Girls are naturally naughty

They maybe daddy's little girls, we may regard them as our little angels, we may be over protective of them and sworn to even kill a bull for them. But as they grow up their natural naughtiness will kick in, for in honesty and transparency, girls are the more naughty gender than the two genders even though we may lead to believe its the opposite. Boys grow up to mature and follow the rules whereas girls grow up to bend them and hope they never get caught. Smoking, curfew, boys, foul language, not doing duties properly, little time on studying and more on tv's and magazines, lateness at school and bullying amongst other miscreants they could commit. With age come responsibilities and experience, of course they will want to experiment so they could get experience but its our responsibility as adults to guide and discipline, and what is the more effective way than been direct at them. Also let us acknowledge that no matter how make have been made the superior ones and female the inferior ones, when it comes to domestic discipline of their daughters, the females inforce it more than the males. Yes, a father maybe strict, respected and feared but deep down he will always have a soft spot for his daughter. Hence you will always find mommy been the one correctly burning bottom in the household. Whereas males really come to the party when it isn't their daughters they deal With, be it as uncles, tutors, employers, teachers, headmaster's, neighbours etc etc etc. That is when they really burn girls bottoms very good, but you can't really blame them. Like the tittle say "Girls are naturally naughty". In these article, we going to discuss 1. How those involved really think of punishment administered, 2. Why often bottoms than hands, thighs and feet. 3. How the punishment should properly dished out. All these are from my perspective of course and would be happy to hear other people's perspective too.

1. For every punishment administered, there is actually the disciplinirian and the naughty miscreants. Since punishment occur mostly on young ladies, there is also parents and guardians for that matter. For as i have mentioned on the domestic scene, there is mommy who always ready to spank and on few households daddy do spank too. When there is a girl on the household there will often be sound of slaps, brush, belt and cane to name but a few and a stern mommy lecturing, a girl yelling and already regretting to be naughty. A distant father having sympathy for her daughter but never wanting to loose face because it will come across a condoning the bad behaviour. But however, a perfect scenario is, be it at home or school, where there is a strict disciplinirian, a girl and a parent involved with emotions. Let's say uncle/tutor is to punish. Of course he will be excited to get at the girl's bottom, his hand will be itching to get at the naughty girl's bottom. There is a girl of course, so regretting to have been naughty, thinking how unfair its to be. The tutor never knew all the answers when growing up but there isnt any proof that he got punished, even now it is highly unlikely he didn't know the answer but had to refer to the answer sheet for it but expect the young lady to know it or the bottom will get sore as it is about to get sore. Daddy out of course, when punishment are to be administered there is always an excuse for daddy to be absent. Be it the session happen when he is at work or are taken to the tutors house. If they happen at the girl's house, of course mommy will be present and she will hear her daughter dealt with on another room while she is busy. Spank! Slap!! Smack!!! "Ouch ow ow" as the spanking administered and sge will of course smile and get satisfied that the girl is properly dealt with. If it does happen on the tutors house, she will always encourage "If she isn't taking the lesson seriously, ensure she does". And of course she will also be happy to know her girl is caned at school, everytime when she meet the teachers is "If she start playing up, put the stick on her backside" "spare the rod and spoil a c***d". Of course she will even tease when the daughter arrive home with sore bottom, it's only part of growing up and the girl will also grow up to outgrow them.

2. It always bottoms that are mostly dealt with in a girl, in all fairness there is hands, thighs, back and even feet to administer punishment to. I have seen on many videos such occur but it's really isn't practiced most of the time. I know hands were commonly punished and so is the thighs, but nothing really beat the bottom. Some say "the lord specifically designed it for such punishment" "it's the sit of learning" "it's only there to be punished". These may all be the truth, but i will like to think of the very first person who bared a girl's bottom. What was really going through his/her mind? When ever i think of these there is always these concept coming up " surely it got to be in school, some teacher must have punishing both boys and girls on the bottom, let's assume it was the slipper. He had given the boys four across trouser bottoms and when it was girls turn, their skirt were so loose instead of been tightly to a bottom that they will reduce the intended sting off the slipper. He had no option but to raise a skirt, up on delivering the few more strokes curiosity got the better of him and therefore he bared a bottom to sting it properly" that's just my imagination of the very first lady who got a sore bottom. Of course hands are regurlarly punished at school although the problem with that punishment is that it may take some time for a girl to be able to write properly. Same apply to the feet, although can rarely happen. The thighs of course do occur regurlarly and as they so close to bottoms, they usually go hand in hand in terms of the punishment. With bottoms, it really is regarded as the face of discipline. I have heard someone say "a girl's natural face is obviously the one we got confronted with everyday, her usual face. But when she had been regarded naughty, there is another face required to be confronted. And that is the bottom, it's the one that we need to have a chat with" hence they regarded as the naughty bottoms and there will always be "let us get to the bottom of the matter young lady"

3. Like it has been said, girls are naturally naughty and can defy to take a proper punishment. When you are to deal with a girl, it is really advisable to adopt a very authoritative stern approach. For the battle is really won before the actual punishment. There has to be a very stern lecture, pointing out the actual crime and how you going to deal with it. Really promise your naughty girl a very sore bottom. Be incharge of the situation and really give the girl no chance to think she can get away with these punishment. I find it letting the girl raising her skirt and lowering her knickers herself a bit easy for a girl, yes others would argue its good because she is a participant on her own punishment. But only bend a girl, lift her dress well up and lower the knickers yourself and you will see you have won the first battle. Tears will start to form but orders will be followed obediently so. Take your trusted cane and really sting bottoms with still a lecture and questions asked. Be unpredictable, do try to make the event more memorable. Sometimes let her keep the knickers and cane Well, once the tears start to fall, also let the tears fall. That's when you would've have an obedient girl apologising and promise to do better. But just carry on with your intended message. Also authority is what you say it is, award extra strokes, increase the number of strokes. Repeat strokes, just let the girl regret ever been naughty.
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
birch4fem 2 年 前
I 100% agree.
brvhrt99 : Oh yes, punishing a female on her thighs (for me on the back of her calves too) is really a delight. And the inner thighs, heaven.
回答 原始评论
brvhrt99 4 年 前
Spanker_for_females : Love dealing with the backs of the thighs... and the sensitive inner thighs
回答 原始评论
LordMarky 4 年 前
Perfect. And I think that a girl's  thighs are the best target  to discipline her, even better than her butt. 