My response to anti gun fucks

Do love how people never owned fired or even saw guns in real life opine about how they should be banned and stolen from their owners all while fanning the flames of violent riots and saying nobody has a right to defend their lives homes families or property. The Second Amendment Exists and will remain get over it. You will not steal guns from their owners in America. When you say stupid shit like small arms are not useful against modern armies tell that to Soldiers in Middle east that are killed with small arms and improvised bombs. You think Rednecks are going to allow you to disarm them with out using Gorilla warfare tactics . Stay in your crime riddled cities controlled by Demorats filled with BLM gangs and Antifa types the rest of America belongs to people who value liberty and Constitutional laws .

If you can read this thank a teacher if you can read this in English thank a Patriot. So called Gun control is v******e against any and all who value freedom . Every gun law is a infringement
发布者 asher86
3 年 前
asher86 出版商 3 年 前
(Assault w) typically are select fire from safe ie non firing  semi auto, Burst, and Full auto . I am against any laws that ban modern full auto or so called (Assault w. )We can own with extra steps pre 1986 full auto w. Like 36 year old guns are safer than anything built in the last few years 
asher86 出版商 3 年 前
littlewanker : Assault weapons are select fire ie capable of semi auto burst or full auto fire . In America we typically can not own modern ones . Also Semi auto simply means one round per trigger pull and the gas from burnt power reciprocates the action ejecting the spent case and loading next round to be fired. So most all modern fire arms are considered semi auto . The media who is ignorant about guns interchanges semi auto and automatic knowing most people who pay attention to them do not know the difference . 
回答 原始评论
Full_Metal63 3 年 前
?? Awesome! 
littlewanker 3 年 前
Had pretty strict gun control in Australia since Port Arthur mass shooting. I support everyone’s right to own a firearm for self protection or managing a farm but seriously who the fuck needs a semi automatic or assault rifle?, these are weapons of war and should be strictly regulated. However, if you want them over here you can still access them. Don’t get caught or you’ll be doing jail time though