Caught smoking
Things could turn sour very quickly, a girl can get a lot of attention very fast. That was what Valencia realised, the 18 year old Valencia was once a very good obedient girl. A model A grade student who went the first two years without been corporally punished. Yes, at school corporal punishment was still practiced although not a lot as it was still fading away. Her first corporal punishment was a slipper from Mrs Jones as she punished the whole class for the noise, subsequent ones were also the classroom punishment. If you can look at her history of punishment, you will realise for the past four years, she had got a slipper three times across her skirt with maximum four strokes and the cane two times over her hands, three strokes on both occasions. It had been a month on her final year at school and it seems these year the teachers had a thing for her, or at least she thaught so. She had turned 18 years few days back and had developed very well, she had picked up few Kilograms and really gained where it matters most for the girl. That is her thighs had started to get full, breasts noticeable and bottom shooting out. When a girl start to develop like that, she then start to look at boys differently and like to get their attention. Valencia was going through that phase at these present moment, her grades had dropped a little and her behaviour had really changed slightly, she had started to become troublesome. It had been few years since corporal punishment had banned but St Moses school for boys and girls still had some old fashioned teachers, as they say "old habits die hard". 30% of the school teachers were older than 50 years and started their teaching career when corporal punishment was the first order of the day, therefore despite it been banned they still very much practice it although of course they have slowed down a bit as not to attract attention from the authorities. Valencia's sudden drop in performance and change in behavior had been noticed and a talk amongst teachers in a staff room "I am telling you guys, it must be boys involved" says one teacher while discussing her "I too agree, you can see by her recent behaviour that things have changed for our star student, her priorities completely shifted" answered another. "I am going to have a word with her, make her realise the importance of doing well in her final year" said another teacher. Those that were discussing her were there one that had mordern views in teaching and disciplining school pupils. On the far corner sitting and clearly listening to the conversation going on was Mr Tailor, Mr Salmon, Mrs Palmer and Mrs Graham, these were one of the old fashioned teachers and they too got engaged on these conversation, although in low voices. "I had thaught i was the only one that has noticed Valencia has changed for the worse" said Mrs Graham and Mr Palmer answered "oh Yes, i had to give her the slipper across skirted bottom yesterday, late for class" and Mrs Graham spoke again "I gave her the stick across hands, four strokes last week. I just hope we still have authority to punish properly". Of all the four teachers sitting at these corner, three of the teachers still taught Valencia except for Mr Tailor, he had Valencia the first three years while she was still a good A grade student. "Why don't you punish the girl properly, why dont you bare bottom and cane it?" asked Tailor and the table went silent for a moment, "how I wish i could do that Tailor but that would call for a concern, as it is, we not allowed to punish, so that would really be pushing our luck" replied Mrs Palmer and Tailor continued "of course you need not do it in front of other pupils, but in private you can". "How, how is that possible? I mean these c***dren already know corporal punishment is banned" asked Salmon. "Exactly, exactly that my dear colleagues. They know corporal punishment is banned yet they still submit to it, you know why?" asked Tailor and they all shaked their heads. He looked at them as if lecturing c***dren and continued "because they not given a choice on the matter, when you order the c***d to raise a hand or bend over they do. So keep your authority and be decisive, never make her even think she has a choice on the matter". And it was really a good lesson to learn for Mrs Graham said she is going to give it a try, particularly on Valencia.
In a meantime Valencia was really at it, been break time she was in the parking lot with four other pupils. Been a girl needing attention from the boys you tend to do foolish things without really thinking, Valencia and her group of four boys were having a ciggarette. Since corporal punishment had abolished these filthy habit has started to escalate and several pupils were caught every week, but it was lines, detentions and the slipper occasionally. Valencia had been caught by the young Mr Craig last week and given a stern lecture and some lines to do, she did not hand them in but Mr Craig had let it passed. But there was really one teacher that hate smoking to the core of his heart, and that is Mr Tailor. He had lost both his father and brother to smoking ciggarette, father died of cancer and brother of heart attack, they were heavy smokers. Although he believe in corporal punishment, he is a fair master and he give out chances before dishing it out. He had disciplined lots of time and he knows how effective corporal punishment is, so is its threat. After his heartfelt conversation with the other teachers back in the staff room, he went to his car to collect some documents he had left there. Hating a ciggarette, he smell it from a mile and it did not take long before he went to the corner the pupils were smoking in. They were all relaxing so much and never even thaught they will be caught, for it was break time and they were at the parking lot. "Hmmmm, having a good time ey boys and girl, do follow me when you done smoking. Take your time though" that was Tailor so furious but never wanting to show. 'When they done' 'take their time' he was been sarcastic and of course the five miscreants immediately follow him, he started to his car and then lead the miscreants to his class. They met Craig along the way and he wanted to have a word with Tailor but he told him he will come to him afterwards, he want to deal with these smokers "is that so? Valencia smoking again? I caught her last week and gave her lines. Sadly I never received them" said Craig and Tailor sternly said "well I am also giving her lines too, rest assured she would change her ways". They continue and Valencia was glad it's lines again, detentions can be boring and the slipper can be painful nor the cane on hands. When they enter the class, Tailor gave a very stern lecture and said he better not catch them ever smoking again. He took out the cane and instructed one boy to bend over, he gave him six really good strokes. Then signal the next to bend over, gave him six with two extras. Third boy came and got his six and so is the last boy. Valencia was the first time witnessing Tailor in action and knew straight away she is going to be in tears when she had done caning her hands, unless if she give her lines. She would really welcome the lines and she would do them nice and neat. But she saw Tailor beckoning a finger at her and knew it's the cane, she came close to her and rub her hands and only hear "position" from Tailor and she raise both her hands as it was custom and close her eyes, she just wanted these to be over but she felt Tailor's hand on her shoulder taking her few steps forward and only came to her senses when she was bended "no no no sir please no" but Tailor had bend her over and raising a skirt "smoking girl ey, you going to regret that I promise you" and then Tailor was tapping her bottom and let fly with the first stroke "ouch owwwwwwww" as she let go of the desk and rub bottom "bend over Valencia, bend over girl" she tried to plead but the stern teacher shouted and she bended over, stroke two came and she stayed in position. Stroke three also came and she remained in position, the bell rang signalling start of lectures after break and Tailor let the fourth one fly and the girl wobble bottom, she was really feeling it he thaught. He told her to stand up and the girl stood up in tears and rubbing bottoms. He scolded again and the class get filled with Junior boys and girls, Valencia took her hands off her bottom as she did not want to attract unnecessary attention, she wiped the tears off too as Tailor wrote something and handed it to the boys to take to their teachers. That was letters explaining their few minutes lateness as it was about 6 minutes since classes resumed.
He dismissed the boys and said to Valencia "you coming with me girl, i haven't finished with you yet" as he took the cane and ushered the girl out. She let the tears fall again and went out rubbing bottoms, she followed Mr Tailor to his office and on the way they met Mr Craig again, he noticed the cane and the girl in tears "Oh Mr Tailor, you meant lines literally. I had thought you referred to my lines, they seem effective though" and Tailor was really still upset "yes Craig, i find these a bit effective. I so hate smokings and the girl hear is going to find out the hard way". Craig was amused, he never punished in that way but he can't deny it can be effective. He didn't even give the girl a slight sympathy, for he had caught her just last week "hands sore girl, going to smoke again?" he assumed it was hands as the cane is usually over hands on girls. Valencia just nodded and Tailor of course broke the news as if it was a normal thing "Its bottom Craig, i cane bottoms. I am taking her to my office to bare them, i have heard a lot of bad things about these girl" and Craig was more shocked now "bottom, bare bottom" and the girl couldn't help but gasp "oh no sir, please not bare bottom". Tailor was right, you only show girls who has the authority when caning or boys for that matter. Valencia did not think of arguing, not for a second but gathered her strength and thoughts on the way there. Corporal punishment is abolished and really Tailor have no rights to cane her, worse on bottoms. No she won't let her, she told herself. They eventually arrived and both went inside the office and Tailor straight away put the chair in the middle of the room and ordered the girl over the chair "no sir, no I am not bending sir. You not allowed to cane me" said Valencia confidently but Tailor was just not in a mood, he really disliked smokings and will go to any length to discourage it "What? what is that girl, you really don't want to get me more angry than I am right now. Bend over!!!!" and Valencia was defeated, she did not bend over but was showing signs of cracking and she was sobbing "Cor,... Corporal punishment is abolished sir, i will report you" but Tailor was already approaching her and taking her forward to the chair, she never resisted when bend over the chair "you can report me after the caning dear, i dare you to. Grab the front foot for me please and tip toes" like a lamb getting ready to be slaughtered, she assumed the required position although now politely pleading "please sir, please dont cane me on bottoms. The girls get it on hands" but Tailor was proceeding to raise the skirt and these time she felt her knickers taken down "naughty schoolgirls get the cane on bare bottoms girl, only good ones can have it on hands". She was already in tears when it was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiish craaaaaaack!!!! "Ouch oh ohhhhhhhh" as she stood up to rub a bottom. "I intend to give you eight strokes girl but if you going to take them these badly i will have to make it thwelve now won't I?" said Tailor calmly and the girl doing the caning dance said "oh no sir, please no. It's hurts". Tailor took her hands away from the bottom and inspect, they were 4 lines, clearly one got on top of another. He was satisfied and bend the girl again "everyone seems to be complaining about you girl, even the head. Well I shall cure you today" and he tapped again "do stay in position or it will be worse for you" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiish thwaaaaaack!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhh ah" but remained in position. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! craaaaaaack!!!! "Oh ouch owwwwwww" as she lift one foot after another. Tailor paced up and down behind her "going with a said tale to mom and the authorities ey Valencia?" And she took deep breath "no, no sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiish craaaaaack!!!! "Ahhhhhhhh ouch ah ah" as the tears are flowing now. "No, no we won't tell mom or report to the authorities about these little punishment we had?" asked Tailor and the girl just shaked her head while still openly crying "yes girl, elders got to cane us when we been naughty ey? You will grow up to understand that girl". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Craaaaaack!!! "Owwwwwww" and she couldn't help it but rise again and do the caning dance. "What is these Valencia, are you openly disrespecting me?" And she said "no sir, no I am not sir" while rubbing but Tailor sternly shouted "Bend over, do that again and it's going to thwelve". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "really girl, i now see why so many teachers complain. Silly girl" Craaaaaack!!!!! "Owwwwwwwwww OUCH". "You were an A grade girl, and best behaving girl I ever knew. What changed?" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaaaaack!!! "Ouch ouch ouch" and Tailor sternly "I asked you a question girl, what changed?" And she said "I don.. I don't know sir, please" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "I believe its boys girl, they say you into boys than your books nowadays. So silly" Tap!!! Thwaaaaaack!!!!! As the eight strokes lend and she yell "ahhhhhhhh" but remained in position.
Tailor put the cane down and went to the girl who still bending, he grabbed the bottom and squeeze to inspect "get down girl, hands far down and bottom in the air. Tip toes" and the girl obeyed while crying "I suggest you come back to your senses girl or you going to have some unpleasant year. There is still about 10 months to go and these bottom is going to sting very good if you do not change your ways do you understand?" And Valencia nodded. "I can't hear" and she said yes sir. "Good, no smoking, school is to be taken seriously and no boys you hear me girl" again she said yes."Good then, glad we on the same picture. I am going to cane your bare bottom only from now onwards girl, stand up and pull your knickers up" and the girl did as told. The nylon knickers were really tight and she wished she were not supposed to pull them up. She compose herself and accompanied by the teacher to class. It was Mathematics and Mrs Palmer was doing homeworks when they arrive, clearly she had been crying as she noticed. 'Oh my, Valencia dear. So glad you could join us, i had thought you had skipped class. The things you capable of nowadays, i wouldn't had been surprised" as she smile and Tailor smile back "she was with me, we had some discipline issues to attend to" and Palmer knew what what that meant but asked anyway "did you? You know i mean" and Tailor nodded "yes, the stick. In a proper manner" and Palmer couldn't help but smile "you mean on the bottom". Tailor again nodded and said "bare". The girl was embarrassed and came to her senses when the teacher asked for the homework. She did not do it and tried to come up with an excuse but Palmer looked at Tailor and said "oh dear, would you please help out". Tailor looked at Valencia "15:00 on the dot, my office. Eight of the best on the bare again girl" and Palmer smile "go and sit down girl, that's if you can sit down. I did warn you before and you chose to ignore me, i am sure Tailor would get through to you, or your naughty bottom". The girl went for a sit crying and not daring to look anyone on the eyes, it was indeed going to be an unpleasant year for her. Reporting the matter was the last thing on her mind nor telling her mom, she just promised herself she is going to study hard again and stay out of trouble. Mr Tailor went out and Mrs Palmer finished with homeworks and gave a classwork, she was marking it from desk to desk until she arrived on Valencia's desk, marked the classwork and it was all correct answers, she looked at her and said "bottom still sore girl?" And the girl looked down and nodded "Good, i see it showing good effect on you already. We just hope Mr Tailor jeep on caning ey, so we can do a lot better" and one tear fall again as she said "please mam, it hurts" but the teacher smile and say "of course it hurts girl, on the bare. Ouch!!!!" As she pass on to the next desk.
In a meantime Valencia was really at it, been break time she was in the parking lot with four other pupils. Been a girl needing attention from the boys you tend to do foolish things without really thinking, Valencia and her group of four boys were having a ciggarette. Since corporal punishment had abolished these filthy habit has started to escalate and several pupils were caught every week, but it was lines, detentions and the slipper occasionally. Valencia had been caught by the young Mr Craig last week and given a stern lecture and some lines to do, she did not hand them in but Mr Craig had let it passed. But there was really one teacher that hate smoking to the core of his heart, and that is Mr Tailor. He had lost both his father and brother to smoking ciggarette, father died of cancer and brother of heart attack, they were heavy smokers. Although he believe in corporal punishment, he is a fair master and he give out chances before dishing it out. He had disciplined lots of time and he knows how effective corporal punishment is, so is its threat. After his heartfelt conversation with the other teachers back in the staff room, he went to his car to collect some documents he had left there. Hating a ciggarette, he smell it from a mile and it did not take long before he went to the corner the pupils were smoking in. They were all relaxing so much and never even thaught they will be caught, for it was break time and they were at the parking lot. "Hmmmm, having a good time ey boys and girl, do follow me when you done smoking. Take your time though" that was Tailor so furious but never wanting to show. 'When they done' 'take their time' he was been sarcastic and of course the five miscreants immediately follow him, he started to his car and then lead the miscreants to his class. They met Craig along the way and he wanted to have a word with Tailor but he told him he will come to him afterwards, he want to deal with these smokers "is that so? Valencia smoking again? I caught her last week and gave her lines. Sadly I never received them" said Craig and Tailor sternly said "well I am also giving her lines too, rest assured she would change her ways". They continue and Valencia was glad it's lines again, detentions can be boring and the slipper can be painful nor the cane on hands. When they enter the class, Tailor gave a very stern lecture and said he better not catch them ever smoking again. He took out the cane and instructed one boy to bend over, he gave him six really good strokes. Then signal the next to bend over, gave him six with two extras. Third boy came and got his six and so is the last boy. Valencia was the first time witnessing Tailor in action and knew straight away she is going to be in tears when she had done caning her hands, unless if she give her lines. She would really welcome the lines and she would do them nice and neat. But she saw Tailor beckoning a finger at her and knew it's the cane, she came close to her and rub her hands and only hear "position" from Tailor and she raise both her hands as it was custom and close her eyes, she just wanted these to be over but she felt Tailor's hand on her shoulder taking her few steps forward and only came to her senses when she was bended "no no no sir please no" but Tailor had bend her over and raising a skirt "smoking girl ey, you going to regret that I promise you" and then Tailor was tapping her bottom and let fly with the first stroke "ouch owwwwwwww" as she let go of the desk and rub bottom "bend over Valencia, bend over girl" she tried to plead but the stern teacher shouted and she bended over, stroke two came and she stayed in position. Stroke three also came and she remained in position, the bell rang signalling start of lectures after break and Tailor let the fourth one fly and the girl wobble bottom, she was really feeling it he thaught. He told her to stand up and the girl stood up in tears and rubbing bottoms. He scolded again and the class get filled with Junior boys and girls, Valencia took her hands off her bottom as she did not want to attract unnecessary attention, she wiped the tears off too as Tailor wrote something and handed it to the boys to take to their teachers. That was letters explaining their few minutes lateness as it was about 6 minutes since classes resumed.
He dismissed the boys and said to Valencia "you coming with me girl, i haven't finished with you yet" as he took the cane and ushered the girl out. She let the tears fall again and went out rubbing bottoms, she followed Mr Tailor to his office and on the way they met Mr Craig again, he noticed the cane and the girl in tears "Oh Mr Tailor, you meant lines literally. I had thought you referred to my lines, they seem effective though" and Tailor was really still upset "yes Craig, i find these a bit effective. I so hate smokings and the girl hear is going to find out the hard way". Craig was amused, he never punished in that way but he can't deny it can be effective. He didn't even give the girl a slight sympathy, for he had caught her just last week "hands sore girl, going to smoke again?" he assumed it was hands as the cane is usually over hands on girls. Valencia just nodded and Tailor of course broke the news as if it was a normal thing "Its bottom Craig, i cane bottoms. I am taking her to my office to bare them, i have heard a lot of bad things about these girl" and Craig was more shocked now "bottom, bare bottom" and the girl couldn't help but gasp "oh no sir, please not bare bottom". Tailor was right, you only show girls who has the authority when caning or boys for that matter. Valencia did not think of arguing, not for a second but gathered her strength and thoughts on the way there. Corporal punishment is abolished and really Tailor have no rights to cane her, worse on bottoms. No she won't let her, she told herself. They eventually arrived and both went inside the office and Tailor straight away put the chair in the middle of the room and ordered the girl over the chair "no sir, no I am not bending sir. You not allowed to cane me" said Valencia confidently but Tailor was just not in a mood, he really disliked smokings and will go to any length to discourage it "What? what is that girl, you really don't want to get me more angry than I am right now. Bend over!!!!" and Valencia was defeated, she did not bend over but was showing signs of cracking and she was sobbing "Cor,... Corporal punishment is abolished sir, i will report you" but Tailor was already approaching her and taking her forward to the chair, she never resisted when bend over the chair "you can report me after the caning dear, i dare you to. Grab the front foot for me please and tip toes" like a lamb getting ready to be slaughtered, she assumed the required position although now politely pleading "please sir, please dont cane me on bottoms. The girls get it on hands" but Tailor was proceeding to raise the skirt and these time she felt her knickers taken down "naughty schoolgirls get the cane on bare bottoms girl, only good ones can have it on hands". She was already in tears when it was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiish craaaaaaack!!!! "Ouch oh ohhhhhhhh" as she stood up to rub a bottom. "I intend to give you eight strokes girl but if you going to take them these badly i will have to make it thwelve now won't I?" said Tailor calmly and the girl doing the caning dance said "oh no sir, please no. It's hurts". Tailor took her hands away from the bottom and inspect, they were 4 lines, clearly one got on top of another. He was satisfied and bend the girl again "everyone seems to be complaining about you girl, even the head. Well I shall cure you today" and he tapped again "do stay in position or it will be worse for you" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiish thwaaaaaack!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhh ah" but remained in position. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! craaaaaaack!!!! "Oh ouch owwwwwww" as she lift one foot after another. Tailor paced up and down behind her "going with a said tale to mom and the authorities ey Valencia?" And she took deep breath "no, no sir". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiish craaaaaack!!!! "Ahhhhhhhh ouch ah ah" as the tears are flowing now. "No, no we won't tell mom or report to the authorities about these little punishment we had?" asked Tailor and the girl just shaked her head while still openly crying "yes girl, elders got to cane us when we been naughty ey? You will grow up to understand that girl". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Craaaaaack!!! "Owwwwwww" and she couldn't help it but rise again and do the caning dance. "What is these Valencia, are you openly disrespecting me?" And she said "no sir, no I am not sir" while rubbing but Tailor sternly shouted "Bend over, do that again and it's going to thwelve". Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "really girl, i now see why so many teachers complain. Silly girl" Craaaaaack!!!!! "Owwwwwwwwww OUCH". "You were an A grade girl, and best behaving girl I ever knew. What changed?" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaaaaack!!! "Ouch ouch ouch" and Tailor sternly "I asked you a question girl, what changed?" And she said "I don.. I don't know sir, please" Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! "I believe its boys girl, they say you into boys than your books nowadays. So silly" Tap!!! Thwaaaaaack!!!!! As the eight strokes lend and she yell "ahhhhhhhh" but remained in position.
Tailor put the cane down and went to the girl who still bending, he grabbed the bottom and squeeze to inspect "get down girl, hands far down and bottom in the air. Tip toes" and the girl obeyed while crying "I suggest you come back to your senses girl or you going to have some unpleasant year. There is still about 10 months to go and these bottom is going to sting very good if you do not change your ways do you understand?" And Valencia nodded. "I can't hear" and she said yes sir. "Good, no smoking, school is to be taken seriously and no boys you hear me girl" again she said yes."Good then, glad we on the same picture. I am going to cane your bare bottom only from now onwards girl, stand up and pull your knickers up" and the girl did as told. The nylon knickers were really tight and she wished she were not supposed to pull them up. She compose herself and accompanied by the teacher to class. It was Mathematics and Mrs Palmer was doing homeworks when they arrive, clearly she had been crying as she noticed. 'Oh my, Valencia dear. So glad you could join us, i had thought you had skipped class. The things you capable of nowadays, i wouldn't had been surprised" as she smile and Tailor smile back "she was with me, we had some discipline issues to attend to" and Palmer knew what what that meant but asked anyway "did you? You know i mean" and Tailor nodded "yes, the stick. In a proper manner" and Palmer couldn't help but smile "you mean on the bottom". Tailor again nodded and said "bare". The girl was embarrassed and came to her senses when the teacher asked for the homework. She did not do it and tried to come up with an excuse but Palmer looked at Tailor and said "oh dear, would you please help out". Tailor looked at Valencia "15:00 on the dot, my office. Eight of the best on the bare again girl" and Palmer smile "go and sit down girl, that's if you can sit down. I did warn you before and you chose to ignore me, i am sure Tailor would get through to you, or your naughty bottom". The girl went for a sit crying and not daring to look anyone on the eyes, it was indeed going to be an unpleasant year for her. Reporting the matter was the last thing on her mind nor telling her mom, she just promised herself she is going to study hard again and stay out of trouble. Mr Tailor went out and Mrs Palmer finished with homeworks and gave a classwork, she was marking it from desk to desk until she arrived on Valencia's desk, marked the classwork and it was all correct answers, she looked at her and said "bottom still sore girl?" And the girl looked down and nodded "Good, i see it showing good effect on you already. We just hope Mr Tailor jeep on caning ey, so we can do a lot better" and one tear fall again as she said "please mam, it hurts" but the teacher smile and say "of course it hurts girl, on the bare. Ouch!!!!" As she pass on to the next desk.
4 年 前