Mr Spanker Fox
Spanker Fox was the English teacher and the most feared teacher in the whole school, the 60 year old teacher was the most teacher eager to cane. Infact at his last years of teaching, he seems to be caning everyday. He has indeed taken the record of caning and even built a reputation for himself, for not even the headmaster come close to him by caning. He had started his career on the mixed school teaching junior boys and girls English, and then came to these all girls school to still teach it to the junior girls. But with experience, he became teacher for the senior girls and these just worked on his favour. He really liked to cane senior girls of 17, 18 and 19 years, before as he was the teacher of junior girls he could still cane the senior girls but he had to hunt for them, late coming, running in corridors, foul language were amongst the things he could catch senior girls with. But with him teaching the senior girls now, that is a story behind him, for the were six classes of sixth formers, English been compulsory it means all girls were at the risk of been at his English class. Been the HOD of English increased his workload so he could teach three classes and Mrs Webber could teach the remaining three classes. No particular order or criteria in selecting which girls will attend Mr Fox class for English and which girls could attend Mrs Webber, not even him been the HOD had the influence to choose. It was all depending on the system, she just knew she will have 60 plus girls to burn their bottoms. The girls during the recess before starting on the new academic year, will hope and pray they not on his class, his reputation with the cane were for everyone to know including the parents. Girls in his class were neat, always in time, homework properly done, studied the chapters they were at amongst other things. They just wanted to avoid his cane at all cost, even the teachers will threaten the girls to send them to him when they had been naughty.
During the recess, they had been one girl called Kelly who had just arrived in the neighbourhood. 18 year old Kelly Terror come from one of the big cities and is here to finish her sixth form. She has developed pretty well and her bottom is really big and round, Fox was sitting with his associates drinking wine when he first saw Kelly. Even his friends knew he like to cane, he always brag of that to them to an extent that they envy him. They were upstairs and looking by the people passing by when Kelly appeared, he liked to sit there with his friends and tell them about the girls he had caned when they passby. Amanda had just passed and he told them he had her in tears before even the third stroke, and then "wow!!! Who is that girl?" as Kelly passed. It was complete silence before Thompson say "you always brag about been the HOD and all that at your school yet you don't know the related things around you". They watched the girl disappear and Fox wanted to know what Tompson is meaning and he told him "that's Kelly Terror, the daughter of Sarah Terror who used to stay in these neighhood, apparently she went to the state and her daughter is to stay with the Terrors, the old Terrors". That he meant both 75 year old John and Sarah Terror, the old community members whom they had been staying with Tracy until Kelly arrived. Fox could not believe It, he was going to cane that bottom. They carried on drinking while thinking of Kelly, later on during supper his wife confirmed what Thompson said "you must have saw Kelly love, i am sure you can't wait to put your stick on her bottom ey? She is attending your school" and Fox didn't help but laugh "what can I say, it's my duty. Been entrusted with girls and been passionate about their education really bring the cane out, you felt It during your school days and you can attest its effective". His wife too laughed back and only said "ouch, i feel sorry for her already".
The procedure to start every academic year was the girls come to school the day before the schools actually open and they will be given their stationery and allocated the classes. It was Tuesday and schools were officially opening tomorrow Wednesday, all the pupils had been allocated their classes and to Kelly's luck, she was on Mrs Webber's class. With schoolgirls been on their casual clothes, she was on a short denim and a shirt, her bottom really out and Mr Fox noticed her. He was disappointed she was not on her class but of course He will get her, that's for sure. He called her up and take her to his class, at first it was the pleasantries and a good little chat and then it got to discipline of course "tell me Kelly, how did they discipline you at your old school" and Kelly had a slight idea what he meant, he had been told of the corporal punishment but not the whole details "We got lines, detentions and the cane on hands if we had really been naughty". He got up and smile "cane on hands? That's absurd young lady, never heard that, or I have heard that but never done that" he went to his cupboard "are you a naughty girl Kelly or the most disciplined girl" as he swished it and Kelly just open her eyes in shock "I,... i am.. I am not naughty sir" as she answered. He kept on swishing it "Good, i should hope so Kelly. Cause when you naughty, i will give you lines" and he noticed the girl was confused and therefore elaborated "on a bottom". The girl just say "oh" and he pressed the issue "Yes girl, in these school bottoms are not only for sitting, but for the cane too. I am going to bend you over, raise your skirt and pull down your knickers whenever i caught you doing a naughty thing, and then these cane will sting the naughty bottom and bring tears to you". Kelly looked like she was already feeling the cane, she just rubbed her bottom and Fox told her he had his eyes on her and at any sign of disobedience he is going to jump on her.
Kelly was dismissed and she found Tracy, her cousin and two of her friends waiting for her. Amanda and Jackie, both 18 years as Kelly and Tracy of course 19 years, she repeated one class. Amanda and Jackie were happy as they were both on Mrs Webber's class as Kelly but Tracy was unfortunately at Mr Fox class, at 19 years she was behaving like a 12 year old sulking. Her friends of course feel pity for her and even tried to cheer her up that maybe Fox wont cane a lot these year. The girls all went home straight to prepare for tomorrow, at the dinner table Tracy was still sulking and her grandmother had already heard of her ordeal. In the afternoon she didn't eat and at supper too she was about to skip it when grandmother scolded "you will eat Tracy you hear me, my i have had it with your attitude. If you have to know, i am happy that you at Fox class, i know school is going to be taken serious or bottom is going to stay sore". Tracy couldn't help but cry "please grandmother, i am 19 years. Cant i please go and look for a job" but grandmother heard nothing of such "you going to school Tracy and that's final, making a fuss about little canings. Naughty girl, i hope Fox cane you tomorrow". A grandmother's curse if there is such, for the very next day cane and Tracy met, it was actually after school. Tracy was having English as a last period, Kelly and Amanda were on the same class and Jackie on her own class, they gathered together and waited for Tracy outside Mr Fox class, all uncomfortable but with corridors filled with girls it was very rare for Fox to victimize you, beside he no longer does that regurlarly. It was after few minutes when they saw a door open at Mr Fox class and the girl out in tears "leave that door open Michelle, Next!!!", Mr Fox was having the cane with a chair in front and girls coming to it for six of the very best on bare bottom. Those outside gathered and they saw Joey bending over, Mr Fox doing the preparation by herself "We here to learn girl, not make noise when the teacher is out" as he raised the skirt high and lower the knickers, six strokes Joey had. She went out rubbing and in tears "Next!!!" And Jane followed, same procedure followed and few girls followed until they saw Tracy getting over "it's eight for you Tracy, grandmother said i should be really strict with you" and she was rubbing bottom when going out. It was a silent walk home as all they have realised it's going to be a long year for Tracy.
Thursday 11h15, Kelly was going to the toilets when she met Fox. Fox was having a free period, he noticed Kelly and thaught it will be best to cane at these time, excuses are always there to cane. After yesterday's show, Kelly was fearful of Fox and promised herself to avoid him, she nearly had a panic attack when she saw him but atleast he let her off. She did her business and had already forgotten about him when she came out, she did several steps when she heard "are you seriously going to jump that piece of the paper on the floor girl, ant you going to take it to the rubbish bin" that was Fox and she immediately went few steps back to pick it up and look around for the rubbish bin "come with me girl, you will throw it at my bin after i have dealt with you" she nearly cried and answered yes sir, even told Fox who's class she is currently attending, it was Mr Bat. They went there to tell the teacher not to worry "I am borrowing Kelly here for few minutes Bat, we have some little discipline to dish out" and Bat of course laugh "I am sure she will be back with tears and sore bottom". "You can bet on it" as Fox took her to his class. Inside the class the chair was taken out, she bend over it and the teacher straight away raise a skirt and pull down the knickers, there it was, a beautiful round bottom she wanted to cane ever since he saw Kelly. He went to the cupboard, came back with a cane and Kelly for the first time felt the cane tapping her bottom "never have felt the cane on bottom ey girl?" and she nodded but it was "what was that?" And she politely said "Yes sir". Still tapping Fox said "that's better, better grip on the chair young lady" and then it was swiiiiiish craaaaack!!! "Ouch!!!" As the girl shoot up and rub a bottom. "Ow ow ow" but Fox approach her, without saying anything she went for her knickers and took them off, Kelly was not realising she was helping out by lifting one leg after another as they are taken down, Fox put them on his desk and unzipped her skirt, she was stepping out of it too. Next she was guided to the chair "please please sir, please dont" but she was grabbing the chair as before. Tap! Tap!! "Better grip on that chair girl or its extras" Tap!!! Swiiiiish twaaaaaack!!! "Oooooooooooooh oh oh" but she managed to hold on the position. Tap! Tap!! "These should have been done long time ago girl" craaaaaack!!! And she nearly lost grip as she was crying. Tap! Tap!! She looked back but it was "face forward ?, you silly girl" thwaaaaaack "Ouch ouch ow ow". "See, it's not worth it to be naughty, i hope we going to mend our ways ey girl" And Kelly defeated she agreed "ow yes ow yes sir; i am sorry". "Good" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaack!!! "Ow ow ouch ow". "Bottom sting when we naughty hah Kelly, i told you girl. Face forward i won't repeat it again" and immediately the girl face forward Tap! "And dont clench" Tap! Tap!! "Don't clench i say girl, relax the bottom. Face forward ?, you clench because you look back" Craaaaaaack!!!! And the girl shoot up to rub. Fox went to put his cane and came back, took the girls hands
out of the way to inspect, six red lines were really invincible. He smiled and said to himself 'Ouch that must have hurt' but took his time and then said "get dressed, i will see you after school for six more" and the girl just burst into tears
During the recess, they had been one girl called Kelly who had just arrived in the neighbourhood. 18 year old Kelly Terror come from one of the big cities and is here to finish her sixth form. She has developed pretty well and her bottom is really big and round, Fox was sitting with his associates drinking wine when he first saw Kelly. Even his friends knew he like to cane, he always brag of that to them to an extent that they envy him. They were upstairs and looking by the people passing by when Kelly appeared, he liked to sit there with his friends and tell them about the girls he had caned when they passby. Amanda had just passed and he told them he had her in tears before even the third stroke, and then "wow!!! Who is that girl?" as Kelly passed. It was complete silence before Thompson say "you always brag about been the HOD and all that at your school yet you don't know the related things around you". They watched the girl disappear and Fox wanted to know what Tompson is meaning and he told him "that's Kelly Terror, the daughter of Sarah Terror who used to stay in these neighhood, apparently she went to the state and her daughter is to stay with the Terrors, the old Terrors". That he meant both 75 year old John and Sarah Terror, the old community members whom they had been staying with Tracy until Kelly arrived. Fox could not believe It, he was going to cane that bottom. They carried on drinking while thinking of Kelly, later on during supper his wife confirmed what Thompson said "you must have saw Kelly love, i am sure you can't wait to put your stick on her bottom ey? She is attending your school" and Fox didn't help but laugh "what can I say, it's my duty. Been entrusted with girls and been passionate about their education really bring the cane out, you felt It during your school days and you can attest its effective". His wife too laughed back and only said "ouch, i feel sorry for her already".
The procedure to start every academic year was the girls come to school the day before the schools actually open and they will be given their stationery and allocated the classes. It was Tuesday and schools were officially opening tomorrow Wednesday, all the pupils had been allocated their classes and to Kelly's luck, she was on Mrs Webber's class. With schoolgirls been on their casual clothes, she was on a short denim and a shirt, her bottom really out and Mr Fox noticed her. He was disappointed she was not on her class but of course He will get her, that's for sure. He called her up and take her to his class, at first it was the pleasantries and a good little chat and then it got to discipline of course "tell me Kelly, how did they discipline you at your old school" and Kelly had a slight idea what he meant, he had been told of the corporal punishment but not the whole details "We got lines, detentions and the cane on hands if we had really been naughty". He got up and smile "cane on hands? That's absurd young lady, never heard that, or I have heard that but never done that" he went to his cupboard "are you a naughty girl Kelly or the most disciplined girl" as he swished it and Kelly just open her eyes in shock "I,... i am.. I am not naughty sir" as she answered. He kept on swishing it "Good, i should hope so Kelly. Cause when you naughty, i will give you lines" and he noticed the girl was confused and therefore elaborated "on a bottom". The girl just say "oh" and he pressed the issue "Yes girl, in these school bottoms are not only for sitting, but for the cane too. I am going to bend you over, raise your skirt and pull down your knickers whenever i caught you doing a naughty thing, and then these cane will sting the naughty bottom and bring tears to you". Kelly looked like she was already feeling the cane, she just rubbed her bottom and Fox told her he had his eyes on her and at any sign of disobedience he is going to jump on her.
Kelly was dismissed and she found Tracy, her cousin and two of her friends waiting for her. Amanda and Jackie, both 18 years as Kelly and Tracy of course 19 years, she repeated one class. Amanda and Jackie were happy as they were both on Mrs Webber's class as Kelly but Tracy was unfortunately at Mr Fox class, at 19 years she was behaving like a 12 year old sulking. Her friends of course feel pity for her and even tried to cheer her up that maybe Fox wont cane a lot these year. The girls all went home straight to prepare for tomorrow, at the dinner table Tracy was still sulking and her grandmother had already heard of her ordeal. In the afternoon she didn't eat and at supper too she was about to skip it when grandmother scolded "you will eat Tracy you hear me, my i have had it with your attitude. If you have to know, i am happy that you at Fox class, i know school is going to be taken serious or bottom is going to stay sore". Tracy couldn't help but cry "please grandmother, i am 19 years. Cant i please go and look for a job" but grandmother heard nothing of such "you going to school Tracy and that's final, making a fuss about little canings. Naughty girl, i hope Fox cane you tomorrow". A grandmother's curse if there is such, for the very next day cane and Tracy met, it was actually after school. Tracy was having English as a last period, Kelly and Amanda were on the same class and Jackie on her own class, they gathered together and waited for Tracy outside Mr Fox class, all uncomfortable but with corridors filled with girls it was very rare for Fox to victimize you, beside he no longer does that regurlarly. It was after few minutes when they saw a door open at Mr Fox class and the girl out in tears "leave that door open Michelle, Next!!!", Mr Fox was having the cane with a chair in front and girls coming to it for six of the very best on bare bottom. Those outside gathered and they saw Joey bending over, Mr Fox doing the preparation by herself "We here to learn girl, not make noise when the teacher is out" as he raised the skirt high and lower the knickers, six strokes Joey had. She went out rubbing and in tears "Next!!!" And Jane followed, same procedure followed and few girls followed until they saw Tracy getting over "it's eight for you Tracy, grandmother said i should be really strict with you" and she was rubbing bottom when going out. It was a silent walk home as all they have realised it's going to be a long year for Tracy.
Thursday 11h15, Kelly was going to the toilets when she met Fox. Fox was having a free period, he noticed Kelly and thaught it will be best to cane at these time, excuses are always there to cane. After yesterday's show, Kelly was fearful of Fox and promised herself to avoid him, she nearly had a panic attack when she saw him but atleast he let her off. She did her business and had already forgotten about him when she came out, she did several steps when she heard "are you seriously going to jump that piece of the paper on the floor girl, ant you going to take it to the rubbish bin" that was Fox and she immediately went few steps back to pick it up and look around for the rubbish bin "come with me girl, you will throw it at my bin after i have dealt with you" she nearly cried and answered yes sir, even told Fox who's class she is currently attending, it was Mr Bat. They went there to tell the teacher not to worry "I am borrowing Kelly here for few minutes Bat, we have some little discipline to dish out" and Bat of course laugh "I am sure she will be back with tears and sore bottom". "You can bet on it" as Fox took her to his class. Inside the class the chair was taken out, she bend over it and the teacher straight away raise a skirt and pull down the knickers, there it was, a beautiful round bottom she wanted to cane ever since he saw Kelly. He went to the cupboard, came back with a cane and Kelly for the first time felt the cane tapping her bottom "never have felt the cane on bottom ey girl?" and she nodded but it was "what was that?" And she politely said "Yes sir". Still tapping Fox said "that's better, better grip on the chair young lady" and then it was swiiiiiish craaaaack!!! "Ouch!!!" As the girl shoot up and rub a bottom. "Ow ow ow" but Fox approach her, without saying anything she went for her knickers and took them off, Kelly was not realising she was helping out by lifting one leg after another as they are taken down, Fox put them on his desk and unzipped her skirt, she was stepping out of it too. Next she was guided to the chair "please please sir, please dont" but she was grabbing the chair as before. Tap! Tap!! "Better grip on that chair girl or its extras" Tap!!! Swiiiiish twaaaaaack!!! "Oooooooooooooh oh oh" but she managed to hold on the position. Tap! Tap!! "These should have been done long time ago girl" craaaaaack!!! And she nearly lost grip as she was crying. Tap! Tap!! She looked back but it was "face forward ?, you silly girl" thwaaaaaack "Ouch ouch ow ow". "See, it's not worth it to be naughty, i hope we going to mend our ways ey girl" And Kelly defeated she agreed "ow yes ow yes sir; i am sorry". "Good" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaack!!! "Ow ow ouch ow". "Bottom sting when we naughty hah Kelly, i told you girl. Face forward i won't repeat it again" and immediately the girl face forward Tap! "And dont clench" Tap! Tap!! "Don't clench i say girl, relax the bottom. Face forward ?, you clench because you look back" Craaaaaaack!!!! And the girl shoot up to rub. Fox went to put his cane and came back, took the girls hands
out of the way to inspect, six red lines were really invincible. He smiled and said to himself 'Ouch that must have hurt' but took his time and then said "get dressed, i will see you after school for six more" and the girl just burst into tears
4 年 前