Things are nuts right now ( personal life update)

Okay certain things I will not go into lots of detail on but HERE WE FUCKING GO

So as many may know if you follow my other post that I am a 2 time cancer survivor testicular cancer well Still in remission good news
Again We have all move to Texas my 5 person group plus my Dogs .... Its going great just wish building the 3rd home was going faster hate sharing my home with any room mate I am not screwing lol
Drilling the Well has been slow to hit water 3 holes in and its been expensive.
We Still are going to do the big pool But that takes backseat to the well and other house built
G and L are happy with their place it was finished recently like few weeks ago
Dogs are doing great the 5 puppies are growing fast thats 12 total dogs now the female pups are due to be spayed in a week or so
My male dogs will remain intact unless they have to be taken care of to curb aggression
Then if I did not have enough to keep me busy I took on a female Sub in her 20s last Thursday. Circumstances around finding / getting her are not normal but she fits in here Except she fears my dogs / dogs in general . So on this decent size plot of and 6 adults including myself all live . I work in IT and run a Company , G and L both in medical fields G is a RN L is a oncologist. B my fuck buddy is former Stripper who is also now a Nurse, J my brother from another mother is a Diesel Mechanic. S ie my new sub in training is a college Student / Waitress . Hope Yall are very well sjáumst aka we will see each other
发布者 asher86
3 年 前
DadGuyMaddix 3 年 前
Fantastic to hear that your new compound is going well- my fella's niece just moved to Texas after her husband retired from the NYPD. I wonder if they are anywhere in your neck of the woods. Love hearing you got the bitches in training- love my Mom/daughter combos: Just a personal aside but recommend that in addition to getting your bitches spayed, you neuter the dogs- they have less risk of cancer. And hey- wish I was there in case some of your equipment needs some tuning up! Keep cool and stay horny! Guy
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