it's my time to shine Yes I'm in that kind of state of mind you gotta combine with hard work and time. You gotta work to climb to the top don't let yourself drop till your heart stops let this beat that like its a hard cock on a time clock just let your mind loose from the noose getting caught with a few bad thoughts cause I'm too lost I'm about to go off the people can't even handle me I give it all that I got nobody's gonna drain my energy I will never stop I'm motivated by enemies setting up shop at their graves so everybody remembers who put them there on this day and no I am not goi… 阅读更多内容
Health update .... Cancer round 3
So I have been trying to deny the reality of me getting Sick again . So sortly before xmas I had some manditory blood work done . Well my white cells were out of normal numbers so further tests were done and no easy way to say it but I hae cancer yet again . This time in my prostate . Yay me right . Finnaly have my life on the right track and boom reality kicks me square in my prosteic balls again. Treatment is being started normal kemo and a bit of alturnative stuff to shrink / eliminate the cancer growth / cells. This is to inform all who have gotten to know the real me though messages on he… 阅读更多内容
Courage is important
Be wary of a harmless man for he is lacking in much . Courage firstly among the things he lacks . Courage is not the lack of fear but the willingness to act in spite of fear. A good man is a very dangerous one but out of his morals and compassion he keeps it on the k until he has to act for the sake of others he has swore to protect. Be warned just because I am peaceful now does not mean I forgot how to be extremely violent . For the ones I love I will do some of the most terrible things to make sure they remain safe and secure.… 阅读更多内容
Married now
As of 09/17/23 I am a Married man , Sarah and I got married while in Vegas by a Elvis precher because we are odd and like a song that mentions that in the lyrics . Turned 37 on Saturday the 30th , Sarah Katie and I spent the day shoot the gun they got me blowing up a junk car with it and of Course having sex of to the Side of the desert gun range , Could not have asked for a better day the night got even more fun as my Submissivepuppy and I got to play she said a few times I broke her (in a good way) The girls promised me a bit of a show today yes with the dogs if you know you know .… 阅读更多内容
Originally written 3 years ago Still Applies
I’m sick of covid-19.(Yes its election season so bring back the fear and calls for manditory mail in votes) I’m sick of Right vs Left (I land right of center most of the time some views are left of Center ) I’m REALLY sick of the media. All they do is lie about anything Trump says or does I’m really sick of the wearing a mask debate.I do not like having to wear the slave muzzle( Refuse to put them back on .) I’m sick of no one being allowed to think what they want & feel how they do without offending someone.Just because you are offended does not mean you are right . Just means you do not… 阅读更多内容
Life Update ..... Getting married
So a few people who know about myself and Sarah also know I plan to Marry her So on or About September 17 Her and I will be in Las Vegas the plan is to gett married by a precher man who looks like Elvis (Reason for the Preacher who looks like Elivs its from a song both Sarah and i love by Jason Aldean, Johnny Cash)Was the first song I sang her after a night of drinking . Sarah is my perfect Submissive partner . We also have Katie She lives with Sarah and I she too is coming to Vegas with us. BOTH Sarah and Katie are my live in 24/7 pet girls Both of them are Dog friendly and willing to do anyt… 阅读更多内容
To be a good man
In life we are told over and over to avoid the dangerus man . What saddly to few people understand that the guy walking around chest puffed up being verbally violent or abusive is not really a dangerus man . Inside that man is insecure lonely afraid to be real with anyone. That is why he acts out , the reasons for his fear and isecurities are vast could be abuse in his youth could be the woman he loved completly destroyed him. To be a good man you actually have to be dangerus to be capable and willing to do what has to be done for the sake of others . The Good and Dangerus man is one who re… 阅读更多内容
City fucks vs Country folk
Ran across a rather stupid person claiming that the rual people of America must be forced into basic endentured servitude to the city fuck like him and his ilk . What right do you or the government have to tell me I must trabe my goods with you hateful city leftists? None of us have to sell you the food or goods we make . I can choose to trade locally . Or are you an asshole who is pro forcing people to trade with 0 compensation like it seem you are as you hate anyone who dares to stand against a tyrannical far left government. I am for non violent protest against you so called liberals aka… 阅读更多内容
My Slutty Doggie . Her profile link... Leave her some degrading comments below as well. So she is little more than my cheap fuck toy on any given day any time I request it. She like to be made to run with a dual dildo harness on 1 in her ass 1 in her cunt most times its her pair of 11in toys sometimes she is allowed by the grace of her owners to jog with 9in toys inside her fuck holes. First time the whore did it as I made the request and order of her to do so ... Guess what the whore began to crave the 5k jogs while filled. She will even take a bottle of piss… 阅读更多内容
mini political rant
The worst mistake we as free citizens have done is to give the government this much power . I think government should fear we the people , Not we the people fear the government. I am ready now and have been since 2014 snatch my power back from the federal powers that be. I have been preping for civil conflict all while hoping never to have dig into my stockpiles but right now , I am ready to SAY WHEN. Covid taught us all a big lesson people are weak lil sheep that will fall inline when the government makes a decree from on high . No I will not allow you to lock me in my home out of fear .… 阅读更多内容
the work in progress
When you feel weak With monsters all around I'll have your back I'll stand your ground When your mind is madness I'll suffer your storms Only in my arms Will you feel safe and warm When your days get dark And your demons play I'll hold you closer I'll always stay When your face is in tears I promise to catch them all Just like you If you should ever fall… 阅读更多内容
The spirit of the wolf Lives deep within Protecting his family Only loyalty his kin Deep in the shadows In the depths of the dark You'll find the light That lives in his heart You'll find the love The compassion and warmth You'll find the b**st Nothing but cuddly and warm A fearless warrior He'll protect your heart When you look in his eyes You'll know from the start He will protect Keep you safe In his embrace Will be your safest place He'll love like no other With passion and fire Light up your body With his b**stly desire He'll calm your soul Make you feel loved and whole When you loo… 阅读更多内容
She Knows who she is
I wander through darkness Because im all alone No warmth to embrace No soul to call home No fire ignited Just ashes and dust Not even an ember No cravings or lust I want love in my heart But its hard to trust I want that connection I want that flare I want to dream of you Even when you are there I want to open my heart And dance around the world Shout it from the rooftops That ive found my special girl I love like the ocean And thats alot to share The pain i hold Is alot to bare One day ill turn around And my home will be there An eternal love Is what i wish to share… 阅读更多内容
This Madness Consumes
As I walk through darkness I take this path alone Blood still bleeding from the scars That was made so long ago With the strengh i posses And the courage i own There is no stopping Until i have built my throne Forged from silver Fists of Steel Im gonna rip down the stars Become a Wolf on his throne There is no stopping The b**st inside He knows what he whats Fire locked in his eyes By the fires of hell And the light of my angels Im now off my knees Strong,ready and able The man that broke His time has gone The man before you Well hes only just begun… 阅读更多内容
NEW Creedo
Free speech is absolute, The ability to keep and bear arms is a human right, Biology is not a social construct, The authoritarian leaders who’ve consolidated unprecedented unelected power over the populous can kindly go fuck themselves with a razor wire w****d Bat . A credo all humans need to abide by… 阅读更多内容
Oh the fucking Nashvile bullshit keeps trending both sides fucking keep fucking screaming over it I am so sick and fucking tired of Americans being treated like shit by our so called Government . I rather talk about how corupt the system is now maybe like 4 people in our government are worth a fuck guess what fuckos none are Democrats or Democratic Socialists, 2 are Reps 1 is independant the other LP . We print trillions of dollars in debt money to fund bullshit like helping Ukraine and other shit hole nations that do not do a motherfucking thing to help Americans when we are in need of aid ,… 阅读更多内容
Where I stand IMPORTANT POST to understand me
So with the influx of new people on my page plus the nuke of my old About me section figured I would Lay my cards on the Table .... So let me slap them down like my cock on your girls lips lol. First off I am American so yeah I have certain biases in that sense, Secondly I hate the federal gov even if I know it has a susposed useful purpose for national defense and alike. My personal morrality pretty much flies in the face of many of the so called laws , I think as long and you are not stealing from or harming others by your actions you should not have to deal with our legal system. So if… 阅读更多内容
15 things to understand about Sex Workers
I was going through old stuff I had wrote/ modified on some my formerly public Social media sites. This is my only still constantly active one most others I closed or got Zucced for my views Taken & slightly edited from sex worker in Nevada who works in a brothel , Female friend from school 1) Their services are for sale, Their bodies are not. 2)Their bodies are still theirs, they control themselves, you as a peasserby or customer do not. they make the decision to do this, a customer does not make the decisions about what happens to them. They make the decisions based on the customer… 阅读更多内容
Few songs that are imporatant to me (can sing each
Tim Mcgraw Better than I used to be Adam Calhoun Ramble on Mesus Freepression Falling In Reverse - "Popular Monster" MOTLEY CRUE MotherFucker of the Year finger eleven - Paralyzer Pop Evil - Monster You Made Easton Corbin - A Little More Country Than That HARDY - wait in the truck (This one very personal)… 阅读更多内容
So a quite lovely Submissive woman and I have been doing some intense chatting we share similar flair for the wild / extreme. As well as the tender moments of care. She has offered herself to Be OWNED by me online. I have taken the offer with great consideration as this is important to us both . She and I think it's best we make her Being OWNED by me public thus the post. Be clear her being OWNED by me comes with many aspects ( her profile link. She is now under my OWNERSHIP with all that entails I AM her MASTER She is My Bitch . That is all you reall… 阅读更多内容