Punishment is not based on the age

Yes it is well known that with age come more responsibilities, and more stern disciplines. Boys and girls do out grow over the knee spankings and graduate to more sterner implements such as the paddle, strap and the cane. Of course the cane is always the principal instrument, boys and girls always fear and respect it. After all it is "spare the rod and spoil a c***d". These were the sentiments of one elderly lady at Wellington high school, the lady in concern is Mrs Hargreaves. Hargreaves is 55 years old and strong as ever, she still jog and play tennis to keep fit. With lots of swings at the tennis ball, she surely can swing a slipper, strap, paddle and even a cane. Wellington high school took girls until 20 years, of course the 20 years girls were the girls that did repeat a form or two, when a girl has passed 20 years she is kicked out at school, that's the school policy. It was a random Thursday afternoon when four girls got into a fight, it was break time and the girls were Kate 18 years and Audrew 19 years on one side, Ruth 20 years and Sabrina 20 years on the other side. The fight started a bit light but ended up been huge as it attracted a lot of attention including the attention of Mrs Hargreaves, it had really turned physical and the elder girls were really dominating the fight judging by how they were all over the other two girls. Sabrina tussling with Audrew but clearly overpowering her and Ruth on top of Kate and letting slaps fly to her. Mrs Hargreaves did had quite a reputation, her presence at the war zone made a difference. For the cheering stopped and it did not took long for the main participants to realise they had an unwanted audience. They all stopped and took about a minute or so of silence with Hargreaves sternly looking at the girls involved and the girls were looking down, she eventually looked around and the other girls dispatched. "Come with me girls" that's all she said and the girl followed her while trying to fix themselves up. They went straight to her class and she ushered them in and went for her chair and again sternly stare at them.

The girls were in mixed emotions, fear been one and embarrassed another. They knew Mrs Hargreaves a lot and already anticipating corporal punishment, for it differ according to the teacher concerned and his/her mood. It maybe a strap across hands, or slipper, paddle or strap across bottoms. The cane was always the last resort and used very rarely, although they were well aware and feared that it maybe used these time around. Hargreaves finally opened her mouth and scolded, telling the girls how that was very unladylike and what a shame they have brought to themselves. She finally asked what was the fight all about and the girls erupted, everyone wanting to tell her side of the story but it was "enough!!!!" from Hargreaves, she again shout at them and telling them they not 7 and 8 years old, they got to at least respect her. She won't tolerate these kind of behaviour from them and then she calmly said "Ruth, would you kindly explain to me why you were all over Kate here?", and the girl was eager to tell her story and jumped to the opportunity "mam Sabrina had accidentally stepped on Audrew when we were buying lunch at the shop and Audrew made a meal of it and pushed Sabrina, we managed to calm the situation out and then few minutes later when we were having our lunch in peace, Audrew and Kate attacked Sabrina and I was only trying to defend Sabrina as her friend, hence i took Kate". The teacher asked Sabrina if what is been said is the truth and Sabrina nodded. It was enough testimony as Hargreaves shout at the two girls and they desperately wanted to tell their side of the story but Hargreaves will have none of it. Kate let one tear drop because of such an unfair trial and Hargreaves said "i will be giving you something to cry about after school Kate, i promise you that". And she dismissed the girls and told them all to come and see her after school, It was obvious for a punishment judging by what she said to Kate. The girl went out and the 20 years old Ruth and Sabrina told the other two it isnt finished yet, while the other two were just worried about the after school event. It was clear to them they were in trouble as they were taken as the ones that started these whole fight, it was really not them. The truth is Kate and Audrew were the victim in all these and the story is vise versa, it was Kate who accidentally stepped on Ruth and Ruth had slapped her then. She again came from nowhere with Sabrina and both attacked Kate before Audrew tried to defend her friend.

Hargreaves was having problems at home, she was frustrated by been alone on her house as all her c***dren have moved out and her last born is in college now. Her husband work at the cruise sheep and most of the time away, these was really tiring. Hence she still jogging at 55 years and playing tennis at the weekends, she has lots of time to herself. However, she had also developed a therapy for herself, and that is to sting girls bottoms. That is why she has such a reputation and is always keen on stinging girls, her frustrations are better dealt on girls bottoms. She was having a free period at these present moment and thinking of the four girls that are due after school, well in few minutes time of course because as it was indeed last period of the day. Of them all, it was Kate she really thaught about, 18 year old chubby Kate with such a beautiful round soft bottom, she is really the price of the day as she thaught to herself. And she came back to her senses when Audrew appeared on the door, she was carrying her bag "Oh Audrew girl, i didn't realise the time. I didn't even hear the bell, is it time already" as she is smilling but Audrew told her not yet, well the bell had not rang but she was on Mr Dawson class and asked to come and see her a bit early as they were not doing anything. It's only few minutes before the school end for the day and therefore she came to plead their case, to tell the real truth about the event occurred during lunch. Hargreaves just said well come these side then and let's hear. She pointed to the spot next to her and the girl came. The girl started to tell what really transpired but Hargreaves straight away let her hands get at her bottom, she was half hearing what is been said but really not interested, she was fondling and squeezing a really soft bottom " when last did you got spanked Audrew" as she interrupt the girl and the girl uncomfortable at what is happening to her bottom also got shocked by the question "since I was 8 or 9 Mam" and she tried to continue "It was Ruth that..." but she got aware she was taken over the lap, she just pleaded but obeying "please mam, please dont spank..." but the inevitable followed, skirt raised and knickers came down straight away "lets get the knickers down girl, you and Kate are really going to regret been these naughty". It was clear what had been said never moved the teacher, the slapped began and in just 3 minutes the bell rang but the spankings continued, door was opened and the girls gathered outside to witness a bare bottom spanking. It was very rare at school, Audrew waa in tears of embarrassment rather than of pain, but that did not mean she was not feeling the spanking. She did very much. Ruth and Sabrina arrived first before Kate and in a minute or two Kate arrived. All were shocked to witness a bare bottom spanking, it continued for 10 minutes after they arrived and eventually ceased. Audrew was in tears and rubbing bottom when instructed to close the door and face the board with her hands on the head.

Hargreaves stood up and took the slipper, she shouted Ruth!!! And the girl approached her, so glad is the slipper other than the spanking or the strap. She was bended across the teachers desk, skirt raised and got four stinging strokes across the knickers. She felt them as Hargreaves really laid them all. She ordered her to the corner with her hands on the head, she can let her skirt fall back down. She looked at Kate and Sabrina "Sabrina" she said and looked at Kate smiling "It will be your turn soon, just taking a warm up girl. You may fetch the cane from that cupboard in a meantime" and she concentrated on Sabrina but Kate let a tear fall again, cane! She must have heard wrong. Sabrina got her four on a similar way like Ruth. Also sent to face the board and Hargreaves face Kate "the cane girl ??, where is the cane?" And Kate just stood immobile and rubbed her bottom "please mam, please dont cane me. I am really sorry mam" but Hargreaves was taking off her jacket and rolling her right sleeve up while walking to the cupboard "It is the cane for you girl, i intend to sting that naughty bottom pretty well for you". She came back with a seniour cane, swiish it aroumd few times before instructing the girl to go to one of the desk on a front row, bend over it and grab the chair on the side. Kate did that and felt her skirt raised but really pleaded while clearly crying when she felt her knickers taken down "Oh pl.. please Mam, please nor on.. on.. The bare" but they were going down and she heard "turn around girls". The the girls turned tand were confronted with a bare bottom facing them and without any warning it was craaaaaaack!!!!! "Ouch owwwwwwww" as the girl jumped up to rub the bottom, that was the stroke of the day and the teacher sternly ordered "bend over Kate, bend over.. that one does not count" she hesitated for some time but the teacher grabbed her and bend her over again, same position. When she raised a skirt, there was a single line turning red and she smile "nice stroke dear, let's decorate you with few more" tap! tap!! tap!!! "You better hold on to these position girl, if you know what's good for you" tap!!!! Thwaaaaaaack!!! "Ohhhhhhhhhh" as the girl raise one foot after another while bending over. "That's better" that was heard before stoke two followed and three came too with the girl struggling but holding on the position. It was electrifying in the class as Hargreaves really cane, tap! tap!! tap!!! Craaaaaaack!!! "Ahhhhhhh ouch ouch" and she let another one fly "Ouch ow ow ow". "We will not have you caught in a fight again or will we girl" before she could answer it was thwaaaaack!!!! And she lost position again as she did not expect it. "Back in position Kate how dare you, that was supposed to be last one and its now going to be repeated" and the girl crying freely now apologised but the teacher bend her over "infact i think we should start over again, what do you think?" But the girl pleaded "no please, no mam. It's hurts oh mam". Hargreaves smile "hold still then and stay in position after these one, tap! tap!! tap!!! Craaaaaack!!! "Ahhhhhhh ow ow" but she hold on to the position. Beautiful bottom having eight lines, that's it for now Hargreaves thaught.
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
Africa01 出版商 4 年 前
Hmmmm it sound like a lot of work, but yet again a profile say a lot about a person. I fully agree.
spanker_eric3 4 年 前
nice concept and a good plot!
Africa01 出版商 4 年 前
Hahaha will re-check it.. 