My brother Austin wasn't born till I was ten so I was often shanghaied into baby sitting for him as my parents loved to go ten pin bowling. Of course when I turned sixteen my hormones went crazy and I often sneaked off with what would now be soft porn magazines to beat my meat fantasising I was Fuckng the very females I was so shy of. One evening I thought Austin was fast asleep as he should have been and was in the lounge into a frantic masturbation session when suddenly. "Joe What are you Doing." his young voice broke my sexy dream. "Er. Beating off I guess!" Couldn't, think of a clever retort. "Is that why you,re playing with your pee pee?" He hadn't, learned to call it a penis or a cock yet. "Yeah it feels really good." I explained. "It sure looks bigger than when you go pee. Can I feel how hard it Is?" Of course I should have refused, but I instead told him to go ahead. He smiled when he grasped my shaft. "Will my pee pee get as big as this when I,m your age Joe?" "Sure probably bigger ." He lowered his pyjama bottoms to reveal his tiny cock. "Pretty small now." he commented. "Well you are only six it won't grow much till you,re a teenager." I told him. "Show me how you play with your pee pee?" he asked. "Okay but you may as well call it a cock!" " one or two of the boys at school were talking about cocks as apparently Sammy Bowens older brother Carl has a real Big one." "Yeah the whole school knows since he got caught beating off in the boys room by Mr Collier! You,d think a teacher would keep that quiet". "Why?" "Carl and his parents are very embarrassed about it." "If it feels good what,s wrong with it?" "We,re not supposed to have fun so please don,t ever tell Mom and Dad I beat off?" "Of course I won,t our little secret." So I took my cock in my right hand and began to stroke over the old towel I,d brought to,shoot my jizz in. I think it was the novelty of having an audience that triggered my climax and it seemed a heavier ejaculation than usual, Austin watching fascinated as each spurt shot from the tip,of my prick. "Wow Joe there's a lot, what is the white stuff?" he asked. "That,s cum." I told him. "Why is it thicker than pee?" "Oh Aus you ask far too many questions. Now you better get back to bed or I,ll be in trouble." "Ok. Can I watch you play with your er COCK next time?" "Oh I guess so." I shrugged as I wiped the excess jizz away and pulled my pants back up. A few days later Mom was out visiting friends and we were left on our own and I felt really horny. " wanna see my cock again Austin?" I asked him. " Can I help play with it Joe?" "Ok Why Not?" My cock was even harder now I had an audience. "Why is it leaking pee?" he asked. "When I,m extra sexy it leaks pre cum is what that is. It,s not as thick as it is after I beat off" I explained. He sat close and again grasped me making me even harder. "Why don't you see what my pre cum tastes like?" I suggested. I,knew how it tasted as I experimented with best Buddy Burt also RIP and we often sucked each other off. "I don,t know!" he hesitated. "Look I often taste my own cum and it tastes ok." I told him. "I woulda,t suggest it if it was bad for you would i?" Instead of replying he let his tongue lick away my oozing liquid. "Doesn't taste bad does it?" I asked. "No I like it". He actually licked his lips. He helped stroke me till I took over then watched fascinated as my ejaculation exploded into the towel. T B C. Part 2 AUSTIN CATCHES. ME WITH BUDDY BURT.
3 年 前