Schoolgirl caned

Adams Shaw was a 15 year old boy who attended school at St Moses, the all boy school in the village. There were actually three schools in a village, St Moses for boys, St Magdeline for girls and Primrose for both boys and girls. Primrose was actually the primary school, where 7 years boys and girls attend until they go to secondary school, that is from at least 14 years. Secondary school the pupils were separated, Boys went to St Moses and Girls to St Magdeline. It was 1965 and so very much the time for corporal punishment both at school and at home, Primrose primary school used the slipper and the strap, both across boys trousers and girls skirts if not hands, but St Moses used the cane on boys trousers, as for St Magdeline using the cane, Adams was not sure for no one could even tell him. Even though corporal punishment was largely used, it was not openly discussed between the pupils for it was embarrassing. They were speculation that the girls also get the cane at St Magdeline but nobody ever confirm It, not to Adams of course. 15 year Adams Shaw was the next door neighbour of Getrude Brookie, the 18 year old Gertrude Brookie was at her final year at St Magdeline. Boys will always be boys and playing rough, Adams Shaw had broken a hand few days back when coming from school to home. He broke his hand accidentally of course as he was running away from another boy while playing, he sadly fall. The Shaw's were hurt and angry to see their boy broken and had decided to ask Getrude to please walk to and from school with Adams, of course Getrude never wanted these as she had her crew she was walking with but her mom insisted. It was only for a short time of course, once Adams had fully healed they will be no need. It had been two days since they walk together with Getrude crew of course, the arrangement was Adams wait at the gate for Getrude. St Moses and St Getrude were only separated by a fence, and therefore a minute walk apart each other.

On these Wednesday afternoon, Adams waited at the gate as usual and along came the St Madeline's girls including Michelle, Tracy and Pearl. Those are Gertrudes friends and her walking crew. They also had a problem walking with Adams, and although it could get a while before Getrude came out, they just were never in a mood to walk with Adams and so they told him Getrude is still inside and will come out soon. The aim was Adams will wait for some time and eventually get bored and go home, after all he does know the way home. Getrude was of course left behind with Mr Strokes, Mr Strokes was the English teacher aswell as the acting headmaster. The headmaster had taken sabbatical leave two days ago, thus the sternly 58 years English teacher was the acting headmaster. They were given essays on "different modes of transportation" and Getrude had failed it dismally. It must had been really bad because Mr Strokes caned the pupils that failed it but ordered Getrude to stay behind, he did not cane her in class like others. But he did say he better make peace with a fact that he will be leaving for home more than an hour later. The three girls were laughing at Getrude of course, because punishment were always laughable whether it is your friend or not "I am telling you, Getty is getting it on bottom" saying Tracy smiling and Michelle responded "ouch!!! I hope she get it on bottom too". For those that failed got it on hands, because the rules were teachers cane on hands first before bottoms, they must apply maximum of six strokes on hands and only then they can cane bottoms. So in most time it was hands that were caned as six strokes were not given much, except if the girl had been persistent with her miscreants. But the headmaster of course can decide to cane bottoms at anytime, he was given a licence to punish as he see fit. It had been about 40 minutes since Adams had been waiting, it seems everyone had gone home now for it was complete silence. Even the teachers drove passed him few minutes ago, he was indecisive whether to go home or to wait longer for her, he too did not enjoy walking with her but he decided since he had been waiting he might aswell commit to walk with her. Anyway, he better enter the premises and look for her, he does not know her class but maybe he will get it, he knows the final year block anyway. He entered the premises and went for the block intended, six classes in that block and fifth of them were clearly locked. That live one surely for Getrude and indeed it was, for he managed to tip toe and looked inside via a window and there was Getty, standing near the teacher infront and clearly discussing something.

The teacher stood up, went for his cupboard and took out a cane. Swiish it several times and went for the chair again, get his attention on what look like a book. Adams feel the need to see these properly and comfortable, even hear inside. He looked around, the last window was opened and underneath it was a bench, that's where he will watch the proceedings he believe they will occur he thaught, and straight away he went there. After making himself comfortable and surely invisible he heard "26 27 28 29 spelling errors dear, really isn't good enough. I am going to cane you dear, i really am" from the teacher and the girl rubbing her hands answered politely "yes sir". Clearly it was hands that are caned, but the teacher also saw the gesture and spoke "I am going to cane you on the bottom Getrude, i cant have a senior girl not been able to spell correctly". Adams was not sure if he heard correctly and the atmosphere became electrifying, Getty let her hands go to her bottom as if it's sore already "please sir, oh please Mr Strokes. Not... not... not on the bottom, i haven't been caned today on hands and you caned others on hands" but Strokes was already up and smiling "hands? What happens if you have not been caned on hands today?" Asked as he was taking off his jacket and rolling up his right sleeve. Getty nearly in tears now as per broken voice "the rules, the... The rules say hands first sir". Strokes had done with his preparation and now having the cane on his right hand, swiishing it and took the chair to put it in the center of the class "those rules are for teachers dear, do not apply on the headmaster. Now bring that naughty bottom over here girl, i am going to teach it to spell" and Getrude seeing she is defeated now came to the chair and stood in front of It, bend over it when ordered and close her eyes when she felt her skirt raised. At 18 years she never thaught she could suffer such, she was not really a naughty girl and therefore not punished often. The last time she bend over and had her skirt raised was when she was 12 years at Primrose, for the slipper from Ms Davids. Adams was treated to a good sight, it was as if they know he is standing at the back, Getrude bottom was pointing directly at him. Getrude was on a chubby side, her bottom a bit big, white knickers holding tightly to it and you could see from a distance that it is really soft. Mr Strokes get at her side, he is right handed, tap the bottom with the stick "ever had the cane young lady?" Tap! Tap!! And Getrude answered softly but clearly heard "no sir" Tap!!! he raised it high and swiiiiiiiish, it came flying before craaaaaack!!!! "Ouch ow ow" Getty had stood up from her position, rubbing her bottom while jumping up and down. Adams had witness canings before, on boys bottoms but had never saw such a satisfying caning, the sound it made while impacted with the bottom was marvelous. That's clearly a soft bottom and Stroke was smiling "oh my, that must have stang ey young lady? Let's bend again dear, we still have more to feel". Getrude was in tears now and pleading "please sir, i am sorry. Please i won't do spelling errors again" but Strokes was bending her over "Of course you won't do them again girl, i promise you that you wont". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaaack!!!! And the girl stood up again "ouch ouch ow ow" but these time it was "bend over!!!?" and the girl immediately assumed the position "stand up again and we start over girl, do you hear me?" And a soft "yes sir" was heard. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Craaaaack!!!! "AAAAAAAAA ouch" was heard but the girl hold on the sit of the chair. Strokes smile, she is really feeling it she thaught. Bottom wobbling Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! The cane raise and she clench bottom. It came down tapping " dont clench girl" and it was twaaaaaack!!!! And a scream from Getty, nearly loose her position. "Aaaaaa how.. how... how many left sir?" And Strokes as calm as ever "plenty dear, we are really naughty ant we? Let's have the knickers down dear so we can really get through to you" and Getty just stood up and grab her bottom "please sir, it hurts. Please not on the bare, please sir it isnt proper" and in a meantime Adams was surely hoping it is the bare bottom. Strokes shouted "bend over Getty, i am the headmaster and if I say its bare bottom it is bare bottom?, bend over girl!!!!" And Getty bend over, she felt her skirt raised again and her knickers taken down. Adams saw a beautiful white bottom with four red stripes parallel to each other. Strokes was also the first time he saw a caned bottom, the stripes were really nice and He couldn't help himself "oh my, you should see your stripes girl. They beautiful, you going to like them when you inspect them on the mirror when you get home i promise girl" And he gave her two more before he instruct her to compose herself after he inspected the bottom good.

It was after several minutes when It was still her sobbing and Strokes giving back her book "mordern civilization has brought more harm than good in our society girl" that is your essay for tomorrow and we will mark it after school again. If i am not satisfied, it's six again my dear, all on the bare these time around. And he was dismissed and Adams quickly rushed outside the premises, Getrude obviously started at the toilet for she appeared 7 minutes after, Adams was the last person on her mind. She had wanted to walk alone, she got to Adams and they both walk home "you look like you have been crying, what happened? Ask the boy and the girl rudely say "I was not crying". The boy insisted and she eventually told her she was punished, the cane on hands. The boy left it as it is then and she got home, glad she was alone and immediately went to her room. Took down the knickers after taking the skirt off and there they were, six red lines. She rub and cry again, bottom was really sore. Later while sitting down and writting her essay, Adams mother came to her house. She was speaking with her mom when she heard her say "I hear your daughter got the cane on bottom today, Adams just couldnt close his mouth" but Getrude's mom did not know "is It? I didn't realise, i only see she is different only. She never said" she turned to her daughter "is it true Getty dear?" And her daughter just let one tear fall and nodded. "We better see then, c'mon lets see" said her mom and she protested but the ladies were adamant to see, she eventually stood up, raise the skirt and took the knickers down, the two ladies couldn't help but laugh "oh ouch, it look sore. Still sore girl?" Asked Adams mom and she nodded "Adams said you got two on the bare, is it the truth?" And again the girl nodded. Her mom still laughing ask "what was It for?" And she told the truth about errors on the essay "good, that is very good. I hope he cane again when work is not good". Said her mom and Adams mom seem to know a lot "he gave her another work again, he say if it's not good , it is the cane again" that's when Getrude realised Adams was spying. "Is it, hmmmm a very proper way to teach i believe. I am writing him a letter to say I approve, if Getty here get naughty or dont do her work properly, then he must sting a bottom". The conversation stared away from Getty's sore bottom after they made a fuss of It, Getrude really worked hard on her essay with the dictionary near her. Tomorrow morning she confronted Adams about spying at her, made him promise to keep it between them as she did not want her friends to know. Of course the boy agreed and he listened to Getty telling them she only got a telling off, Mr Strokes helped him with the work afterwards.

It was a period after lunch when they met with Strokes again, he exchanged pleasantries with the class and straight away embarrassed Getty "how is the bottom dear, still sore?" And Getty softly said "yes sir". He laughed "good, told your friends what happened?" And the girl looked down and and shake her head. Strokes acted surprised "oh,... is that so? Well girls, Getty here have a sore bottom because she got a cane yesterday, four strokes over knickers and two on the bare" and it was gasped from the class as the teacher contunue "I hope your essay is good today; because its six on the bare if not ey Getty". The girl still looking down answers "yes sir" politely. English eventually ended and they attended two more class before the end of the school. Her friends offered to wait for her but she refused, saying she is going somewhere afterwards, her mom is fetching her. It seems they bought the story, she went to Mr Strokes, handed in her essay and stood beside her while she is reading her essay. In a mean time, several girls including her friends were hanging outside the class and Adams had also come to position herself for the event, but the window closed today. Strokes was reading the essay with his hand under the skirt and squeezing and rubbing, Getty was uncomfortable but Strokes had won the battle of who is incharge here and obviously her mom is on his side. There were "tut tut tut" as he continued to read silently and then it was "I am going to have to cane again girl, these work is nowhere near been good". She just gasp and pleaded "please sir, i did my best. Oh my bottom?...." but cut short as Strokes stood up "obviously your best is not good enough". He was going for the cupboard and coming back with the cane when Getty said "please sir, can't we go somewhere private. The head's office please, everyone is waiting outside and will see and hear" as they were tears but Strokes went for the door "girls, waiting for Getty's caning ey? Better come inside then and see the proper proceedings" and girls never waited for a second invitations, Getty was really crying now as she even saw her three friends. Mr Strokes noticed Adams and ask him what he is doing here, he told him about the arrangements and he said he too better wait for her inside then. He looked at Getty with a smile, took the chair again and position it so her bottom will be on the audience, bend her over and the next thing Getty felt her skirt raised and her knickers taken down. She had accepted her fate, the girls and boy were given a sight of a big bottom with six red stripes, they gasp at seeing it and Strokes also got excited. It was not always one get to see these, he addressed the class "these is how a naughty bottom looks like girls, these is how things are going to be from now on in my class" and He took his cane to tap! And the girl looked back but got a "face forward girl" as she face forward it was craaaaaaack!! And an almost silent "ow". She was determined to take it well, not even make sound. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaack!!!! "Ow hmmmm" that was her reaction. Strokes realises her game and he too strive to break her. "Live the sit of the chair girl, go for the legs. Down, further down girl, tip toes" that was the order as she put her bottom really on the air. The cane was raised high, came back flying with a really loud Craaaaaaack!!! And he got a proper reaction "ouch AAAAAAA" that one stang. Bottom wobble and He wanted to strike while the iron is still hot "bottom still girl" she was struggling but she tried and it was swiiiiiiish thwaaaaack!!! And the girl could not help herself but stood up and rub "ouch mommy ow ow mommy" and the whole class laugh including Strokes "mommy ey, bottom stinging good now we remember mommy. Bend again, and do keep your position, unless you want extras" and after few struggles she indeed bend over for two more. She was in tears when Strokes was finished and cried all the way to home that day.
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
HerrPeterHH 1 年 前
very nice
lausbub1941 2 年 前
aboyne 4 年 前
Whoever wrote that with so many errors deserves a fully naked 100 stroke caning!
Africa01 出版商 4 年 前
The good old days, it will have been well captured 
spankbutt 4 年 前
like it, thanks for sharing