isnt dragged into these, she does not want a cane. "It isnt mine sir, i.... i dont smoke sir, it was a present for someone" said Margaret even realising that's a lame can excuse, and Dawson pressed her "a present? A present girl? For who then?" And the girl just looked down and not answer.
Dawson came close to her, hold her with the right hand on her shoulder and drive her to the little room which he use as his office, little but has a space for a good swing. When entering it he looked back and said "carry on with your classwork class, we will be back in a moment". Inside the room he straight away guided Margaret to the desk, he bend her over and Margaret although she had never been punished on a bottom, she was not stupid. She realised a cane and guided to bend over, it must be the bottom, she got into tears and pleaded "please sir, not on the bottom. Please cane me on hands" but grabbing the far end as directed "i warned you Margaret didn't I? I specifically warned you my girl" and she felt her skirt raised to reveal tights and immediately a slap on her bottom "shoes off, tights off Margaret!!!" She stood up and turned to the teacher, "please sir not on the bottom, please...." before she could finish the cane strike the desk "it is the bottom Margaret, didn't your so called friend told you. It's bottom only for your group girl". Margaret wiped a little tear, took off her shoes but still kept pleading " please let me have the tights sir, they won't give much protection". Dawson paced up and down swishing the cane "off girl, off!!!" And eventually the girl was on her skirt and knickers only, shoes and skirt off. She was bended over and the skirt raised again to reveal a white regulation Knickers tight on the bottom, "better grip very tightly on that far end girl, otherwise I will be very angry and you don't want that" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Craaaaack!!! "Ouch AAAAAAAAA" as Margaret shoot up to rub but Dawson straight away shouted "get back down girl, i haven't even started with you yet". Margaret was in tears now doing the caning dance, the door was opened and the class could see her clusting at her bottom. Dawson grabbed her shoulder again and bend her over "we smoking girl dont we? Who gave us permission to smoke?" And the girl was just sniffling as she felt her skirt raised again and she clenched het bottom as she felt the cane tapping. Tap! Tap!! Relax Bottom girl" Tap!!! Swiiiiiiish thwaaaaak!!!! And the girl again let fly "oooooooooh oh ah oh" Dawson was really caning hard. He just tap the desk "over, over girl" and Margaret just stood rubbing openly crying "get back over the desk Margaret, i haven't got all day". The girl still crying "please sir, it's hurts. Please i...." but Dawson shouted "of course it's hurts, it meant to hurts. And it's going to hurts a lot more before i am done, get back here now"?. Margaret bend over, skirt raised again and these time felt her knickers pulled up, Dawson wedged them so the bare cheeks could be visible. Two red strokes were clearly seen "let's get the knickers up a little ey, they seem to be offering protection dont they?" And before she could answer the next stroke landed and three more with Margaret not taking it well. After six of the best, she was left on the room to wear her tights and put on the shoes, before she rejoin the class. After several minutes she appeared in class and went for the sit, attempt to sit down three times before she could find a suitable way to sit.
Bell rang for next class and she was instructed to stay behind again "never caned on the bottom ey girl?" And she nodded still with her hands on the bottom. Dawson smile "good, that's what naughty girls get ey? I am confis**ting these pack, come back after school to accompany me to the headmaster. We must go and tell him we smoking ey?" And she just got shocked "please sir, please dont tell him. Please sir" but Dawson has decided to be strict with her "smoking its the principal matter dear, if you thaught I caned hard. Just wait until he bend you over my girl, that bottom is going to be really sore I promise you". She was send to the next class, at break time they got a chance to speak with her friends. "I am so sorry Margaret, i didn't know the bastard will search you aswell" said Sandra and Margaret just never answered, she was pissed with them. She told them she is supposed to see the head after school, the girls told her not to snitch on them and said as she has been caned already. It's unlikely she would be caned, unless its on hands which is bearable.
That comes to the first part then, why Margaret was standing nearly in tears outside the head office. One Juniour girl was been caned inside and Dawson had gone in, Margaret had counted three strokes when she saw the girl emerging rubbing her hands and Dawson close by, "go and wait for me on my class young lady, i am going to cane your bottom before you go home" as she addressed the unfortunate girl. She ushered Margaret in and she eventually saw her pack on the desk, Dawson took a chair as headmaster was already sitting. "In just few days here girl and it seems like we going to have a problem with you, i believe that these are you cigarettes girl?" Asked the head and Margaret just nodded "hmmmm an 18 year old girl smoking, it isnt nice. Really not nice" and Dawson just nodded "Mr Dawson here tell me he had to dish out a punishment earlier on, what was It?" Asked the head again and the girl looked down, " cane sir, cane on the bottom". Both the gentlemen laughed before head continued "still sore?" And the girl nodded. Dawson spoke for the first time "oh she is exaggerating, it was not that severe. Gave them over knickers sir". The head smile again "Oh over knickers, it did not hurt much dear did It?" And Margaret answered "It did sir, four on the bare". Dawson stood up and shouted "bare girl, bare bottom? Why a lie? ?, Margaret in fear now "I am sorry sir, i am not lying. It was on the bare, you pulled and wedged the knickers". Dawson turned on the head "only pulled the knickers a bit tight head, and she made a fuss" and the head said "that was not bare bottom young lady, i will show you bare bottom in a minute". Margaret gasps and Dawson said he must be excused, he has a little situation he had to deal with, he meant the girl he promised a sore bottom. "You have disappointed me Margaret, i tried to be lenient with you. It's bare bottom only from now on girl" as he went out. Headmaster immediately went for a cupboard, took out a cane. Two canings from me in a week, obviously hands are not for you. Let's take shoes, skirts, tights and knickers off young lady. I want you naked from waste downwards except for Socks" and the girl rubbed her bottom "please sir, Mr Dawson already caned my bottom". The head swishing the cane "he caned over knickers, i will cane bare bottom".
The following day, which is Wednesday Margaret now realised what kind of girls are Sandra and Rosie. The girls copied Margaret's English homework word for word, with Margaret eager to please, she just let them do that. Mrs Jacobs was furious with the identical homeworks and of course she knew who did the homework here or who did not. She gave the girls a stern telling off and wrote a peace of paper, fold it neatly and gave to Margaret to take to the headmaster. Margaret obliged and in just few minutes she was in front of these big man, the head Mr Parker. He took the note, read it and have a decent chat with Margaret. Also warning her of the girls, he took out his cane and said he is to dish out some punishment of course. Gave Margaret two strokes on each hand, moderate force but enough to sting. Send her back to class. The girl was shocked to get the cane, let alone realise corporal punishment still exist in these school. She asked her friends at lunch time and they were surprised Margaret did not know, or took it as barbaric. "What? You mean you didn't know? It's school here dear, what did you have in your school?" Asked Rosie and Margaret said lines, detentions and other non physical punishment. The two laugh "welcome to St Luke dear, here its all different. Corporal punishment does exist and the head is always ready to dish it out, so is Mr Dawson, that one is the b**st" said Sandra and Margaret remembered he said he has his eyes on the two, so she asked them what was Mr Dawson on about there. But the two girls brushed her off, and they didn't even warn her she could also get a sore bottom. For the head is a fair man, he cane more often on hands but for serious offences or repeat offenders it may aswell be bottoms. Very rare bare bottoms although he has the authority to cane bare bottoms.
Fast forward Friday now, Mr Dawson is having the girls class on the first period. Yes Sandra and Rosie are troublesome, but there is one teacher they fear and respect and it is Mr Dawson. They come to class always, early and with homeworks done properly. They just model pupils in his class, for he really is strict with them. He cane their bottoms time and again, the 55 year old teacher really have a thing for those two. As they come to his class, Sandra had a pack of cigarettes she bought for her boyfriend, they had tried to smoke but Dawson burned their bottom so much that they decided there and there that smoking is painful. She had meant to give the pack to her boyfriend before class but as she dud not meet him, she asked for Margaret to keep it for her. The girl was a bit sceptical about it but eventually took It, it was a bit cold and raining. The girls got in class in time, the teacher also got in and the lesson carried on. They were given classwork and from nowhere it was "Sandra please come to my desk with your bag" and the girl quickly obeyed. Straight away het bag was searched "It has been long since I searched your bag ey girl, got some forbidden things in here?" Asked the teacher while searching throughly and the girl answered politely "No sir". And indeed there were no forbidden things, she was given her bag back and sent to the chair. "Rosie" came the shout and she knew what that meant, she went to the teacher with her bag. "No things i wouldn't like in here girl?" Asked the teacher searching and the girl said yes sir. "I hope So, otherwise we know we won't sit ey Rosie?" And the girl again agreed. Teacher eventually finished and gave her the bag. As the girl went for her chair it was "Margaret". The girl froze, she had saw what is happening in front, she had cigarettes on her bag but she never thaught she could be searched. Even when the two were searched, she had never gave Mr Dawson a reason to search her. "Margaret come to the front with your bag, you part of the gang now ant you?" said the teacher sternly watching the girl, she stood up and took her bag to the front and Sandra looked at her, it was game over. She looked outside, it was raining and cold, Mr Dawson is going to burn her bottom good if Margaret snitch, she was lost on her thaughts and came back when Mr Dawson said "oh my, i thaught as much. In just your first week you have been caught with ciggarette, you smoking young lady?" And Margaret just looked down lost for words. "Ciggarette isnt for schoolgirls, i am going to show you in a moment. You really going to regret smoking girl,..." He stood up and went for the cane, came back with it and swish it in the air "were you going to share girl? Who were you going to smoke with?". Sandra gasp and Rosie just hoped she isnt dragged into these, she does not want a cane. "It isnt mine sir, i.... i dont smoke sir, it was a present for someone" said Margaret even realising that's a lame can excuse, and Dawson pressed her "a present? A present girl? For who then?" And the girl just looked down and not answer.
Dawson came close to her, hold her with the right hand on her shoulder and drive her to the little room which he use as his office, little but has a space for a good swing. When entering it he looked back and said "carry on with your classwork class, we will be back in a moment". Inside the room he straight away guided Margaret to the desk, he bend her over and Margaret although she had never been punished on a bottom, she was not stupid. She realised a cane and guided to bend over, it must be the bottom, she got into tears and pleaded "please sir, not on the bottom. Please cane me on hands" but grabbing the far end as directed "i warned you Margaret didn't I? I specifically warned you my girl" and she felt her skirt raised to reveal tights and immediately a slap on her bottom "shoes off, tights off Margaret!!!" She stood up and turned to the teacher, "please sir not on the bottom, please...." before she could finish the cane strike the desk "it is the bottom Margaret, didn't your so called friend told you. It's bottom only for your group girl". Margaret wiped a little tear, took off her shoes but still kept pleading " please let me have the tights sir, they won't give much protection". Dawson paced up and down swishing the cane "off girl, off!!!" And eventually the girl was on her skirt and knickers only, shoes and skirt off. She was bended over and the skirt raised again to reveal a white regulation Knickers tight on the bottom, "better grip very tightly on that far end girl, otherwise I will be very angry and you don't want that" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Craaaaack!!! "Ouch AAAAAAAAA" as Margaret shoot up to rub but Dawson straight away shouted "get back down girl, i haven't even started with you yet". Margaret was in tears now doing the caning dance, the door was opened and the class could see her clusting at her bottom. Dawson grabbed her shoulder again and bend her over "we smoking girl dont we? Who gave us permission to smoke?" And the girl was just sniffling as she felt her skirt raised again and she clenched het bottom as she felt the cane tapping. Tap! Tap!! Relax Bottom girl" Tap!!! Swiiiiiiish thwaaaaak!!!! And the girl again let fly "oooooooooh oh ah oh" Dawson was really caning hard. He just tap the desk "over, over girl" and Margaret just stood rubbing openly crying "get back over the desk Margaret, i haven't got all day". The girl still crying "please sir, it's hurts. Please i...." but Dawson shouted "of course it's hurts, it meant to hurts. And it's going to hurts a lot more before i am done, get back here now"?. Margaret bend over, skirt raised again and these time felt her knickers pulled up, Dawson wedged them so the bare cheeks could be visible. Two red strokes were clearly seen "let's get the knickers up a little ey, they seem to be offering protection dont they?" And before she could answer the next stroke landed and three more with Margaret not taking it well. After six of the best, she was left on the room to wear her tights and put on the shoes, before she rejoin the class. After several minutes she appeared in class and went for the sit, attempt to sit down three times before she could find a suitable way to sit.
Bell rang for next class and she was instructed to stay behind again "never caned on the bottom ey girl?" And she nodded still with her hands on the bottom. Dawson smile "good, that's what naughty girls get ey? I am confis**ting these pack, come back after school to accompany me to the headmaster. We must go and tell him we smoking ey?" And she just got shocked "please sir, please dont tell him. Please sir" but Dawson has decided to be strict with her "smoking its the principal matter dear, if you thaught I caned hard. Just wait until he bend you over my girl, that bottom is going to be really sore I promise you". She was send to the next class, at break time they got a chance to speak with her friends. "I am so sorry Margaret, i didn't know the bastard will search you aswell" said Sandra and Margaret just never answered, she was pissed with them. She told them she is supposed to see the head after school, the girls told her not to snitch on them and said as she has been caned already. It's unlikely she would be caned, unless its on hands which is bearable.
That comes to the first part then, why Margaret was standing nearly in tears outside the head office. One Juniour girl was been caned inside and Dawson had gone in, Margaret had counted three strokes when she saw the girl emerging rubbing her hands and Dawson close by, "go and wait for me on my class young lady, i am going to cane your bottom before you go home" as she addressed the unfortunate girl. She ushered Margaret in and she eventually saw her pack on the desk, Dawson took a chair as headmaster was already sitting. "In just few days here girl and it seems like we going to have a problem with you, i believe that these are you cigarettes girl?" Asked the head and Margaret just nodded "hmmmm an 18 year old girl smoking, it isnt nice. Really not nice" and Dawson just nodded "Mr Dawson here tell me he had to dish out a punishment earlier on, what was It?" Asked the head again and the girl looked down, " cane sir, cane on the bottom". Both the gentlemen laughed before head continued "still sore?" And the girl nodded. Dawson spoke for the first time "oh she is exaggerating, it was not that severe. Gave them over knickers sir". The head smile again "Oh over knickers, it did not hurt much dear did It?" And Margaret answered "It did sir, four on the bare". Dawson stood up and shouted "bare girl, bare bottom? Why a lie? ?, Margaret in fear now "I am sorry sir, i am not lying. It was on the bare, you pulled and wedged the knickers". Dawson turned on the head "only pulled the knickers a bit tight head, and she made a fuss" and the head said "that was not bare bottom young lady, i will show you bare bottom in a minute". Margaret gasps and Dawson said he must be excused, he has a little situation he had to deal with, he meant the girl he promised a sore bottom. "You have disappointed me Margaret, i tried to be lenient with you. It's bare bottom only from now on girl" as he went out. Headmaster immediately went for a cupboard, took out a cane. Two canings from me in a week, obviously hands are not for you. Let's take shoes, skirts, tights and knickers off young lady. I want you naked from waste downwards except for Socks" and the girl rubbed her bottom "please sir, Mr Dawson already caned my bottom". The head swishing the cane "he caned over knickers, i will cane bare bottom".
4 年 前