
The following account is a special request from one of our own member here at xhamster, upon having a long conversation with her and reading some of my stories she requested these. Of course it's what she once endured with some twists into it to make it my version of the proceedings, or what should've transpired for that matter. The events took place when she was 13 years but for xhamster's policy, we will say she is 18 years. The lady is Hannah Goldstone, originates from the United Kingdom. Hannah is the daughter of Mary and Josh Goldstone, Mary is the housewife and Josh a Human rights lawyer by profession. Over the past few years, the Goldstone's have travelled a lot, been to Paris, Mexico, USA amongst other countries. At these present moment, they find themselves for the first time in Africa, Kenya to be precisely. Hannah's parents were very serious on the education and future of their daughter, spend a fortune on it. Hannah was now on her last year at school before college, and they seem to be only one best school for their daughter in Kenya, that is St Paunino. St Paunino is actually a day scholar school aswell as the bording school, depending on how far you live. It was situated at the far East of the country and the Goldstone's were staying on the central part of it, some few hours from and to St Paunino. Hence Hannah become the border in school, it was decided she will come home every four weeks. I will like to put it on record that I am not a racist and I get along with different races, i have enjoyed a nice working relationships with whites and Asians amongst others, as much as I have made friends with them. Therefore what is written here is not of having a vendetta against whites or hatred towards them.

Hannah Goldstone has been on these new school for about five weeks now, things started a bit slow for her in making friends as she was the only white pupil in school. Yes, St Paunino was one of the best school in the country if not the best but it, situated so far from almost everything, it was rare for whites to enrol there. There had been some whites pupils before but at these present moment it's only Hannah Goldstone. These had really made the school buzz, she was really the talk of the school. From teachers to school c***dren, caretaker to cleaners, govenors to school parents. St Paunino still practiced the corporal punishment, with the cane been the principal instrument. Boys could be caned across trousered bottoms and girls over hands, although sometimes on a rare occasions it can be bottoms. It is an open secret that the British are very keen on the cane, infact it is their instrument of choice. These were the discussion occurred amongst the teachers, wondering if Hannah had felt the cane more often in UK, was it bottoms, bare bottoms. The school policy in corporal punishment clearly state that no teacher can cane the opposite gender on bottoms, that means male teachers can cane boys across bottoms and girls on hands and vice versa for female teachers. "Oh these is just a stupid rule, i am telling you that Hannah only know the cane stings bottom" that's Mr Klassen telling his colleagues at lunch as Hannah seems like the topic of everyday. Although that corporal punishment still practiced, it was rarely done because it really was not that much exciting but a practiced left to really drive the message home. As truth can be told "hunger is the great teacher", for most of the school pupils come from poverty and education is their only way out of it. Therefore the passing rate was really high as both boys and girls work really hard and discipline was of a high level. Yes, Hannah could hear a sound of the cane inside the class when walking on the corridor but has yet witness one. Been white and travelled the world already, she seems to have experience a lot. She had smoked, set on pubs, had sex and all any other miscreants you can think of from a forward 18 year old girl. Over the past few weeks she had made friends with Patience, 18 years old and Prudence also 18 years old. They the girls that were always listening to Hannah's incredible experience of the world.

On that fifth week, Patience had come with a bottle of Gordons. She had took it at home and wanted to try it and really experience what is it Hannah really experienced. Hannah, although she had lied in sitting at the pub had also lied about ever drinking an alcohol. But of course she will not loose face now, the three girls enjoyed the gin during lunch and surely it got to work on them sooner than they could think. It was in Miss Bradford were they were caught, the teacher was going from table to table marking the classwork when she smelled alcohol on Prudence breath. The stern lecture did not go long before the girl told on Hannah and Patience, they were matched to the headmistress who also were shocked to hear of the offense. The girl were given a strict telling off and asked who brought the gin but they never said. They were dismissed and the headmistress immediately called the stuff meeting on how to deal with the matter. They were different views on how these should be dealt, with the cane been the first and favoured approach or else expulsion for all of them. Hannah was even taken as the one that brought the gin, "I did tell that Hannah is going to be trouble if we really don't get strict with her, i say let's burn her bottom and you will see how good she will be" said Klassen again with a lot of backup these time. The headmistress consider these and asked to be given atleast a day to think about it. In actual fact she were to consult with the governors and for these serious offense, she was given the go ahead to give permission to teachers to deal with Hannah however they want. There very next day they was a meeting again in taking a way forward on how to deal with the three girls, it was decided they were to be given 10 strokes of the cane across their knickered bottoms and Hannah is to be strictly dealt with from now on. She has brought the shame and disgrace to the whole school. They were to be caned by Miss Lowe, the very stern lady who were always keen to punish. Next it was assembly and the announcement was made that during the course of the day, three girls will be caned in class for the misdemeanor they did the previous day. The offence was told and the assembly was dismissed. It were speculations as to who are the girls, no one seems to know except the teachers and the three girls concerned though. They spend the rest of the morning worried about their ordeal and didn't even have lunch.

It was a period right after lunch when the class of Mr Klassen saw Miss Lowe entering the class with the cane on her hand, "ah Miss Lowe, is it the time already? I am just glad you chose my period for these event" said Mr Klassen smilling to the lady teacher and she replied "Oh Yes, i figured it will be all good just after lunch. I am full of energy after the food i had and the class will certainly be alive instead of falling asleep because of the heavy lunch they may have had". They both smile and looked around "let's not waste time then, how will you want them" asked Klassen and Lowe came close to him and nothing was heard as Lowe was discussing something with Klassen and even pointing. The class may be not hearing, but Lowe was saying she wanted the teachers desk so that the two black girls could go on either side of it to bend over while Hannah is just on the center with her bottom directly to the class. They were some little laugh before Klassen spoke aloud "Peter and Gabriel please help mam here with my desk, she want it right at the cente. And also please remove the chairs around It, she is going to need a better swing". That's when everyone realised it's going to be bottoms and the three involved looked at each other "ohk,... Patience, Prudence and Hannah please come to the front" said Lowe while shwiising the cane and the class erupted, to find out its the three girls really made them loose it. Both boys and girls, with Hannah also involved it was a cherry on top. The three girls went forward and the lady teacher gave a stern lecture before pointing at Prudence "you girl, come these side". Prudence did go to the side and instructed to bend over, the class got her side view and the desk length was long, that meant Prudence couldn't get her hands on the opposite end. All the pupils gasps when they saw Lowe raising the skirt, she uncovered beautiful bottom on the green knickers. They was a bit of a cheering from the class as Lowe raised the cane high and brought it down with satisfying sound, the girl rose but sternly ordered to get back. Second stroke came and the teacher got into a rhythm. Raising and bringing down the cane, the girl eventually got into tears but they were still few more strokes to come. Stroke 10 eventually came and the girl was left sobbing, told to hold that position.

Next it was Hannah, she was sternly ordered to bend over the desk with her hands on the far end of the table. She barely reached the far end as it forced her to be on tip toes, she was indeed the main event of the day. Class had cheered so much with the order, Klassen too had position himself to be able to view the proceedings well. He just wish he were the one to wield the cane, Lowe was really taking her time with Hannah. She went to the hem of her skirt, lift it up so slow that it reveals nice white thighs. The skirt was raised up so high to even reveal the back of Hannah, it was rolled together with her white shirt and there it was, the green knickers tightly covering what promised to be a very good white bottom. Lowe took the cane "better hold on to the position girl, if you know what's good for you" she looked at the class and signal for the silence, tap! tap!! tap!!! Craaaaaaack!!! "Ouch" as Hannah shoot up straight, she may be from UK but she had never felt the cane before. Her very first stroke of the cane was definetely burning, she clutched at her bottom while trying to come into terms with the pain, the class roared and Lowe smiled a little. She must have felt that one, she really laid it on and she intend to do so more. She shouted "get that naughty bottom back in position Lowe, i haven't got the whole day" and the girl slowly took the position again, her clothes were still nicely rolled up and her rubbings made her knickers to slightly rise up to reveal some little cheeks. "Do that again and I will give you extras girl" tap! tap!! tap!!! thwaaaaaaack!!! "Owwwwwww ow ow" as she stood up again but these time a stern "Hannah!!!!!" from the teacher immediately made her bend over. tap! tap!! tap!!! shwiiiiiish craaaaaack!!! followed as the third stroke fly in "ohhhhhhhhhhh ah ah" as she managed to keep her position but her bottom wobbling around. Tears had fallen now as she was openly crying. Lowe paced up and down and looked at Klassen who was certainly satisfied. The class was really treated to a nice time, boys were now stroking their man business under those tables through the trousers while some girls gave Hannah the sympathy while others a satisfying smile. Lowe came back to Hannah, tap! tap!! tap!!! "Keep the bottom still girl" tap! tap!! "Keep it still i say" tap!!! craaaaaack!!!!!! "Ouch ouch ouch" as the girl lift one leg after another, clearly struggling to take it. She was given some time before tap! tap!! tap!!! thwaaaaack!!!! "Ahhhhhhhhh ah ah" as she stood up again. She was doing the caning dance when Lowe ordered "bend over Hannah, how dare you". It was really too much for her, her bottom was really burning. She couldn't bend herself down, She didn't even noticed when Lowe offered Klassen the cane.

She only came to her senses when she saw the cane on Klassen right hand and the teacher gently bending her over, she was openly crying now and reached the far end of the desk. Her skirt were re-adjusted a bit higher again by Klassen although they never fall. He took aim tap! tap!! "Stay in that position girl you hear me? Otherwise you going to regret that a lot" tap! thwaaaaaaack!!!! "Ewwwwwwu ouch" that was really the stroke of the day, maximum force from the male teacher. How she stayed in position she just didn't know, the threat of something worse from the teacher definetely made her stay in position. She was still sobbing when she felt tap! tap!! tap!!! craaaaack!!! "Ahhhhhhhhhh" as the seventh stroke bite in. Klassen was really getting through, not that Lowe was not. But Klassen really proved to had more strength than Lowe, aswell as expected of course. "Stop that wobbling girl and keep that bottom still" said Klassen loudly and he tap! tap!! tap!!! "I said bottom still girl, i dont want a moving target" and the girl was really struggling, she couldn't help herself about wobbling the bottoms. It was really involuntary motion from her bottom, tap! tap!! tap!!! "Hannah ?" that was enough to make her concentrate on keeping it still. She had to concentrate on keeping her legs steady, tap! tap!! tap!!! and she saw the cane raised and brought down, she clenched but it was the false stroke. Klassen really lost it "didn't I tell you to keep the bottom still girl? You really determined on defying me ey, you will regret that before long" and Hannah felt her knickers roughly yanked down "silly girl" and the class erupted again while Klassen take aim "three more but stand up then it's six young lady" tap! tap!! tap!!! thwaaaaaack!!! "Owwwwwwwww" as the girl really felt it more. There was a white line after the stroke and immediately turning pink, Klassen watched with satisfaction "that's better" as he tap! tap!! tap!!! craaaaack!!!! "Ouch" the girl was crying like a little girl now. Klassen looked at Lowe and they both smile, these is really one naughty girl that has got her dessert. The last stroke was aimed at, tap! tap!! tap!!! thwaaaaack!!! And the girl yelled "Stay in that ppsition girl" ordered Klassen handing the cane back to Lowe. Hannah's bottom was red and on display to the whole class.

Next it was Patience, positioned in such a way that her too could be seen side ways. Her punishment carried on fully but it was clear the main event was Hannah. The class were still looking at her red displayed bottom while Patience was dealt with. Lowe eventually finished and had a conversation with Klassen, unheard again and she left the cane and went out. Klassen paced up and down lecturing the class about the importance of following school rules and taking school seriously, how when you become naughty you get a very sore bottom. "Stand up girls" and the girl stood up and all faced him, Patience and Prudence skirts fall down but Hannah's skirt was still up as it was really tucked in so it hang on there. She unrolled it to fall and reached for the knickers which were on her ankles now but a calm "did i give you permission to let your skirt down and pull up the knickers Hannah?". She gasp and looked down, clearly the only one still in tears "no sir" she answered. "Yes i didn't, you too girls go and sit down and Hannah to the corner with you girl" he pointed the corner the girl had to be in "and leave those knickers where they are" the girl went to the corner. In just a moment, Klassen was behind her taking her hands to her head and fumbling with her skirt, she was taking it off and before she knew it she was also stepping out of the knickers. There she was, naked from waste downwards as Klassen took the skirt and the knickers "we won't be needing them for the rest of the afternoon". With that the bell ring for the next period and the class was dismissed except Hannah, she were to stay at the corner with her bare bottom on display. The next class came in and were treated to a nice sight of Hannah's bare bottom. Everyone of course knew her as she was the only white girl at school. Two more classes followed and eventually the bell ring to signal end of school. Klassen dismissed the class and ordered Hannah to come closer "how is the bottom girl, still sore?" And Hannah tearfully answered yes. "Good, put on your skirt then and go and wait for me on my office, i have several boys I am going to cane and I might aswell cane you again. Six of the best dear" and she gasps "please sir" but the teacher stood up and gave her the cane "no need for knickers Hannah, i will come with them. It's bare bottom my girl". He watched as the girl wipe tears "you only have yourself to blame dear, bringing alcohol to school is a serious offense" as he drive her out raising her skirt and smacking her bare bottom slap! spank!! smack!!! "Ouch, ow,.. ow sir, it was not me. It was Pat,...." but the teacher cut her short "too late, bottom is going to sting".
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
petdyke 2 年 前
nipkor : Hannah's hot by now :heart:
So horny as well, even against her will ...
So humiliating ... with much more to 'come' :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
回答 原始评论
nipkor 4 年 前
Very nice story , poor Hannah . 
spanker_eric3 4 年 前
a fine account of caning and humiliation! 
gbl12 4 年 前