My first introduction to ex was not by either of my parents who seemed too embarrassed to explain the facts of last fentoma fifteen year old lad. Thebdutynfell to my best friend Bert RIP, gone to cancer four years ago. He'd been shown by his father whom whiles served ng n what was then Wet Germany brought back real hardcore magazines nes which were i*****l then, but no, one checked the baggage of a service man, I could read sme german ., but didn't need to read the text to see what was happening in the explicit colour pictures of people sucking., Fuckng ng and ? ng all sorts of sex, some men w… 阅读更多内容
As my first date with wife Sarah was in a "news cinema" in London we,d decided we,d do the same again the next night as it kept us out of the August rain and provided some privacy as there wasn't many people inside and all the couples were doing what we were about to do. I was happy Sarah had dispensed with her passion killer tights she normally wore this time and as we walked to the cinema she quickly flashed her light blue knickers at me. "See Joe i did as you asked and am just wearing knickers tonight" she beamed. "Good." "And I.ll take them off at the interval so you can play with me with… 阅读更多内容
My wife Sarah wasn't the first virgin I deflowered though she thinks she was, My mind goes back to when I lived near a real tomboy called Mari Lou Peterson in the small town in eastern South Dakota I grew up in. Until I was eighteen I'd had little confidence in dating girls and had experimented with best friend Bert who taught me about sex and how to beat my meat and once we,d masturbated each other it encouraged us to suck each others cocks and surprisingly I liked the taste of fresh semen and adored getting my cock sucked to completion. But I did draw the line at taking his nine inch cock up… 阅读更多内容
The first time my long term wife Sarah and I were involved in a three some it certainly wasn't planned. Reason I remember it so well was it happened just before Christmas in 1969 when we were renting a basement apartment in East Grand Forks, Minnesota and having to drive to the Grand Forks Air Force Base fifteen miles away for service duty as a security policeman. I worked three days on a remote Minuteman Missile site and three days off which made me a married man of just four months as horny as Hell. When I got my three days off Sarah and I always made up for it by fucking each other silly un… 阅读更多内容
Stationed in West Germany from 1965 to 1968 my ability to sprekken Deutsch or to speak German came in very useful as I got friendly with a group of three young men my age in nearby Trier. I,d spent time drinking with them and one had even let me fuck his girl friend after he,d finished filling her cunt so she was well oiled by the time I screwed her. I never realised they were also bisexual, but soon found out. Now I was no stranger to getting my cock sucked and returning the favour to a good friend when we were teens experimenting with sex, but we,d never gone any further than that. Well my G… 阅读更多内容
Watching the LA Rams luck their way through to the Super Bowl Sunday Night brought back memories of an October game between the Rams and Green Bay Packers, Roman Gabriel quarterbacking the Rams while Bart Starr was Packers QB. At that time Sarah and I rented a luxurious apartment in Lakewood, Washington that housed both Army personnel from nearby For Lewis and Air Force which I was part of. An Army sergeant had just bought a new wife screen TV and invited everyone in the complex to come and watch the late Sunday afternoon game from Wisconsin. Most brought a six pack of beer while the ladies pr… 阅读更多内容
When I hadn't, been married long to Sarah we soon found fucking coukd be boring unless we varied it and one sunny afternoon found our selves in the house alone. As I,d worked eight days without a day off now I had one Sarah's lovely parents had taken our two toddlers out for the day. As we watched a tv programme Sarah liked she told me a recurring fantasy she,d told me before, but I normally didn,t like bondage or anything similar. She said she fantasised she was a young virgin and on her own in the house when a burglar broke in and began going through things as she dozed in bed wearing just b… 阅读更多内容
The summer of 1984 wife Sarah and I needed a break badly and the 400 pound win on the horses provided the opportunity so we booked a week at a well known holiday camp for families in Norfolk for the second week in August. We bought a family railcard to save money and arrived in pouring rain on Sunday afternoon. Once settled in our chalet and a refresh it was supper time. No TVs in the chalet but I brought my transistor radio along so we listened to the radio and read magazines as our boy and girl read comics till the baby sitter provided free by the camp arrived at 9pm. Then we headed for the… 阅读更多内容
Following a movie on tv the other night my second wife has a new fantasy. She is in a sheikhs harem dressed in just sandals, harem pyjama bottoms and brief transparent top that reveals more than conceals. She is in the company of an asian woman likewise dressed figure not quite as full as my wife's and both are dancing to haunting arabic music in front of the bearded sheikh who sits on a richly furnished chair watching their every move. Though she has never belly danced before she moves to the music, her big boobs swaying provocatively as she gyrates her hips sexily matching the asians moves e… 阅读更多内容
I didn't see Austin for another year and by then I was married and waiting for Sarah to rejoin me at my new and final Base McChord. Near Tacoma, Washington. By then my brother and parents were living in eastern Washington. Fairc***d was nearer but it was under SAC(strategic Air Command) and I was fed up with SAC having done 18 months at Grand Fucks, North Dakota. It was actually Grand Forks, but Sarah and I hated the place. Her irritable bowel had given her trouble and being homesick 5,000 miles from home had made her physically ill so her parents sent her money for her air fare back to Englan… 阅读更多内容
I,d joined the Air Force and was away quite a lot for the next few years and didn,t get a long leave for a few years so by the time I spent some time with Austin again I was twenty two and my brother twelve. By now I,d fucked quite a few women in the Asian countries I,d served in, but still had to sneak off to relieve myself when I felt horny. And just my luck my brother caught me at it. "So you still beat off then?" "Of course and so will you in a few years." I replied annoyed. "Can I stroke it.?I want to see you cum." he asked. I suddenly felt wicked. "Sure and why don,t you suck it like Bur… 阅读更多内容
I know it,s a bit incstuous but I had introduced my curious k** brother to masturbating at age six and he,d actually had a taste of my cum. But that was as far as we,d gone.. in those days when I was sixteen my best friend Burt and I were far too shy to get involved with girls, but we often went fishing together so often slept over to get an early start. We,d begun by Burt showing me how to beat off then progressed to beating each other off with me fascinated by his bigger uncut cock compared to my average sized circumcised one. Eventually he talked me into sucking him off and when I realised… 阅读更多内容
My brother Austin wasn't born till I was ten so I was often shanghaied into baby sitting for him as my parents loved to go ten pin bowling. Of course when I turned sixteen my hormones went crazy and I often sneaked off with what would now be soft porn magazines to beat my meat fantasising I was Fuckng the very females I was so shy of. One evening I thought Austin was fast asleep as he should have been and was in the lounge into a frantic masturbation session when suddenly. "Joe What are you Doing." his young voice broke my sexy dream. "Er. Beating off I guess!" Couldn't, think of a clever reto… 阅读更多内容
OK Hamster Wins
I,ll leave my Blog Posts but the Waiting for Moderation shit matter how long it takes.… 阅读更多内容
Why do I have pages filled with black with letters stating. WAITNG FOR MODERATION. WTF Does That Mean? By the time they're moderated I,lol have deleted The Fuckng ng Pics. FUCKERS!!!… 阅读更多内容
As Hamster have deleted most of my best memories I,m in the process of deleting them all so if you want to read them again be quick… 阅读更多内容
Home on a thirty day leave following a tour in a part of Asia I was scared shitless every fucking day I badly needed badly to unwind. Being August, 1965 the protestors had begun to come out of the woodwork and it seemed to have become the most popular sport with American colleges. I went in the local bar and grill I,d drunk at before joining the Air Force hoping to see some familiar faces, but the faces either ignored or showed hostile, most college students waiting to return the following month. Suddenly a beautiful auburn haired girl got up from a group,and approached me and sat on the stool… 阅读更多内容
Ok Sarah and my works colleague Mike and I were getting along fine and when the vcr tape was playing suddenly Sarah got up and said. "I think to watch this properly we should dress for it!" Then my once very prudish wife slipped her cardigan over her shoulders then unbuttoned her blouse and dropped both on an arm chair. Her dress soon followed and I was surprised she only had bra and knickers on now, no hated tights. She sat back down . "Well guys what are you waiting for?" I had no qualms about stripping in front of Mike even though my erection threatened to escape from my underpants, but Sar… 阅读更多内容
First wife Sarah learned a few years before meeting me through her best friend that the best way to save her virginity at least till she was engaged was to give them a blow job and to then swallow as much load as possible with the view if she did a good job her partner would return the favour. She was reluctant to try it, but after another frustrating date with heavy fiore play but only hand relief she decided to surprise boy friend Roy with a gobble. He took her out for a nice meal, then a movie and after a quiet Hertfordshire lane where he figured they wouldn't, be disturbed. After some heav… 阅读更多内容
Christmas in 1965 in what was then West Germany at age twenty I was still trying to adjust to not being scared shitless every fuckng day in South Vietnam and glad in a way that the Air Police policy was single men worked Christmas and married men worked New Years. Christmas in Vietnam was strange having turkey and the trimmings then having to go back on post expecting the usual nightly mortar attack. Christmas Eve at Bitburg Air Base was quiet with almost everyone stood down except us. The coffee patrol brought special Christmas pastries from the mess hall to help make the strong coffee go dow… 阅读更多内容