Teachers always right

It all started a week ago, Mrs Stones had a stressful day. The 59 year old lady has dedicated more than half of her life to teaching school pupils as she started her career at 23 years. She had been reliable and brought out many starts in her career. St Joseph school for boys and girls had been the fourth school to teach at in her 35 years career, the lady in question had been mugged the previous day hence she was not herself that day. The 59 years old knew her subject from the heart hence she got into an argument with Annabel Bailey, the 18 year old Annabel Bailey was the best learner at school, definitely destined for college. The argument started when they had to differentiate mitosis and meiosis, Annabel had stood up to give its detail difference in the most structured manner but Stones had said in actual fact Annabel had twisted them "Meiosis is the process of a single cell...... and Mitosis is when the gem cell......." she had given the same structured differentiation although vice versa. Annabel argued its actually the other way around but Stones insisted. Annabel even took out the textbook to refer to It but the teacher had none of it " no need to take out your book girl, I have been teaching biology for more than 3 decades now and I am telling you what is what, now sit down unless you want a sore bottom" the girl froze and angrily sit down. The teacher detected her attitude "come here Annabel, I see you really want a very sore bottom" the class gasps and Annabel regrettably stood up, she had gone too far. She never got punished unless the few times when it was a classroom punishment. Stones immediately went for the slipper and bend the girl over her desk, normal punishment for girls was over skirt or hands as they were boys in class but sometimes over knickers. These was the case today, she raised her skirt and give the young lady eight of the really best. She lay them hard and Annabel was almost in tears, she would've cried if two more were given. Sent to her chair she was ashamed and in painful.

Stones had took 3 days off since from that day and only came back today, it was class test day and Stones took these class test seriously. She do not forget too or the forgiven type, Annabel had been one of her favourites learners as she is intelligent, but last week episode had really made her regard the girl as one of those troublesome learners. Her attitude towards her was really bad and she is really going to find a way to cane her, cane her bare bottom. Yes bare bottom punishments still exist but in private, and Annabel is surely going to have one soon or later. For in her long career, she had dealt with such naughty girls and boys. She had gain experience in managing pupils like that and trusted the cane, she does cane on hands and trousered bottoms but if she really is pissed she goes for bare bottom. She did her famous lecture she always do before the class test and concluded "as you all know boys and girls, bottom of the class will get something on her bottom" and she laughed. It was always the case, the one that score the least marks he/She is punished on the bottom, the implements chosen based on the marks. The class test started and was scheduled for 1 hour on an hour's lesson, it was not long as always and the threat of the bottom attended to always give courage to do well. From 30 minutes pupils started to hand in their answer sheets to be marked and by 45 minutes everyone was done and handed in his/her answer sheet. Stones chose these day for class test because she has a double period with them, the second hour is still her period for biology with the class. She was almost done when the bell ring for start of the second period, in 10 minutes into the second period she was done marking and sorting out the papers based on who scored the higher to the lowest, she liked to build tentions. Usually the first name that usually pop-up is Annabel Bailey, unless if their several pupils that scored the same highest mark as her but in these occasion it was "Joey Craig 100%, Peter Thompson 100% Lisa Dave 100%, Jackie Morton 98%, Kelvin Bream 98%....."  and the list went on with marks going down without the famous name of Annabel. She was concerned as she was sure she did very well, others had not realised she had not called yet as they were only worried about their marks. Finally it "Jacob Harr 72%, Marvin Dawson 72%, Alice Mayfair 66%, Andrew Hart 60% and last but not least Michelle Gibson 56%". It seems like everyone had passed the test, even Michelle although she is bottom of the class. In instances like these she may get a stern lecture or no more than two strokes of the slipper.

But Stones went for the cupboard and retrieved a senior cane, she had find a reason to cane Annabel and she wanted to get a warm up from Michelle. She came back with it and looked at Michelle with a smile "come dear, let's sting the naughty bottom" and Michelle gasp as she stood up very slow, she had passed. Why the cane and Annabel spoke "sorry mam, I haven't...." but Stones cut her "I know Annabel, I have something to discuss with you before I hand over your answer sheet". And Michelle was instructed to fetch the chair on the corner and put it in the middle with it back towards the class, you know the position. She was already crying as she done that, on her return she pleaded "please mam, I scored 56%. I tried my best please mam..." but Stones developed a stern approach "over Michelle, get over the chair girl" and the girl obeyed. She knew the position very well but gasps again when she felt her skirt raised "56% isnt good enough girl, clearly you do not study. Well I will make sure you study when you get home" she gave Michelle six of the best, the girl was really in tears by the time she finished with her. She was told to go to her sit and then Annabel was called to the front as the teacher put the cane down and sit down herself. She approached the desk and she was given her answer sheet, she scores 92%. She looked at it and saw she lost 8% on question 3, Mitosis and Meiosis and wondered how. And why was she not given her answer sheet because she passed well. Her question were shortly answered "I seem to remember having an argument with you about the difference between mitosis and meiosis girlie and I specifically outlayed it for you yet you still go with your version of it" said the teacher and Annabel looked at the answer sheet "it was exactly as the teacher said it last time, the opposite of the text book. She tried to argue her case again but the teacher calmly deny that "oh no my girl, I have taught these long before you were born and i know it like the back of my hand. Beside why only fèw of you got it wrong?" asked the teacher and the girl looked confused. It was true the teacher completely mixed them up last week but with Annabel been the bright girl, she was really ahead of the rest with the chapter and therefore the pupils were lost with the argument and trusted the teacher in saying the text book is saying exactly what she says. Therefore preparing for these test, they got the correct form of the difference but Hannah went with the wrong version of Stones. With Annabel still looking down and feeling hard done but clearly not wanting to anger the teacher she chose to drop it.

But got shocked when she saw the teacher raising up and taking the cane "bring that chair to my office dear" as Stones lead the way to open a small room she used as an office inside the class, it was really a small lab where things are stored. Annabel took her hands to the bottom, she knew everyone taken inside is bare and so is the rest of the class. These happen rarely but nonetheless it does happen "oh please mam, oh don't cane me on the bare bottom" but the teacher still calmly and already at the door spoke again "bring the chair inside girl" and the girl went for the chair. Tears already forming and saw how Michelle struggled with her six. Stones was appearing calmly but infact she was furious inside, she really want to cane the girl to tears and really hoped she could give the girl thwelve strokes but rules say the girl can only have a maximum of eight strokes from a teacher. Straight away inside she bend the girl over and raise her skirt, Annabel pleaded when she felt her knickers pulled down "please Mrs Stones, please not on the bare" but it was clear they going down. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiish craaaaaaack!!!! "Ouch!!!!!!" As the class hear the sound inside the small room. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiiish twaaaaaack!!!!! "OUCH ouch ouch" but she took the first two okay "I will teach you to listen to me girl, just because you top of the class it does not mean you know better than me" as she tap for the third time, Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Swiiiiiiiiish craaaaack!!!! twaaaaaack!!! "AAAAAAAAAAA fuck!!!" as Annabel stood up. She realised she had said foul language and immediately apologised "sorry mam, sorry for the foul language" but the teacher sternly ordered her to bend over and she obeyed. It was on the fifth stroke that the teacher had an idea of how can Annabel get thwelve or more strokes. She could take her to the headmaster. She was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! The sixth stroke when she said "I wonder what the headmaster is going to say about you swearing at me, an 18 year old girl telling the teacher to fuck off" and it was "noooooo" but a Craaaaaaaack!!!!! as the sixth stroke bite in. She hold on to the chair in tears and only felt a stick on the shoulder, "get up Annabel, we going to the head" and she stood up to plead "please mam, sorry for swearing. I was not swearing at you" but the teacher just went out and Annabel appeared rubbing her bottom and with her knickers on ankles as she forgot to pull them up. Teacher addressed the class about what to do and she will be out with Annabel.

"Come Annabel, let's go tell the head you sweared at me" and the girl still sniffling went for her knickers at her ankles but the teacher spoke "take them off dear, we won't need them. Head its going to cane bare bottom too" and she couldn't help it but fell in tears as Stones approach her, make her step out of the knickers and live them on the desk. She held her on a shoulder and spank! spank!! spank!!! Through a skirt as she scold "These is going to be one sore bottom today, to the office now" and out they went. On their way they met 55 year old Mr Rowley and he engaged Stones on the conversation concerning the crying girl. He was told the event of the day and the foul language "is that so Annabel, swearing at your elders. Come and see me after school, I am going to cane your bare bottom too" and they passed him. Inside the head study, Stones gave the details of the events again while Annabel crying and rubbing bottoms. Head just stood up and went for the senior cane, he guided the girl to the desk and raise the skirt only too see a bare bottom with six welts "where is your knickers dear" and Stones quickly told her she has it. "Oh is that so, skirt, shoes and socks off dear. She openly cried but obeyed, in few minutes she was naked from waist downwards and headmaster bend her over her desk again, Tap! Tap!! Tap wooooosh thwaaaaaaaaard "ewuuuuuuuu" as she jumped up and rub bottoms and the head was patient with her "bend over dear, I haven't done with you". She again bend over and craaaaaaaack!!! "AAAAAAAAA" and shoot up straight again but these time got reprimanded "get down Annabel, I haven't got all day. You swearing at teachers ey". She was crying a lot now like a 12 year old "oh please i am sorry sir, I will be a good girl. I promise....." and "I promise i will start all over again if you not over the desk these instantly, down girl!!!!" And she bend over and it was Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Thwaaaaaack!!!! "OUCH" but she stood in position and thwaaaaaack!!!! As the fourth one land "owwwwwwwww" bottom wobbling as she lift one foot after another. Stones was in smiles as she say "yummy isnt it girl? Worth to swear at me" and she just kept on crying when two more strokes where given.

She was instructed to stand up and head took the floor "I won't have an 18 year abuse my staff with foul language, I will cane you again if I hear of such is that understood" and she nodded but the head took the cane again "can't speak now, bend over" but it was "Oh yes yes sir, I am sorry". Stones spoke "she really is troublesome nowadays, so impossible to teach her. I don't know what got into her" but the head looked at the girl while answering Stones "never hesitate to send her to me mam, I am going to bare her bottom always for the cane. I won't let such a promising girl go astray, I will ring her grandmother these afternoon to notify her of her granddaughter's miscreants. She is going to be happy I now cane as she always asked me to cane". The teacher and the girl were dismissed with the teacher telling Annabel "you going to regret ever crossing me dear, I am going to make sure the head cane you every week. You going to learn at 18 years you still a c***d and bottoms still sting" she laughed and say "you have over six hours to recover, Rowley is caning too again dear" as they enter the class with Annabel in tears. She meant to go to her sit when Stones said "knickers dear, dont forget your knickers". She immediately have them in her hand as the girl approach "why dont you turn around and show the bottom to the whole class" and they were gasps as the class was shocked, Annabel was about to argue when Stones came to her and whisper "do you want me to take you back to the head and come up with another excuse he cane you" and the girl looked down while Stones get at her back and raise the skirt. Involuntarily the hand came back to resist but they were gently slapped "hands away dear, let's not be silly. We still a c***d and really have nothing to hide here" the skirt was raised and striped bottom got on display as the teacher smile and address the class "These is how a caned bottom look like boys and girls, thwelve on the bare with further strokes coming again later from Mr Rowley. He said bare bottom didn't he Annabel?" And the girl nodded but instructed to speak up "Yes mam". She laughed "don't worry dear, its only bottoms that will get sore. You will live" as she hand in her knickers and told her she may put them on.
发布者 Africa01
4 年 前
Africa01 出版商 4 年 前
spanker_eric3 : Dealing with Annabel alright though ?
回答 原始评论
spanker_eric3 4 年 前
wow - that teacher is vengeful