Forced vaccination is here

Well New York went and did it ... They have severly crossed a line with mandating a unapproved vaccine to continue with living ones life . They are going to demand you prove vaccine Status to enter any public space . Soon other far left States and Federal Government of America will follow suit. Sadly my hope for the sheep waking up is gone . People will comply they will bend their knee to further control of their lives they will allow government to mandate they take a non approved vaccine just to return to nomal life. But the more you bend the knee the more they will demand . I never thought I'd see a nation built so profoundly upon the ideals of self-reliance and respect for individual freedoms so gleefully embrace this kind of tyranny. At this point I don't even care if the vaccine is essential for my survival. Legitimately. If I was told tomorrow that my choices were taking the vaccine or They would excute me. I would not take it. Not because I don't believe it can work, but simply because I don't want to even be associated with the kind of mad authoritarianism this whole pandemic has enabled. I don't want to be part of society anymore, because it seems as if we are rapidly approaching a situation where any degree of compromise with the system inevitably leads to a slippery slope that ends with your freedom gone. And what's even worse is that given the current state of education, finance, corporate entertainment, banking, etc, there is essentially no benefits to active participation anymore. You get nothing but scorn, contempt and negligence, and are immediately called a horrible, evil person if you dare point out that you aren't the one with the problem. If I lose friends over this I do not care any more . This pandemic is being used to shred any and all Freedom we have left .
发布者 asher86
3 年 前
asher86 出版商 2 年 前
##deleted_81848682 : Wow just because I oppose froced vax? I personally survived covid 2 times now natural imunity my pal . My friends who took this gene therapy vax got covid 2 times and the second time they were much worse off. 
回答 原始评论
You should get polio
hinatannnnnn 2 年 前
The colds caused by the group of corona virus often mutate unlike to pox. So the problematic vaccine is meaningless. If it's only meaningless, no problem. In fact it's NOT ONLY meaninglessness. 
I agree with you completely. 
asher86 出版商 3 年 前
Athelstanscock : Hey good for you for making your own medical choice . I survived it was sick with it last febuary was knocked down for about a week. I took precatuions to protect others while still shedding the virus ie 14 days / until my fever broke and did not come back . Fighting off kung flu caused me to go down 1 month later with a infection that nearly put me down took 2 weeks plus of iv antibiotics plus 2 surgeries to remove infected tissue ie badly ingrown hair in my groin that caused 5lbs of tissue to be infected  
回答 原始评论
Athelstanscock 3 年 前
I got the vax because I have nearly died of respiratory problems twice in my life. That is voluntary and I do not think it should be for(ed on anybody. If you put up with these restrictions and demands now, you will put up with more later. Freedoms erode under the guise of "social safety." Ask anyone who lived through any period of Soviet dominance.
Ram6955 3 年 前
Yes I Agree.USA use to be the greatest place to live .Now we are just a second rate country to live in.All because our Government officals are all on the take.Money talks bull shits walks.This country went down hill when we lost our 4 star rating.I'm not a big Trump fan but we only had a chance of getting the USA back on track with him.Now,we are going backwards again.Stock marget should be going up & gas should be going down.Electric cars are not the answer.Our government should start caring about us we the people.Instead they worry about people everywhere else.If people ever where else are so poor.Then how come they have every thing we have here????Or Government offices should start worring about getting the USA back on track & Making us strong here again.
asher86 出版商 3 年 前
rickscoat : Yep its a scam to push commie bullshit forc*d lockdowns forc*d vaccinatios forc*d masking its all to make people accept further restrictions upon our rights and freedom 
回答 原始评论
asher86 出版商 3 年 前
This so called vacciene does not protect against the delta or any variant. Sorry I will not condone or accept fored vaccination mandates. I rather die via bullet . 
rickscoat 3 年 前
I thought the vaccine was to protect a person from getting Covid.  LIE!  Now they are saying a third shot may be necessary.  I thought 2 was all we needed.  What next, a 4th shot?!!  LIE, LIE, LIE.  Follow the money.
rickscoat 3 年 前
We are being lied to!