The fear of Blood
We are a week and a half in to classes and a third of this class will fell 36 student all LPN that hope to be RN all early teens and twenties and a third will not pass the NCLEX-RN Exam. My smartest student has a fear of blood really you want to be a RN. I took her into surgery this afternoon a gunshot wound maybe I should started with something simpler appendectomy or maybe Cesarean but no I pick Laparotomy abdominal surgery that involves a gunshot wound Fuck thats way I learn, so I put her on the back line all you should have to do is watch and learn. Very quickly I saw this wasn't going work out LOL, The Circulating RN recorded the event as "Observing RN Missy Penn hits the floor outside of the sterile field @ 14:21 Med attention for RN Penn was called @ 14:22 She has a heart rate of 70 Rep are 12 Semi responsive to verbal commands I think she will make an excellent OR nurse
5 年 前