Role Play Gone Wrong

Another story from my sex diary. A little preface. Originally I though we were going to do some role playing, but I was deceived. I've told you in other stories about my dealer/biker bf, Carlos, that liked doing things out of the ordinary. He also liked fucking me and having his cock sucked as much as he liked having me fuck and suck other guys. One of his rules was if I started messing with any of his friends, which he had me do often, I was not allowed to stop till they were all "taken care of". On to the story.

There was a biker bar across town that he would he frequent. It wasn't the worst place, but definitely not your friendly neighbor bar. He, came up with the idea. He said this Thursday he would drop me off there. Why Thursday I asked, I have work on Friday. He told me Thursday because it wouldn't be as crowded. OK whatever. I was suppose to sit at the bar and let guys hit on me. Let them think I was there to get picked up. He tells me, be friendly, you know, just be your normal sexy self. k**ding I said, Oh you want me flashing my tits. He said, that's nothing you haven't done before. He said he would come back about 15 minutes later. Start hitting on me. I would show an interest, and we pick it up from there. Then soon possibly exchange a kiss or two. We would do this openly. Once we had peoples attention we were going to turn it up a notch. He also told me it could get rowdy, so if you have any trouble just talk to the bar tender, his name is Jimmy, he knows me.

He told me to wear my black, deep V neck, loose fitting top. It's a thin sweater material, with tiny buttons that go half way down the front. No bra, my tight black jeans and my black boots with the 4 inch heel. The deep V neck shows lots of cleavage to start with. But after we started getting friendly, I was to slowly open one button after another. Then let people watch as he grabs my tit. I was to possibly slide a hand to his crotch as well. After that we were going to play it by ear.

Thursday night comes around. I dress like he asked. We get in the parking lot. He lights a joint and hands it to me. Wants me to get buzzed. Tells me it will help loosen me up. I smoke it. We kiss bye and he drives away. The big wooden door made a loud squeeeeeak when opened. Two steps in and all eyes are on me. I scan the place. A pool room to the right. Long bar to the left. Tables fill the middle. A small dance floor and smaller raised stage at the back. Two guys at the far pool table. Three guys at the near pool table are looking pretty rough and a little rowdy. The pool room was separated by a long counter top, an opening in the middle, and stools on both sides. There was a group of four at the far end of the bar, and two guys seated near this end. I walked to the middle of the bar and sat down. Asked the bartender, are you Jimmy? He says yes. I tell him I'm Carlos's friend. Jimmy says, Oh, he said you might be in. I didn't understand that comment, just asked for a Long Island Iced Tea. There's a mirror behind the bar so it doesn't take much to see what everyone's doing. The guys at the bar kept glancing at me. I felt like they were expecting my date to walk in any second. I sat for a while. A guy from the rowdy pool table, carrying an empty beer pitcher stands one stool down and asks the bar tender for another pitcher. He looks at me and says, hey. I say hi. Waiting for his beer he's checking me out in the mirror. He asks, you by yourself? I said yep, for now. He asks, oh, you waiting for somebody? I wanted to be coy and said, always. He says, good answer. Gets his pitcher of beer and heads back to the pool table. Just sitting, not sure what to do, sipping on my drink faster then I should. My drink gone I order another. The guy from the pool table comes back. He says don't wait by yourself, come join us. There are three of us playing pool. If you join us we can play teams. Do you know how to play? I said, I can play. This was a slight twist in the original plan, but no one else had made a move so I said, OK.

His friends seemed pleased when when I walked to the table. The guy says, this is....he didn't know my name. I spoke up, Judy. Hi Judy. They introduced themselves. There names aren't important. We chose teams and the balls were racked. My team mate broke. That's when it dawned on me, this is not the top to be wearing if you're going to play pool. If you have seen my profile page you will understand. And if you have seen my profile page you also know I wasn't put off that my tits would be exposed. I mean after all, that's why I had them enhanced. Plus, it's been more then fifteen minutes. Carlos should be coming in any second. My turn, I step up, bend over to line up the shot. The guy across from me goes, Oh ya! I look up at him, then put my chin to my chest to check what he can see. OMG this was really not the top to wear for pool. With out a bra my tits were really exposed. The other two guys in back of me didn't see. I made the first shot, but what was worse, with the second shot I had to lean over the table. I couldn't do it without my tits laying on the table bumping the other balls. The guys are starting to laugh. I ask what do I do? My team mate gives me one of those sticks with the thing on the end. I miss the shot and stand next to him. He looks at my tits and tells me, you're playing with two big handicaps. We laugh. The guys were good shots. I didn't even get another shot and the game was over. The balls racked again, they asked if I wanted to break. Sure, I'll try it. I bend, ready to smack the cue ball. The guy that saw my tits the first time, watching again, stops me. He goes, wait, wait, wait. Laughing, with his fingers beckoning his friends, he tell them, come here and watch this. I knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted his friends to see my tits as I bent over. They stood at the other end of the table. He says OK, go ahead, break. Between smoking that joint and the drinks I was definitely loose. Didn't really care I was about to show some tit. I bend again, I hear, nice tits!! I glance up at the guys for a second. Sway my tits back and forth for them, then shoot the ball. Fuck, I missed the whole rack completely. A guy grabs the ball and rolls it back to me. Says, try again. I say, I'm not very good at breaking. Another guy says, that's OK, We like watching you try. More laughing. I bend to shoot. Teasing then again. I glance up at them, sway my tits for them, look down and shoot. This time it worked, but nothing went in. I go stand next to my partner. I'm sure he realizes I'm not shy about showing my tits. He tells me they are very impressive. I thank him and tell him, they do get in the way on occasion. He replies, they don't look like a problem to me. His turn to shoot. Walks to the other side of the table studying his shot. Looks up at me and blows me a kiss. He puts a few balls in, then misses. Then stands next to me. k**ding, he tells me I distracted him. I told him, but I was just standing here. He says, while looking at my tits, it's their fault. I told him, maybe if we want to win this time I should use my tits to distract them. He tells me, do it, do it. I'm feeling the drinks and getting real comfortable. I go to the pocket the guy was aiming for and kinda stretched my arms back, sticking my chest out. Told him, don't mind me, just stretching before my next shot. He dropped the end of his stick and lowered his head, laughing, he says, that's just not fair. I said, what?! What did I do? He tries to line his shot up again. I go, oh, let me get that. Bend over and pretend to pick something off the floor. My tits almost coming out over the top of my blouse. He totally missed the shot. My turn again. Bend to take the shot. All three guys checking my tits. I just smiled at them, shot and missed. Then it's the other guys turn. I go and sit on the corner of the table where he was going to shoot. I did let him shoot, but we are all having fun now.

I hear the door open. Wondering what took so long. But when I looked it wasn't Carlos. It's been at least thirty minutes. My second drink gone. They insist on buying the next one. I was hesitant, three Long Islands on top of smoking a joint is pretty much for me. One guy just goes and gets it for me. Set it down, says, be right back. He returns with four shot glasses of Patron in his hand. Then returns with a napkin full of lemon wedges. I can't say no. We down the shots. Time to play pool. They beg me to break. The one guy says, take as long as you want. More laughter. I'm having fun with it. Bend and shake my tits. Aim a bit, then shake some more. Finally I hit the ball. I did good, but again nothing went in. Went and stood next to my partner. He's not holding anything back now, just tells me, your tits are beautiful. How big are they. I tell him triple E. He asks if I would show a little more. I'm feeling good, besides Carlos should be here any second. I can do that. I undo all but four buttons. My top now open to the bottom of my tits. He says wow they are awesome. And asks if I would let him fix my top. Not sure what's wrong with it, I tell him please. He puts his hands right on me. Grabs the edges of my top, folds them back, then tucks them way under the material to hold them in place. He says, that's way better. I look down. Damn, so much tit and a slight bit of areola exposed. His friends are nodding in approval. The excitement level at the table is rising. And I am really enjoying the attention.

My turn again. The guys are no longer being secretive about their intentions. One guy with his head practically on the table. The other two jockeying for a better position. I have to laugh watching them. Again I put my chin to my chest to see what they were seeing. The bottom tit, mostly exposed, hung slightly into the material. The upper tit hung into the opening of the V. You could see my entire tit. My nipples now so hard, one hooked on the outside edge of the material. When I stood the materiel still remained hooked on my nipple. I just calmly fixed my top. The guys were so excited about the whole thing. I asked, what, you never see a nipple before? One guy answers, not that pretty.

Next thing I notice is the four guys that were sitting at the bar, come over and find a seat at the other side of the counter. I had to laugh. Guess I was putting on a show. After my casual reaction to my nipple being out, I think the guys felt it was OK to start acting more forward. One guy, when he walked by, pulled the the material away from my chest to peak at my tit. My partner, when I was standing next to him, would rub my back and ass. My turn again and I don't have a shot. My partner trying to get me to do a bank shot, is standing behind me helping me line up my shot. I feel him lean against me. He put an arm around my waist, looking over my shoulder. I feel his crotch against my ass. I pushed back against him, then missed the shot. The other guys making fun of him, saying, help me, help me.

We stand aside, his hand again on my ass. I reach for my drink. Holy crap, it was empty. I wasn't feeling drunk, just real good and getting hornier by the second. I had almost forgot about Carlos. Where the hell was he? It's been an hour. And here comes one of the guys with another pitcher of beer and a drink for me. He says, I saw you were empty. I thank him, thinking, Oh man, I have to slow down. I'll drink it but need to pay attention. I hate getting sick. He sets my drink on the counter, and before walking away, grabs my tit a little. My partners turn. He's lining up a shot. I'm getting horny but Carlos isn't here. What the hell, I'm going to really start flirting. I come up behind him, put my hand around his waist, laid my tits on his back, telling him let me help you now. He started laughing but continued, he made the shot and thanked me for the help. After missing, standing next to me, he put his hand on my ass then brought it up under my top rubbing the bare skin of my back. Then slid his hand further around my side, held and gave my tit a squeeze. I got a chill. Now all three guys guys, when not shooting, are standing around me. I think they realize they can get away with a little light touching and are a lot braver. The guy that pulled my material to get a peak before has done it twice again. The other guy keeps standing close enough to let his arm rest against my tit.

The guys shots are a lot sloppier. They are feeling the beers. And probably thinking more about me then the game. My turn again. I'm about ready to stop playing pool and have some fun with these guys. I know just what to do. I bend to give a show, tits out, I line up the shot. Turn, look at my partner and ask, what, no help this time? He jumps in, puts his hand around my waist, grinding his crotch into my ass. I look up at the guys that had come to the counter. I'm know that one tit was fully exposed, hanging completely from my top. I though it would be funny to take the hand that was around my waist, bring it to my tit and let him hold it, as if to hide it from the group staring at me. Well, that didn't work. He though that was a signal for him to grab my tits. Next thing I know the other hand comes around and grabs my other tit. I'm sure the surprised look on my face was hilarious. A guy at the counter starts laughing and clapping. My tits are getting mauled and he's pushing into my ass. He had me bent over the table. Before I knew it he had my top open and both tits out. I put my hands on the table and pushed myself up to a standing position, raised my head high and enjoyed the first true m*****ation of the night. The guys at the counter, mouths open, eyes locked in to the sight before them. I was loving it. Putting on a show for the whole room. A second later the second guy and then the third come to m***** my tits. The position I was in was not very convenient for anyone. I tell them wait, let me turn around. My ass now against the table, made it much better. Which also gave me two free hands. I reached down and started rubbing two of them threw their pants. I was turned away from that counter where the four guys were seated. Next thing I see is one of the guys from the counter coming around the corner of the pool table.

Then I hear, HEY GUYS!! YOU STARTED WITHOUT ME!! OMG, it was Carlos. I noticed the guys that were at the counter were all headed my way. But when they heard Carlos they s**ttered. The guys stopped mauling me. But didn't remove their hands from my tits. Which I though was odd. I asked, where the hell have you been? It's been almost two hours. He's laughing, says, yeah, I know. With that the guys go back to m*****ing my tits. The one guy says, hey dude. Another says, hey Carlos your gf is awesome. I was puzzled, asked Carlos, you know these guys. He gives me a guilty look and goes, OMG, it hits me, this was all a set up. I was pissed at first. Then thought about it. I should have picked up on the little things that now registered, like, "We had to go on a Thursday", and, "the bartender was expecting me". Oh man, I got had. I tried to be mad, but was really enjoying myself. And I'm sure Carlos knew things would turn out the way they did. I didn't let on that I was OK with the whole thing. Carlos says, don't be mad babe. I set this up a week ago and knew by the time it was all over you would have enjoyed yourself. Which is correct. I tilted my head and rolled my eyes. He says, that's my girl. Then he tells me, you know we have to take this outside. You know you're not done yet. I knew he meant, I'm never allowed to leave his friends unfinished. He says come on guys, lets go outside.

We go to the parking lot. I see he brought his truck. He opens the back door. I figured the guys would take me in the truck. That's not good enough. Like I said before, he likes to watch. First thing he does is push me bent over to the seat. My butt in the air. Asks, who's first. Someone is grabbing at my pants, trying to pull them down. No way they are coming down unless I open the button and unzip. I do that for them, my pants to my knees and a cock enters my pussy. This is what I've been thinking about for an hour now. I'm not really comfortable with my pants like that and beyond caring what people will see. I tell him to wait a second. Let me get my pants off. I sit on the seat. They help me with my boots, then my pants. I turn and assume the position. That cock feels so good inside me. Then Carlos tells his friend, go sit on the seat. We move back, his friend sits down, and slides his pants to his ankles. I move in and take him in my mouth. That's when I hear the squeeeeak of the door. A second later I hear someone say, yep, they're right there. Funny I didn't hear the door squeak closed. With my mouth on the cock I couldn't turn but I'm sure the group was watching. The guy fucking me is going so fast now. He must be on the verge of cuming. Then the slow hard pushes into my pussy and I feel the wetness of his cum. He pulls out and I feel the cum running down my thigh. A second later my pussy is filled again. The wetness is making this fuck a lot sloppier, but I'm sure the guy didn't care. This guys giving a slight grunt with each thrust. I'm doing the best I can to suck the cock in my mouth, but it's not my best work. It wasn't even a minute and the guy fucking me starts slamming into me moaning. He's filling my pussy with his cum. He slows and lets his cock slide from my pussy. I again feel the coolness of the cum running down my thigh to my knee. Must have been two big loads. Without the thrusts into my pussy throwing off my rhythm, I was able to suck that cock so much better. I was taking him hard, fast, and as deep as I could given the position he was in. Carlos says, that's my girl. Only another two minutes and he was filling my mouth with cum.

Everyone pleased with how it worked out. Carlos says to the guys, told you guys what would happen. The guys stood around the drivers side talking for a bit. Carlos tells me, you're not getting into my truck like that, put your pants back on. I slip them on and get in. We all say good bye and Carlos says to the guys, now it's my turn. He climbs in, undoes his pants and slips them to his knees. The driver door still open. He lets the guys watch as he pulls me to his cock. I took him in my mouth to get him hard. He let them watch for a bit. Once he was hard I was able to raise my head enough to look at them watching me. I continued sucking up and down looking into their eyes. I stared right at them, wanting them to see the cock disappear into my mouth, to see how much I love sucking cock. Watching their faces as I worked his cock. Then darn, Carlos closed the door. I sucked him all the way home, then finished him in the driveway. What a fun night.
发布者 down-onu
3 年 前