My husband and I were at the casino. He plays Texas Hold'em at tables in a separate room. He will play for hours. My game is Roulette. There was a table just opening and I stood mid table. Hate playing from one end or the other because I play most of the table. Seconds later, here comes two guys. One on either side of me. Then others joined the table. The guys on either side of me are very cordial, in their forties and well spoken. Of course, they notice my chest but try not to be obvious with their stares. During our conversation I was told they were locals, had spent the day playing golf… 阅读更多内容
Met guy on a cruise
Donna was on this cruise with my hubby and I. My sexual needs were being met, but her were lacking. We met an older gentleman in one of the bars. Started talking and one thing led to another. A rather handsome man. Older, I didn't realize how old till he told us. He asked us how old we thought he was. I figured he was about 52 or 53. To make him feel better I guessed 48. He told us he was 62. Holy crap! He was a stud for 62. Let me tell you what happened. Like I said we were talking at a bar, (on deck 3). Oh, and this is after we each had our third Long Island Iced Tea. The three of us decid… 阅读更多内容
Picked up guys at Bowling alley
After telling a few xhamster friends about this story, they told me I must add it to my profile stories, So here it is. This story took place years ago when I was in my mid twenties. Back then I was always on this porn site called, "". It has since closed and become something different. It was a sex site with personal cameras. I would go on often, and had many followers. There was one guy in particular that I chatted with every day. Even though we never met, somehow we thought it would be fun if he became my Master. He always came up with these sexual scenarios for me to act out.… 阅读更多内容
Shave Hubby's Balls
My husband, Donna and I were just finishing dinner. He said his back was a little sore. I suggested he get in the jacuzzi. He heated the water and after dinner we all got in and watched TV. Of coarse we are all naked. The movie ended and I turned my attention to my hubby. I grab his cock and feel something bumping my fingers. It's his balls! So I grab his sack, and holy fuck, I swear if he stood up his sack would of hit the ground. I've never felt them hang so low. I'm sure it was from the hot water. I put my hand completely around his sack and his balls still hung out the bottom. I tell Donn… 阅读更多内容
Hook up with Older Guys on Med Cruise
Our last vacation and cruise was a year ago. We spent a week in Paris then few to Barcelona for a 12 day Carnival cruise on the Mediterranean. I was with my husband the whole time in Paris so nothing happened there. But on the cruise, that's a different story. There were a few guys I guess you could say, I enjoyed. My husband spent many nights late in the casino. I would cruise the clubs and bars. The second night there I picked up a young guy from England. I loved his accent. He took me to his room and I gave him a blow job. Nothing extra ordinary about that night. Then at our dinning table… 阅读更多内容
BJ for the Bouncer
Last Friday Donna and I went to The club again. This one is mostly black. No sooner did we walk in the door and we were swarmed. It felt like it was open season on the white bitches. We must have danced with every guy in the place. You know me, I always show off the "girls". Well after a while the guys got so worked up they would grab them. Then one guy literally reached in my top to play with them. I gave a fake laugh and turned away and cover them up again. As the evening progressed they became bolder. My gf and I talked at one point and both realized if we didn't act a little restrained we… 阅读更多内容
BJ for Nerd after Football game
This story took place a couple years ago. My husband has season tickets for the Chargers football. He didn't want to go because he was just so disgusted with the way they were playing. (As was most of San Diego.) I invited my girlfriend to go. We don't really care how the team plays, we always have a good time at the game. Seated to my left were two Raven fans. They were younger guys. I know you will have a perfect picture of them when I describe them. It's the two guys you always see together. They were both kind of short. The one guy was skinny with glasses, kind of goof, a real nerd. His fr… 阅读更多内容
BJ at Sears
Again, my dealer friend gave me another task. This story took place at the Sears store. First let me give you an idea how he came up with this one. I broke two fingers trying to catch a heavy door before it closed. I had a splint on my fingers which makes it hard to do stuff, like get dressed. I was told to go to a clothing store. Pick out a dress that zipped up the back. To find one of those changing rooms. Put the dress on, but don't zip the back. Find some guy to help me because with the splinted fingers, I couldn't do it. Then get him in the dressing room and give him a blow job. This s… 阅读更多内容
Tricked into Birthday orgy by boyfriend
It was his birthday. He tells me a bunch of us are having a party at this bar near his work and he wants me to go. Well of coarse I'll go to his birthday party. I was to meet him there. So after work I go home and change into comfortable clothes. It's a Friday, I'm ready to relax, so I smoke a joint before I head over there. I get there and it's all guys from his work. I recognize a few of the faces from having had sex with them. Then I realize, no women. But....he and the guys are having a party and I'm his girlfriend so I didn't think anything of it. They had pitchers of beer at the table, a… 阅读更多内容
Cruise Escapade 2015
The cruise over, we are headed home. Leaving Miami, with a connecting flight in Houston, going to San Diego. Two warm places, so I dressed in a short sleeved blouse. Once on the plane I knew that was a mistake and asked for a blanket to cover my arms. The flight from Miami was two and a half hours, and uneventful. A two hour layover in Houston, we boarded the plane to San Diego at five forty PM. While entering the plane I asked again and received a blanket. We get to our seats, my husband in the isle seat, I'm in the middle because I'm smaller. People are filing down the isle. I see this big m… 阅读更多内容
Naughty Fun in Jamaica
My husband, gf and I just got back from our cruise and I have to tell you what happened. First it was a 7 day Caribbean cruise to Labadee, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. We all shared a deluxe suite. This day our ship was docked in Jamaica from ten am to seven pm. We started the day with a three hour tour. A catamaran took us snorkeling then to a beach. There was lots of rum punch consumed. At the end of the tour there was a small shower room to wash. The salt water gets you very sticky. My gf and I went in to shower. My husband waited outside with our stuff. When we came out he said he w… 阅读更多内容
4th of July Fun
This story took place July 4th, 2000. I was invited to spend the day on a boat with my girlfriend, Donna, her boyfriend, Mark, and his two older twin brothers. Cruising and then to watch the fireworks. We met the guys at the dock and climbed aboard. It was a beautiful day, as it usually is in San Diego. We head out. They had some champagne for us start with, a huge cooler of beer and some other bottles of alcohol. Paul was driving. Donna, Mark, John, and I were seated in the back talking and drinking. As we got going we took off our clothes and were just in our bathing suits. They invited us t… 阅读更多内容
Giving BF a BJ in an Adult Bookstore
I told you my old bf and I would visit an adult book store. This is what happened. One time when talking to the guy behind the counter, he told us we could preview a movie before buying it. We had to pay a small amount. He would put the tape into a player. We were to go to a numbered room in the back and we could watch the movie. Sounded interesting. ( I'm sure my bf new all about this.) I had never been in the back, but obviously my bf had. I figured that out half way thru. You'll understand as you read on. We find a movie and my bf tells the guy to put it on in a certain room, I don't rememb… 阅读更多内容
Parking lot BJ
This was a task given to me by dealer boyfriend to earn favor. I went to the parking lot in a shopping center. I picked a spot to park and opened the hood. I have on jeans and a button down blouse with the buttons open to just below my boobs, when I was standing, the top laid so you couldn't see anything. A few people asked if I needed help, but they weren't right. I just told them, it's ok, I just smelled something. Then two guys in their mid twenty's pulled up. They looked but didn't say anything and went into the Blockbuster video store. When they came out I looked at them and shrugged my… 阅读更多内容
Vegas Weekend
My husband and I spent the weekend of the 4th in Vegas. Flew out Friday morning. Stayed at the MGM, and flew back Sunday night. Saw the show Absinthe at Caesars Palace Friday night. What a funny show. Very crude but hilarious. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about that. What you do want to hear, is all about what happened Saturday night. After dinner at the buffet. My husband heads off to play poker, the kind they show on TV. I enjoy playing roulette. I find a table. It's crowded, but there is a place at the end near the rope. First I should tell you what I'm wearing. Black slacks, Black… 阅读更多内容
XXX Theater Fun
We had talked about maybe fooling around while in the theater. Not sure what to expect, we would see if it would work once we got there. But I told him, I'm not sucking any strange cocks in there. Those guys could be full of diseases. He said ok. We went to the theater. I was surprised, it was pretty big. Just like a regular theater you would go to now a days. There weren't many people in there. And from what I could see I was the only female. We picked an empty row and sat in the middle. Maybe six rows from the front. I don't remember the name of the movie. About ten minutes into it, the firs… 阅读更多内容
Pick Up Lawyers
Some of my stories start the same because it's usually how I start my Friday's after work. Donna and I, my husband and her fiancee always have dinner at this Mexican restaurant. After dinner and a couple Long Island Iced Teas, Donna and I usually go to a club to dance. My hubby doesn't like to dance, so he and Donna's fiancée go back to the house, drink beers, play pool or watch sports till we get home. This time we went to a club in the business district downtown. We usually buy the first drink, after that there's always someone willing to buy the second, third, etc. This time was no differen… 阅读更多内容
Role Play Gone Wrong
Another story from my sex diary. A little preface. Originally I though we were going to do some role playing, but I was deceived. I've told you in other stories about my dealer/biker bf, Carlos, that liked doing things out of the ordinary. He also liked fucking me and having his cock sucked as much as he liked having me fuck and suck other guys. One of his rules was if I started messing with any of his friends, which he had me do often, I was not allowed to stop till they were all "taken care of". On to the story. There was a biker bar across town that he would he frequent. It wasn't the wors… 阅读更多内容
Jacuzzi Jerk Off
A couple times a week I do water aerobics at a fitness center. And for months I've noticed this guy who swims laps. He's about 40 yrs old, with a nice body. He wears one of those tight swimmers suit. Not the bikini kind, it covers what shorts would cover, just skin tight. Their is no hiding the bulge. You can see his cock lays to the left. After my class I usually sit in the Jacuzzi for a while. One day we happen to pass each other on the pool deck. I don't wear my bikini to aerobics but with tits as large as mine there is always a ton of exposed skin. He finally noticed me and we exchanged pl… 阅读更多内容
Sucking Cocks in an Adult Book Store
It was a Sunday night. Monday was a holiday so we were out late. Was at a club with a girlfriend. The place was just about empty. Guess not everybody had the next day off. Decided to just head home. We said good bye. She to her place, me to mine. On the way home I pass an adult book store. I've heard stories about the place and thought I would just look, check it out. There were a few cars outside. Must be a popular place. I walk in, there is a little shop. Lots of DVD's and toys. There was only one guy perusing the videos. I wondered where everyone was. Talked to the girl behind what looked l… 阅读更多内容